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NB/T 20015-2021: Nuclear power plant simulators for use in operator training and examination
NB/T 20015-2021
ICS 27.120.10
CCS F 83
Replacing NB/T 20015-2010
Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Use in Operator
Training and Examination
Issued by. National Energy Administration
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative References... 5
3 Terms and Definitions... 5
4 General... 9
5 Test Requirements... 19
6 Configuration and Management of the Simulator... 28
Appendix A (Informative) Application Example of Steady-State Allowable Error of
Simulator... 31
Appendix B (Normative) Guidelines for the Implementation of Simulator Operability
Tests... 32
Appendix C (Informative) Guidelines for the Preparation of Simulator Design and Test
Documents... 38
Bibliography... 42
Nuclear Power Plant Simulators for Use in Operator
Training and Examination
1 Scope
This Document specifies the functional requirements of the full range simulator of the control
room of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant (hereinafter referred to as the simulator)
used for operator training and examination, as well as the simulation range, performance and
functional criteria of the simulator.
This Document is applicable to the simulator of a pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant,
and can also be used as a reference for simulators of non-pressurized water reactor nuclear
power plants and other nuclear facilities.
2 Normative References
There are no normative references in this Document.
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purposes of this Document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Reference unit
Determine the specific nuclear power plant unit on which the simulator control room
configuration, system control settings and design database are based.
3.1 Simulation
Use modeling techniques in a simulator development environment to replicate the systems or
subsystems of the reference unit.
NOTE. The performance and fidelity of the system being simulated are based on the functional and
operational limitations specified based on the design and operating data of the reference unit.
3.3 Stimulation
The simulator uses the actual hardware and software of the reference unit's system or subsystem
incorrectly respond to or interpret the reference unit.
3.30 Systematic approach to training
A commonly used process for establishing and maintaining a performance-based, quality-
qualified training program to meet the job requirements of the reference unit. It includes
analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation and feedback of results.
3.31 Training needs assessment
An evaluation by an expert (3.18) of deviations, defects or changes in the simulator and their
relative impact on the operator's ability to perform specified tasks.
3.32 Distributed control system; DCS
Based on computer, communication and screen display technology, the multi-computer
monitoring system that realizes data collection, control and protection functions of the
production process and realizes data sharing.
(SOURCE. DL/T 1083-2008, 3.1)
3.33 DCS level 1
The control logic layer of the distributed control system (3.32), which is used to execute the
control and protection logic of the I and C system.
3.34 DCS level 2
The human-machine interface layer of the distributed control system (3.32), which is mainly
used for status monitoring and command operation during the run of the power plant.
4 General
4.1 Overview
Nuclear power plant simulators used for initial training, retraining and examination of operators
shall use a specific unit as the reference unit. The simulation range shall enable operators to
take the same operation through the operating procedures of the reference unit to handle a
certain change process on the simulator as the operation taken on the reference unit. The
simulation range shall allow all the change processes specified in this Clause to be handled until
a stable operating condition is obtained.
A structured software design and testing process shall be established to control the modification
of the simulator. The overall design of the simulator should consider measures for examination
confidentiality. In addition, the capabilities of simulator verification and confirmation testing,
performance testing, and configuration management shall be provided.
4.2 Capabilities of the simulator
4.2.1 General requirements
The simulator response caused by the operator's operation, no operator operation, improper
operator operation and the reference unit automatic control and inherent characteristics shall be
realistic; it shall not violate the natural physical laws such as mass, motion and energy
conservation; and shall comply with the provisions of the verification, confirmation and
performance test criteria specified in Clause 5.
4.2.2 Simulator startup and shutdown time
The time to start up the simulator software (excluding the startup time of each simulator
computer) should be no more than 15 min; the time to shut down the simulator software
(excluding the shutdown time of each simulator computer) should be no more than 5 min.
4.2.3 Real-time and repeatability
When processing the change process specified in this Clause, the simulator shall be able to run
in real time and have repeatability.
4.2.4 Simulation limit
In order to meet the requirements of real-time simulation, it is sometimes necessary to simplify
the mathematical model of the physical process. This simplification may limit the simulator's
ability to handle certain dynamic processes. In addition, simulation processes that exceed the
design limits of the reference unit may also appear on the simulator, and the simulation may be
incorrect at this time. To avoid possible negative training, when the model parameter reaches
or exceeds a certain value, and this value indicates that the event exceeds the executable
simulation range or the expected state of the reference unit, there shall be automatic or
administrative control measures to remind the trainer.
4.2.5 Normal operation Overview
The simulator shall be able to continuously simulate the change procedures of the reference
units listed in and without changing the mathematical model or initial conditions.
The simulator shall be able to calculate the system parameters of different operating conditions
and display these parameters on the corresponding instruments, while giving correct alarms and
protection system actions. Steady-state operation
The simulator shall accurately simulate the steady-state response of the reference unit within
the operating range where the reference unit data can be obtained.
inside and outside the containment; large and small breach accidents showing multiphase
flow phenomena; failure of the pressurizer safety valve and pressure relief valve);
b) Failure of the power transmission and distribution system of the power plant, including
power failure of the entire plant, loss of external power supply, loss of emergency power
supply, emergency generator failure, electricity shutdown of power distribution bus of
the unit, electricity shutdown of a single AC or DC instrument power bus, electricity
shutdown of a single power cabinet and a single power load, and electricity shutdown of
control power of a single device;
c) Total loss of pressure of the instrument compressed air system or loss of pressure of the
isolable part, affecting the static or dynamic performance of the unit;
d) Emergency shutdown of the reactor;
e) Emergency shutdown of the steam turbine;
f) Emergency shutdown of the generator;
g) Failure of one or more reactor coolant pumps, resulting in loss of forced coolant flow in
the core;
h) Loss of condenser vacuum, including condenser water level control failure and condenser
tube breakage;
i) Loss of plant water or plant cooling water for a single device;
j) Loss of shutdown cooling capacity;
k) Loss of cooling water for all or a single device;
1) Loss of normal water supply, or failure of normal water supply;
m) Loss of all water supply (including normal and emergency water supply);
n) Loss of a protection system channel;
o) Control rod failure, including rod jamming, uncoupling, sliding rod, rod drop, control rod
refusal motion and uncontrolled rod lifting, etc.;
p) Damage to the fuel cladding, resulting in a high ratio of reactor coolant to exhaust gas,
and the generation of corresponding high radioactivity alarms;
q) Failure of the automatic control system that affects reactivity control and core heat
r) Reactor coolant pressure and volume control system failures;
s) Inside and outside rupture of the main steam and main feedwater pipe containment;
t) Failure of the alarm and control system;
u) Passive equipment failure, such as equipment failure in a dedicated safety facility;
v) Emergency shutdown system failure;
w) Main steam bypass discharge system failure;
x) Pump and fan out of control and out of control start-up failure;
y) Valve out of control opening, out of control closing, stuck in any position failure;
z) Measuring instrument output error, output specified value failure;
aa) Circuit breaker out of control disconnection, out of control closing failure;
bb) DCS level 2 equipment failure, including monitor failure, operator workstation failure,
server failure, operator station peripheral equipment (keyboard, mouse, etc.) failure;
cc) DCS level 1 equipment failure, including integrated circuit board and channel failure,
controller failure, power module failure;
dd) DCS network equipment failure.
The simulator shall support the implementation of abnormal and emergency events, including
multiple failures occurring simultaneously or sequentially, to reproduce the inherent response
and automatic control function of the reference unit. In the case where the operator's operation
varies with the severity of the event, the severity of the corresponding failure shall be adjustable,
and the size of the adjustable range shall be sufficient to reflect the possible operating conditions
of the reference unit. When the training needs assessment deems it necessary, the simulator
shall support subsequent failures of systems and equipment caused by operator operation or
system failures.
The response of the simulator shall be compared with the actual response or best estimated of
the reference unit in accordance with the requirements of Clause 5.The simulator shall support
the operator in performing operations to recover or mitigate the consequences of failures. The
simulation range shall enable the simulator to obtain stable, controllable and safe conditions
and to operate to cold shutdown conditions or to the simulation limit (see 4.2.4).
4.2.7 Severe accidents
The simulator should be able to simulate severe accident conditions of nuclear power plants,
including severe accident conditions such as core melting, pressure vessel failure, and
containment failure. It should simulate the generation, transmission, and release of radioactive
materials to the environment under severe accident conditions. It should support emergency
o) display systems;
p) telephones and broadcasts;
q) clock systems. Control room environment
It shall simulate the environmental characteristics of the control room of the reference unit
during normal, abnormal and emergency operation. It shall simulate the communication system
used by the operator to command local operations; and at least the operator can communicate
with the trainer through an appropriate communication system.
The following items should be considered.
a) spatial layout;
b) lighting characteristics;
c) communications;
d) decoration (including furniture);
e) general appearance;
f) sound sources and effects;
g) office information network;
h) obstructions. Control room differences
Where there are physical fidelity and human factors differences between the simulator and the
reference unit, those differences that have been assessed for training needs and meet the
requirements of may be retained.
4.3.2 Simulated systems and their integrity Monitoring systems inside the control room
The simulation range shall include the reference unit systems required for operators to perform
varying duty operation conditions specified in and failure handling operations specified
in 4.2.6.These systems shall be of sufficient integrity so that operators can perform relevant
operations and observe the response of the simulated unit as if they were on the reference unit.
The simulation range shall include the interaction between the simulated systems to provide a
comprehensive unit response. Monitoring systems outside the control room
The simulation range shall include systems required for control room operation or monitoring
when performing varying duty operation conditions specified in and failure handling
specified in 4.2.6.Operators shall be able to handle local operations in a similar manner to the
reference unit. It shall also have the ability to communicate with emergency center facilities so
that the simulator has the ability to assist in supporting emergency drills.
4.4 Functions of the simulator trainer station
4.4.1 Initial conditions
The simulator shall be able to store a sufficient number of initial conditions to support normal
operation listed in 4.2.5.A set of initial conditions for operator training and examination shall
be determined and administratively controlled. This set of initial conditions shall include
various operating conditions of the reference unit, including various power operating conditions,
unit full power to cold shutdown, unit cold shutdown to full power, different fuel consumption
and fission product toxin concentration effects.
The system shall provide a summary window for interactive initial condition, which shall
provide relevant information about the initial condition, including its creation...
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