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GB 252-2015: General diesel fuels
GB 252-2015
ICS 75.160.20
E 31
Replacing GB 252-2011
General diesel fuels
ISSUED ON. MAY 08, 2015
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Product categories ... 7??
4 Technical requirements and test methods ... 8??
5 Sampling ... 9??
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage ... 9??
7 Safety ... 10??
8 Implementation of standard... 10??
Appendix A (Informative) Minimum temperature with a risk ratio of 10% in each
region ... 11??
Appendix B (Normative) Inspection of nitrate ester type cetane number
improver in diesel ... 13??
Clauses 4, 6 and 8 of this standard are mandatory and the rest are
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB 252-2011 ?€?General diesel fuels?€?. As compared with
GB 252-2011, the main changes of this standard are as follows.
- ADD clause 4.1 additives used in general diesel fuel shall have no known
harmful effects and shall be used in accordance with the recommended
appropriate dosage. General diesel fuel shall not contain any additives or
contaminants that can cause the engine to malfunction (see 4.1).
- MODIFY the second paragraph of the Scope to. This standard applies to
petroleum-based or additive-added additives general diesel fuel used in
compression ignition engines such as tractors, diesel locomotives,
construction machinery, inland vessels and generator sets (see clause 1).
- DELETE clause 3 Terms and definitions (see clause 3 of the 2011 version);
- DELETE the relevant content of No.10 general diesel fuel (see Table 1);
- MODIFY the limit of sulfur content index in general diesel fuel (see Table 1);
- ADD the technical requirements for general diesel lubricity and fatty acid
methyl ester content (see Table 1);
- MODIFY clause 5 into ?€?Sampling?€?, with content is modified accordingly (see
clause 5; clause 6 of the 2011 version);
- MODIFY clause 7.1 to. ?€?6.1 The equipment used for general diesel fuel sold
to the user in accordance with Table 1 of this standard shall clearly indicate
the grade and name of the product. Example. No.0 general diesel fuel (see
6.1; clause 7.1 of 2011 version);
- ADD clause 8. Implementation of standard (see clause 8).
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Petroleum Products
and Lubricants Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 280).
The drafting organization of this standard. Petrochemical Research Institute of
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation.
The main drafter of this standard. Ni Bei.
This standard replaces the standard previously issued as follows.
General diesel fuels
Warning. If the appropriate precautions are not observed, the products
covered by this standard may be dangerous during production, storage
and use. This standard is not intended to advise on all safety issues
related to this product. It is the responsibility of the user to establish
appropriate safety and precautions before using this standard and to
determine the applicability of the relevant regulatory restrictions.
1 Scope
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements and
test methods, sampling and marking, packaging, transportation and storage,
safety and standard implementation of general diesel fuels.
This standard applies to petroleum-based or additive-added additives general
diesel fuel used in compression ignition engines such as tractors, diesel
locomotives, construction machinery, inland vessels and generator sets
Note. Other special uses besides this may be negotiated between the supplier
and the purchaser.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB 190 Packing symbol of dangerous goods
GB/T 258 Determination of acidity of gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuels
GB/T 260 Petroleum products - Determination of water
GB/T 261 Determination of flash point - Pensky-Martens closed cup method
GB/T 265 Petroleum products - Determination of kinematic viscosity and
calculation of dynamic viscosity
GB/T 268 Petroleum products - Determination of carbon residue -
Conradson method
SH/T 0175 Standard test method for oxidation stability of distillate fuel oil
(accelerated method)
SH/T 0248 Diesel and domestic heating fuels - Determination of cold filter
plugging point
SH/T 0604 Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Determination of
density - Oscillating U-tube method
SH/T 0689 Standard test method for determination of total sulfur in light
hydrocarbons motor fuels and oils by ultraviolet fluorescence
SH/T 0694 Calculation of cetane index of middle - Distillate fuels by the four
- Variable equation
SH/T 0765 Diesel fuel - Assessment of lubricity using the high-frequency
reciprocating rig (HFRR)
ASTM D7039 Sulfur in gasoline and diesel fuel by monochromatic
wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
3 Product categories
General diesel fuel is divided into six grades in accordance with the freezing
- No.5 general diesel fuel. Applicable to areas where the minimum
temperature with a risk ratio of 10% is above 8 ??C;
- No.0 general diesel fuel. Applicable to areas where the minimum
temperature with a risk ratio of 10% is above 4 ??C;
- No.-10 general diesel fuel. Applicable to areas where the minimum
temperature with a risk ratio of 10% is above -5??C;
- No.-20 general diesel fuel. Applicable to areas where the minimum
temperature with a risk ratio of 10% is above -14 ??C;
- No.-35 general diesel fuel. Applicable to areas where the minimum
temperature with a risk ratio of 10% is above -29 ??C;
- No.-50 general diesel fuel. Applicable to areas where the minimum
temperature with a risk ratio of 10% is above -44 ??C.
Note. See Appendix A for the use of diesels of different grades.
90% recovery temperature/??C, not
higher than
95% recovery temperature/??C, not
higher than
Correction wear scar diameter (60 ??C)/
??m, not more than
460 SH/T 0765
Density (20 ??C) e/(kg/m3) As reported GB/T 1884, GB/T 1885
Fatty acid methyl ester f (volume
fraction) /%, not more than 1.0 GB/T 23801
a It can be measured by the method of GB/T 380, GB/T 11140, GB/T 17040, ASTM D7039. When the
result is controversial, the SH/T 0689 method shall prevail.
b If general diesel fuel contains a nitrate type cetane number improver, the determination of 10% steam
residue carbon residue is carried out using a base fuel without nitrate. See Appendix B for the test
method for whether or not the diesel ester type cetane number improver is contained in the diesel fuel.
It can be measured by the method of GB/T 17144. When the results are controversial, the GB/T 268
method shall prevail.
c Visual inspection can be used to inject the specimen into a 100 mL glass cylinder and observe it at
room temperature (20 ??C ?? 5 ??C). It shall be transparent, free of suspended and settled moisture and
mechanical impurities. When the result is controversial, it is measured in accordance with GB/T 260 or
GB/T 511.
d The cetane number or cetane index of each general diesel fuel produced by the intermediate or
naphthenic crude oil is allowed to be not less than 40 (when there is special requirement, it shall be
determined by the supplier and the purchaser); the calculation of cetane index is also available in GB/T
11139. When the results are controversial, the GB/T 386 method shall prevail.
e It can also use the method of SH/T 0604. When the results are controversial, the GB/T 1884 and GB/T
1885 methods shall prevail.
f Fatty acid methyl ester shall meet the requirements of GB/T 20828.
5 Sampling
Sampling is carried out in accordance with GB/T 4756, taking 4 L for inspection
and sample retention.
6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 The equipment used for general diesel fuel that meets the requirements of
Table 1 sold to the user shall clearly indicate the grade and name of the product.
Example. No.0 general diesel fuel.
6.2 In accordance with GB 13690, general diesel oil is a flammable liquid. The
marking, packaging, transportation and storage of the product and acceptance
Appendix B
Inspection of nitrate ester type cetane number improver in diesel
B.1 Scope
B.1.1 This method is applicable to the testing of nitrate ester type cetane
number improvers used in diesel fuel. The method can be used as a qualitative
screening method for determining residual carbon and calculating the cetane
B.1.2 This method involves certain hazardous substances, operations and
equipment and is not intended to advise on all safety issues involved. Therefore,
appropriate safety and protective measures shall be established prior to the use
of this method and the applicability of the relevant regulatory restrictions shall
be determined.
B.2 Method summary
The diesel specimen is saponified in a potassium hydroxide-n-butanol mixture,
filtered by a glass fiber filter paper, the material remaining on the filter paper is
dried and treated with a diphenylamine reagent. Diphenylamine is oxidized by
nitrate to a deep blue quinoid compound. The resulting blue or blue-black spots
indicate that there is a nitrate type cetane number improver. No color change
indicates that there is no nitrate type cetane number improver.
B.3 Instruments or equipment
B.3.1 Reaction bottle. A 30 mL wide mouth jar with a thread cap, there is a tin
or plastic lining inside the cap.
B.3.2 Glass fiber filter paper. diameter 37 mm.
B.3.3 Pipette. 10 mL capacity, with suction ball.
B.3.4 Measuring cylinder. 10 mL and 25 mL.
B.3.5 Suction filter bottle. suitable for connection with 60 mL glass sintered filter.
B.3.6 Glass sintered filter. capacity 60 mL.
B.3.7 Oven. Suitable for drying glass fiber filter paper at 110 ??C.
B.4 Reagent

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