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CCAP-GZ-5561-2019: CCAP mark certification implementation rules -- Non-metallic materials and parts for electric bicycles
Serial No.: CCAP-GZ-5561-2019
Implementation Rules for CCAP Mark Certification
Non-metallic materials and parts of electric power assist bicycles
China Certification Centre for Automotive Products
Table of Contents
1 Application scope ... 4
2 Certification basis and standards ... 4
3 Certification mode ... 4
4 Classification of certification unit ... 4
5 Certification entrusting ... 5
5.1 Certification process ... 5
5.2 Certification entrusting materials ... 5
5.3 Certification plan and certification contract ... 5
6 Certification implementations ... 6
6.1 Type test ... 6
6.2 Certification evaluation and decision ... 8
6.3 Time-limit of certification ... 8
7 Post-certification supervision ... 8
7.1 Post-certification follow-up inspection ... 8
7.2 Production on-site sampling test or inspection ... 11
7.3 Record of post-certification supervision ... 12
7.4 Assessment of post-certification supervision result ... 12
8 Certificate ... 12
8.1 Maintenance of certificate ... 12
8.2 Content of certificate ... 12
8.3 Change of certificate ... 12
8.4 Cancellation, suspension and withdrawal of certificate ... 13
8.5 Use of certificate ... 13
9 Certification marks ... 13
9.1 Mark style permitted to use ... 14
9.2 Use requirements ... 14
10 Charges ... 14
11 Certification responsibilities ... 14
12 Process and time-limit requirements related to technical disputes, complaints and appeal ... 15
Attachment 1 ?€? List of documents and materials to be submitted by the applicant ... 16
Attachment 2 ?€? Factory quality assurance ability requirements ... 22
1 Application scope
This Rules applies to the CCAP mark certification of non-metallic materials and parts
of electric power assist bicycles.
2 Certification basis and standards
GB 17761-2018, Safety technical specification for electric bicycle
GB/T 5169.11-2017, Fire hazard testing for electric and electronic products - Part 11:
Glowing/hot-wire based test methods - Glow-wire flammability test method for end-
products (GWEPT)
GB/T 5169.16-2017, Fire hazard testing for electric and electronic products - Part 16:
Test flames - 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods
GB 8410-2006, Flammability of automotive interior materials
3 Certification mode
Type test + post-certification supervision
4 Classification of certification unit
In principle, the materials and parts produced by the same-producer (manufacturer) and
same manufacturing enterprise (location), and having no significant difference in the
following aspects could be classified as one certification unit:
1) The material and processing technology of the material;
2) The structure of non-metallic materials and parts (number of layers, number of
blocks, connection methods, etc.);
3) The test temperature requirements for fire resistance of the glow wire (two types:
550 ??C and 750 ??C as specified in GB/T 5169.11);
4) The requirements for flame retardance (V-0, V-1 specified in GB/T 5169.11 and
Chapter 3 of GB 8410-2006).
In principle, the certification client shall propose certification entrustment based on the
unit classification principle. The same unit can contain multiple ?€?models (or
specifications)?€? of products.
For the same product that is of same manufacturer but of different manufacturing
enterprises, or for the same-model product that is of different manufacturers and of the
same manufacturing enterprise, it may consider to only conduct the type test on the
samples of one unit. The products of other manufacturing enterprises / manufacturers
shall provide documents for conformity inspection.
5 Certification entrusting
5.1 Certification process
(1) Certification entrusting, materials review and acceptance;
(2) Dividing certification product unit, formulating the certification plan;
(3) Signing the certification contract and charging;
(4) Product type test;
(5) Certification evaluation and decision;
(6) Issuing the certificate;
(7) Post-certification supervision.
5.2 Certification entrusting materials
See Attachment 1 List of documents and materials to be submitted by the applicant.
5.3 Certification plan and certification contract
CCAP shall review the application materials. If the application materials need to be
supplemented or improved, it shall communicate with the client and require
supplementing and submitting relevant materials. After the review completes, it shall
issue a notice of acceptance or not-acceptance to the client.
After accepting the application, CCAP shall formulate a certification plan according to
the audit result, which includes:
(1) The certification mode adopted and unit division;
(2) Type test plan (including the selection and confirmation of the designated
(3) Estimated certification fees;
(4) Other matters and requirements that need to be explained.
CCAP shall give the above certification plan to the client. After reaching a consensus,
it shall sign a formal certification contract with the client as the basis for certification
6 Certification implementations
6.1 Type test
6.1.1 Type test plan
CCAP shall formulate the product inspection plan after reviewing the materials. The
inspection plan includes requirements and quantity of all samples, the inspection
standard, inspection items, and information of the designated labs that can be selected
by the certification client.
6.1.2 Sample requirements of type test
The samples for type test shall be products produced by the manufacturing enterprise
entrusted with certification according to normal processing methods. The certification
client shall ensure that the samples provided by it are consistent with the actual products
produced, and shall not obtain samples for testing by borrowing, renting, purchasing,
In principle, in the type test, the certification client shall send the samples to the
designated lab for testing. When necessary, CCAP can also obtain samples for testing,
by on-site sampling / sealing, in accordance with the requirements of the type test plan.
If there is only one model in one certification unit, samples of that model shall be sent
for testing. If there are multiple models in one unit, CCAP can choose a representative
model; a differential test shall be made for other models when necessary.
CCAP and/or the lab shall review the authenticity of the samples provided by the
certification client. Where the laboratory has doubts about the authenticity of the sample,
it shall explain the situation to CCAP and handle it accordingly.
In principle, it shall be ensured that samples are sent to the laboratory for type test
within 10 days. If samples are not sent within the specified time due to special
circumstances, sufficient reasons for delaying sample delivery shall be provided to
CCAP. Quantity of type test samples
The quantity of samples to be sent shall comply with the provisions in Table 1 of this
The number of test samples that need to be supplemented shall be subject to the test
plan finally confirmed by CCAP.
The certification client shall ensure that the submitted samples are completely
consistent with the actual products produced, including materials, structures,
parameters, etc.
information. After the certification completes, CCAP shall send the type test report,
together with the certificate (or certification decision), to the certification client. The
certification client shall ensure to provide the complete and effective type test report to
CCAP and law-enforcement agencies during post-certification supervision.
6.2 Certification evaluation and decision
CCAP conducts comprehensive assessment of the type test result and relevant
materials/information. If the evaluation is PASS, the certificate shall be granted
according to certification unit. If not, the certification is terminated.
Note: For the situation where the type test is not carried out according to the
certification process, the certification client shall submit a type test report within
one year issued by the testing agency contracted by CCAP, and the test results
of all test items shall comply with the relevant standards. CCAP can decide
whether to recognize the type test report provided by the enterprise based on
risks, and can also conduct a type test again through sampling.
6.3 Time-limit of certification
Time-limit of certification refers to the period FROM the date when certification-body
accepts the entrusting TO the date when the certificate is issued.
Usually, FROM the date when CCAP accepts the entrusting TO the date when the
certificate is issued (or certification decision is made), the time is not more than 90 days.
In which, it includes the time for review of certification entrustment application
materials, type test implementation and review time, evaluation and approval time of
the certification result, and certificate-making time, but it excludes the time required
for the preparation work of the certification client, such as the time needed by the client
for preparing materials and test samples, rectification of non-conformity items, and re-
test time.
Other certification procedure time-limit shall follow relevant provisions of CCAP. Each
department of CCAP shall control the certification time-limit according to the
requirements of relevant documents. The certification client and the manufacturing
enterprise shall actively cooperate in order to complete all the activities within the time-
limit required by CCAP.
If the certification activities are not completed within the specified time-limit due to
reasons of the client and the manufacturing enterprise, it shall not be counted in the
certification time-limit.
7 Post-certification supervision
7.1 Post-certification follow-up inspection
7.1.1 Post-certification follow-up inspection type, frequency and inspection time
Post-certification supervision of non-metallic materials and parts of electric power
assist bicycles is divided into two types: first supervision and daily supervision.
The first supervision refers to the first post-certification supervision carried out by
CCAP on the certified enterprise 0 ~ 6 months after the issuance of the first certificate.
The daily supervision refers to the post-certification supervision that CCAP implements
according to the post-certification supervision plan after the first supervision of certified
enterprises. In principle, daily supervision shall be carried out at least once a year.
The time for post-certification follow-up inspection is determined according to the
number of categories of certified products, with due consideration to the production
scale of the factory. Generally, the first supervision and inspection time for the same
manufacturing enterprise (location) is 2 ~ 4 man-days, and the daily supervision is 1 ~
2 man-days. When conducting on-site inspections of ODM producers (manufacturers),
the number of man-days for each ODM inspection shall not exceed 0.5 man-days. For
supervision, depending on the number of product models involved in the
expansion/change, on-site verification man-days may be appropriately increased.
If one of the following situations occurs, the frequency of supervision may be increased:
1) Serious quality problems occur in certified products or serious complaints are
made by users and are found to be the responsibility of the certificate holder;
2) The certification body has sufficient reasons to question the conformity of the
certified product with health and safety standards;
3) There is sufficient information to show that the manufacturer and manufacturing
plant may affect product compliance or consistency due to changes in
organizational structure, production conditions, quality management systems, etc.
7.1.2 Content of post-certification follow-up inspection
(1) Product consistency inspection (including consistency of structure and
parameters, model specifications and key components/materials), factory quality
assurance ability inspection (see Attachment 3) and on-site designated testing
(selected from routine inspections and confirmation inspections);
(2) Use situation of the certification mark and the certificate;
(3) Other CCAP?€?s requirements on factory on-site inspection.
Among them, product consistency inspection and on-site designated testing means that
the inspection team randomly selects certified products from the products that have
passed the inspection at the end of the production line or in the warehouse to conduct
inspections including but not limited to the following:
may cause quality and safety accidents; unlawful and illegal use of marks or certificates;
serious dishonest behavior in the factory; or during the suspension of the certification
certificate, if the factory does not take corrective measures or fails to pass the corrective
action, the inspection result is unqualified and the inspection shall be terminated.
7.1.4 Notification of the post-certification follow-up inspection conclusion
After the factory inspection finishes, the inspection team shall inform the enterprise of
the inspection result. If there are non-conformity items founded, it shall give the
verification mode (such as paper verification or on-site verification) and clear
requirements of rectification time-limit. And also inform the manufacturing enterprise
of the verification result in time.
When the conclusion of on-site inspection result of the inspection team is changed after
it is assessed by certification body, then the certification body shall in time notify the
manufacturing enterprise of the conclusion.
7.2 Production on-site sampling test or inspection
7.2.1 Principles of production on-site sampling test or inspection
If production on-site sampling inspection or test method is adopted for post-
certification supervision, then the certification client, manufacturer and manufacturing
enterprise shall cooperate.
7.2.2 Content of pro...
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