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CQC-C1110-2014: China Compulsory Certification Implementation Detailed-Rules - Vehicle door-locks and holders
Serial No.. CQC-C1110.2014
Implementation Detailed-Rules for
China Compulsory Certification
Door locks and door retention components for motor vehicles
China Quality Certification Center
Table of Contents
0. Introduction??...??5??
0.1 Terms and definitions??...??5??
0.2 Classification Management Requirements of Manufacturing Enterprises??...??5??
0.3 Requirements on Utilizing Testing Resources of Manufacturing Enterprises
1. Application scope??...??8??
2. Certification standards??...??9??
3. Certification mode??...??9??
3.1 Basic Certification Mode??...??9??
3.2 Applicability of Certification Mode??...??9??
4. Division of Certification Units??...??10??
4.1 Door lock??...??10??
4.2 Door hinge (hinge)??...??10??
5. Certification entrusting??...??10??
5.1 Proposal and Acceptance of Certification Application??...??10??
5.2 Application Materials??...??10??
5.3 Implementation Arrangement??...??12??
6. Implementation of Certification??...??12??
6.1 Type Test??...??12??
6.2 Initial Factory Inspection??...??15??
6.3 Certification Evaluation and Determination??...??17??
6.4 Certification Time-limit??...??17??
6.5 Service-parts of discontinued vehicle model??...??17??
7. After-Certification Supervision??...??17??
7.1 After-certification follow-up inspection??...??18??
7.2 Sampling Test or Inspection at the Production On-site??...??19??
7.3 Market Sampling Test or Inspection??...??19??
7.4 Frequency and Time of After-Certification Supervision??...??20??
7.5 Record of After-Certification Supervision??...??20??
7.6 Evaluation of Supervision Result after getting the certificate??...??20??
8. Certificate??...??21??
8.1 Maintenance of the certificate??...??21??
8.2 Content of the Certificate??...??21??
8.3 Change of the Certificate??...??21??
8.4 Cancellation, Suspension and Withdrawal of the Certificate??...??22??
8.5 Use of the Certificate??...??23??
9. Certification Mark??...??23??
9.1 Mark style permitted to use??...??23??
9.2 Use Requirements??...??23??
10. Charge??...??23??
11. Certification Responsibility??...??24??
12. Procedures and Time-limit Related to Technical Disputes, Complaints and
Attachment I Requirements of Production Conformity Control Plan??...??25??
Attachment II Certification implementation of service parts for after-sales
maintenance for discontinued vehicle model??...??28??
0. Introduction
?€?Implementing Detailed-Rules for China Compulsory Certification - Door locks and door
retention components for motor vehicles?€? (hereinafter referred to as Detailed-Rules) is
compiled based on the requirements of ?€?Implementation Rules for China Compulsory
Certification - Door locks and door retention components for motor vehicles?€?
(CNCA-C11-10.2014) (hereinafter referred to as Implementation-Rules). This
Detailed-Rules is used together with the Implementation-Rules as supportive document.
The product scope, certification basis and all other contents of this Detailed-Rules shall
comply with relevant provisions of Implementation Rules. It shall also be adjusted
according to the Notices such as defined directory and directory adjustment that are issued
by Certification and Accreditation Administration of China (hereafter referred to as CNCA).
In accordance with the provisions of Implementation Rules, following the principles of
maintaining the effectiveness of product certification, improving quality of product, serving
certification companies, and controlling risk of certification, CQC formulates and issues this
Detailed-Rules. Through establishing the classification management requirements of
manufacturing enterprises, and combining the classification of manufacturing enterprises,
this Detailed-Rules determines the implementation requirements for China Compulsory
Certification of Door locks and door retention components for motor vehicles?€? (hereinafter
referred to as Door-locks).
0.1 Terms and definitions
0.0.1 Testing at Manufacturer?€?s Premises (abbreviated as TMP mode)
It means that the engineers of designated laboratory use the testing equipment in the
factory laboratory to conduct testing. The factory shall dispatch test personnel to provide
assistance. The designated laboratory will examine, approve and issue the test report.
0.1.2 Witnessed Manufacturer?€?s Testing (abbreviated as WMT mode)
It means that the engineer of designated laboratory witnesses the factory laboratory?€?s test
conditions and all tests completed by using the laboratory?€?s equipment or according to the
test plan submitted; or witnesses part of the test conditions and the test items. Test
personnel of the factory laboratory shall provide the original records and draft up the test
report together with the engineer of designated laboratory according to relevant provisions.
The designated laboratory shall audit, approve and issue the test report.
0.2 Classification Management Requirements of Manufacturing Enterprises
CQC collects and sorts-out all the information related to certification products and quality
related to manufacturing enterprises; and uses dynamic classification management for
manufacturing enterprises. certification entrusting client [hereafter abbreviated as CLIENT],
Requirements of Testing Resources and Other Certification Results of the Manufacturing
Enterprise?€? and the certification standards, then the CLIENT, manufacturer, or
manufacturing enterprise can apply for testing to utilize the testing resources of the
manufacturing enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the factory laboratory) and perform
the self-inspection. The self-inspection result and relevant materials shall be submitted to
CQC for review. The factory laboratories of which the materials pass the review are
allowed to perform TMP or WMT (hereinafter also referred to as on-site test) with factory
laboratory resources.
In principle, CQC shall not organize inspection only for factory laboratory. Generally,
factory laboratory inspection application of the CLIENT shall be proposed together with
on-site test application. CQC shall organize the technical specialists from designated
laboratories to perform both inspections. Inspection group shall inspect the laboratory
capability first; and keep the relevant inspection and assessment record; after
conformance, then perform pr...

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