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GB 4343.1-2024: Electromagnetic compatibility requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus - Part 1: Emission
GB 4343.1-2024
ICS 33.100
CCS L 06
GB 4343.1-2024 / CISPR 14-1:2020
Replacing GB 4343.1-2018
Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements for Household
Appliances, Electric Tools and Similar Apparatus – Part 1:
(CISPR 14-1:2020, Electromagnetic Compatibility – Requirements for Household
Appliances, Electric Tools and Similar Apparatus – Part 1: Emission, IDT)
ISSUED ON: MAY 28, 2024
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
Introduction ... 6
1 Scope ... 7
2 Normative References ... 9
3 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviated Terms ... 11
4 Limits of Disturbances ... 23
5 Test Equipment and Methods of Measurement ... 33
6 Operating Conditions ... 51
7 Compliance with This Document ... 55
8 Measurement Uncertainty ... 56
9 Test Report ... 56
10 Implementation of Standard ... 57
Annex A (Normative) Standard Operating Conditions and Normal Loads for Specific
Equipment ... 76
Annex B (Normative) Click Rate of Special Equipment ... 114
Annex C (Informative) Background Information on the Measurement of Discontinuous
Disturbances/Clicks ... 115
Annex D (Informative) Statistical Evaluation ... 122
Bibliography ... 127
This Document was drafted as per the rules specified in GB/T 1.1-2020 Directives for
Standardization – Part 1: Rules for the Structure and Drafting of Standardizing Documents.
This Document is Part 1 of GB(/T) 4343 Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements for
Household Appliances, Electric Tools and Similar Apparatus. GB(/T) 4343 consists of the
following parts:
--- Part 1: Emission (GB 4343.1);
--- Part 2: Immunity (GB/T 4343.2).
This Document replaced GB 4343.1-2018 Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements for
Household Appliances, Electric Tools and Similar Apparatus - Part 1: Emission. Compared
with GB 4343.1-2018, the major technical changes of this Document are as follows besides the
structural adjustments and editorial modifications:
--- Add description of products with radio transmission/reception functions in the scope (see
Clause 1 of this Edition);
--- Add some terms, definitions and abbreviations (see Clause 3 of this Edition);
--- Change the test operating conditions for induction cookers and incorporate the limits of
these appliances into the standard text (see 4.3.2 of this Edition; B.1 of the 2018 Edition);
--- Add requirements for the frequency range of radiation measurements to above 1 GHz
(4.3.5 of this Edition);
--- Change the requirements for click analysis, including measurements under continuous
disturbance, determination of observation time and application of the upper quartile
method in different types of click analyzers (see 4.4, 5.1.7, 5.4.2, 5.4.3, Annex C of this
Edition; 4.2, 5.1.5, 7.4.2, Annex A of the 2018 Edition);
--- Add the use principle of the simulated hand (see of this Editon; of the
2018 Edition);
--- Add the test method of using a current probe when measuring conducted disturbances on
ports other than the AC port as an alternative to the voltage probe test method (see,, 5.2.3 of this Edition; of the 2018 Edition);
--- Add the test of the network port of household electrical appliances (using GB/T 9254.1-
2021) (see of this Edition);
--- Add measurements on equipment with built-in lamps (see 6.6 of this Edition);
--- Add additional requirements for equipment containing inductive power transfer (IPT)
technology (see 6.7, A.10 of this Edition);
--- Moved all specific operating conditions to Annex A (see Annex A of this Edition; Clause
7 of the 2018 Edition);
--- Add general test conditions and new specific test conditions (e.g., robotic equipment)
(see A.8.11 of this Edition);
--- Change the statistical evaluation-based conformity requirements in the main text and
give in the form of an Annex (see Annex D of this Edition; Clause 8 of the 2018 Edition).
This Document equivalently adopted CISPR 14-1:2020 Electromagnetic Compatibility –
Requirements for Household Appliances, Electric Tools and Similar Apparatus – Part 1:
To facilitate the implementation of this Document, a Clause of "Implementation of the
Standard" is added to this Document.
This Document has made the following minimal editorial modifications:
--- To coordinate with the existing standards, the name of the standard is changed to
Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements for Household Appliances, Power Tools
and Similar Appliances - Part 1: Emission;
--- Adjust the order of abbreviations in 3.10;
--- Add "Note: P = only the rated power of the motor” in Table 8, which is consistent with
Tables 6 and 7;
--- Correct “see Figures 12 to 19” in Table 9 into “see Figures 15 to 22”;
--- Add the description “The lower limit is applied at transition frequency” in footnote a of
Table 11, which is consistent with Tables 2, 5, 6 and 9;
--- Correct “(see Figure 12 for construction details)” in 5.1.6 into “(see Figure 10 for
construction details)”;
--- Correct “(see 10)” in into “(see Figure 10)”;
--- Correct “(see 3)” in to “(see Figure 3)”;
--- Correct “(see Clause 9)” in into “(see Clause 7)”;
--- Delete “equipment” in the title of Figure 5 to keep it consistent with the text;
--- Delete “equipment” in the title of Figure 6 and the first block diagram of the flow chart
to keep it consistent with the text;
Electromagnetic Compatibility Requirements for Household
Appliances, Electric Tools and Similar Apparatus – Part 1:
1 Scope
This Document specifies the requirements that apply to the emission of radio-frequency
disturbances in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz from appliances, electric tools and
similar apparatus as defined below, whether powered by AC or DC (including a battery).
This document is applicable to the following equipment:
--- household appliances or similar equipment;
NOTE :1 Examples are equipment used:
– for typical housekeeping functions in the household environment, which includes the dwelling
and its associated buildings, the garden, etc.;
– for typical housekeeping functions in shops, offices, commercial and other similar working
– on farms;
– by clients in hotels and other residential type environments;
– for induction cooking or air-conditioning, either in residential or commercial environments.
--- electric tools;
NOTE 2: Examples of electric tools include electric motor-operated or electromagnetically driven
hand-held tools, transportable tools, lawn and garden machinery.
--- similar apparatus.
NOTE 3: Examples are:
– external power controllers using semiconductor devices;
– motor-driven electro-medical equipment;
– electric/electronic toys;
– is longer than twice the length of the absorbing clamp, measurements shall be made on it.
For leads that can be stretched when the equipment is in operation, their overall length shall be
considered when applying the above requirements.
NOTE 2: Some leads return to a pre-set arrangement (e.g. coil) when the auxiliary equipment at the end
of it is not held in hand.
Where plugs, sockets or other construction features do not allow for the positioning of the
absorbing clamp along the full length of the lead to be tested, the lead may be replaced with
one of similar type and having the necessary length.
When the auxiliary equipment connected at the end of the lead is not essential for the operation
of the EUT and a separate test procedure is specified for it elsewhere in this document, only the
lead, but not the auxiliary equipment, shall be connected. However, all measurements on the
EUT in accordance with shall be made. Measurement procedure
Measurement of the disturbance power shall be made firstly on the mains lead (if applicable)
of the EUT using the absorbing clamp in accordance with Any lead connecting the EUT
to an auxiliary equipment is disconnected, if this does not affect the operation of the EUT;
otherwise, it is isolated by means of ferrite rings (e.g. an additional absorbing clamp or a CMAD)
placed close to the EUT.
Secondly, a similar measurement shall be made on each lead which is or may be connected to
an auxiliary equipment, whether or not it is essential for the operation of the EUT; the current
transformer of the clamp pointing towards the EUT. Isolation or disconnection of the mains
lead and other leads is made in accordance with the above paragraph.
NOTE: For permanently connected short leads the movement of the clamp (as described in is
limited by the length of the lead.
In addition, measurements shall be made as above but with the current transformer of the clamp
pointing towards any auxiliary equipment, unless this device is not essential for the operation
of the EUT and a separate test procedure for it is specified elsewhere in this document (no
disconnection or RF isolation of other leads is of course necessary in this case).
5.3.4 Radiated emission – 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz and 1 GHz to 6 GHz General
Except for the setup requirements specified in, the measurement methods used for
measuring radiated emissions from the enclosure port of equipment shall be in conformity with
the relevant requirements of one of the basic standards listed below:
– CISPR 16-2-3:2016+AMD1:2019, if the test is made using an open area test site (OATS),

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