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CNCA C11-10-2014: China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Vehicle door locks and door holder
Serial No.. CNCA-C11-10.2014
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules -
Door locks and door retention components for motor vehicles
Issued??on.??August??21,??2014 ??????????Effective??on.??January??1,??2015??
Issued by. Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People?€?s
Republic of China (CNCA)
He is now the Sales Manager (Founder and Managing Director) at
expertise and hands-on working experiences, through his then-employment as
?€?China Certification Program Manager?€? at BlackBerry Beijing, and ?€?Product
Safety and Compliance (PS and C) Manager?€? at Motorola Singapore.
- CNCA / China Compulsory Certification (CCC) regulations.
- Hands-on program experience with regulator CNCA for CCC mark?€?s
compliance, approval and management.
- Was an authorized representative by then-employer BlackBerry (RIM) to
liaise with Chinese regulators, authorities, certification bodies and
designated laboratories ?€? including CNCA, CQC, Beijing Communication
Authority, Beijing Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and
- Hands-on program experience with certification body CQC for
?€?certification entrusting?€?, type test, initial factory audit, regular / annual
factory audit (i.e. the ?€?after-certification supervision?€? in this Rules).
- Manage, plan, guide and site-visit the global factories / suppliers?€? global
factories (i.e. the ?€?manufacturing enterprises?€? in this Rules) in North
America, Europe and China for CQC initial factory audit and regular
annual factory audit (after-certification supervision).
- ISO Process Auditor, certified by Motorola USA and Motorola Singapore
- PMP, certified by Project Management Institute USA.
to deliver. Automatic and immediate delivery (0 ~ 25 munites).
Table of Contents
0 Introduction ... 4??
1 Application scope ... 4??
2 Standards for certification ... 4??
3 Certification modes ... 4??
4 Classification of certification units ... 5??
5 Certification entrusting ... 6??
6 Certification implementation ... 6??
7 After-certification supervision ... 9??
8 Certificate ... 11??
9 Certification marks ... 13??
10 Charges ... 13??
11 Certification responsibility ... 14??
12 Certification implementation detailed-rules ... 14??
Attachment 1. Product description of door-lock ... 15??
Attachment 2. Production conformity requirements ... 17??
Appendix 1. Factory quality assurance capability requirements ... 19??
Attachment 3. Certification implementation of service parts for the after-sales
maintenance for vehicles out of production ... 25??
This Rules is established based on the security risk and certification risk of door
locks and door retention components for motor vehicles [Translator. hereafter
abbreviated as door-lock]. It stipulates the basic principles and requirements for
the implementation of China Compulsory Certification for door-locks.
This Rules can be used with other general rules issued by Certification and
Accreditation Administration (CNCA), such as ?€?China Compulsory Certification
Implementation Rules - Manufacturing Enterprise Classification Management,
Certification Mode Selection and Determination?€?, ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules ?€? Utilization of Manufacturing Enterprise
Testing Resource and Other Certification Results?€?, ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules - Factory Inspection General Requirements?€?.
The certification body shall make principles for certification according to the
general implementation rules and this Rules and implement them accordingly.
Manufacturing enterprise shall ensure that their certified products are capable of
sustaining the compliance with the certification and are compatible with the
requirements of the standards.
This Rules applies to.
(1) Door-locks of side-doors (including sliding doors) or rear doors in M1-
category and N1-category vehicles;
(2) Door hinges of side doors or rear doors in M1-category and N1-category
vehicles, excluding sliding rails and other supporting parts.
Due to the changes in the laws, regulations or related product standards,
technology, industry policies and other causes which may change the applicable
scope, the announcement released by CNCA shall be final and conclusive.
GB 15086 Motor vehicles - Door locks and door retention components -
Performance requirements and test methods
In principle, the latest versions of above standards that are issued by the
National Standardization Administration shall be executed. When other versions
are required to use, then it shall be executed according to the applicable
relevant standards issued by the State Certification and Accreditation
Administration (CNCA).
The basic certification mode of implementing the China Compulsory Certification
for door-lock is.
Type test + initial factory inspection + after-certification supervision;
?€?After-certification supervision?€? in above basic certification mode refers to 1 of
the 3 modes ?€? after certification, follow-up inspection and factory on-site
sampling testing OR inspection and sampling testing in the market OR
The certification body shall follow the requirements of ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules - Manufacturing Enterprise Classification
Management, Certification Mode Selection and Determination?€? to carry out the
classification management to manufacturing enterprise; consider the results of
classification management; on the basis of basic certification mode,
appropriately increase the combination of supervision mode after certification, so
as to determine the certification mode that is applicable to certification client
[TRNASLATOR NOTE is not part of this Rules. Translator note. ?€?certification
client?€?, the counterpart of certification body, refers to the Applicant /
Manufacturer or its proxy (Power of Attorney). For ease of reading, hereinafter
abbreviated as ?€?CLIENT?€?].
In principle, the products of the same-function, produced by the same-producer
(manufacturer) and same-manufacturing enterprise (location), and having no
significant difference in the following aspects could be classified as one
certification unit.
4.1 Locks
(1) Structure type of lock-body and lock-buckle (or block);
(2) Materials of main components;
(3) Connection method with the vehicles.
4.2 Hinges
(1) Structure type of hinges and materials of main components;
(2) The difference of hinge-pin (length and diameter) is within 20%.
In principle, CLIENT shall put forward the certification entrusting based on the
principle of unit classification. It may include multiple ?€?models (or specifications)?€?
products in a same-unit. Same-model refers to those products of which the
design has no impact to standard compliance.
For the same-product that is of same-manufacturer but of different
manufacturing enterprises, or for the same-model product that is of different
manufacturers and of same-manufacturing enterprise, it may consider to only
conduct the type test on the samples of 1 unit. The products of other
carry out the ?€?final assembly?€?, Certification Body may likely need to inspect/audit
the critical components / sub-assembly supplier].
The factory on-site inspection time shall be made according to the unit quantity
of the products, and appropriately consider the production scale of the factory.
Normally it needs 1-2 man-days for each factory.
When conducting factory on-site inspection, inspection team shall choose
samples randomly from the end of the production line or qualified product in the
warehouse. Randomly sampled products are inspected, but not limited to, for
the following contents.
a. The structure and parameters of the products to be certified;
b. Designated test in factory on-site (selected from production conformity
control plan).
If no un-conformance product is found, the inspection result is qualified;
If un-conformance products are found, factory is allowed to make rectifications.
Certification body adopts appropriate way to confirm the rectification results. The
rectification time must not be more than 3 months. If the rectification cannot be
finished on time, or the rectification results are not conformant, the inspection
result is unqualified.
If there is sig...
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Get Quotation: Click CNCA C11-10-2014 (Self-service in 1-minute)
Historical versions (Master-website): CNCA C11-10-2014
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CNCA C11-10-2014: China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules - Vehicle door locks and door holder
Serial No.. CNCA-C11-10.2014
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules -
Door locks and door retention components for motor vehicles
Issued??on.??August??21,??2014 ??????????Effective??on.??January??1,??2015??
Issued by. Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People?€?s
Republic of China (CNCA)
He is now the Sales Manager (Founder and Managing Director) at
expertise and hands-on working experiences, through his then-employment as
?€?China Certification Program Manager?€? at BlackBerry Beijing, and ?€?Product
Safety and Compliance (PS and C) Manager?€? at Motorola Singapore.
- CNCA / China Compulsory Certification (CCC) regulations.
- Hands-on program experience with regulator CNCA for CCC mark?€?s
compliance, approval and management.
- Was an authorized representative by then-employer BlackBerry (RIM) to
liaise with Chinese regulators, authorities, certification bodies and
designated laboratories ?€? including CNCA, CQC, Beijing Communication
Authority, Beijing Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and
- Hands-on program experience with certification body CQC for
?€?certification entrusting?€?, type test, initial factory audit, regular / annual
factory audit (i.e. the ?€?after-certification supervision?€? in this Rules).
- Manage, plan, guide and site-visit the global factories / suppliers?€? global
factories (i.e. the ?€?manufacturing enterprises?€? in this Rules) in North
America, Europe and China for CQC initial factory audit and regular
annual factory audit (after-certification supervision).
- ISO Process Auditor, certified by Motorola USA and Motorola Singapore
- PMP, certified by Project Management Institute USA.
to deliver. Automatic and immediate delivery (0 ~ 25 munites).
Table of Contents
0 Introduction ... 4??
1 Application scope ... 4??
2 Standards for certification ... 4??
3 Certification modes ... 4??
4 Classification of certification units ... 5??
5 Certification entrusting ... 6??
6 Certification implementation ... 6??
7 After-certification supervision ... 9??
8 Certificate ... 11??
9 Certification marks ... 13??
10 Charges ... 13??
11 Certification responsibility ... 14??
12 Certification implementation detailed-rules ... 14??
Attachment 1. Product description of door-lock ... 15??
Attachment 2. Production conformity requirements ... 17??
Appendix 1. Factory quality assurance capability requirements ... 19??
Attachment 3. Certification implementation of service parts for the after-sales
maintenance for vehicles out of production ... 25??
This Rules is established based on the security risk and certification risk of door
locks and door retention components for motor vehicles [Translator. hereafter
abbreviated as door-lock]. It stipulates the basic principles and requirements for
the implementation of China Compulsory Certification for door-locks.
This Rules can be used with other general rules issued by Certification and
Accreditation Administration (CNCA), such as ?€?China Compulsory Certification
Implementation Rules - Manufacturing Enterprise Classification Management,
Certification Mode Selection and Determination?€?, ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules ?€? Utilization of Manufacturing Enterprise
Testing Resource and Other Certification Results?€?, ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules - Factory Inspection General Requirements?€?.
The certification body shall make principles for certification according to the
general implementation rules and this Rules and implement them accordingly.
Manufacturing enterprise shall ensure that their certified products are capable of
sustaining the compliance with the certification and are compatible with the
requirements of the standards.
This Rules applies to.
(1) Door-locks of side-doors (including sliding doors) or rear doors in M1-
category and N1-category vehicles;
(2) Door hinges of side doors or rear doors in M1-category and N1-category
vehicles, excluding sliding rails and other supporting parts.
Due to the changes in the laws, regulations or related product standards,
technology, industry policies and other causes which may change the applicable
scope, the announcement released by CNCA shall be final and conclusive.
GB 15086 Motor vehicles - Door locks and door retention components -
Performance requirements and test methods
In principle, the latest versions of above standards that are issued by the
National Standardization Administration shall be executed. When other versions
are required to use, then it shall be executed according to the applicable
relevant standards issued by the State Certification and Accreditation
Administration (CNCA).
The basic certification mode of implementing the China Compulsory Certification
for door-lock is.
Type test + initial factory inspection + after-certification supervision;
?€?After-certification supervision?€? in above basic certification mode refers to 1 of
the 3 modes ?€? after certification, follow-up inspection and factory on-site
sampling testing OR inspection and sampling testing in the market OR
The certification body shall follow the requirements of ?€?China Compulsory
Certification Implementation Rules - Manufacturing Enterprise Classification
Management, Certification Mode Selection and Determination?€? to carry out the
classification management to manufacturing enterprise; consider the results of
classification management; on the basis of basic certification mode,
appropriately increase the combination of supervision mode after certification, so
as to determine the certification mode that is applicable to certification client
[TRNASLATOR NOTE is not part of this Rules. Translator note. ?€?certification
client?€?, the counterpart of certification body, refers to the Applicant /
Manufacturer or its proxy (Power of Attorney). For ease of reading, hereinafter
abbreviated as ?€?CLIENT?€?].
In principle, the products of the same-function, produced by the same-producer
(manufacturer) and same-manufacturing enterprise (location), and having no
significant difference in the following aspects could be classified as one
certification unit.
4.1 Locks
(1) Structure type of lock-body and lock-buckle (or block);
(2) Materials of main components;
(3) Connection method with the vehicles.
4.2 Hinges
(1) Structure type of hinges and materials of main components;
(2) The difference of hinge-pin (length and diameter) is within 20%.
In principle, CLIENT shall put forward the certification entrusting based on the
principle of unit classification. It may include multiple ?€?models (or specifications)?€?
products in a same-unit. Same-model refers to those products of which the
design has no impact to standard compliance.
For the same-product that is of same-manufacturer but of different
manufacturing enterprises, or for the same-model product that is of different
manufacturers and of same-manufacturing enterprise, it may consider to only
conduct the type test on the samples of 1 unit. The products of other
carry out the ?€?final assembly?€?, Certification Body may likely need to inspect/audit
the critical components / sub-assembly supplier].
The factory on-site inspection time shall be made according to the unit quantity
of the products, and appropriately consider the production scale of the factory.
Normally it needs 1-2 man-days for each factory.
When conducting factory on-site inspection, inspection team shall choose
samples randomly from the end of the production line or qualified product in the
warehouse. Randomly sampled products are inspected, but not limited to, for
the following contents.
a. The structure and parameters of the products to be certified;
b. Designated test in factory on-site (selected from production conformity
control plan).
If no un-conformance product is found, the inspection result is qualified;
If un-conformance products are found, factory is allowed to make rectifications.
Certification body adopts appropriate way to confirm the rectification results. The
rectification time must not be more than 3 months. If the rectification cannot be
finished on time, or the rectification results are not conformant, the inspection
result is unqualified.
If there is sig...











