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GB 29938-2020: National Food Safety Standard - General Principles for Food Spices
GB 29938-2020
National Food Safety Standard -
General Principles for Food Spices
Issued by: National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Terms and Definitions ... 4
3 Requirements ... 5
Appendix A List of Extraction Solvents Allowed to be Used by Natural Spices for Food
... 7
Appendix B List of Natural Spice (Seafood-Derived) for Food ... 8
Appendix C Requirements for Content of Natural Monomeric Spices for Food ... 9
Appendix D Requirements for Content of Synthetic Spice for Food ... 10
National Food Safety Standard -
General Principles for Food Spices
1 Scope
This Standard applies to the food spices that are allowed to be used in GB 2760 and have no
separate quality specification standards or relevant announcement specifications.
2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this Document.
2.1 Food spices
Substances that are added to food products to create, modify, or enhance flavor. Food spices
include edible natural flavor substances, edible natural flavor compounds, synthetic spices for
food, heat-processed spices for food, and smoked edible spices. They are generally formulated
into food essences and then for food flavoring; and some can also be directly for food flavoring.
2.2 Natural spice for food
Spicy preparation or spicy substance of specific chemical structure obtained from animals and
plants through the process of physical method, enzyme method or microbiological method. It
includes natural compound splice for food and natural monomeric spice for food.
2.3 Natural spice compound for food
Spicy preparation (composed of multiple component/multicomponent) obtained from animals
and plants through the process of physical method, enzyme method or microbiological method.
The animals and plants as source materials may be either crude or processed through traditional
food preparation procedure, including essential oil, juice essential oil, extractive, protein
hydrolysate, distillate or product through baking, heating or enzymolysis.
2.4 Natural monomeric spice for food
Spicy substance with specific chemical structure obtained from animals and plants through the
process of physical method, enzyme method or microbiological method. The animals and plants
as source materials may be either crude or process through traditional food preparation
2.5 Synthetic spice for food
Spicy substances with specific chemical structure formed through chemosynthesis.
3 Requirements
3.1 General requirements of natural spice for food
3.1.1 During the production and processing of natural spice for food, if it is necessary to use an
extraction solvent due to technological necessity, the amount of used solvent shall be reduced
as much as possible under the premise of achieving the intended purpose. See Table A.1 in
Appendix A for the list of extraction solvents allowed to be used by natural spices for food.
3.1.2 See Table B.1 in Appendix B for the list of seafood-derived natural spices for food.
3.1.3 The enzyme preparations used in the production of natural spice compound for food shall
comply with the provisions of enzyme preparations for food and their source list in GB 2760
and the relevant announcements of the health administrative department. The used strains shall
comply with the provisions of List of Strains that can be Used in Food and (or) List of Strains
that can be Used in Food for Infants and Young Children, and relevant announcement issued
by the health administrative department. The original raw materials of the natural synthetic
spice for food shall be source materials of animals and plants as food.
3.1.4 The content of natural monomeric spice for food shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Table C.1 in Appendix C. The detection method shall be in accordance with the
provisions of GB/T 11539 or GB/T 11538. If special requirements are indicated, the detection
shall be carried out in accordance with the special requirements.
3.1.5 Control heavy metals and arsenic in natural spice for food according to the safety limit
values in Table 1.
3.2 Requirements for synthetic spice for food
The content of synthetic spice for food shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table D.1
in Appendix D. The detection method is in accordance with the provisions of GB/T 11539 or
GB/T 11538. If the above method is not applicable, it shall be according to the provisions of
GB/T 27579. If there are national food safety standards or relevant announcements from the

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