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CNCA 01C-005-2011: Electrical and electronic products compulsory certification rules - circuit switching and protection or connection of electrical devices - industrial plug and socket and coupler
Translated English of Chinese CCC Regulations. CNCA 01C-005.2011
Serial No.. CNCA-01C-005.2011
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules for
Electrical and Electronic Products - Circuit switches and
electrical installations for protection or connection - Plugs,
socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
ISSUED ON. MAY 10, 2011
Issued by. China National Certification and Accreditation Administration
Table of Contents
1 Scope of application... 3
2 Certification mode... 3
3 Basic steps of certification... 4
3.1 Application for certification... 4
3.2 Type test... 4
3.3 Initial factory inspection... 4
3.4 Evaluation and approval of certification results... 4
3.5 Post-certification supervision... 4
4 Basic requirements for certification implementation... 4
4.1 Certification application... 4
4.2 Type test... 5
4.3 Initial factory inspection... 7
4.4 Evaluation and approval of certification results... 8
4.5 Post-certification supervision... 9
5 Certification certificates... 12
5.1 Maintenance of certification certificates... 12
5.2 Extension of certified products... 12
5.3 Suspension, cancellation and revocation of certification certificates... 13
5.4 Use of certification certificates... 13
6 Use of the compulsory product certification mark... 13
6.1 Basic requirements... 13
6.2 Permitted style of the mark... 14
6.3 Use of deformed certification marks... 14
6.4 Application method... 14
6.5 Location of the mark... 14
7 Fees... 14
Appendix 1 Factory quality control inspection requirements for plugs, socket-outlets
and couplers for industrial purposes... 15
Appendix 2 Key components and materials of plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for
industrial purposes and their reporting requirements... 17
Appendix 3 Types of industrial plugs, socket-outlets and couplers subject to supervision
sampling inspection... 19
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules for
Electrical and Electronic Products - Circuit switches and
electrical installations for protection or connection - Plugs,
socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
1 Scope of application
These implementation rules are mainly applicable to plugs and socket-outlets, cable
couplers and appliance couplers with a rated working voltage not exceeding 690 V d.c.
or a.c. and 500 Hz a.c. and a rated current not exceeding 250 A for indoor and outdoor
use for industrial purposes.
Socket-outlets or appliance inlets installed in or fixed to electrical equipment are within
the scope of these implementation rules. These rules also apply to electrical accessories
intended for use in extra-low voltage installations.
These implementation rules do not apply to electrical accessories that are primarily
intended for home use or have similar general purposes.
The products covered by these implementation rules include plugs, socket-outlets,
connectors, appliance inlets, and couplers for industrial purposes.
2 Certification mode
Type test + initial factory inspection + post-certification supervision.
3 Basic steps of certification
3.1 Application for certification
3.2 Type test
3.3 Initial factory inspection
3.4 Evaluation and approval of certification results
3.5 Post-certification supervision
4 Basic requirements for certification implementation
4.1 Certification application
4.1.1 Application unit division Application units shall be divided according to product type, current, structure,
rewirable or non-rewirable, etc.
Products of the same type with basically the same structure, function and materials can
be used as one application unit.
When there are multiple models in the same application unit, an accurate description
shall be given for all models in the same unit. In principle, certification shall be applied for by application unit. Products of
the same producer (manufacturer) and the same product model produced by different
production enterprises (different production sites) shall be regarded as different
application units. Type testing shall be conducted only on samples of one production
enterprise (production site). If necessary, products of other production enterprises
(production sites) shall be sent for consistency verification and a report shall be issued.
The same product produced by different producers (manufacturers) in the same
production enterprise (same production site) shall be treated as different application
units. If necessary, samples shall be sent for consistency verification and a report shall
be issued. Disposal of type test samples and related information
After type testing, the test samples and/or related data shall be disposed of in an
appropriate manner.
4.2.2 Type test standards, items and methods Testing standards
GB/T 11918 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 1.
General requirements
GB/T 11919 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 2.
Dimensional interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories
NOTE. Type tests shall be in accordance with the currently valid versions of the above corresponding
standards. Test items
The product testing items are all applicable items specified in the standards. Test methods
The test shall be carried out according to the methods and/or standards specified and/or
referenced in the standard.
4.2.3 Type test report
After the type test is completed, the laboratory shall issue a Type Test Report.
When some of the type test items fail to meet the standards, the certification client is
allowed to make rectifications; the rectifications shall be completed within the time
limit specified by the certification body. If the rectifications are not completed on time,
it will be deemed that the certification client has waived the application; the certification
client may also terminate the application on its own initiative.
The certification body shall formulate a unified format for the Type Test Report
according to the prescribed content. The content of a Type Test Report shall be accurate,
clear and complete, and include descriptions of all products and certification-related
information in the application unit.
The certification body/laboratory shall provide the Type Test Report to the certification
client in a timely manner, and the certification client shall ensure that a complete and
valid "Type Test Report" can be obtained in its production enterprise.
4.3 Initial factory inspection
4.3.1 Inspection content
The contents of factory inspection include factory quality assurance capability
inspection and product consistency check. Factory quality assurance capability inspection
In accordance with the principle of ensuring product consistency and promoting the
continued effectiveness of certification results, the certification body shall formulate
implementation rules for factory quality assurance capacity inspection of corresponding
products for the factory's various links, such as responsibilities and resources,
documents and records, procurement and incoming inspection, production process
control and process inspection, routine and confirmation inspection, inspection and
testing equipment, control of non-conforming products, internal quality audit,
consistency of certified products, and packaging, handling and storage, and publish and
implement them after filing with China National Certification and Accreditation
Administration. In addition, inspections shall also be carried out in accordance with the
"Factory Quality Control Inspection Requirements for Plugs, Socket-outlets and
Couplers for Industrial Purposes" (see Appendix 1). Product consistency check
During the factory inspection, the consistency check of the products applying for
certification shall be carried out at the production site. If the certification involves
multiple units of products, the consistency check shall be carried out on at least one
specification model of each producer (manufacturer) and each "type" of product (see
Appendix 3), focusing on verifying the following contents.
1) The product name, specifications, technical parameters and model indicated
on the logo and packaging of the certified product shall be consistent with
those indicated on the type test report;
2) The structure of the certified product shall be consistent with the sample during
type testing;
3) The components and materials used in the certified products shall be consistent
with those declared during the type test and confirmed by the certification body.
During factory inspections, on-site witness tests may be conducted on product safety
performance. Inspection scope
certification result evaluation and approval time, and certificate production time.
The time for type testing is generally 35 working days (not including the time for
rectification and retesting by the enterprise due to unqualified inspection items). The
time is counted from the date of receipt of samples and inspection fees.
The time for submitting the report after the factory inspection is 5 working days,
counted from the date when the inspector completes the on-site inspection and receives
the corrective action report on non-conformities submitted by the production enterprise
that meets the requirements.
The time for evaluation and approval of certification results generally does not exceed
5 working days (counted from the date of receipt of the certification fee).
4.4.3 Termination of certification
When the conclusion of the product type test or factory inspection is UNQUALIFIED,
the certification body shall make the decision "UNQUALIFIED" and terminate the
4.5 Post-certification supervision
4.5.1 Contents of post-certification supervision
Post-certification supervision includes annual supervision and inspections and effective
follow-up investigations of the certified products by the certification body.
4.5.2 Annual supervision and inspection
When conducting normal annual supervision and inspection, the certification body shall
give priority to arranging it during the production season of the enterprise, and shall
give priority to conducting the inspection without notifying the inspected party in
advance. The same production enterprise and different producers (manufacturers) shall
all be subject to supervision and inspection.
In principle, special supervision is conducted without prior notice to the inspected party.
The certification client shall accept supervision within the prescribed period, otherwise
it will be treated as unable to accept supervision. Frequency of annual supervision and inspection
Generally, starting from the initial factory inspection of this type of product, the factory
shall be inspected at least once every 12 months. The frequency of inspection may be
increased if any of the following situations occurs.
1) The certified product has serious quality problems or users make complaints,
and it is verified that the certification client or producer (manufacturer) or
production enterprise is responsible;
2) When the certification body has reason to question the conformity of the
certified product with the standard requirements;
3) When there is sufficient information to indicate that changes in the producer
(manufacturer) or factory's organizational structure, production conditions,
quality management system, etc. may affect product conformity or consistency. Contents of annual supervision and inspection
The content of the consistency check of certified products is basically the same as that
of the product consistency check during the initial factory inspection. At the same time,
the replacement of key components and materials shall comply with the change
In addition, the use of the "CCC" mark and certification certificate shall also be checked.
The post-certification supervision method is "factory quality assurance capability
review + certified product consistency check". If necessary, samples can be taken and
sent to the laboratory for testing.
In accordance with the principle of ensuring product consistency and promoting the
continued effectiveness of certification results, the certification body shall formulate
implementation rules for the supervision and inspection of factory quality assurance
capabilities of corresponding products, and publish and implement them after filing
with China National Certification and Accreditation Administration.
The time required for supervision and inspection shall be determined based on the
number of units of the certified product and shall take into account the scale of
production of the factory. It is generally 1-2 man-days. Sampling test for annual supervision and inspection
When necessary, sampling tests shall be conducted. The samples for sampling tests shall
be randomly selected from qualified products produced by the factory (in order to
ensure the consistency and authenticity of the certified products, the sampling location
can be selected from the market/enterprise sales outlets, the end of the production line,
the warehouse, etc. according to the actual situation). The sampling tests shall be
conducted by the designated laboratory. The specific sampling methods and
5 Certification certificates
5.1 Maintenance of certification certificates
5.1.1 Validity of certificate
The validity period of the product certification certificate covered by this rule is 5 years.
During the validity period, the validity of the certificate depends on the post-
certification supervision organized by the certification body to maintain.
If the certification certificate expires and needs to be renewed, the certif...
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CNCA 01C-005-2011: Electrical and electronic products compulsory certification rules - circuit switching and protection or connection of electrical devices - industrial plug and socket and coupler
Translated English of Chinese CCC Regulations. CNCA 01C-005.2011
Serial No.. CNCA-01C-005.2011
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules for
Electrical and Electronic Products - Circuit switches and
electrical installations for protection or connection - Plugs,
socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
ISSUED ON. MAY 10, 2011
Issued by. China National Certification and Accreditation Administration
Table of Contents
1 Scope of application... 3
2 Certification mode... 3
3 Basic steps of certification... 4
3.1 Application for certification... 4
3.2 Type test... 4
3.3 Initial factory inspection... 4
3.4 Evaluation and approval of certification results... 4
3.5 Post-certification supervision... 4
4 Basic requirements for certification implementation... 4
4.1 Certification application... 4
4.2 Type test... 5
4.3 Initial factory inspection... 7
4.4 Evaluation and approval of certification results... 8
4.5 Post-certification supervision... 9
5 Certification certificates... 12
5.1 Maintenance of certification certificates... 12
5.2 Extension of certified products... 12
5.3 Suspension, cancellation and revocation of certification certificates... 13
5.4 Use of certification certificates... 13
6 Use of the compulsory product certification mark... 13
6.1 Basic requirements... 13
6.2 Permitted style of the mark... 14
6.3 Use of deformed certification marks... 14
6.4 Application method... 14
6.5 Location of the mark... 14
7 Fees... 14
Appendix 1 Factory quality control inspection requirements for plugs, socket-outlets
and couplers for industrial purposes... 15
Appendix 2 Key components and materials of plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for
industrial purposes and their reporting requirements... 17
Appendix 3 Types of industrial plugs, socket-outlets and couplers subject to supervision
sampling inspection... 19
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules for
Electrical and Electronic Products - Circuit switches and
electrical installations for protection or connection - Plugs,
socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
1 Scope of application
These implementation rules are mainly applicable to plugs and socket-outlets, cable
couplers and appliance couplers with a rated working voltage not exceeding 690 V d.c.
or a.c. and 500 Hz a.c. and a rated current not exceeding 250 A for indoor and outdoor
use for industrial purposes.
Socket-outlets or appliance inlets installed in or fixed to electrical equipment are within
the scope of these implementation rules. These rules also apply to electrical accessories
intended for use in extra-low voltage installations.
These implementation rules do not apply to electrical accessories that are primarily
intended for home use or have similar general purposes.
The products covered by these implementation rules include plugs, socket-outlets,
connectors, appliance inlets, and couplers for industrial purposes.
2 Certification mode
Type test + initial factory inspection + post-certification supervision.
3 Basic steps of certification
3.1 Application for certification
3.2 Type test
3.3 Initial factory inspection
3.4 Evaluation and approval of certification results
3.5 Post-certification supervision
4 Basic requirements for certification implementation
4.1 Certification application
4.1.1 Application unit division Application units shall be divided according to product type, current, structure,
rewirable or non-rewirable, etc.
Products of the same type with basically the same structure, function and materials can
be used as one application unit.
When there are multiple models in the same application unit, an accurate description
shall be given for all models in the same unit. In principle, certification shall be applied for by application unit. Products of
the same producer (manufacturer) and the same product model produced by different
production enterprises (different production sites) shall be regarded as different
application units. Type testing shall be conducted only on samples of one production
enterprise (production site). If necessary, products of other production enterprises
(production sites) shall be sent for consistency verification and a report shall be issued.
The same product produced by different producers (manufacturers) in the same
production enterprise (same production site) shall be treated as different application
units. If necessary, samples shall be sent for consistency verification and a report shall
be issued. Disposal of type test samples and related information
After type testing, the test samples and/or related data shall be disposed of in an
appropriate manner.
4.2.2 Type test standards, items and methods Testing standards
GB/T 11918 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 1.
General requirements
GB/T 11919 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 2.
Dimensional interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories
NOTE. Type tests shall be in accordance with the currently valid versions of the above corresponding
standards. Test items
The product testing items are all applicable items specified in the standards. Test methods
The test shall be carried out according to the methods and/or standards specified and/or
referenced in the standard.
4.2.3 Type test report
After the type test is completed, the laboratory shall issue a Type Test Report.
When some of the type test items fail to meet the standards, the certification client is
allowed to make rectifications; the rectifications shall be completed within the time
limit specified by the certification body. If the rectifications are not completed on time,
it will be deemed that the certification client has waived the application; the certification
client may also terminate the application on its own initiative.
The certification body shall formulate a unified format for the Type Test Report
according to the prescribed content. The content of a Type Test Report shall be accurate,
clear and complete, and include descriptions of all products and certification-related
information in the application unit.
The certification body/laboratory shall provide the Type Test Report to the certification
client in a timely manner, and the certification client shall ensure that a complete and
valid "Type Test Report" can be obtained in its production enterprise.
4.3 Initial factory inspection
4.3.1 Inspection content
The contents of factory inspection include factory quality assurance capability
inspection and product consistency check. Factory quality assurance capability inspection
In accordance with the principle of ensuring product consistency and promoting the
continued effectiveness of certification results, the certification body shall formulate
implementation rules for factory quality assurance capacity inspection of corresponding
products for the factory's various links, such as responsibilities and resources,
documents and records, procurement and incoming inspection, production process
control and process inspection, routine and confirmation inspection, inspection and
testing equipment, control of non-conforming products, internal quality audit,
consistency of certified products, and packaging, handling and storage, and publish and
implement them after filing with China National Certification and Accreditation
Administration. In addition, inspections shall also be carried out in accordance with the
"Factory Quality Control Inspection Requirements for Plugs, Socket-outlets and
Couplers for Industrial Purposes" (see Appendix 1). Product consistency check
During the factory inspection, the consistency check of the products applying for
certification shall be carried out at the production site. If the certification involves
multiple units of products, the consistency check shall be carried out on at least one
specification model of each producer (manufacturer) and each "type" of product (see
Appendix 3), focusing on verifying the following contents.
1) The product name, specifications, technical parameters and model indicated
on the logo and packaging of the certified product shall be consistent with
those indicated on the type test report;
2) The structure of the certified product shall be consistent with the sample during
type testing;
3) The components and materials used in the certified products shall be consistent
with those declared during the type test and confirmed by the certification body.
During factory inspections, on-site witness tests may be conducted on product safety
performance. Inspection scope
certification result evaluation and approval time, and certificate production time.
The time for type testing is generally 35 working days (not including the time for
rectification and retesting by the enterprise due to unqualified inspection items). The
time is counted from the date of receipt of samples and inspection fees.
The time for submitting the report after the factory inspection is 5 working days,
counted from the date when the inspector completes the on-site inspection and receives
the corrective action report on non-conformities submitted by the production enterprise
that meets the requirements.
The time for evaluation and approval of certification results generally does not exceed
5 working days (counted from the date of receipt of the certification fee).
4.4.3 Termination of certification
When the conclusion of the product type test or factory inspection is UNQUALIFIED,
the certification body shall make the decision "UNQUALIFIED" and terminate the
4.5 Post-certification supervision
4.5.1 Contents of post-certification supervision
Post-certification supervision includes annual supervision and inspections and effective
follow-up investigations of the certified products by the certification body.
4.5.2 Annual supervision and inspection
When conducting normal annual supervision and inspection, the certification body shall
give priority to arranging it during the production season of the enterprise, and shall
give priority to conducting the inspection without notifying the inspected party in
advance. The same production enterprise and different producers (manufacturers) shall
all be subject to supervision and inspection.
In principle, special supervision is conducted without prior notice to the inspected party.
The certification client shall accept supervision within the prescribed period, otherwise
it will be treated as unable to accept supervision. Frequency of annual supervision and inspection
Generally, starting from the initial factory inspection of this type of product, the factory
shall be inspected at least once every 12 months. The frequency of inspection may be
increased if any of the following situations occurs.
1) The certified product has serious quality problems or users make complaints,
and it is verified that the certification client or producer (manufacturer) or
production enterprise is responsible;
2) When the certification body has reason to question the conformity of the
certified product with the standard requirements;
3) When there is sufficient information to indicate that changes in the producer
(manufacturer) or factory's organizational structure, production conditions,
quality management system, etc. may affect product conformity or consistency. Contents of annual supervision and inspection
The content of the consistency check of certified products is basically the same as that
of the product consistency check during the initial factory inspection. At the same time,
the replacement of key components and materials shall comply with the change
In addition, the use of the "CCC" mark and certification certificate shall also be checked.
The post-certification supervision method is "factory quality assurance capability
review + certified product consistency check". If necessary, samples can be taken and
sent to the laboratory for testing.
In accordance with the principle of ensuring product consistency and promoting the
continued effectiveness of certification results, the certification body shall formulate
implementation rules for the supervision and inspection of factory quality assurance
capabilities of corresponding products, and publish and implement them after filing
with China National Certification and Accreditation Administration.
The time required for supervision and inspection shall be determined based on the
number of units of the certified product and shall take into account the scale of
production of the factory. It is generally 1-2 man-days. Sampling test for annual supervision and inspection
When necessary, sampling tests shall be conducted. The samples for sampling tests shall
be randomly selected from qualified products produced by the factory (in order to
ensure the consistency and authenticity of the certified products, the sampling location
can be selected from the market/enterprise sales outlets, the end of the production line,
the warehouse, etc. according to the actual situation). The sampling tests shall be
conducted by the designated laboratory. The specific sampling methods and
5 Certification certificates
5.1 Maintenance of certification certificates
5.1.1 Validity of certificate
The validity period of the product certification certificate covered by this rule is 5 years.
During the validity period, the validity of the certificate depends on the post-
certification supervision organized by the certification body to maintain.
If the certification certificate expires and needs to be renewed, the certif...










