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TB 10084-2007: Code for geology investigation of natural building material of railway engineering
TB 10084-2007
P TB 10084-2007
J 722-2007
Code for geology investigation of natural building
material of railway engineering
Issued by: Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
1 General ... 6
2 Terms ... 6
3 Basic regulations ... 8
4 Roadbed fillers ... 10
5 Gravel ballast ... 14
6 Concrete aggregate ... 18
7 Natural stones ... 21
8 Work content of each investigation stage ... 23
9 Investigation data collation and report preparation ... 26
Code for geology investigation of natural building
material of railway engineering
1 General
1.0.1 This Code is prepped to implement the relevant national technical and
economic policies, unify the technical requirements for engineering geology
investigation of railway natural building materials, and ensure the quality of
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to engineering geology investigation of natural
building materials such as new and rebuilt railway roadbed fillers, gravel
ballasts, concrete aggregates, stones.
1.0.3 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall,
according to the needs of construction projects, focus on site selection and
geological mapping, exploration, testing and evaluation of building material
quality and reserves, so as to provide a basis for engineering design.
1.0.4 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall
conduct in-depth investigation and research, use comprehensive exploration
methods according to local conditions and follow the requirements of the
investigation stage. The investigation data shall be true and accurate.
1.0.5 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall,
according to the requirements of laws and regulations of the state and relevant
departments, formulate safety and environmental protection measures to
ensure the safety of people and equipment, and protect the natural environment
and farmland.
1.0.6 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall,
in addition to this Code, also comply with the relevant national laws, regulations
and mandatory standards.
2 Terms
2.0.1 natural building material
The building material that is collected from natural soil, sand, and stone, and
can meet the relevant technical requirements without treatment or with simple
treatment such as sieving, washing, chiseling.
2 Hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions are simple. There
are no major adverse geological phenomena. They are not subject to
floods, radioactivity and harmful substances (gases);
3 Mining of building materials and abandoned ballast sites shall not have a
significant impact on the production and life of nearby residents,
transportation and the surrounding environment, shall not form new
geological disasters or aggravate the deterioration of the surrounding
geological environment.
3.0.4 The site of natural building materials shall not be selected in the following
1 Scenic spots, cultural monuments, archaeological areas;
2 Various nature reserves, soil and water conservation prohibited
reclamation areas, basic farmland protection areas, water conservation
3 Geological disaster-prone areas and bad geological development areas;
4 Areas with important national, civil and national defense facilities that have
special requirements for flood prevention, earthquake prevention and
explosion protection.
3.0.5 The exploration of natural building material site shall meet the following
1 Exploration work shall be carried out on the basis of geological survey-
mapping. Geophysical exploration, drilling, excavation, in-situ testing and
other comprehensive exploration methods shall be adopted. Actively
adopt new technologies and methods;
2 The spacing of exploration points shall be reasonably arranged according
to the type of site and the investigation stage;
3 The exploration depth shall expose the target layer or be greater than the
expected mining depth.
3.0.6 In the site investigation of natural building materials, it shall, according to
the use and technical requirements of building materials, take representative
samples in layers for testing. Conduct comprehensive analysis and evaluation
of its quality, according to test results and technical requirements of various
natural building materials.
3.0.7 The reserves of natural building materials shall, in accordance with the
4.3.2 The raw materials for making grading gravel shall be hard rock or natural
pebble. The quality of raw materials for filler of grading gravel or grading sandy
gravel shall be evaluated according to relevant provisions of the current “Code
for design on subgrade of railway” (TB 10001) and “Sub-ballast on Railway
Gravel Ballast Bed” (TB/T 2897).
5 Gravel ballast
5.1 General
5.1.1 The site selection of railway gravel ballast field shall, according to design
requirements, geology, mining and transportation conditions, conduct
preliminary selection in multiple venues. Perform further investigation,
exploration comparison on the initially determined site and finalize the site plan.
The investigation content of the temporary ballast field for construction can be
implemented with reference to the provisions of this Clause.
5.1.2 The geological mapping of the railway gravel ballast field shall meet the
following requirements:
1 Identify the site topography, landform conditions, stratum, lithology
characteristics and distribution, thickness of overlay, useless layer and
useful layer, thickness of weathered layer;
2 Identify the site geological structure, rock mass joints, fissure development,
rock mass integrity, and geological structure control of useful layer
3 Identify the development of collapses, landslides, debris flows, terrestrial
heat, radioactivity, harmful gases at the site as well as the degree of its
impact on ballast mining;
4 Identify the extent of surface water and flood impacts in the site on mining;
5 Identify the groundwater development on the site, groundwater level and
annual variation, water quantity and water quality characteristics, main
aquifer characteristics. Evaluate the impact of groundwater on ballast
mining and the possibility of its utilization;
6 Evaluate the possible changes in geological conditions caused by mining
and waste dumping, and the possible impact and harm on the production,
life and ecological environment of the surrounding residents.
5.1.3 The mining range of the railway gravel ballast field shall be determined
according to the design demand and geological survey-mapping results. The
exploration section or representative geological section shall be arranged
5.3.1 The material of railway gravel ballast shall be evaluated according to the
current “Railway ballast” (TB 2140) and “Temporary technical conditions of
350km/h passenger special line ballast”.
5.3.2 The calculation of the reserves of large-scale railway gravel ballast fields
shall comply with the relevant national regulations. The requirements for
reserves evaluation shall meet the accuracy of reserves or basic reserves
specified in “General requirements for solid mineral exploration” (GB/T 13908-
5.3.3 The reserves and overburden ratio of the railway gravel ballast field shall
meet the requirements of the current "Railway Quarry Management Rules"
issued by the Ministry of Railways.
6 Concrete aggregate
6.1 General
6.1.1 The geological survey-mapping of coarse and fine aggregate sites for
concrete use shall comply with the following provisions:
1 Identify the terrain and geomorphic conditions of the site and divide the
geomorphic units. Identify the impact of surface water and flooding on the
mining site;
2 Identify the lithology characteristics and distribution of strata, the lithology,
distribution and thickness of useful and useless layers, the distribution of
interlayer or lens;
3 Identify the hydrogeological conditions of the site;
4 Identify the development and environmental geological conditions of
unfavorable geology around the site;
5 According to the above geological mapping and exploration test results,
analyze and evaluate the mining conditions of the site and the impact on
the production, life and environment of nearby residents after mining.
6.1.2 The determination of the mining range of coarse and fine aggregate sites
for concrete use, the setting of exploration sections, the selection of exploration
methods and the workload of exploration, sampling and testing shall be
determined according to the results of geological survey-mapping.
6.2 Exploration, sampling and test
6.2.1 The exploration method of the coarse and fine aggregate site for concrete
durability design of railway concrete structures promulgated by the Ministry of
7 Natural stones
7.1 General
7.1.1 The geological survey-mapping of the natural stone site shall meet the
following requirements:
1 Identify the topography and landform features of the site, as well as the
impact of surface water and flood on the site;
2 Identify the lithology characteristics and distribution of the site, the
occurrence of the rock layer, the geological structure, the development of
the joint fissures, the degree of weathering and the thickness of the
weathered layer;
3 Identify the lithological characteristics, thickness and distribution of the
overlay, as well as the contact between the overlay and the underlying
bedrock, the slope of the bedrock surface, the development of
groundwater or plastic soil near the contact surface. Evaluate the impact
on formation stability;
4 Find out the groundwater level and annual change;
5 Identify the geological conditions of the abandoned ballast site and the
impact of stone mining and waste dumping on nearby residents and the
7.1.2 According to the results of geological survey-mapping, layout of the
exploration, sampling and testing workload.
7.1.3 Determine the mining range based on geological survey-mapping and
exploration results, comprehensively evaluate the mining conditions and their
impact on the geological environment.
7.2 Exploration, sampling and test
7.2.1 The exploration method of natural stone site shall be mainly excavation
or drilling, and if necessary, supplemented by geophysical prospecting.
7.2.2 The exploration points shall be arranged according to the determined
mining range and using the geological section method. The spacing of the
exploration points shall be determined according to the outcrop of the rock layer,
the thickness of the overlay, and the development of the geological structure.
7.3 Quality evaluation
7.3.1 The quality of railway construction stone shall be evaluated in accordance
with the current "Code for Construction of Concrete and Masonry for Railway
Engineering" (TB 10210) and "Standard for Acceptance of Concrete works in
Railway" (TB 10424).
8 Work content of each investigation stage
8.1 On-the-spot investigation
8.1.1 During the pre-feasibility study stage of railway construction, the planned
large-scale natural building material site, railway gravel ballast field, scarce or
key building material site shall carry out engineering geological investigation at
the on-the-spot investigation stage.
8.1.2 The engineering geological investigation of the natural building material
site during the on-the-spot investigation stage shall include the following:
1 Extensively collect regional geological data;
2 Investigate the geological conditions near the mining site, the development
of landslides, landslides, debris flows and other geological hazards;
3 Investigate the types and distribution of minable construction materials
along the railway; distribution and mining of existing building material sites,
material quality and reserves;
4 Preliminarily evaluate the mining conditions of the mining site. Estimate the
quality and reserves of natural building materials;
5 Proposals for solutions to scarce building materials shall be based on the
survey results.
8.1.3 The engineering geological investigation in the on-the-spot investigation
stage shall focus on the survey-mapping of geological outcrops. When
necessary, a small amount of drilling or geophysical work can be carried out. A
small number of samples can be taken for material performance testing.
8.1.4 Geological data to be submitted during the on-the-spot investigation stage
1 On-the-spot investigation report or explanation. The content shall include
the distribution of the main strata related to building materials along the
railway, the development of geological structures, the development of
unfavorable geology and special geotechnical materials, the distribution,
where the site is located.
3 Mining conditions of the site:
1) Thickness of useful layer, peeling layer and useless interlayer, difficulty
of mining and suggestion of mining plan;
2) Geological conditions of waste (quarry stone) dumping site;
3) Impact of mining process on surrounding geological environment and
safety assessment;
4) Traffic conditions near the mining site.
8.2.3 In the preliminary investigation stage, exploration and testing work shall
be arranged on the basis of geological survey-mapping. The exploration
method shall adopt a comprehensive exploration method mainly of drilling and
digging, supplemented by necessary geophysical means.
8.2.4 In the preliminary investigation stage, representative rock and soil
samples shall be selected for physical and mechanical property tests according
to the distribution of strata. Sampling quantity and sampling method shall be
implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.
8.2.5 In the preliminary investigation stage, the reserves and quality of natura...
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TB 10084-2007: Code for geology investigation of natural building material of railway engineering
TB 10084-2007
P TB 10084-2007
J 722-2007
Code for geology investigation of natural building
material of railway engineering
Issued by: Ministry of Railways of the People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
1 General ... 6
2 Terms ... 6
3 Basic regulations ... 8
4 Roadbed fillers ... 10
5 Gravel ballast ... 14
6 Concrete aggregate ... 18
7 Natural stones ... 21
8 Work content of each investigation stage ... 23
9 Investigation data collation and report preparation ... 26
Code for geology investigation of natural building
material of railway engineering
1 General
1.0.1 This Code is prepped to implement the relevant national technical and
economic policies, unify the technical requirements for engineering geology
investigation of railway natural building materials, and ensure the quality of
1.0.2 This Code is applicable to engineering geology investigation of natural
building materials such as new and rebuilt railway roadbed fillers, gravel
ballasts, concrete aggregates, stones.
1.0.3 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall,
according to the needs of construction projects, focus on site selection and
geological mapping, exploration, testing and evaluation of building material
quality and reserves, so as to provide a basis for engineering design.
1.0.4 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall
conduct in-depth investigation and research, use comprehensive exploration
methods according to local conditions and follow the requirements of the
investigation stage. The investigation data shall be true and accurate.
1.0.5 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall,
according to the requirements of laws and regulations of the state and relevant
departments, formulate safety and environmental protection measures to
ensure the safety of people and equipment, and protect the natural environment
and farmland.
1.0.6 The engineering geology investigation of natural building materials shall,
in addition to this Code, also comply with the relevant national laws, regulations
and mandatory standards.
2 Terms
2.0.1 natural building material
The building material that is collected from natural soil, sand, and stone, and
can meet the relevant technical requirements without treatment or with simple
treatment such as sieving, washing, chiseling.
2 Hydrogeological and engineering geological conditions are simple. There
are no major adverse geological phenomena. They are not subject to
floods, radioactivity and harmful substances (gases);
3 Mining of building materials and abandoned ballast sites shall not have a
significant impact on the production and life of nearby residents,
transportation and the surrounding environment, shall not form new
geological disasters or aggravate the deterioration of the surrounding
geological environment.
3.0.4 The site of natural building materials shall not be selected in the following
1 Scenic spots, cultural monuments, archaeological areas;
2 Various nature reserves, soil and water conservation prohibited
reclamation areas, basic farmland protection areas, water conservation
3 Geological disaster-prone areas and bad geological development areas;
4 Areas with important national, civil and national defense facilities that have
special requirements for flood prevention, earthquake prevention and
explosion protection.
3.0.5 The exploration of natural building material site shall meet the following
1 Exploration work shall be carried out on the basis of geological survey-
mapping. Geophysical exploration, drilling, excavation, in-situ testing and
other comprehensive exploration methods shall be adopted. Actively
adopt new technologies and methods;
2 The spacing of exploration points shall be reasonably arranged according
to the type of site and the investigation stage;
3 The exploration depth shall expose the target layer or be greater than the
expected mining depth.
3.0.6 In the site investigation of natural building materials, it shall, according to
the use and technical requirements of building materials, take representative
samples in layers for testing. Conduct comprehensive analysis and evaluation
of its quality, according to test results and technical requirements of various
natural building materials.
3.0.7 The reserves of natural building materials shall, in accordance with the
4.3.2 The raw materials for making grading gravel shall be hard rock or natural
pebble. The quality of raw materials for filler of grading gravel or grading sandy
gravel shall be evaluated according to relevant provisions of the current “Code
for design on subgrade of railway” (TB 10001) and “Sub-ballast on Railway
Gravel Ballast Bed” (TB/T 2897).
5 Gravel ballast
5.1 General
5.1.1 The site selection of railway gravel ballast field shall, according to design
requirements, geology, mining and transportation conditions, conduct
preliminary selection in multiple venues. Perform further investigation,
exploration comparison on the initially determined site and finalize the site plan.
The investigation content of the temporary ballast field for construction can be
implemented with reference to the provisions of this Clause.
5.1.2 The geological mapping of the railway gravel ballast field shall meet the
following requirements:
1 Identify the site topography, landform conditions, stratum, lithology
characteristics and distribution, thickness of overlay, useless layer and
useful layer, thickness of weathered layer;
2 Identify the site geological structure, rock mass joints, fissure development,
rock mass integrity, and geological structure control of useful layer
3 Identify the development of collapses, landslides, debris flows, terrestrial
heat, radioactivity, harmful gases at the site as well as the degree of its
impact on ballast mining;
4 Identify the extent of surface water and flood impacts in the site on mining;
5 Identify the groundwater development on the site, groundwater level and
annual variation, water quantity and water quality characteristics, main
aquifer characteristics. Evaluate the impact of groundwater on ballast
mining and the possibility of its utilization;
6 Evaluate the possible changes in geological conditions caused by mining
and waste dumping, and the possible impact and harm on the production,
life and ecological environment of the surrounding residents.
5.1.3 The mining range of the railway gravel ballast field shall be determined
according to the design demand and geological survey-mapping results. The
exploration section or representative geological section shall be arranged
5.3.1 The material of railway gravel ballast shall be evaluated according to the
current “Railway ballast” (TB 2140) and “Temporary technical conditions of
350km/h passenger special line ballast”.
5.3.2 The calculation of the reserves of large-scale railway gravel ballast fields
shall comply with the relevant national regulations. The requirements for
reserves evaluation shall meet the accuracy of reserves or basic reserves
specified in “General requirements for solid mineral exploration” (GB/T 13908-
5.3.3 The reserves and overburden ratio of the railway gravel ballast field shall
meet the requirements of the current "Railway Quarry Management Rules"
issued by the Ministry of Railways.
6 Concrete aggregate
6.1 General
6.1.1 The geological survey-mapping of coarse and fine aggregate sites for
concrete use shall comply with the following provisions:
1 Identify the terrain and geomorphic conditions of the site and divide the
geomorphic units. Identify the impact of surface water and flooding on the
mining site;
2 Identify the lithology characteristics and distribution of strata, the lithology,
distribution and thickness of useful and useless layers, the distribution of
interlayer or lens;
3 Identify the hydrogeological conditions of the site;
4 Identify the development and environmental geological conditions of
unfavorable geology around the site;
5 According to the above geological mapping and exploration test results,
analyze and evaluate the mining conditions of the site and the impact on
the production, life and environment of nearby residents after mining.
6.1.2 The determination of the mining range of coarse and fine aggregate sites
for concrete use, the setting of exploration sections, the selection of exploration
methods and the workload of exploration, sampling and testing shall be
determined according to the results of geological survey-mapping.
6.2 Exploration, sampling and test
6.2.1 The exploration method of the coarse and fine aggregate site for concrete
durability design of railway concrete structures promulgated by the Ministry of
7 Natural stones
7.1 General
7.1.1 The geological survey-mapping of the natural stone site shall meet the
following requirements:
1 Identify the topography and landform features of the site, as well as the
impact of surface water and flood on the site;
2 Identify the lithology characteristics and distribution of the site, the
occurrence of the rock layer, the geological structure, the development of
the joint fissures, the degree of weathering and the thickness of the
weathered layer;
3 Identify the lithological characteristics, thickness and distribution of the
overlay, as well as the contact between the overlay and the underlying
bedrock, the slope of the bedrock surface, the development of
groundwater or plastic soil near the contact surface. Evaluate the impact
on formation stability;
4 Find out the groundwater level and annual change;
5 Identify the geological conditions of the abandoned ballast site and the
impact of stone mining and waste dumping on nearby residents and the
7.1.2 According to the results of geological survey-mapping, layout of the
exploration, sampling and testing workload.
7.1.3 Determine the mining range based on geological survey-mapping and
exploration results, comprehensively evaluate the mining conditions and their
impact on the geological environment.
7.2 Exploration, sampling and test
7.2.1 The exploration method of natural stone site shall be mainly excavation
or drilling, and if necessary, supplemented by geophysical prospecting.
7.2.2 The exploration points shall be arranged according to the determined
mining range and using the geological section method. The spacing of the
exploration points shall be determined according to the outcrop of the rock layer,
the thickness of the overlay, and the development of the geological structure.
7.3 Quality evaluation
7.3.1 The quality of railway construction stone shall be evaluated in accordance
with the current "Code for Construction of Concrete and Masonry for Railway
Engineering" (TB 10210) and "Standard for Acceptance of Concrete works in
Railway" (TB 10424).
8 Work content of each investigation stage
8.1 On-the-spot investigation
8.1.1 During the pre-feasibility study stage of railway construction, the planned
large-scale natural building material site, railway gravel ballast field, scarce or
key building material site shall carry out engineering geological investigation at
the on-the-spot investigation stage.
8.1.2 The engineering geological investigation of the natural building material
site during the on-the-spot investigation stage shall include the following:
1 Extensively collect regional geological data;
2 Investigate the geological conditions near the mining site, the development
of landslides, landslides, debris flows and other geological hazards;
3 Investigate the types and distribution of minable construction materials
along the railway; distribution and mining of existing building material sites,
material quality and reserves;
4 Preliminarily evaluate the mining conditions of the mining site. Estimate the
quality and reserves of natural building materials;
5 Proposals for solutions to scarce building materials shall be based on the
survey results.
8.1.3 The engineering geological investigation in the on-the-spot investigation
stage shall focus on the survey-mapping of geological outcrops. When
necessary, a small amount of drilling or geophysical work can be carried out. A
small number of samples can be taken for material performance testing.
8.1.4 Geological data to be submitted during the on-the-spot investigation stage
1 On-the-spot investigation report or explanation. The content shall include
the distribution of the main strata related to building materials along the
railway, the development of geological structures, the development of
unfavorable geology and special geotechnical materials, the distribution,
where the site is located.
3 Mining conditions of the site:
1) Thickness of useful layer, peeling layer and useless interlayer, difficulty
of mining and suggestion of mining plan;
2) Geological conditions of waste (quarry stone) dumping site;
3) Impact of mining process on surrounding geological environment and
safety assessment;
4) Traffic conditions near the mining site.
8.2.3 In the preliminary investigation stage, exploration and testing work shall
be arranged on the basis of geological survey-mapping. The exploration
method shall adopt a comprehensive exploration method mainly of drilling and
digging, supplemented by necessary geophysical means.
8.2.4 In the preliminary investigation stage, representative rock and soil
samples shall be selected for physical and mechanical property tests according
to the distribution of strata. Sampling quantity and sampling method shall be
implemented in accordance with relevant regulations.
8.2.5 In the preliminary investigation stage, the reserves and quality of natura...