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GB 18218-2018: Identification of major hazard installations for hazardous chemicals
GB 18218-2018
ICS 13.300
A 80
Replacing GB 18218-2009
Identification of major hazard installations for
hazardous chemicals
Issued by. State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Terms and definitions ... 6??
4 Identification of major hazard installations for hazardous chemicals ... 7??
Appendix A (Informative) Identification procedures for major hazard installations
for hazardous chemicals ... 18??
Identification of major hazard installations for
hazardous chemicals
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the basis and method for identifying major hazard
installations for hazardous chemicals.
This Standard applies to production and business organizations which produce,
store, use, and operate hazardous chemicals.
This Standard does not apply to.
a) Nuclear facilities, factories which process radioactive substances, except
for the sectors which process non-radioactive substances in these
facilities and factories;
b) Military installations;
c) Mining industry, except for processing technology and storage activities
involving hazardous chemicals;
d) Off-plant transportation of hazardous chemicals (including railways, roads,
waterways, aviation, pipelines, and other modes of transportation);
e) Offshore oil and natural gas exploration activities.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For the dated references, only the editions with the dates indicated are
applicable to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition
(including all the amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB 30000.2 Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals - Part 2.
GB 30000.3 Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals - Part 3.
Flammable gases
GB 30000.4 Rules for classification and labelling of chemicals - Part 4.
3.2 Unit
Production and storage devices, facilities, or sites involving hazardous
chemicals, which are divided into production unit and storage unit.
3.3 Threshold quantity
The minimum quantity specified for a hazardous chemical or class of hazardous
chemicals to constitute a major hazard installation.
3.4 Major hazard installations for hazardous chemicals
Unit which produces, stores, uses, and operates hazardous chemicals on a
permanent or temporary basis, and of which the quantity of hazardous
chemicals equals or exceeds the threshold quantity.
3.5 Production unit
Devices and facilities for the production, processing, and use, etc. of hazardous
chemicals. When there is a shut-off valve between the device and the facility,
USE the shut-off valve as separation boundary to divide into independent units.
3.6 Storage unit
A relatively separate area of storage tanks or warehouses used to store
hazardous chemicals. The area of storage tanks, using the fire dike of the tank
area as the boundary, is divided into independent units. The warehouse, using
independent storehouse (independent building) as the boundary, is divided into
independent units.
3.7 Mixture
A mixture or solution which consists of two or more substances.
4 Identification of major hazard installations for
hazardous chemicals
4.1 Identification basis
4.1.1 Hazardous chemicals shall, based on their hazard characteristics and
their quantities, be identified for major hazard installations. SEE Table 1 and
Table 2 for details. The pure substances and mixtures of hazardous chemicals
shall be classified in accordance with the provisions of GB 30000.2, GB 30000.3,
GB 30000.4, GB 30000.5, GB 30000.7, GB 30000.8, GB 30000.9, GB 30000.10,
GB 30000.11, GB 30000.12, GB 30000.13, GB 30000.14, GB 30000.15, GB
Table 1 (continued)
No. Hazardous chemical name and description Alias CAS number
18 Acetone cyanohydrin
Acetone cyanohydrin; 2-
75-86-5 20
19 Acraldehyde Allyl aldehyde; acrolein 107-02-8 20
20 Hydrogen fluoride 7664-39-3 1
21 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane Epichlorohydrin (3-chloro-1,2-epoxypropane) 106-89-8 20
22 3-bromo-1,2-epoxypropane
Epoxy bromopropane;
Bromomethyl oxirane;
3132-64-7 20
23 Toluene diisocyanate Toluene diisocyanate; TDI 26471-62-5 100
24 Sulfur monochloride Sulfur chloride 10025-67-9 1
25 Hydrogen cyanide Anhydrous hydrocyanic acid 74-90-8 1
26 Sulphur trioxide Sulfuric anhydride 7446-11-9 75
27 3-aminopropene Allyl amine 107-11-9 20
28 Bromine Bro 7726-95-6 20
29 Ethyleneimine Ethylene imine; 1-azacyclopropane; aziridine 151-56-4 20
30 Methyl carbimide Methyl isocyanate 624-83-9 0.75
31 Barium azide Bariumazid 18810-58-7 0.5
32 Lead azide 13424-46-9 0.5
33 Fulminating mercury Mercury sulphate, Mercury acid 628-86-4 0.5
34 Trinitroanisole Trinitro-methoxybenzene 28653-16-9 5
35 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene Trinitrotoluene; TNT 118-96-7 5
36 Nitroglycerin Nitrating glycerol; glycerin trinitrate 55-63-0 1
37 Nitrocellulose [dry or containing water (or ethanol) < 25%]
Nitro-cotton 9004-70-0
Nitrocellulose (unmodified, or
plasticized, containing
plasticizer < 18%)
39 Nitrocellulose (containing ethanol ???25%) 10
40 Nitrocellulose (containing nitrogen ???12.6%) 50
41 Nitrocellulose (containing water ???25%) 50
Table 1 (continued)
No. Hazardous chemical name and description Alias CAS number
64 Toluene Methylbenzene; phenylmethane 108-88-3 500
65 Methanol Wood alcohol; wood spirit 67-56-1 500
66 Gasoline (ethanol gasoline, methanol gasoline)
(gasoline) 200
67 Ethanol Alcohol 64-17-5 500
68 Ether Diethyl ether 60-29-7 10
69 Ethyl acetate Acetic ether 141-78-6 500
70 N-hexane Hexane 110-54-3 500
71 Peracetic acid
Acetic peracid; peroxyacetic
acid; acetyl hydrogen
79-21-0 10
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide
(10%< effective oxygen
content???10.7%, containing A
type diluent ???48%)
1338-23-4 10
73 White phosphorus Yellow phosphorus 12185-10-3 50
74 Alkyl aluminum Trialkylaluminium 1
75 Pentaborane Pentaborane 19624-22-7 1
76 Potassium peroxide 17014-71-0 20
77 Sodium peroxide Sodium dioxide; Sodium dioxide 1313-60-6 20
78 Potassium chlorate 3811-04-9 100
79 Sodium chlorate 7775-09-9 100
80 Fuming nitric acid 52583-42-3 20
Nitric acid (except for red
fuming nitric acid, containing
nitric acid >70%)
7697-37-2 100
82 Guanidine nitrate Guanidine mononitrate 506-93-4 50
83 Calcium carbide Acetylenogen 75-20-7 100
84 Potassium Potassium metal 7440-09-7 1
85 Sodium Sodium metal 7440-23-5 10
Q1, Q2, ..., Qn - The threshold quantity corresponding to each hazardous
chemical, in tons (t).
4.2.2 The actual quantity of hazardous chemicals present in hazardous
chemical storage tanks and other containers, equipment, or warehouse areas
is determined according to the design maximum.
4.2.3 For mixtures of hazardous chemicals, if the mixture is of the same hazard
category as its pure substance, the mixture is considered as a pure substance
and is calculated as a whole. If the mixture is not of the same hazard category
as its pure substance, then according to the new hazard category, its threshold
quantity shall be considered.
4.2.4 SEE Appendix A for the identification procedures for major hazard
installations for hazardous chemicals.
4.3 Grading of major hazard installations
4.3.1 Grading index of major hazard installations
USE the ratio OF the actual quantity of each hazardous chemical in the unit TO
its corresponding threshold quantity. The sum R of the ratios corrected by the
correction coefficient is used as the grading index.
4.3.2 Calculation method for grading index of major hazard installations
Grading index of major hazard installations is calculated according to formula
R - Grading index of major hazard installations;
?? - Correction coefficient for exposed people outside the plant of the major
hazard installations for hazardous chemicals;
??1, ??2, ..., ??n - Correction coefficient corresponding to each hazardous chemical;
q1, q2, ..., qn - The actual quantity of each hazardous chemical present, in tons

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