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CNCA C22-01-2020: Compulsory product certification implementation rules -- Baby carriage products
Serial No.: CNCA-C22-01:2020
Compulsory product certification implementation rules -
Baby carriage products
ISSUED ON: JUNE 01, 2020
Issued by: Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's
Republic of China
He is now the Sales Manager (Founder and Managing Director) at
expertise and hands-on working experiences, through his then-employment as
?€?China Certification Program Manager?€? at BlackBerry Beijing, and ?€?Product
Safety and Compliance (PS and C) Manager?€? at Motorola Singapore:
- CNCA / China Compulsory Certification (CCC) regulations.
- Hands-on program experience with regulator CNCA for CCC mark?€?s
compliance, approval and management.
- Was an authorized representative by then-employer BlackBerry (RIM)
to liaise with Chinese regulators, authorities, certification bodies and
designated laboratories ?€? including CNCA, CQC, Beijing
Communication Authority, Beijing Administration of Quality Supervision
Inspection and Quarantine.
- Hands-on program experience with certification body CQC for
?€?certification entrusting?€?, type test, initial factory audit, regular / annual
factory audit (i.e. the ?€?after-certification supervision?€? in this Rules).
- Manage, plan, guide and site-visit the global factories / suppliers?€? global
factories (i.e. the ?€?manufacturing enterprises?€? in this Rules) in North
America, Europe and China for CQC initial factory audit and regular
annual factory audit (after-certification supervision).
- ISO Process Auditor, certified by Motorola USA and Motorola Singapore
- PMP, certified by Project Management Institute USA.
Lead time to deliver: 0~10 minutes, auto-delivery.
Table of Contents
0 Introduction ... 4
1 Application scope ... 4
2 Certification standards ... 5
3 Certification modes ... 5
4 Division of certification units ... 6
5 Certification entrusting ... 6
5.1 Application and acceptance of certification entrusting ... 6
5.2 Entrusting materials ... 6
5.3 Implementation arrangement ... 6
6 Certification implementation ... 7
6.1 Type test ... 7
6.2 Enterprise quality assurance capability and product conformity inspection ... 8
6.3 Certification evaluation and decision ... 8
6.4 Time limit of the certification ... 9
7 After-certification supervision ... 9
7.1 After-certification follow-up inspection ... 9
7.2 Factory on-site sampling test ... 10
7.3 Market sampling test ... 10
7.4 Frequency and time of after-certification supervision ... 10
7.5 Records of after-certification supervision ... 10
7.6 Evaluation of after-certification supervision results ... 10
8 Certificate ... 11
8.1 Maintenance of the certificate ... 11
8.2 Change / expansion of the certificate ... 11
8.3 Certificate?€?s cancellation, suspension and withdrawal ... 11
8.4 Use of the certificate ... 12
9 Certification marks ... 12
10 Charges ... 12
11 Certification responsibility ... 12
12 Certification implementation detailed-rules ... 13
This Rules is established based on the safety risk and certification risk of baby
carriage products. It stipulates the basic principles and requirements for the
implementation of compulsory product certification for baby carriage products.
When baby carriage products are used in a predetermined or predictable manner,
they must not endanger the safety or health of users or third parties. When baby
carriage products are used only by children of a certain age, the ability of the user and,
where appropriate, his or her guardian shall be considered.
In order to meet the above basic safety requirements, the certification client shall
ensure that, baby carriage products entering the Chinese market can meet the
certification standards; obtain compulsory product certification certificates; and be
applied the CCC mark. [TRNASLATOR NOTE is not part of this Rules. Translator note:
?€?certification client?€?, the counterpart of certification body, refers to the Applicant /
Manufacturer or its proxy (Power of Attorney). For ease of reading, hereinafter
abbreviated as ?€?CLIENT?€?].
This Rules is used in conjunction with the general implementation rules issued by
Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA), such as ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules - Manufacturing Enterprise Classification
Management, Certification Mode Selection and Determination?€?, ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules - Utilization of Manufacturing Enterprise Testing
Resource and Other Certification Results?€?, ?€?China Compulsory Certification
Implementation Rules - Factory Inspection General Requirements?€?.
According to the general implementation rules and the requirements of this Rules, the
certification body shall prepare the certification implementation detailed-rules; and,
implement it together with the general implementation rules and this Rules.
This Rules applies to baby carriage products, including child bicycles, child tricycles,
wheeled child conveyances, and baby walking frames.
Due to the changes in the law, regulations or related product standards, technology,
industry policies and other causes which may change the applicable scope, the
announcement released by CNCA shall be final and conclusive.
In principle, according to the difference in the main material, load-bearing structure,
etc. of the baby carriage products, the certification unit shall be divided. In the
certification implementation detailed-rules, the certification body shall specify the
specific requirements for the division of certification units.
The same product produced by the same manufacturer and different manufacturing
enterprises, or the same product produced by different manufacturers and the same
manufacturing enterprise, can be divided into the same certification unit.
5.1 Application and acceptance of certification entrusting
CLIENT must put forward the certification entrusting to the certification body, in an
appropriate way. Certification body shall process the certification entrusting; and
feedback the acceptance or rejection according to the time limit in the certification
implementation detailed-rules.
When it does not comply with national laws and regulations AND relevant industry
policies, the certification body must not accept the certification entrusting.
5.2 Entrusting materials
The certification body shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations, standards,
and the needs of certification implementation, specify the checklist of entrusting
materials in the certification implementation detailed-rules. It shall at least include
certification entrusting form or contract, registration certificates of the CLIENT /
manufacturer / manufacturing enterprise, etc.
When necessary, for the manufacturing enterprise which is exempt from the
enterprise quality assurance capability and product conformity inspection during
certification implementation, the certification body may require the CLIENT to submit a
self-assessment report of the manufacturing enterprise on the factory?€?s quality
assurance capability and product conformity control.
CLIENT shall provide the required materials according to the requirements of
entrusting material checklist in certification implementation detailed-rules. Certification
body is responsible for auditing, managing, preserving and keeping confidential of the
relevant materials, and shall inform the CLIENT of the material auditing results.
5.3 Implementation arrangement
The certification body shall agree with CLIENT on the relevant responsibility
CLIENT may conduct the type test before submitting the certification entrusting to the
certification body. In the implementation detailed-rules, the certification body shall
specify the relevant requirements for accepting the CLIENT to perform the type test
6.1.5 Type test report
Certification body shall specify a unified form of the type test report.
After the type test is completed, the laboratory shall promptly issue a type test report
to the CLIENT and certification body (if determined). The report shall contain a
description of all necessary information of the products in the certification unit.
CLIENT shall ensure that, it is able to provide the complete and valid type test report
to certification body and laws enforcement authorities during the after-certification
6.2 Enterprise quality assurance capability and product conformity inspection
The enterprise quality assurance capability and product conformity inspection are the
evaluation of the certification body on whether the manufacturing enterprise?€?s quality
assurance capability and product conformity control can meet the certification
In the certification implementation detailed-rules, the certification body shall clarify the
relevant requirements of enterprise quality assurance capability and product
conformity control.
CLIENT and manufacturing enterprise shall establish, implement, and continue to
maintain the enterprise quality assurance capability and product conformity control
system, to ensure that the certified products continue to meet the certification
The certification body shall conduct a compliance inspection on the enterprise's
quality assurance capability and product conformity control system. The inspection
shall cover all processing sites of certified products. When necessary, the certification
body may go to places other than the manufacturing enterprise to carry out extended
For certified manufacturers / manufacturing enterprises, the certification body can
make appropriate adjustments and simplification of the timing and content of the
enterprise quality assurance capability and product conformity inspection; and, make
it clear in the certification implementation detailed-rules.
6.3 Certification evaluation and decision
The certification body shall make a comprehensive evaluation of the conclusion of the
requirements; make it clear in the certification implementation detailed-rules.
7.2 Factory on-site sampling test
If it adopts ?€?factory on-site sampling test?€? to implement the after-certification
supervision, then CLIENT, manufacturer, and manufacturing enterprise shall
In the certification implementation detailed-rules, the certification body shall clarify the
content and requirements for factory on-site sampling test.
If the manufacturing enterprise has the testing conditions required by ?€?China
Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Utilization of Manufacturing
Enterprise Testing Resource and Other Certification Results?€? and certification
standards, then certification body can use the testing resources of the manufacturing
enterprise to conduct the test and recognize the relevant results. If the manufacturing
enterprise does not have the above testing conditions, samples shall be sent to the
designated laboratory for testing. In the certification implementation detailed-rules, the
certification body shall clarify the specific requirements and procedures for using the
testing resources of the manufacturing enterprise to implement the testing.
7.3 Market sampling test
If it adopts ?€?market sampling test?€? to implement the after-certification supervision,
CLIENT, manufacturer, and manufacturing enterprise shall cooperate; and confirm the
samples that are sampled from market.
In the certification implementation detailed-rules, the certification body shall clarify the
content and requirements for market sampling test.
7.4 Frequency and time of after-certification supervision
Based on manufacturing enterprise classification management, certification body
shall adopt different frequency of after-certification supervision to different types of
manufacturing enterprises. The supervision time shall be made in a reasonable way.
Detailed principles shall be specified in the certification implementation detailed-rules.
7.5 Records of after-certification supervision
Certification body shall record and archive the whole process of after-certification
supervision, so that the certification process and results are traceable.
7.6 Evaluation of after-certification supervision results
Certification body shall comprehensively evaluate the conclusion of after-certification
follow-up inspection; conclusion of sampling test; and relevant materials / information.
If the evaluation is PASS, it may continue to maintain the certificate and use of CCC
mark. If the evaluation is Not-PASS, certification body shall suspend or revoke the

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