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JTG B01-2014: Technical Standard of Highway Engineering
JTG B01-2014
Technical standard of highway engineering
Issued by: Ministry of Transport of People’s Republic of China
Technical standard of highway engineering
Main drafting organization:
Highway Administration Bureau of Ministry of Transport of PRC
Approved by:
Ministry of Transport of PRC
Date of implementation: January 01, 2015
China Communication Press Co., Ltd.
Chief drafters: Huo Ming, Li Chunfeng
Main participating drafters: Zhou Ronggui, Liao Zhaohua, Guo Tengfeng, Meng
Shutao, Zhang Jinquan, Yu Peiyu, Han Changling, Sun Fuling, Wang Meng,
Wang Jing
Table of Contents
1 General ... 5
2 Terms and definitions ... 8
3 Basic requirements ... 9
3.1 Classification of highways ... 9
3.2 Design vehicle ... 10
3.3 Traffic ... 11
3.4 Service level ... 12
3.5 Speed ... 12
3.6 Building boundaries ... 13
3.7 Anti-seismic ... 16
4 Routes ... 16
5 Subgrade pavement ... 24
6 Bridges and culverts ... 28
7 Vehicle and crowd loads ... 33
8 Tunnel ... 37
9 Route crossing ... 41
9.1 Level crossing of highway and highway ... 41
9.2 Three-dimensional crossing of highway and highway ... 42
9.3 Crossing of highway and railway ... 44
9.4 Crossing of highway and rural roads ... 45
9.5 Crossing of highway and pipeline ... 46
9.6 Animal passage ... 47
10 Traffic engineering and facilities along route ... 47
10.1 General provisions ... 47
10.2 Traffic safety facilities ... 48
10.3 Service facilities ... 50
10.4 Management facilities ... 51
Appendix A Classification of highway service levels ... 54
Appendix B Stopping sight distance and identifying sight distance of trucks . 57
Explanation of wording in this code ... 59
Explanation of Provisions ... 60
1 General ... 61
3 Basic requirements ... 66
4 Routes ... 79
5 Subgrade and pavement ... 100
6 Bridges and culverts ... 107
7 Vehicle and crowd loads ... 116
8 Tunnel ... 123
9 Route crossing ... 133
10 Traffic engineering and facilities along route ... 143
Technical standard of highway engineering
1 General
1.0.1 This standard was formulated to regulate highway engineering
1.0.2 This standard applies to newly built, reconstructed, extended highways.
1.0.3 Highway construction shall be based on comprehensive analysis of
regional characteristics, traffic characteristics, road network structure to
determine the function of the highway; the technical level and main technical
indicators shall be selected based on the function in combination with traffic
volume and terrain conditions.
1.0.4 The overall design of a highway construction project shall be well-
performed so that the main project, traffic engineering and facilities along the
route are coordinated and matched with each other, to give full play to their
respective functions and the overall function of the project.
1.0.5 The construction of highways shall implement the principles of protecting
cultivated land and saving land. In determining the scope of highway land, the
following requirements shall be met:
1 The range of highway land is not less than 1 m beyond the outer edge of
the drainage ditch on both sides of the highway embankment (the foot of
the embankment or the slope when there is no drainage ditch), or the outer
edge of the interception ditch on the top of the road (the top of slope when
there is no intercepted ditch). In the segment with conditions, the land
within the range not less 3 m for the expressway and class 1 highway or
not less than 2 m for the class 2 highway is the range of the highway land.
2 When setting up protection and improvement facilities in bad geological
zones such as wind and sand, snow hazards, landslides, mudslides, and
when taking treatment measures in special land zones such as swelling
soil and saline soil, the scope of land use shall be determined according
to actual needs.
3 Land for bridges, tunnels, interchangeable three-dimensional intersections,
separated three-dimensional intersections, level crossings, safety
facilities, service facilities, management facilities, greening, other off-line
projects shall be determined according to actual needs.
1.0.6 Highway construction must implement national laws and regulations on
environmental protection and resource conservation; meanwhile it shall meet
the following requirements:
1 Highway environmental protection shall implement the principle of
“protection first, prevention first, supplemented by governance,
comprehensive management”.
2 Highway construction shall be carried out according to natural conditions,
to carry out greening and beautify road capacity, protect the environment.
3 The construction of expressways, class 1 and class 2 highways and
highways with special requirements shall be subject to environmental
impact assessment and assessment of soil and water conservation
4 Eco-environmentally fragile areas, or areas where the environment may be
difficult to recover in the near future due to highway construction, shall be
designed for environmental protection.
5 Highway reconstruction and expansion projects shall make full use of
highway waste materials to save engineering construction resources.
1.0.7 The construction of highways in phases must be overall designed in
accordance with the principles of overall planning and implementation in
phases, and shall meet the following requirements:
1 The early-phase projects shall still be fully utilized in the later phases.
2 The integral section of the expressway shall not be constructed horizontally
in sections and stages.
3 Separated section segments of expressways may be constructed in
sections and stages. When the first section is opened to traffic according
to two-way traffic, it shall be managed in accordance with the traffic
conditions of the class 2 highway.
1.0.8 During the reconstruction and expansion of highways, demonstration and
comparison of reconstruction and expansion plans and new construction plans
shall be conducted. When adopting the reconstruction and expansion plan, the
following requirements shall be met:
1 The timing of highway reconstruction and expansion shall be determined
based on the actual service level through demonstration. The service
levels of expressways and class 1 highways should be lowered to be in
front of the lower limit of the level 3 service; the service levels of class 2
and class 3 highways should be lowered to be in front of the lower limit of
the level 4 service. The class 4 highway can be determined according to
specific conditions.
2 When making use of the local segment of the current highways is limited
by the terrain and features, improving the designed speed will induce
engineering geological diseases or greatly increase the construction cost,
or have a great impact on environmental protection and cultural relics, the
design of this local segment may maintain the original design speed; but
the length should be not more than 15 km for expressway and not more
than 10 km for class 1 and class 2 highways.
3 The design of specific implementation plan for the reconstruction and
expansion of the expressway shall be based on the design of the traffic
organization and the evaluation of traffic safety. In the implementation of
the project, it shall reduce the interference with existing roads and there
shall be safety measures to ensure traffic. Maintaining the service level of
the open road section can be reduced by one level; the design speed
should not be lower than 60 km/h.
4 In the reconstruction and expansion of the class 1, class 2, class 3
highways, it shall make a design scheme to ensure smooth traffic.
5 When separated sectional segment of the expressway in desert, Gobi,
grassland and other small-traffic areas uses the existing class 2 highway
to be reconstructed into one section, the design flood frequency can
maintain the original standard; the design speed shall not be greater than
80 km/h.
1.0.9 In the road segments with intensive non-motorized vehicles and
pedestrian, it should consider the traffic needs of non-motorized vehicles and
pedestrians. It may set the non-motorized lanes and sidewalks according to the
traffic composition.
1.0.10 Arterial highways of class 2 and above shall be evaluated for traffic safety
during design; other highways may also be evaluated for traffic safety when
conditions permit.
1.0.11 For the highways of class 2 and below with functional requirements for
disaster relief, it may improve the earthquake resistance and design flood
frequency standards accordingly.
1.0.12 For highway construction projects, it shall, based on the design service
life, comprehensively consider the cost-effectiveness of construction,
maintenance, management, and other social benefits such as safety,
environmental protection, and operation, to select the plan of best
comprehensive benefit.
2 Terms and definitions
2.0.1 Highway reconstruction and extension
On the basis of existing highways, highway construction projects to improve the
technical level, capacity, or technical indicators, including highway
reconstruction and expansion.
2.0.2 Highway function
The vehicle traffic capacity for unobstructed direct travel, pool evacuation and
access as provided by the highway in the highway network. The main arterial
highways and class 2 arterial highways have the function of unblocking and
direct access; the main distribution highways and class 2 distribution highways
have the function of collecting and evacuating; the branch highways have the
function of entering and leaving.
2.0.3 Design speed
Design reference speeds that determine and coordinate highway design
2.0.4 Operating speed
Under the flat, wet, free-flowing conditions of the pavement, the speed
corresponding to the 85% quantile on the cumulative speed distribution curve.
2.0.5 Posted speed limit
A limit on the permitted speed of a vehicle running on the highway.
2.0.6 Design vehicle
The representative model used in highway geometric design, whose outline
size, load capacity and dynamic performance are the main basis for
determining highway geometric parameters.
2.0.7 Design traffic capacity
Under the corresponding designed service level, the maximum hourly flow rate
of vehicles passing the highway facilities.
2.0.8 Level of service
The quality indicators of the driver's perception of the operating conditions of
highway traffic flow, which are usually characterized by indicators such as
average driving speed, driving time, driving freedom, traffic delay.
2.0.9 Evacuation / escape lane
A special lane added to the outside of the carriageway for vehicles with brake
failure to leave, decelerate and stop, self-rescue.
2.0.10 Hard shoulder
A band-shaped part connected to the carriageway with a certain pavement
strength. It is mainly used to provide lateral excess width for driving, lateral
protection for pavement structure, full or partial width for emergency stopping
of faulty vehicles.
2.0.11 Design working / service life
Under normal design, normal construction, normal use, and normal
maintenance conditions, the service year of pavements, bridges and culverts,
tunnel structures or structural components for their intended purpose without
major overhaul or replacement.
2.0.12 Electronic toll collection
The fully electronic toll collection method without requiring stopping vehicles by
the use of automatic vehicle identification, referred to as ETC.
3 Basic requirements
3.1 Classification of highways
3.1.1 Highways are divided into five technical classes including expressways,
class 1 highways, class 2 highways, class 3 highways, class 4 highways.
1 The expressway is a multi-lane highway that is designed for vehicles to
drive in different directions and lanes, and all access is controlled. The
annual average daily designed traffic volume of expressways should be
above 15000 passenger cars.
2 The class 1 highway is a multi-lane highway for vehicles to drive in different
directions and lanes. The annual average daily designed traffic volume of
the class 1 highway should be more than 15000 passenger cars.
3 The class 2 highway is a two-lane highway for vehicles. The annual
average daily designed traffic volume of class 2 highway should be 5000
to 15000 passenger cars.
4 The class 3 highway is a two-lane highway for mixed use of automobile
and non-automobile traffic. The annual average daily designed traffic
volume of the class 3 highway should be 2000 to 6000 passenger cars.
5 Class 4 highways are two-lane or single-lane highways for mixed use of
automobile and non-automobile traffic. The average daily designed traffic
volume of two-lane class 4 highways should be below 2000 passenger
cars; the average daily designed traffic volume of single-lane class 4
highways should be below 400 passenger cars.
3.1.2 The selection of highway’s technology class shall follow the following
1 The selection of highway’s technology class shall be determined based on
road network planning, highway functions, traffic volume through
2 Main arterial highways shall be expressways.
3 Secondary arterial highways shall select class 2 and above highways.
4 Main collective highways should select class 1 and class 2 highways.
5 Secondary collective highways should select class 2 and class 3 highways.
6 Branch highways should select class 3 and class 4 highways.
3.2 Design vehicle
3.2.1 The outline dimensions of design vehicles used in highway design are as
shown in Table 3.2.1.
Table 3.2.1 -- Outline dimensions of design vehicle
Note: The wheelbase of the articulated vehicle (3.3 + ...
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JTG B01-2014: Technical Standard of Highway Engineering
JTG B01-2014
Technical standard of highway engineering
Issued by: Ministry of Transport of People’s Republic of China
Technical standard of highway engineering
Main drafting organization:
Highway Administration Bureau of Ministry of Transport of PRC
Approved by:
Ministry of Transport of PRC
Date of implementation: January 01, 2015
China Communication Press Co., Ltd.
Chief drafters: Huo Ming, Li Chunfeng
Main participating drafters: Zhou Ronggui, Liao Zhaohua, Guo Tengfeng, Meng
Shutao, Zhang Jinquan, Yu Peiyu, Han Changling, Sun Fuling, Wang Meng,
Wang Jing
Table of Contents
1 General ... 5
2 Terms and definitions ... 8
3 Basic requirements ... 9
3.1 Classification of highways ... 9
3.2 Design vehicle ... 10
3.3 Traffic ... 11
3.4 Service level ... 12
3.5 Speed ... 12
3.6 Building boundaries ... 13
3.7 Anti-seismic ... 16
4 Routes ... 16
5 Subgrade pavement ... 24
6 Bridges and culverts ... 28
7 Vehicle and crowd loads ... 33
8 Tunnel ... 37
9 Route crossing ... 41
9.1 Level crossing of highway and highway ... 41
9.2 Three-dimensional crossing of highway and highway ... 42
9.3 Crossing of highway and railway ... 44
9.4 Crossing of highway and rural roads ... 45
9.5 Crossing of highway and pipeline ... 46
9.6 Animal passage ... 47
10 Traffic engineering and facilities along route ... 47
10.1 General provisions ... 47
10.2 Traffic safety facilities ... 48
10.3 Service facilities ... 50
10.4 Management facilities ... 51
Appendix A Classification of highway service levels ... 54
Appendix B Stopping sight distance and identifying sight distance of trucks . 57
Explanation of wording in this code ... 59
Explanation of Provisions ... 60
1 General ... 61
3 Basic requirements ... 66
4 Routes ... 79
5 Subgrade and pavement ... 100
6 Bridges and culverts ... 107
7 Vehicle and crowd loads ... 116
8 Tunnel ... 123
9 Route crossing ... 133
10 Traffic engineering and facilities along route ... 143
Technical standard of highway engineering
1 General
1.0.1 This standard was formulated to regulate highway engineering
1.0.2 This standard applies to newly built, reconstructed, extended highways.
1.0.3 Highway construction shall be based on comprehensive analysis of
regional characteristics, traffic characteristics, road network structure to
determine the function of the highway; the technical level and main technical
indicators shall be selected based on the function in combination with traffic
volume and terrain conditions.
1.0.4 The overall design of a highway construction project shall be well-
performed so that the main project, traffic engineering and facilities along the
route are coordinated and matched with each other, to give full play to their
respective functions and the overall function of the project.
1.0.5 The construction of highways shall implement the principles of protecting
cultivated land and saving land. In determining the scope of highway land, the
following requirements shall be met:
1 The range of highway land is not less than 1 m beyond the outer edge of
the drainage ditch on both sides of the highway embankment (the foot of
the embankment or the slope when there is no drainage ditch), or the outer
edge of the interception ditch on the top of the road (the top of slope when
there is no intercepted ditch). In the segment with conditions, the land
within the range not less 3 m for the expressway and class 1 highway or
not less than 2 m for the class 2 highway is the range of the highway land.
2 When setting up protection and improvement facilities in bad geological
zones such as wind and sand, snow hazards, landslides, mudslides, and
when taking treatment measures in special land zones such as swelling
soil and saline soil, the scope of land use shall be determined according
to actual needs.
3 Land for bridges, tunnels, interchangeable three-dimensional intersections,
separated three-dimensional intersections, level crossings, safety
facilities, service facilities, management facilities, greening, other off-line
projects shall be determined according to actual needs.
1.0.6 Highway construction must implement national laws and regulations on
environmental protection and resource conservation; meanwhile it shall meet
the following requirements:
1 Highway environmental protection shall implement the principle of
“protection first, prevention first, supplemented by governance,
comprehensive management”.
2 Highway construction shall be carried out according to natural conditions,
to carry out greening and beautify road capacity, protect the environment.
3 The construction of expressways, class 1 and class 2 highways and
highways with special requirements shall be subject to environmental
impact assessment and assessment of soil and water conservation
4 Eco-environmentally fragile areas, or areas where the environment may be
difficult to recover in the near future due to highway construction, shall be
designed for environmental protection.
5 Highway reconstruction and expansion projects shall make full use of
highway waste materials to save engineering construction resources.
1.0.7 The construction of highways in phases must be overall designed in
accordance with the principles of overall planning and implementation in
phases, and shall meet the following requirements:
1 The early-phase projects shall still be fully utilized in the later phases.
2 The integral section of the expressway shall not be constructed horizontally
in sections and stages.
3 Separated section segments of expressways may be constructed in
sections and stages. When the first section is opened to traffic according
to two-way traffic, it shall be managed in accordance with the traffic
conditions of the class 2 highway.
1.0.8 During the reconstruction and expansion of highways, demonstration and
comparison of reconstruction and expansion plans and new construction plans
shall be conducted. When adopting the reconstruction and expansion plan, the
following requirements shall be met:
1 The timing of highway reconstruction and expansion shall be determined
based on the actual service level through demonstration. The service
levels of expressways and class 1 highways should be lowered to be in
front of the lower limit of the level 3 service; the service levels of class 2
and class 3 highways should be lowered to be in front of the lower limit of
the level 4 service. The class 4 highway can be determined according to
specific conditions.
2 When making use of the local segment of the current highways is limited
by the terrain and features, improving the designed speed will induce
engineering geological diseases or greatly increase the construction cost,
or have a great impact on environmental protection and cultural relics, the
design of this local segment may maintain the original design speed; but
the length should be not more than 15 km for expressway and not more
than 10 km for class 1 and class 2 highways.
3 The design of specific implementation plan for the reconstruction and
expansion of the expressway shall be based on the design of the traffic
organization and the evaluation of traffic safety. In the implementation of
the project, it shall reduce the interference with existing roads and there
shall be safety measures to ensure traffic. Maintaining the service level of
the open road section can be reduced by one level; the design speed
should not be lower than 60 km/h.
4 In the reconstruction and expansion of the class 1, class 2, class 3
highways, it shall make a design scheme to ensure smooth traffic.
5 When separated sectional segment of the expressway in desert, Gobi,
grassland and other small-traffic areas uses the existing class 2 highway
to be reconstructed into one section, the design flood frequency can
maintain the original standard; the design speed shall not be greater than
80 km/h.
1.0.9 In the road segments with intensive non-motorized vehicles and
pedestrian, it should consider the traffic needs of non-motorized vehicles and
pedestrians. It may set the non-motorized lanes and sidewalks according to the
traffic composition.
1.0.10 Arterial highways of class 2 and above shall be evaluated for traffic safety
during design; other highways may also be evaluated for traffic safety when
conditions permit.
1.0.11 For the highways of class 2 and below with functional requirements for
disaster relief, it may improve the earthquake resistance and design flood
frequency standards accordingly.
1.0.12 For highway construction projects, it shall, based on the design service
life, comprehensively consider the cost-effectiveness of construction,
maintenance, management, and other social benefits such as safety,
environmental protection, and operation, to select the plan of best
comprehensive benefit.
2 Terms and definitions
2.0.1 Highway reconstruction and extension
On the basis of existing highways, highway construction projects to improve the
technical level, capacity, or technical indicators, including highway
reconstruction and expansion.
2.0.2 Highway function
The vehicle traffic capacity for unobstructed direct travel, pool evacuation and
access as provided by the highway in the highway network. The main arterial
highways and class 2 arterial highways have the function of unblocking and
direct access; the main distribution highways and class 2 distribution highways
have the function of collecting and evacuating; the branch highways have the
function of entering and leaving.
2.0.3 Design speed
Design reference speeds that determine and coordinate highway design
2.0.4 Operating speed
Under the flat, wet, free-flowing conditions of the pavement, the speed
corresponding to the 85% quantile on the cumulative speed distribution curve.
2.0.5 Posted speed limit
A limit on the permitted speed of a vehicle running on the highway.
2.0.6 Design vehicle
The representative model used in highway geometric design, whose outline
size, load capacity and dynamic performance are the main basis for
determining highway geometric parameters.
2.0.7 Design traffic capacity
Under the corresponding designed service level, the maximum hourly flow rate
of vehicles passing the highway facilities.
2.0.8 Level of service
The quality indicators of the driver's perception of the operating conditions of
highway traffic flow, which are usually characterized by indicators such as
average driving speed, driving time, driving freedom, traffic delay.
2.0.9 Evacuation / escape lane
A special lane added to the outside of the carriageway for vehicles with brake
failure to leave, decelerate and stop, self-rescue.
2.0.10 Hard shoulder
A band-shaped part connected to the carriageway with a certain pavement
strength. It is mainly used to provide lateral excess width for driving, lateral
protection for pavement structure, full or partial width for emergency stopping
of faulty vehicles.
2.0.11 Design working / service life
Under normal design, normal construction, normal use, and normal
maintenance conditions, the service year of pavements, bridges and culverts,
tunnel structures or structural components for their intended purpose without
major overhaul or replacement.
2.0.12 Electronic toll collection
The fully electronic toll collection method without requiring stopping vehicles by
the use of automatic vehicle identification, referred to as ETC.
3 Basic requirements
3.1 Classification of highways
3.1.1 Highways are divided into five technical classes including expressways,
class 1 highways, class 2 highways, class 3 highways, class 4 highways.
1 The expressway is a multi-lane highway that is designed for vehicles to
drive in different directions and lanes, and all access is controlled. The
annual average daily designed traffic volume of expressways should be
above 15000 passenger cars.
2 The class 1 highway is a multi-lane highway for vehicles to drive in different
directions and lanes. The annual average daily designed traffic volume of
the class 1 highway should be more than 15000 passenger cars.
3 The class 2 highway is a two-lane highway for vehicles. The annual
average daily designed traffic volume of class 2 highway should be 5000
to 15000 passenger cars.
4 The class 3 highway is a two-lane highway for mixed use of automobile
and non-automobile traffic. The annual average daily designed traffic
volume of the class 3 highway should be 2000 to 6000 passenger cars.
5 Class 4 highways are two-lane or single-lane highways for mixed use of
automobile and non-automobile traffic. The average daily designed traffic
volume of two-lane class 4 highways should be below 2000 passenger
cars; the average daily designed traffic volume of single-lane class 4
highways should be below 400 passenger cars.
3.1.2 The selection of highway’s technology class shall follow the following
1 The selection of highway’s technology class shall be determined based on
road network planning, highway functions, traffic volume through
2 Main arterial highways shall be expressways.
3 Secondary arterial highways shall select class 2 and above highways.
4 Main collective highways should select class 1 and class 2 highways.
5 Secondary collective highways should select class 2 and class 3 highways.
6 Branch highways should select class 3 and class 4 highways.
3.2 Design vehicle
3.2.1 The outline dimensions of design vehicles used in highway design are as
shown in Table 3.2.1.
Table 3.2.1 -- Outline dimensions of design vehicle
Note: The wheelbase of the articulated vehicle (3.3 + ...