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CNCA 00C-006-2014: Compulsory product certification and implementation rules - General requirements for factory inspection
CNCA 00C-006-2014
[Attachment 2]
Serial No.. CNCA-00C-006
China Compulsory Certification Implementation Rules -
General requirements for factory inspection
Issued by. Certification and Accreditation Administration of the People's
Republic of China
Table of Contents
0 Introduction ... 4??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Terms and definitions ... 4??
2.1 Factory inspection ... 4??
2.2 Designated test ... 5??
3 Guidelines for factory inspection activities ... 5??
4 Factory inspection requirements ... 5??
4.1 Factory specialty category... 5??
4.2 Basic requirements for factory inspection implementation ... 5??
5 Determination of site boundary of factory inspection ... 6??
6 Determination of method, content and inspection team of factory inspection 6??
7 Risk control of relocation of manufacturing enterprise ... 6??
8 Disposal after obtaining the nonconformity information of the certified product
... 7??
10 Special requirements for the application of CCC mark ... 7??
10.1 Requirements for the application of CCC mark during production process .. 7??
10.2 Requirements for entrusting relevant parties to print and mold CCC mark ... 8??
11 Factory inspection conclusion determination ... 8??
11.1 Factory inspection conclusions and classification of nonconforming items ... 8??
11.2 Factory inspection conclusion determination conditions ... 9??
11.3 Notice of the conclusion of the factory inspection ... 10??
According to the requirements of the ?€?China Compulsory Certification Management
Method?€?, in the factory inspection activities, the designated certification body shall
check the quality assurance capacity of the product manufacturing enterprise, the
consistency of the products with the type test samples. This Implementation Rules is
formulated for the purpose of regulating compulsory certification factory inspection
activities, guiding the consistency of the implementation of factory inspection work by
the designated certification body, and ensuring the pertinence and effectiveness of
factory inspection activities.
The designated certification body shall establish a factory inspection implementation
plan that is compatible with its own characteristics, according to the requirements of
this Implementation Rules and the corresponding product certification implementation
rules, for factors such as product characteristics and production processing
characteristics, manufacturing enterprise classification management, inspector use
management, and based on the risk assessment.
This Implementation Rules applies to the organization management, implementation,
and factory inspection conclusion determination of the factory inspection activities of
the designated certification body.
For the purpose of this Implementation Rules, the following terms and definitions and
those established in the ?€?Compulsory Product Certification Implementation Rules -
Factory Quality Assurance Capacity Requirements?€? (referred to as Factory Quality
Assurance Capacity Requirements) apply.
2.1 Factory inspection
An evaluation activity for factory quality assurance capacity, product consistency, and
compliance of products with standards. The factory inspection scope includes product
scope and site boundary.
NOTE. The product scope refers to the certified product. The site boundary refers to the site,
department, activity and process related to the product certification quality. When the
manufacturing of the certified product involves multiple sites, the site boundary of the factory
inspection shall include at least the site where the routine inspection and the application of
(b) Risk that the products manufactured by the factory at the new production site
will be shipped and sold without certification.
8?? Disposal?? after?? obtaining?? the?? nonconformity?? information?? of??
After obtaining the nonconformity information of the certified product, the certification
body shall implement special checks or investigations as appropriate; focus on the
causes of the nonconformity and the degree of influence on the certified product, and
take corresponding disposal measures.
9 Factory inspection after certificate recovery
For certificates that are suspended for quality reasons, in the factory inspection after
certificate recovery, the certification body shall.
(a) Pay attention to whether the analysis of the reasons for the suspension of the
certificate by the factory is comprehensive and sufficient;
(b) Pay attention to whether the measures taken by the factory meet the
requirements of laws and regulations such as product recall, and whether
correction and corrective measures are appropriate and effective to avoid the
recurrence of similar problems;
(c) Pay attention to whether the relevant products are shipped, sold or imported
during the suspension of the certificate.
10.1 Requirements for the application of CCC mark during production
For those who need to be applied with CCC mark in the production process, such as
motor vehicle tires and electric cables, the certification body shall focus on and control
the following possible risks, and take appropriate and necessary measures to avoid
unintended use or delivery.
(a) Products of which the status, from applied with CCC mark to subjected to the
routine inspection, is undetermined;
(b) Nonconforming products that has been applied with CCC mark.
11.2 Factory inspection conclusion determination conditions
11.2.1 Factory inspection passed
No nonconforming items.
11.2.2 Written verification passed
It is a general nonconforming item; or a situation other than "on-site verification
passed" and "factory inspection fails".
11.2.3 On-site verification passed
There are nonconforming items, which has no serious impact on product consistency
or compliance of products with standards, for example.
(a) Although there are many general nonconforming items that constitute
systematic nonconformity, they do not have a serious impact on product
consistency or compliance of products with standards;
(b) Although there are nonconforming items in the main quality links such as
resources, critical component quality control, production process control,
inspection, they do not have a serious impact on product consistency or
compliance of products with standards;
(c) Other verifiable materials that are difficult to pass corrective action, but do not
have a significant impact on product conformity or product and standard
11.2.4 Factory inspection fails
When there are more general nonconforming items or individual serious
nonconforming items that result in the nonconformity of the system, and directly
endanger the product consistency or the compliance of products with standards, for
(a) The specified test result is unqualified (in principle);
(b) The critical resources do not meet the requirements, and it is difficult to ensure
the product consistency or the compliance of products with standards;
(c) There is a problem with product consistency and will result in products not
meeting the requirements of the standard, such as product structure and critical
component changes that do not meet the requirements;
(d) There are defects in the certified product that may cause quality and safety

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