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CJ/T 244-2016: Water quality standards for swimming pool
CJ/T 244-2016
ICS 91.140.60
P 42
Replacing CJ 244-2007
Water quality standards for swimming pool
ISSUED ON: JUNE 14, 2016
Issued by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the
People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Terms and definitions ... 6??
4 Water quality standards ... 7??
5 Inspection methods ... 8??
Annex A (Informative) On-site inspection method for nitrogen trichloride in
chlorine-disinfected indoor swimming pool air ... 10??
Annex B (Informative) Plate counting method for heterotrophic bacteria in
swimming pool ... 13??
Annex C (Normative) Inspection method for hydrogen peroxide in swimming
pools ... 24??
Annex D (Normative) Inspection method for cyanuric acid in swimming pools
... 25??
Water quality standards for swimming pool
1 Scope
This Standard specifies water quality standards and test methods for swimming
This Standard is applicable to pool water quality of indoor and outdoor artificial
swimming pools. Water quality of theatrical performance pools shall refer to this
Standard for implementation.
This Standard is not applicable to pool water quality of sea water, hot spring
water pools, natural water swimming pools and infant swimming pools.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 5749, Sanitary standard for drinking water
GB/T 5750.4, Standard examination methods for drinking water -
Organoleptic and physical parameters
GB/T 5750.10, Standard examination methods for drinking Water -
Disinfection by-products parameters
GB/T 5750.11, Standard examination methods for drinking water -
Disinfectants parameter
GB/T 5750.12, Standard examination methods for drinking water -
Microbiological parameters
GB/T 18204.1, Examination methods for public places - Part 1: Physical
GB/T 18204.2, Examination methods for public places - Part 2: Chemical
TY/T 1003, Technical requirements and inspection methods for swimming,
diving, water polo and synchronized swimming establishments
Heterotrophic bacteria that can ingest nutrients from inanimate organic
b) parasites
Heterotrophic bacteria that is parasitic in living animals and plants,
obtaining nutrition and energy from organic matter in host.
3.8 regular indices
Water quality indicators that can reflect basic situation of water quality of
swimming pools.
3.9 non-regular indices
Water quality indicators for swimming pools that need implementing according
to region, time or special circumstances.
4 Water quality standards
4.1 Requirements for water quality of original water of swimming pools
4.1.1 When select urban tap water as original water of swimming pools, it shall
meet requirements of GB 5749.
4.1.2 When water quality of original water of swimming pools fail to meet
requirements, it shall be processed to meet requirements of GB 5749.
4.2 Water quality standards for swimming pools
4.2.1 Sensory characteristics of pool water of swimming pools shall be good.
4.2.2 Pool water of swimming pools shall not contain pathogenic microorganism.
4.2.3 Chemical substance contained in water of swimming pools shall not harm
human health.
4.2.4 See Table 1 for regular inspection items and limits.
Table 1 -- Regular inspection items and limits for water quality of pool
water of swimming pools
No. Items Limits
1 Turbidity (scattering turbidimeter unit) / NTU ???0.5
2 pH 7.2~7.8
3 Urea / (mg/L) ???3.5
4 Total number of colonies / (CFU/mL) ???100
5 Total coliforms / (MPN/100mL or CFU/100mL) Shall not be detected
A.3.2 Matching colorimetric tube.
A.4 Reagents
A.4.1 DPD1 reagent tablet of which main component is N, N-diethyl-p-
A.4.2 DPD3 reagent tablet of which main component is KI.
A.5 Steps
A.5.1 Use alkaline soap to clean glassware. Then use deionized water to rinse.
Place in 180??C oven to dry.
A.5.2 Respectively add 15mL of pure water to absorber A and absorber B.
Separately put two sets of DPD tablets (each set contains DPD1 and DPD3
tablets) into absorber A and absorber B. Use glass rod to slightly vibrate till
tablets are completely dissolved.
A.5.3 Select chlorine-disinfected indoor swimming pool. In the time interval of
maximum daily flow of people of this swimming pool, place air inlet of NCl3 on-
site inspection device at pool edge, 30cm above water. If conditions permit, it
shall also place air inlet in pool, 30cm above water.
A.5.4 Start vacuum pump. Control pumping flow at 1L/min. Pumping time is
100min. Total pumping capacity is 100L.
A.5.5 Pour absorbent inside absorber A into 25mL volumetric flask. Use a small
amount of pure water to rinse inner wall of live core gas sampler. Pour residual
liquid into volumetric flask. Set volume to 25mL. Liquid under test in volumetric
flask is called as solution A. Operations of absorbent inside absorber B are
same as absorber A. Liquid under test in volumetric flask is called as solution
A.5.6 When pumping capacity is strictly controlled and NCl3 concentration is
below limit, absorbent of absorber B can completely absorb NCI3, and solution
A is only used for blank reference. Use supporting portable spectrophotometer
to respectively measure solution B and solution A. Results are value b and value
a, respectively. Combined chlorine value is calculated according to formula
c - combine chlorine value, in milligrams per liter (mg/L);
Annex B
Plate counting method for heterotrophic bacteria in swimming pool
B.1 General
B.1.1 Instructions on application
Plate counting method for heterotrophic bacteria is a method to measure
number of live heterotrophic bacteria in water. This method is used for
processing of swimming pool water as well as detection of microbial quantity
during supply-distribution process. Paired, chained, clustered, even single cells
shall be identified as a colony. They shall be calculated into number of colonies.
The number of colonies is also affected by their growth. In order for data
comparison, it shall adopt same cultivation steps and medium.
B.1.2 Screening method
Screening method is described as follows:
a) Dumping plate method. It is for water sample of which volume is
0.1mL~2.0mL or diluted water sample. Colony formed by this method is
smaller and firmer. Compared to surface-grown colony, it is less likely to
cause interference between them. On the other hand, colony in medium
usually grows slowly and is difficult to transfer. Constant-temperature
water bath is essential for temperature control of medium.
b) Spread plate method. Spread plate method does not form thermal shock
and colony formed is easy to distinguish. Colony formed by this method is
convenient to transfer. Colony morphology is clear, easy to distinguish and
contrast. This method requires sample under test or diluted water sample
has a small volume, only as 0.1mL~0.5mL. Specific volume depends on
degree of dryness of plate to be spread. When using this method, it is
necessary to maintain proper pre-drying and culture medium that has
absorptive capacity.
c) Membrane filtration method. Membrane filtration method is applicable to
detection of large sample volume and low turbidity water sample, as well
as water sample of which bacterial content is low (< 1CFU/mL~10CFU/mL).
This method does not require heating. But it increases cost of diaphragm.
The disadvantage of this method is that display area is small. It needs
reflected light for colony counting. Filtration pressure is easy to damage
cells, and cause difference in diaphragm quality.
adjust prepared culture medium?€?s pH to 7.2. Slowly heat to dissolve. Add
glycerin and sterilize at 121??C for 15min. Commercial medium does not
require disinfection and pH adjustment. Finally, adjust pH to 7.1??0.2.
c) R2A medium. It is used for 3 detection methods: dumping plate method,
spread plate method and membrane filtration method. This low nutrient
content medium produces a higher number of colonies than high nutrient
medium. (Formula: 0.5g of yeast paste; No.3 peptone or 0.5g of
polypeptone; 0.5g of casein amino acid; 0.5g of glucose; 0.5g of soluble
starch; 0.3g of K2HPO4; 0.05g of MgSO4??7H2O; 0.3g of sodium propionate;
15g of agar; 1L of ultra-pure water). Configuration method for R2A medium:
before adding agar, use K2HPO4 or KH2PO4 to adjust pH of component
solution other than agar to 7.2; then heat to dissolve agar; sterilize at
121??C for 15min.
d) NWRI medium (HPCA). It is used for 3 detection methods: dumping plate
method, spread plate method and membrane filtration method. The
number of colonies in this low nutrient medium is higher than that in high
nutrient medium. (Formula: 3g of peptone; 0.5g of casein; 0.2g of K2HPO4;
0.05g of MgSO4; 0.001g of FeCl3; 15g of agar; 1L of ultrapure water).
Sterilize at 121??C for 15min. Finally, adjust pH to 7.2??0.2.
B.1.7 Cultivation
According to EPA standard, dumping plate shall be cultivated at 35??C for 48h.
Otherwise, it shall select recommended culture time and temperature to detect
change of water quality. Usually, at 20??C~28??C, cultivate 5d~7d and maximum
number of colonies shall be obtained. During cultivation, it needs to maintain
humidity in incubator so as to reduce water dispersion of medium. For long-
term cultivation, this step is crucial. It shall place hot water at bottom of
incubator to maintain incubator?€?s temperature. In order to prevent the incubator
from rusting, it can use plastic film to seal petri dish so as to achieve
preservation effect.
B.1.8 Counting and recording
B.1.8.1 Dumping plate, spread plate methods:
a) After cultivation ends, immediately count number of colonies in petri dish.
Otherwise, it shall store petri dish at a 5??C~10??C environment. But storage
time shall not exceed 24h. It shall try to avoid such kind of operations.
Record sterilization control of each sample.
b) During counting of colonies, I t shall use colony counter to conduct manual
counting. It can also use automatic counting device. But it shall correct
automatic counting device so as to endure data accuracy.
bottom of dish; colony formed on border or agar surface. The latter two
colonies are mainly caused by accumulation of large amounts of moisture
in colony.
f) When distance between colonies is approximately equal to minimum
colony diameter, it is considered as an independent colony.
Morphologically-distinct overlapping colonies are also considered as
independent colonies.
g) If contamination by mixed bacteria of petri dish is too serious, it shall be
marked with ?€?mixed-bacteria contamination?€?. If it is caused by wrong
dilution multiple or other reasons, it shall be marked with ?€?experimental
accident (LA)?€?.
B.1.8.2 Membrane filtration method
a) For colonies on membrane, use stereo microscope to count at 10 to 15
times magnification. It is best to place petri dish on microscope table at
45?? tilt. Adjust light source to vertically illuminate colony. Colony density of
each membrane shall be 20~200. If colonies are small and there is no
overlap, limit of colony density under test can be increased accordingly.
b) If number of colonies per unit area is ???2, count all colonies on membrane.
When number of colonies per unit area is between 3~10, count number of
colonies of 10-unit areas and take average value. When number of
colonies per unit area is between 10~20, count number of colonies of 5-
unit areas and take average value. Multiply the number of colonies per
unit area by 100 and divide by sample volume, it shall obtain number of
colonies formed per 100mL of water sample. When number of colonies
per unit area is greater than 20, it shall be recorded according to
?€?>2000/water sample volume?€?. Use average number of colonies to count
colony forming unit. Only count independent, scattered colonies.
B.1.8.3 Enzyme substrate method: see B.5.6.
B.1.9 Statistics, counting reports
Statistics, counting reports are as follows:
a) Statistics on number of colonies shall be counted in colony forming unit
(CFU). In addition, report also need to record methods, culture
temperature, time, and medium type, such as CFU/mL, plate count
method, 35??C/48h, plate count agar.
b) Bacterial concentration of heterotrophic bacteria?€?s dumping plate method,
spread plate method and membrane filtration are represented by colonies
formed by water sample per unit volume (CFU/mL). For enzyme substrate
dumping plate shall be completed within 20min.
B.2.3 Inoculation
Inoculation method is as follows:
a) Melt culture medium. In a closed environment, use boiling water or steam
to melt culture medium. Avoid long-term placement in a high-temperature
environment. Do not perform secondary sterilization for culture medium.
Do not use medium that contains precipitate. Before using, it needs to
place culture medium at 44??C~46??C water bath and it is best not to exceed
3h. Place a thermometer in an independent container to monitor
temperature. Do not determine just by feeling.
b) Dump plate. To ensure that the entire inoculation process from dilution to
dumping of last sample does not exceed 20min (the best is not to exceed
10min), it shall control number of samples of each inoculation. Pour
10mL~12mL of culture medium that is stored in water bath into each
inoculated petri dish (ensure petri dish mouth is just enough to dump
culture medium). Be careful not to make culture medium split out. In
addition, when dumping culture medium, it shall use a paper towel to
absorb moisture. Ensure petri dish wall clean, without residual
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CJ/T 244-2016: Water quality standards for swimming pool
CJ/T 244-2016
ICS 91.140.60
P 42
Replacing CJ 244-2007
Water quality standards for swimming pool
ISSUED ON: JUNE 14, 2016
Issued by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the
People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative references ... 5??
3 Terms and definitions ... 6??
4 Water quality standards ... 7??
5 Inspection methods ... 8??
Annex A (Informative) On-site inspection method for nitrogen trichloride in
chlorine-disinfected indoor swimming pool air ... 10??
Annex B (Informative) Plate counting method for heterotrophic bacteria in
swimming pool ... 13??
Annex C (Normative) Inspection method for hydrogen peroxide in swimming
pools ... 24??
Annex D (Normative) Inspection method for cyanuric acid in swimming pools
... 25??
Water quality standards for swimming pool
1 Scope
This Standard specifies water quality standards and test methods for swimming
This Standard is applicable to pool water quality of indoor and outdoor artificial
swimming pools. Water quality of theatrical performance pools shall refer to this
Standard for implementation.
This Standard is not applicable to pool water quality of sea water, hot spring
water pools, natural water swimming pools and infant swimming pools.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 5749, Sanitary standard for drinking water
GB/T 5750.4, Standard examination methods for drinking water -
Organoleptic and physical parameters
GB/T 5750.10, Standard examination methods for drinking Water -
Disinfection by-products parameters
GB/T 5750.11, Standard examination methods for drinking water -
Disinfectants parameter
GB/T 5750.12, Standard examination methods for drinking water -
Microbiological parameters
GB/T 18204.1, Examination methods for public places - Part 1: Physical
GB/T 18204.2, Examination methods for public places - Part 2: Chemical
TY/T 1003, Technical requirements and inspection methods for swimming,
diving, water polo and synchronized swimming establishments
Heterotrophic bacteria that can ingest nutrients from inanimate organic
b) parasites
Heterotrophic bacteria that is parasitic in living animals and plants,
obtaining nutrition and energy from organic matter in host.
3.8 regular indices
Water quality indicators that can reflect basic situation of water quality of
swimming pools.
3.9 non-regular indices
Water quality indicators for swimming pools that need implementing according
to region, time or special circumstances.
4 Water quality standards
4.1 Requirements for water quality of original water of swimming pools
4.1.1 When select urban tap water as original water of swimming pools, it shall
meet requirements of GB 5749.
4.1.2 When water quality of original water of swimming pools fail to meet
requirements, it shall be processed to meet requirements of GB 5749.
4.2 Water quality standards for swimming pools
4.2.1 Sensory characteristics of pool water of swimming pools shall be good.
4.2.2 Pool water of swimming pools shall not contain pathogenic microorganism.
4.2.3 Chemical substance contained in water of swimming pools shall not harm
human health.
4.2.4 See Table 1 for regular inspection items and limits.
Table 1 -- Regular inspection items and limits for water quality of pool
water of swimming pools
No. Items Limits
1 Turbidity (scattering turbidimeter unit) / NTU ???0.5
2 pH 7.2~7.8
3 Urea / (mg/L) ???3.5
4 Total number of colonies / (CFU/mL) ???100
5 Total coliforms / (MPN/100mL or CFU/100mL) Shall not be detected
A.3.2 Matching colorimetric tube.
A.4 Reagents
A.4.1 DPD1 reagent tablet of which main component is N, N-diethyl-p-
A.4.2 DPD3 reagent tablet of which main component is KI.
A.5 Steps
A.5.1 Use alkaline soap to clean glassware. Then use deionized water to rinse.
Place in 180??C oven to dry.
A.5.2 Respectively add 15mL of pure water to absorber A and absorber B.
Separately put two sets of DPD tablets (each set contains DPD1 and DPD3
tablets) into absorber A and absorber B. Use glass rod to slightly vibrate till
tablets are completely dissolved.
A.5.3 Select chlorine-disinfected indoor swimming pool. In the time interval of
maximum daily flow of people of this swimming pool, place air inlet of NCl3 on-
site inspection device at pool edge, 30cm above water. If conditions permit, it
shall also place air inlet in pool, 30cm above water.
A.5.4 Start vacuum pump. Control pumping flow at 1L/min. Pumping time is
100min. Total pumping capacity is 100L.
A.5.5 Pour absorbent inside absorber A into 25mL volumetric flask. Use a small
amount of pure water to rinse inner wall of live core gas sampler. Pour residual
liquid into volumetric flask. Set volume to 25mL. Liquid under test in volumetric
flask is called as solution A. Operations of absorbent inside absorber B are
same as absorber A. Liquid under test in volumetric flask is called as solution
A.5.6 When pumping capacity is strictly controlled and NCl3 concentration is
below limit, absorbent of absorber B can completely absorb NCI3, and solution
A is only used for blank reference. Use supporting portable spectrophotometer
to respectively measure solution B and solution A. Results are value b and value
a, respectively. Combined chlorine value is calculated according to formula
c - combine chlorine value, in milligrams per liter (mg/L);
Annex B
Plate counting method for heterotrophic bacteria in swimming pool
B.1 General
B.1.1 Instructions on application
Plate counting method for heterotrophic bacteria is a method to measure
number of live heterotrophic bacteria in water. This method is used for
processing of swimming pool water as well as detection of microbial quantity
during supply-distribution process. Paired, chained, clustered, even single cells
shall be identified as a colony. They shall be calculated into number of colonies.
The number of colonies is also affected by their growth. In order for data
comparison, it shall adopt same cultivation steps and medium.
B.1.2 Screening method
Screening method is described as follows:
a) Dumping plate method. It is for water sample of which volume is
0.1mL~2.0mL or diluted water sample. Colony formed by this method is
smaller and firmer. Compared to surface-grown colony, it is less likely to
cause interference between them. On the other hand, colony in medium
usually grows slowly and is difficult to transfer. Constant-temperature
water bath is essential for temperature control of medium.
b) Spread plate method. Spread plate method does not form thermal shock
and colony formed is easy to distinguish. Colony formed by this method is
convenient to transfer. Colony morphology is clear, easy to distinguish and
contrast. This method requires sample under test or diluted water sample
has a small volume, only as 0.1mL~0.5mL. Specific volume depends on
degree of dryness of plate to be spread. When using this method, it is
necessary to maintain proper pre-drying and culture medium that has
absorptive capacity.
c) Membrane filtration method. Membrane filtration method is applicable to
detection of large sample volume and low turbidity water sample, as well
as water sample of which bacterial content is low (< 1CFU/mL~10CFU/mL).
This method does not require heating. But it increases cost of diaphragm.
The disadvantage of this method is that display area is small. It needs
reflected light for colony counting. Filtration pressure is easy to damage
cells, and cause difference in diaphragm quality.
adjust prepared culture medium?€?s pH to 7.2. Slowly heat to dissolve. Add
glycerin and sterilize at 121??C for 15min. Commercial medium does not
require disinfection and pH adjustment. Finally, adjust pH to 7.1??0.2.
c) R2A medium. It is used for 3 detection methods: dumping plate method,
spread plate method and membrane filtration method. This low nutrient
content medium produces a higher number of colonies than high nutrient
medium. (Formula: 0.5g of yeast paste; No.3 peptone or 0.5g of
polypeptone; 0.5g of casein amino acid; 0.5g of glucose; 0.5g of soluble
starch; 0.3g of K2HPO4; 0.05g of MgSO4??7H2O; 0.3g of sodium propionate;
15g of agar; 1L of ultra-pure water). Configuration method for R2A medium:
before adding agar, use K2HPO4 or KH2PO4 to adjust pH of component
solution other than agar to 7.2; then heat to dissolve agar; sterilize at
121??C for 15min.
d) NWRI medium (HPCA). It is used for 3 detection methods: dumping plate
method, spread plate method and membrane filtration method. The
number of colonies in this low nutrient medium is higher than that in high
nutrient medium. (Formula: 3g of peptone; 0.5g of casein; 0.2g of K2HPO4;
0.05g of MgSO4; 0.001g of FeCl3; 15g of agar; 1L of ultrapure water).
Sterilize at 121??C for 15min. Finally, adjust pH to 7.2??0.2.
B.1.7 Cultivation
According to EPA standard, dumping plate shall be cultivated at 35??C for 48h.
Otherwise, it shall select recommended culture time and temperature to detect
change of water quality. Usually, at 20??C~28??C, cultivate 5d~7d and maximum
number of colonies shall be obtained. During cultivation, it needs to maintain
humidity in incubator so as to reduce water dispersion of medium. For long-
term cultivation, this step is crucial. It shall place hot water at bottom of
incubator to maintain incubator?€?s temperature. In order to prevent the incubator
from rusting, it can use plastic film to seal petri dish so as to achieve
preservation effect.
B.1.8 Counting and recording
B.1.8.1 Dumping plate, spread plate methods:
a) After cultivation ends, immediately count number of colonies in petri dish.
Otherwise, it shall store petri dish at a 5??C~10??C environment. But storage
time shall not exceed 24h. It shall try to avoid such kind of operations.
Record sterilization control of each sample.
b) During counting of colonies, I t shall use colony counter to conduct manual
counting. It can also use automatic counting device. But it shall correct
automatic counting device so as to endure data accuracy.
bottom of dish; colony formed on border or agar surface. The latter two
colonies are mainly caused by accumulation of large amounts of moisture
in colony.
f) When distance between colonies is approximately equal to minimum
colony diameter, it is considered as an independent colony.
Morphologically-distinct overlapping colonies are also considered as
independent colonies.
g) If contamination by mixed bacteria of petri dish is too serious, it shall be
marked with ?€?mixed-bacteria contamination?€?. If it is caused by wrong
dilution multiple or other reasons, it shall be marked with ?€?experimental
accident (LA)?€?.
B.1.8.2 Membrane filtration method
a) For colonies on membrane, use stereo microscope to count at 10 to 15
times magnification. It is best to place petri dish on microscope table at
45?? tilt. Adjust light source to vertically illuminate colony. Colony density of
each membrane shall be 20~200. If colonies are small and there is no
overlap, limit of colony density under test can be increased accordingly.
b) If number of colonies per unit area is ???2, count all colonies on membrane.
When number of colonies per unit area is between 3~10, count number of
colonies of 10-unit areas and take average value. When number of
colonies per unit area is between 10~20, count number of colonies of 5-
unit areas and take average value. Multiply the number of colonies per
unit area by 100 and divide by sample volume, it shall obtain number of
colonies formed per 100mL of water sample. When number of colonies
per unit area is greater than 20, it shall be recorded according to
?€?>2000/water sample volume?€?. Use average number of colonies to count
colony forming unit. Only count independent, scattered colonies.
B.1.8.3 Enzyme substrate method: see B.5.6.
B.1.9 Statistics, counting reports
Statistics, counting reports are as follows:
a) Statistics on number of colonies shall be counted in colony forming unit
(CFU). In addition, report also need to record methods, culture
temperature, time, and medium type, such as CFU/mL, plate count
method, 35??C/48h, plate count agar.
b) Bacterial concentration of heterotrophic bacteria?€?s dumping plate method,
spread plate method and membrane filtration are represented by colonies
formed by water sample per unit volume (CFU/mL). For enzyme substrate
dumping plate shall be completed within 20min.
B.2.3 Inoculation
Inoculation method is as follows:
a) Melt culture medium. In a closed environment, use boiling water or steam
to melt culture medium. Avoid long-term placement in a high-temperature
environment. Do not perform secondary sterilization for culture medium.
Do not use medium that contains precipitate. Before using, it needs to
place culture medium at 44??C~46??C water bath and it is best not to exceed
3h. Place a thermometer in an independent container to monitor
temperature. Do not determine just by feeling.
b) Dump plate. To ensure that the entire inoculation process from dilution to
dumping of last sample does not exceed 20min (the best is not to exceed
10min), it shall control number of samples of each inoculation. Pour
10mL~12mL of culture medium that is stored in water bath into each
inoculated petri dish (ensure petri dish mouth is just enough to dump
culture medium). Be careful not to make culture medium split out. In
addition, when dumping culture medium, it shall use a paper towel to
absorb moisture. Ensure petri dish wall clean, without residual











