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GB 13102-2022: National food safety standard - Enriched dairy products
GB 13102-2022
National food safety standard - Enriched dairy products
ISSUED ON: JUNE 30, 2022
Issued by: National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Terms and definitions... 4??
3 Technical requirements ... 5??
4 Others ... 7??
National food safety standard - Enriched dairy products
1 Scope
This Standard applies to condensed milk and concentrated milk for food industry.
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 Condensed milk
Products made from raw cow (goat) milk by concentrating and removing part of the
moisture, and/or products of the same ingredients and properties processed from dairy
products, including evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, and formulated
condensed milk.
2.1.1 Evaporated milk
Liquid products -- in the state of commercial sterility -- processed from raw cow (goat)
milk and/or its products, with or without skim, with or without food additives and
nutritional fortification substances.
2.1.2 Sweetened condensed milk
Viscous products processed from raw cow (goat) milk and/or its products, with or
without skim, with sugar, with or without food additives and nutritional fortification
2.1.3 Formulated condensed milk
Liquid or viscous products processed from raw cow (goat) milk and/or its products,
with or without skim, with or without sugar, with or without food additives and
nutritional fortification substances, and with other raw materials, including formulated
evaporated milk and formulated sweetened condensed milk (formulated sweetened
condensed milk).
2.2 Concentrated milk for food industry
Products used as raw materials for the food industry, with only raw cow (goat) milk as
raw material, with or without skim, with only part of the moisture removed through
concentration and other processes, including concentrated cow milk and concentrated
goat milk.
b Frozen solid products shall be melted completely through crushing, thawing and stirring first;
viscous products may be added with the same amount of freshly boiled and cooled water before
stirring and homogenizing, and pH measurement.
3.4 Maximum levels of contaminants and mycotoxins
3.4.1 The maximum levels of contaminants shall meet the requirements of GB 2762.
3.4.2 The maximum levels of mycotoxins shall meet the requirements of GB 2761.
3.5 Microbial limits
3.5.1 Evaporated milk and formulated evaporated milk shall meet the requirements of
commercial sterility, and shall be inspected according to the method specified in GB
3.5.2 For heat-treated concentrated milk for food industry, as well as sweetened
condensed milk and formulated sweetened condensed milk, the maximum level of
pathogen shall comply with the provisions of GB 29921, and the microbial limits shall
also comply with the provisions of Table 5.
3.5.3 For the concentrated milk for food industry without heat treatment during
processing, the microbial limit shall comply with the provisions of GB 19301.
3.6 Food additives and nutritional fortification substances
3.6.1 The use of food additives shall comply with the provisions of GB 2760.
3.6.2 The use of nutritional fortification substances in foods shall comply with the
provisions of GB 14880.
4 Others
4.1 Condensed milk shall be marked with ?€?This product cannot be used as a breast milk
substitute for infants and young children?€? or similar warnings.
4.2 Concentrated milk for food industry shall be stored and transported in a refrigerated
or frozen state.

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