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GB 18280.1-2015: Sterilization of health care products -- Radiation -- Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
GB 18280.1-2015
Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 1. Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
ICS 11.080.01
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Partly replace GB 18280-2000
Radiation Sterilization of health care products
Part 1. Medical device sterilization process development,
Validation and routine control
Sterilizationofhealthcareproducts-Radiation-Part 1.
Requirementsfordevelopment, validationandroutinecontrolofa
(ISO 11137-1.2006, IDT)
Issued on. 2017-07-01 2015-12-31 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Preface ???
Introduction ???
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 Quality Management System Elements 7
5 sterilization characterization factor 7
Characteristics of processes and equipment 6 Description 8
7 9 Product Definition
8 9 Process Definition
9 Confirm 10
10 Routine monitoring and control 12
11 sterile product release 13
12 process to maintain the effectiveness of 13
Appendix A (informative) Guide 16
References 27
All technical content in this Part of GB 18280 is mandatory.
GB 18280 "Radiation Sterilization of health care products" is divided into the following sections.
--- GB 18280.1 Radiation Sterilization of health care products - Part 1. Development of medical equipment sterilization process, validation and routine control
System requirements;
--- GB 18280.2 Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2. Establish sterilization dose;
--- GB/T 18280.3 Radiation Sterilization of health care products - Part 3. dose measurement guide.
This is Part 1 GB 18280's.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This portion instead of GB 18280-2000 "Sterilization of health care products Requirements for validation and routine control of radiation sterilization", and
GB 18280-2000 compared to the main technical content changes are as follows.
--- Increasing the sterilization factor characterization;
--- Increased process characteristics and description of the device;
--- Increased product definition;
--- Increased process definition;
--- Increased sterilization release;
--- To increase the effectiveness of process control.
This section uses the translation method identical with ISO 11137-1.2006 "Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 1. Medical Devices Off
Bacteria development process, validation and routine control. "
The correspondence between the consistency of the international normative documents referenced in our country with the following documents.
--- GB/T 19022-2003 Measurement management systems for measurement processes and measuring equipment (ISO 10012.2003, IDT);
--- GB/T 19973.1-2005 Sterilization of health care products - Microbiological methods - Part 1. The total number of microorganisms on the product
Estimate (ISO 11737-1.1994, IDT);
--- GB /learning methods - Part 2 T 19973.2-2005 microbial sterilization of medical devices. sterility test confirmed the sterilization process
(ISO 11737-2.1998, IDT).
This part is proposed by the China Food and Drug Administration.
This part of the National Standardization Technical Committee disinfection technology and equipment (SAC/TC200) centralized.
This section is drafted. Beijing Radiation Application Research Center, Shenzhen Jinpeng source of radiation Technology Co., Ltd., the State Food and Drug Administration
Administration of Guangzhou Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center.
The main drafters of this section. Hu Jinhui, Linnai Jie, Xu Honglei, Chen Qiang, spear Bao, Zhang Yue.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 18280-2000.
Sterile medical devices is a non-living micro-organisms products. International Standard specifies confirm the sterilization process and routine control of when
Necessary medical equipment provided in the form of sterile, should be sterilized before its various undesired microorganisms to minimize contamination. Even medical devices
Mechanical products to meet the quality management system (for example. YY/T 0287) under standard manufacturing conditions requirements produced before sterilization will bring
A small amount of micro-organisms, such products are non-sterile products. Purpose of sterilization is to inactivate microorganisms, so that non-sterile products into sterile
Physical factors and/sterilization of medical devices using kinetic or chemical factors on pure cultures of microorganisms surviving microorganisms can be inactivated general
The number was exponential relationship between the degree of sterilization and be a good description. This means that regardless of the degree of sterilization, there must exist a microorganism
Live probability. For the treatment has been given, the remaining microorganism survival probability depends on the number of microbes, microbial resistance and processing
It was occurring environment. Therefore, sterilized products batch processing in any one of the products can not be guaranteed to be sterile, sterilized batch processing
Sterile product is defined as the amount of living micro-organisms present in the probability of the medical device.
This section describes the requirements for radiation sterilization of medical devices program; to meet these requirements, we can provide suitable microorganisms bactericidal activity
Radiation sterilization of medical devices; In addition, to ensure sterilization activities are reliable and repeatable results sterilization is predictable,
Therefore, the probability of sterilization in the presence of viable microorganisms on the product was very low. Sterility assurance level (SAL) developed by the regulatory authorities determine
Fixed, depending on the country (such as EN556-1 and ANSI/AAMIST67).
General requirements for design and development, production, installation and services such as quality management system, see GB/T 19001, see the special requirements of YY/T
0287. These quality management system standard that the effectiveness of some of the manufacturing process can not fully follow through product inspection and testing
Verification, sterilization is such a special process. Therefore, prior to sterilization sterilized confirm fulfill routine monitoring and maintenance.
Implementation of appropriate sterilization confirmation, precise control of the sterilization process, not a sterile product and the only reliable guarantee of compliance with the intended use. It should also be
Consider the following aspects.
a) the microbiological status of raw materials and/or components used;
b) for routine control and validation of products for cleaning and disinfection procedures;
c) product manufacturing, assembly and packaging control environment;
d) control equipment and processes;
e) control of personnel and their hygiene;
f) packaging products and packaging materials;
g) the product storage conditions.
This section describes ensure proper implementation of activities related to the radiation sterilization process requirements. These efforts are to prove in a predetermined dose
The range, the radiation process can be stably supplied sterile products, these procedures should be documented.
These requirements are in the body of this section. Guidelines in Appendix A, instead of the standard text, not to the auditor the audit table. For the convenience of
Understanding requirements guide provides explanations and methods. Methodology Guide did not give, if can also meet the requirements of this section to be
Sterilization process development, validation and routine control contains a number of incoherent but related activities, such as. calibration, maintenance, product definition, too
Process definition, installation qualification, operational qualification and performance qualification. This activity is part of the required combination in accordance with a certain order, but not to
Evaluated in order to implement these activities consistent with the order they appear in the standard. Development and implementation of the validation process may be repeated, so this
Some necessary activities are not necessarily contiguous. The implementation of different activities may include a number of separate individuals and/or organizations, each of them a
May undertake one or more activities. This section does not specify a particular individual or organization to perform an activity.
Radiation Sterilization of health care products
Part 1. Medical device sterilization process development,
Validation and routine control
1 Scope
1.1 GB 18280 of the provisions of this part of the development of medical devices in the radiation sterilization process, validation and routine control.
Note. This section applies to medical devices, but these requirements and guidelines can be used to provide other products and equipment.
This section applies to the use of the following sources of radiation irradiation apparatus.
a) use of radionuclides cobalt-60 or cesium-137;
b) electron beam emitted from an electron accelerator;
c) X-rays emitted by the X-ray generator.
The provisions of section 1.2 are not used to inactivate such as scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, g - Jakob disease and other spongiform encephalopathies open pathogens sterilization process
Hair, confirmed that the conventional control. For processing by such pathogens potentially contaminated material in a particular country, there are detailed provisions introduced.
Example. ISO 22442-1, ISO 22442-2 and ISO 22442-3.
1.2.1 This section does not specify detailed in sterile medical equipment requirements.
Note. Please specify the attention of medical equipment sterile regional and national requirements, such as. EN556-1 or ANSI/AAMIST67.
1.2.2 This section does not provide for medical device production process control of the quality management system.
Note. This section does not need to establish a complete quality management system during manufacture, but the elements of a quality management system to control the sterilization process at least with reference to Part
Sub-terms (see Chapter 4) applies. Taking into account the quality management system standards (see YY/T 0287) including a sterilization process for medical devices production
The whole process of application. Some regional and national regulations on medical devices, it is required to implement a complete quality management system by the third-party audit
1.2.3 This section does not require the use of biological indicators in identifying and monitoring radiation sterilization, and does not require the use of a sterile examination Pharmacopoeia
The release of product.
1.2.4 This section does not specify the irradiation plant design, operations related to occupational safety requirements.
Note. Some countries should take into account the radiation-related occupational safety regulations.
1.2.5 The provisions of this section does not already used the sterilized and re-processed medical devices requirements.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB 18280.2-2015 Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2. Establish sterilization dose (ISO 11137-2.2006,
YY/T 0287-2003 medical device quality management system for regulatory requirements (ISO 13485.2003, IDT)
ISO 10012-1 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment - Part 1. Metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment (Qualityassurance
requirementsformeasuringequipment-Part 1. Metrologicalconfirmationsystemformeasuring
Sterilization Microbiological methods - Part 1 ISO 11737-1 medical devices. the total number of microorganisms on the product estimate
(Sterilizationofmedicaldevices-Microbiologicalmethods-Part 1. Determinationofapopulationof
Learn sterilization methods - Part 2 microorganisms ISO 11737-2 medical devices. sterility test confirmed the sterilization process
(Sterilizationofmedicaldevices-Microbiologicalmethods-Part 2. Testsofsterilityperformedinthe
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Absorbed dose absorbeddose
Dose dose
Transfer to the dose of ionizing radiation on the substance of mass units.
Note 1. The unit of absorbed dose is Gy (Gy), 1Gy = 1J/kg (= 100rad).
Note 2. This section refers dose absorbed dose.
Bioburden bioburden
A product/or and/or wherein the total number of viable microorganisms and sterile barrier system.
[ISO /T S11139.2006]
Biological indicators biologicalindicator
Sterilization procedure contains provisions have to determine the resistance of living micro-organisms test systems.
[ISO /T S11139.2006]
Calibration calibration
Under specified conditions, to establish the magnitude of the measuring instrument or measuring system, as indicated, or on behalf of the material measure or a reference to the substance of value,
And by the corresponding standard reproducible set of operations between values.
[VIM.1993, definitions 6.11]
Change control changecontrol
Suitability assessment and determine plans for products or programs made changes.
[ISO /T S11139.2006]
Correct correction
Measures to eliminate substandard discovered.
NOTE. A correction can be implemented together along with corrective measures.
[GB/T 19000-2008]
Corrective measures correctiveaction
Measures to eliminate substandard or other undesirable situation discovered the reason taken.
Note 1. a failure can have several causes.
NOTE 2. Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence.
Note 3. There is difference between corrective and corrective action.
[GB/T 19000-2008]
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GB 18280.1-2015: Sterilization of health care products -- Radiation -- Part 1: Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
GB 18280.1-2015
Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 1. Requirements for development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
ICS 11.080.01
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Partly replace GB 18280-2000
Radiation Sterilization of health care products
Part 1. Medical device sterilization process development,
Validation and routine control
Sterilizationofhealthcareproducts-Radiation-Part 1.
Requirementsfordevelopment, validationandroutinecontrolofa
(ISO 11137-1.2006, IDT)
Issued on. 2017-07-01 2015-12-31 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China released
Table of Contents
Preface ???
Introduction ???
1 Scope 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 2
4 Quality Management System Elements 7
5 sterilization characterization factor 7
Characteristics of processes and equipment 6 Description 8
7 9 Product Definition
8 9 Process Definition
9 Confirm 10
10 Routine monitoring and control 12
11 sterile product release 13
12 process to maintain the effectiveness of 13
Appendix A (informative) Guide 16
References 27
All technical content in this Part of GB 18280 is mandatory.
GB 18280 "Radiation Sterilization of health care products" is divided into the following sections.
--- GB 18280.1 Radiation Sterilization of health care products - Part 1. Development of medical equipment sterilization process, validation and routine control
System requirements;
--- GB 18280.2 Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2. Establish sterilization dose;
--- GB/T 18280.3 Radiation Sterilization of health care products - Part 3. dose measurement guide.
This is Part 1 GB 18280's.
This section drafted in accordance with GB/T 1.1-2009 given rules.
This portion instead of GB 18280-2000 "Sterilization of health care products Requirements for validation and routine control of radiation sterilization", and
GB 18280-2000 compared to the main technical content changes are as follows.
--- Increasing the sterilization factor characterization;
--- Increased process characteristics and description of the device;
--- Increased product definition;
--- Increased process definition;
--- Increased sterilization release;
--- To increase the effectiveness of process control.
This section uses the translation method identical with ISO 11137-1.2006 "Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 1. Medical Devices Off
Bacteria development process, validation and routine control. "
The correspondence between the consistency of the international normative documents referenced in our country with the following documents.
--- GB/T 19022-2003 Measurement management systems for measurement processes and measuring equipment (ISO 10012.2003, IDT);
--- GB/T 19973.1-2005 Sterilization of health care products - Microbiological methods - Part 1. The total number of microorganisms on the product
Estimate (ISO 11737-1.1994, IDT);
--- GB /learning methods - Part 2 T 19973.2-2005 microbial sterilization of medical devices. sterility test confirmed the sterilization process
(ISO 11737-2.1998, IDT).
This part is proposed by the China Food and Drug Administration.
This part of the National Standardization Technical Committee disinfection technology and equipment (SAC/TC200) centralized.
This section is drafted. Beijing Radiation Application Research Center, Shenzhen Jinpeng source of radiation Technology Co., Ltd., the State Food and Drug Administration
Administration of Guangzhou Medical Device Quality Supervision and Inspection Center.
The main drafters of this section. Hu Jinhui, Linnai Jie, Xu Honglei, Chen Qiang, spear Bao, Zhang Yue.
This part of the standard replaces the previous editions are.
--- GB 18280-2000.
Sterile medical devices is a non-living micro-organisms products. International Standard specifies confirm the sterilization process and routine control of when
Necessary medical equipment provided in the form of sterile, should be sterilized before its various undesired microorganisms to minimize contamination. Even medical devices
Mechanical products to meet the quality management system (for example. YY/T 0287) under standard manufacturing conditions requirements produced before sterilization will bring
A small amount of micro-organisms, such products are non-sterile products. Purpose of sterilization is to inactivate microorganisms, so that non-sterile products into sterile
Physical factors and/sterilization of medical devices using kinetic or chemical factors on pure cultures of microorganisms surviving microorganisms can be inactivated general
The number was exponential relationship between the degree of sterilization and be a good description. This means that regardless of the degree of sterilization, there must exist a microorganism
Live probability. For the treatment has been given, the remaining microorganism survival probability depends on the number of microbes, microbial resistance and processing
It was occurring environment. Therefore, sterilized products batch processing in any one of the products can not be guaranteed to be sterile, sterilized batch processing
Sterile product is defined as the amount of living micro-organisms present in the probability of the medical device.
This section describes the requirements for radiation sterilization of medical devices program; to meet these requirements, we can provide suitable microorganisms bactericidal activity
Radiation sterilization of medical devices; In addition, to ensure sterilization activities are reliable and repeatable results sterilization is predictable,
Therefore, the probability of sterilization in the presence of viable microorganisms on the product was very low. Sterility assurance level (SAL) developed by the regulatory authorities determine
Fixed, depending on the country (such as EN556-1 and ANSI/AAMIST67).
General requirements for design and development, production, installation and services such as quality management system, see GB/T 19001, see the special requirements of YY/T
0287. These quality management system standard that the effectiveness of some of the manufacturing process can not fully follow through product inspection and testing
Verification, sterilization is such a special process. Therefore, prior to sterilization sterilized confirm fulfill routine monitoring and maintenance.
Implementation of appropriate sterilization confirmation, precise control of the sterilization process, not a sterile product and the only reliable guarantee of compliance with the intended use. It should also be
Consider the following aspects.
a) the microbiological status of raw materials and/or components used;
b) for routine control and validation of products for cleaning and disinfection procedures;
c) product manufacturing, assembly and packaging control environment;
d) control equipment and processes;
e) control of personnel and their hygiene;
f) packaging products and packaging materials;
g) the product storage conditions.
This section describes ensure proper implementation of activities related to the radiation sterilization process requirements. These efforts are to prove in a predetermined dose
The range, the radiation process can be stably supplied sterile products, these procedures should be documented.
These requirements are in the body of this section. Guidelines in Appendix A, instead of the standard text, not to the auditor the audit table. For the convenience of
Understanding requirements guide provides explanations and methods. Methodology Guide did not give, if can also meet the requirements of this section to be
Sterilization process development, validation and routine control contains a number of incoherent but related activities, such as. calibration, maintenance, product definition, too
Process definition, installation qualification, operational qualification and performance qualification. This activity is part of the required combination in accordance with a certain order, but not to
Evaluated in order to implement these activities consistent with the order they appear in the standard. Development and implementation of the validation process may be repeated, so this
Some necessary activities are not necessarily contiguous. The implementation of different activities may include a number of separate individuals and/or organizations, each of them a
May undertake one or more activities. This section does not specify a particular individual or organization to perform an activity.
Radiation Sterilization of health care products
Part 1. Medical device sterilization process development,
Validation and routine control
1 Scope
1.1 GB 18280 of the provisions of this part of the development of medical devices in the radiation sterilization process, validation and routine control.
Note. This section applies to medical devices, but these requirements and guidelines can be used to provide other products and equipment.
This section applies to the use of the following sources of radiation irradiation apparatus.
a) use of radionuclides cobalt-60 or cesium-137;
b) electron beam emitted from an electron accelerator;
c) X-rays emitted by the X-ray generator.
The provisions of section 1.2 are not used to inactivate such as scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, g - Jakob disease and other spongiform encephalopathies open pathogens sterilization process
Hair, confirmed that the conventional control. For processing by such pathogens potentially contaminated material in a particular country, there are detailed provisions introduced.
Example. ISO 22442-1, ISO 22442-2 and ISO 22442-3.
1.2.1 This section does not specify detailed in sterile medical equipment requirements.
Note. Please specify the attention of medical equipment sterile regional and national requirements, such as. EN556-1 or ANSI/AAMIST67.
1.2.2 This section does not provide for medical device production process control of the quality management system.
Note. This section does not need to establish a complete quality management system during manufacture, but the elements of a quality management system to control the sterilization process at least with reference to Part
Sub-terms (see Chapter 4) applies. Taking into account the quality management system standards (see YY/T 0287) including a sterilization process for medical devices production
The whole process of application. Some regional and national regulations on medical devices, it is required to implement a complete quality management system by the third-party audit
1.2.3 This section does not require the use of biological indicators in identifying and monitoring radiation sterilization, and does not require the use of a sterile examination Pharmacopoeia
The release of product.
1.2.4 This section does not specify the irradiation plant design, operations related to occupational safety requirements.
Note. Some countries should take into account the radiation-related occupational safety regulations.
1.2.5 The provisions of this section does not already used the sterilized and re-processed medical devices requirements.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For dated references, only the dated version suitable for use herein
Member. For undated references, the latest edition (including any amendments) applies to this document.
GB 18280.2-2015 Sterilization of health care products - Radiation - Part 2. Establish sterilization dose (ISO 11137-2.2006,
YY/T 0287-2003 medical device quality management system for regulatory requirements (ISO 13485.2003, IDT)
ISO 10012-1 Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment - Part 1. Metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment (Qualityassurance
requirementsformeasuringequipment-Part 1. Metrologicalconfirmationsystemformeasuring
Sterilization Microbiological methods - Part 1 ISO 11737-1 medical devices. the total number of microorganisms on the product estimate
(Sterilizationofmedicaldevices-Microbiologicalmethods-Part 1. Determinationofapopulationof
Learn sterilization methods - Part 2 microorganisms ISO 11737-2 medical devices. sterility test confirmed the sterilization process
(Sterilizationofmedicaldevices-Microbiologicalmethods-Part 2. Testsofsterilityperformedinthe
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Absorbed dose absorbeddose
Dose dose
Transfer to the dose of ionizing radiation on the substance of mass units.
Note 1. The unit of absorbed dose is Gy (Gy), 1Gy = 1J/kg (= 100rad).
Note 2. This section refers dose absorbed dose.
Bioburden bioburden
A product/or and/or wherein the total number of viable microorganisms and sterile barrier system.
[ISO /T S11139.2006]
Biological indicators biologicalindicator
Sterilization procedure contains provisions have to determine the resistance of living micro-organisms test systems.
[ISO /T S11139.2006]
Calibration calibration
Under specified conditions, to establish the magnitude of the measuring instrument or measuring system, as indicated, or on behalf of the material measure or a reference to the substance of value,
And by the corresponding standard reproducible set of operations between values.
[VIM.1993, definitions 6.11]
Change control changecontrol
Suitability assessment and determine plans for products or programs made changes.
[ISO /T S11139.2006]
Correct correction
Measures to eliminate substandard discovered.
NOTE. A correction can be implemented together along with corrective measures.
[GB/T 19000-2008]
Corrective measures correctiveaction
Measures to eliminate substandard or other undesirable situation discovered the reason taken.
Note 1. a failure can have several causes.
NOTE 2. Corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence.
Note 3. There is difference between corrective and corrective action.
[GB/T 19000-2008]
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