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FZ/T 73020-2019: Knitted casual wear
FZ/T 73020-2019
ICS 59.080.30
W 63
Replacing FZ/T 73020-2012
Knitted Casual Wear
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People?€?s
Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 8
4 Product Models ... 8
5 Requirements ... 8
6 Test Methods ... 13
7 Sampling Rules ... 21
8 Determination Rules ... 21
9 Product Instructions, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 22
Knitted Casual Wear
1 Scope
This document specifies the terms and definitions, product models, requirements, test methods,
sampling rules, determination rules, product instructions, packaging, transportation and storage
of knitted casual wear.
This Standard is applicable to the appraisal of the quality of casual wear made mainly from
textile and knitted fabrics.
This Standard does not apply to clothing for infants and young children aged 36 months and
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In terms of
references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable to this
document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version (including all the
modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 250 Textiles - Tests for Color Fastness - Grey Scale for Assessing Change in Color
GB/T 251 Textiles - Tests for Color Fastness - Grey Scale for Assessing Staining
GB/T 1335 (all parts) Standard Sizing Systems for Garments
GB/T 2910 (all parts) Textiles - Quantitative Chemical Analysis
GB/T 2912.1 Textiles - Determination of Formaldehyde - Part 1: Free and Hydrolyzed
Formaldehyde (water extraction method)
GB/T 3920 Textiles - Tests for Color Fastness - Color Fastness to Rubbing
GB/T 3921-2008 Textiles - Tests for Color Fastness - Color Fastness to Washing with Soap or
Soap and Soda
GB/T 3922 Textiles - Tests for Color Fastness - Color Fastness to Perspiration
GB/T 4802.1-2008 Textiles - Determination of Fabric Propensity to Surface Fuzzing and to
Pilling - Part 1: Circular Locus Method
GB/T 4856 Package of Cotton Goods and Knitwear
GB/T 5296.4 Instructions for Use of Products of Consumer Interest - Part 4: Textiles and
GSB 16-2159 Standard Depth Color Card for Knitted Products
GSB 16-2500 Color Sample Pictures of Surface Defects on Knitted Fabrics
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 mini shorts
A type of shorts that reaches mid-thigh or above.
[GB/T 15557-2008, Definition 3.33]
3.2 fluorescence color
The color that appears when certain substances absorb incident light of a certain wavelength
and are excited and emit visible light.
NOTE: the fluorescence color is presented after being irradiated with ultraviolet light.
4 Product Models
Comply with the stipulations of GB/T 6411 or GB/T 1335 (all parts). Model markings beyond
the standard range shall increase or decrease in sequence in accordance with the skipping
principle stipulated in the Standard.
5 Requirements
5.1 Content of Requirements
The requirements are divided into two aspects: intrinsic quality and appearance quality. The
intrinsic quality includes fiber content, formaldehyde content, pH value, peculiar smell,
decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes, bursting strength, pilling, dimensional
change rate after washing, dimensional change rate after dry cleaning, distortion after washing,
staining degree of lotion, color fastness to washing with soap, color fastness to washing, color
fastness to perspiration, color fastness to rubbing, color fastness to light, color fastness to dry
cleaning, color fastness to transfer in joints, color fastness to light of textiles wetted with
artificial perspiration, and appearance quality after washing, etc. The appearance quality
includes surface defects, specifications, dimensions and deviations, size differences in
symmetrical parts, and sewing regulations, etc.
5.2 Grading Regulations
5.2.1 Quality grades are divided into superior products, first-class products and qualified
d) The product shall have a straight collar, flat and straight placket, and smooth and
straight zipper, and neat ironing.
6 Test Methods
6.1 Inspection of Intrinsic Quality
6.1.1 Fiber content
In accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 2910 (all parts), FZ/T 01026, FZ/T 01057 (all parts),
FZ/T 01095 and FZ/T 01101, etc.
6.1.2 Formaldehyde content
In accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 2912.1
6.1.3 pH value
In accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 7573.
6.1.4 Peculiar smell
In accordance with the stipulations of GB 18401.
6.1.5 Decomposable carcinogenic aromatic amine dyes
In accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 17592.
6.1.6 Bursting strength
In accordance with the stipulations of GB/T 19976-2005. The diameter of the steel ball is (38
??? 0.02) mm.
6.1.7 Pilling
In accordance with the stipulations of Method E in GB/T 4802.1-2008. The grading shall be
carried out in accordance with the sample pictures of pilling on knitted fabrics in GSB 16-1523.
6.1.8 Dimensional change rate after washing Measurement parts
The calculation of tops is based on the average value of the lengths of the front and back, left
and right sides, and the calculation in transverse direction is based on the measured value of the
back width. The calculation of trousers in the vertical direction is based on the average value
of left and right trouser lengths, and the calculation in the transverse direction is based on the
average value of the left and right mid-leg widths. During the measurement, make marks for
the measurement after washing. See Figure 1 for the measurement part of the top and Figure 2 Washing program
Comply with the stipulations of 4N program of Type A washing machines in GB/T 8629-2017.
Products that expressly indicate ?€?hand wash only?€? shall comply with 4H program of Type A
washing machines in GB/T 8629-2017, and the detergent shall be ?€?standard detergent 3?€?. The
number of test pieces (PCS) is three, and the number of washings is one. Drying method
Hang to dry. Use a pole to pass through the two sleeves of the top to keep the bust and shoulders
straight; from the lower end, use hands to straighten the front and back body. Fold the trousers
in half, so that the crotch area is on the drying pole, and gently straighten them. Place the dried
specimen on a platform with a temperature of (20 ??? 2) ???C and a relative humidity of (65 ??? 4)%.
After letting it stand for 4 hours, gently pat the creases flat, then, conduct the measurement. Result calculation
In accordance with Formula (1), respectively calculate the dimensional change rate after
washing in the vertical and transverse directions. Use the negative sign (?€?) to indicate
dimensional shrinkage, and the positive sign (+) to indicate dimensional elongation (inverted
inflation). Take the arithmetic mean of three specimens as the inspection result. If there are test
results of both shrinkage and inverted inflation, the arithmetic mean of the two shrinkage (or
inverted inflation) specimens shall be taken as the inspection result. The final result shall be
rounded off in accordance with GB/T 8170 and retain one decimal place.
A---the dimensional change rate after washing in the vertical or transverse direction;
L1---the average value of dimensions after washing in the vertical or transverse direction,
expressed in (cm);
L0---the average value of dimensions before washing in the vertical or transverse direction,
expressed in (cm).
6.1.9 Dimensional change rate after dry cleaning
Comply with the stipulations of FZ/T 80007.3-2006. Adopt the routine dry-cleaning method,
and the number of test piece is 1. In accordance with the test method for the dimensional change
rate after washing, conduct the measurement.
6.1.10 Distortion after washing Washing program and drying method
of 25 mm). Take the soap solution that has not been washed and has the same temperature as
the test as a reference sample. Under the D65 standard light source, with white carboard as the
background, use the grey scale for assessing stain in GB/T 251 to assess the staining degree of
lotion. The rating must be completed within 15 minutes.
6.1.12 Color fastness to washing with soap
Comply with the stipulations of Method A (1) in GB/T 3921-2008.
6.1.13 Color fastness to water
Comply with the stipulations of GB/T 5713.
6.1.14 Color fastness to perspiration
Comply with the stipulations of GB/T 3922.
6.1.15 Color fastness to rubbing
Comply with the stipulations of GB/T 3920, and conduct the test only in the vertical direction.
6.1.16 Color fastness to light
Comply with the stipulations of Method 3 in GB/T 8427-2008.
6.1.17 Color fastness to dry cleaning
Comply with the stipulations of GB/T 5711.
6.1.18 Color fastness to transfer in joints
Comply with the stipulations of Method A in GB/T 31127-2014. Fabrics or toothed products
whose specimen size does not reach the requirements of (100 ??? 2) mm ??? (40 ??? 2) mm can be
cut in accordance with the maximum size of the actual specimens. Then, combine two
specimens into a combined specimen along the short edges.
6.1.19 Color fastness to light of textiles wetted with artificial perspiration
Comply with the stipulations of GB/T 14576.
6.1.20 Appearance quality after washing (dry cleaning)
In accordance with the stipulations of the test methods for the dimensional change rate after
washing and dimensional change rate after dry cleaning in this Standard, conduct washing and
drying. In addition, in accordance with the requirements of Table 1, conduct assessment on the
washed clothes piece by piece.
6.2 Inspection of Appearance Quality

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