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AQ 6206-2006: Coal mine high-low concentration methane transducer
AQ 6206-2006
ICS 13.100
D 09
Reference No.. 18894-2006 AQ
Chinese Industrial Standard for Safety in
Coalmine High-Low Concentration Methane
Issued by. State Administration of Production Safety Supervision of China
Table of Contents
1 SCOPE ... 4
Coalmine carrier catalysis and heat conduction combined high-low concentration methane
transducers are instruments to monitor methane gas in high gas and coal and gas burst mines in
Chinese coalmine safety monitoring systems. This standard is hereby set up according to related
state laws and standards in order to meet production safety requirements.
This standard is proposed by State Administration of Production Safety Supervision of China.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of Sub Technical Committee for Coalmine Safety under
National Technical Committee for Production Safety Standardization.
This standard is responsibly drafted by Chongqing Branch under Coal Science Academy and
Chongqing Mining Production Safety Equipment Test Center.
This standard is specifically drafted by Huang Qiang, Fan Rong, Wang Tao, Yu Qing, Du Wenjun,
Chen Fumin and Shi Faqiang.
Coalmine High-Low Concentration Methane Transducers
1 Scope
This standard specifies technical requirements, testing methods, rules for inspection, marking,
packing, operating instruction, transport and storage of coalmine carrier catalysis and heat
conduction combined high-low concentration methane transducers.
This standard applies to carrier catalysis and heat conduction combined high-low concentration
methane transducers with measuring ranges (0-40)% CH4 and (0-100)% CH4 used in underground
coalmine environment monitoring (known as transducers for short hereafter).
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in the text,
constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions
of, any of these publications (excluding contents of corrigenda) do not apply. However, parties to
agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent editions of the standards indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of
the normative document referred to applies.
GB 191-2000 Packaging???Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 2423.1-2001 Environmental testing for electric and electronic and electronic products--Part
2. Test methods--Tests A. Cold
GB/T 2423.2-2001 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2. Test
methods--Tests B. Dry heat
GB/T 2423.4-93 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products???Test
Db. Damp heat, cyclic
GB/T 2423.5-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2. Test methods
Test Ea and guidance. Shock
GB/T 2423.8-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2. Test methods
Test Ed. Free fall
GB/T 2423.10-1995 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products???Part 2. Test
methods Test Fc and guidance. Vibration (Sinusoidal)
GB 3836.1-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres--Part 1. General requirements
GB 3836.2-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres--Part 2. Flameproof enclosure
GB 3836.4-2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres--Part 4. Intrinsic safety
GB 4208-93 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)
GB9969.1-1998 General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial products
GB 10111-88 Methods for and sampling by utilizing dices of random number
AQ 6202-2006 Coal mina carrier catalytic element for methane detection
MT 210-90 Basic test methods for electric and electronic products for coal mine communication,
testing and control
MT/T 772-1998 Measuring methods for the primary performances of coal mine supervision
3 Terms and Definitions
3.1 Displayed value
Measured numerical value displayed on transducer.
3.2 Zero point
Value displayed on transducer which operates normally in clean air.
3.3 Calibration point
Standard gas sample value selected for transducer to meet measuring accuracy.
3.4 Alarm point
Alarm actuation value preset for transducer according to application requirement.
3.5 Basic error
Transducer measurement error value determined under normal test conditions.
3.6 Stability
Performances of transducer to maintain its zero point, calibration point and alarm point within
allowed variation ranges within specified operating conditions and time.
3.7 response time T90
Time required for transducer output to reach 90% stabilized value when methane concentration
shows step change.
4 Technical Requirements
4.1 General Requirements
4.1.1 Transducers shall meet requirements provided herein and be manufactured according to
specified procedure and drawings and technical documents approved by a state-authorized
inspection agency.
4.1.2 Transducer outfitting with associated equipment shall be qualified by an anti-explosion
inspection agency authorized by a competent authority. Equipment associated with transducers
shall carry mining product safety certificate with validity.
4.1.3 Transducer anti-explosion type shall be mining intrinsic safety and explosion suppression
type, marked with ?€?ExibdI?€?.
4.2 Operating Conditions
Temperature. (0-40) oC;
Relative humidity. ???98%;
Atmospheric pressure. (80-116) kPa;
Wind speed. not more than 8 m/s.
4.3 Storage Temperature. (-40-60) oC.
4.4 Output Signal Types
Following signal types should be used.
a) Current type. DC (1-5) mA, (4-20) mA;
b) Frequency type. (200-1,000) Hz (pulse width more than 0.3ms), (200-2,000) Hz;
c) Digital signal type. transmission rate 1,200bps, 2,400 bps, 4,800 bps, 9,600 bps, not lower than
4.5 Requirements for Transducer Appearance and Structure
4.5.1 Transducer display window shall have good light transparence, numbers and symbols shall
be legible and complete.
4.5.2 Transducer surface, plating or coating shall be free of air bubble, crack, obvious flake-off or
4.5.3 Transducers shall be structure-reasonable, firm and durable, with suspension or support
calibration specified in enterprise product standard (known as specified flow rate for short).
Connect transducer to regulated power supply, respectively adjust regulated power supply output
to max and min operating voltage specified in enterprise product standard, and determine stability
of displayed value on transducer and basic error.
5.3.1 Stability of Displayed Value Low Concentration Range
After transducer zero point is stabilized in clean air, supply specified flow rate of 2.0%CH4
standard gas sample for 3 minutes, adjust transducer displayed value to accord with standard gas
sample value, continue to supply gas, observe for 1 minute more, record difference between max
transducer displayed value and min transducer display value, repeat the tests for 3 times and take
the max difference. High Concentration Range
After transducer zero point is stabilized in clean air, supply specified flow rate of 20%CH4
standard gas sample for 3 minutes, adjust transducer display value to accord with standard gas
sample value, continue to supply gas, observe for 1 minute more, record difference between max
transducer display value and min transducer display value, repeat the tests for 3 times and take the
max difference.
5.3.2 Basic Error Low Concentration Range
Calibrate transducer 3 times by using specified flow rate, clean air and 2.0%CH4 standard sample
(known as instrument calibration). No re-calibration is allowed in subsequent tests.
After transducer zero point is stabilized in clean air, supply specified flow rate of 0.5%CH4,
1.5%CH4 and 3.5%CH4 standard gas sample in turn respectively for 3 minutes, and record
transducer display value or output signal value (converted to methane concentration value).
Repeat measurement for 4 times and take the difference between arithmetic mean value of the last
3 measurements and standard gas sample, which is known as basic error in low concentration
range. High Concentration Range
Calibrate transducer 3 times by using specified flow rate, clean air and 20%CH4 standard sample
d) Anti-explosion certificate number;
e) Coalmine safety mark number;
f) Metering tool manufacture license number;
g) Model of associated equipment;
h) Major technical parameters;
i) Protection class;
j) Manufacturer?€?s name;
k) Exit-factory serial number and date.
7.1.3 Package Marks.
a) Shipment marks shall meet related transportation rules;
b) Handling marks shall meet GB 191 requirements.
7.2 Package
7.2.1 Package shall be of composite protection type, rain-prof, moist-proof, dust-proof and
7.2.2 Following documents shall be put into packing boxes.
a) Product certificate;
b) Product operating instruction book;
c) Packing list.
7.3 Operating Instruction Book
Operating instruction book shall be written according to GB 9969.1-1998.
7.4 Transportation
Well-packed products shall be suitable for highway, railway, and waterway and airway
7.5 Storage
Products shall be stored in a storehouse well-ventilated and free of corrosive gas.
References and Original Chinese Documents
[1] AQ 6206-2006 Coal mine high-low...

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