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GB 4793.6-2008: Safety requirements for electrical for measurement, control, and laboratory use -- Part 6: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
GB 4793.6-2008
Safety requirements for electrical for measurement, control, and laboratory use. Part 6. Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
ICS 19.809
National Standards of People's Republic of China
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
Replaces GB 4793.6-2001
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
Safety requirements Part 6. Laboratory
Special requirements for heating equipment with materials
(IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005, IDT)
2009-2009-01 implementation
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Published by China National Standardization Administration
Foreword III
1 Scope and purpose 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Test 1
5 Signs and documents 2
6 Protection against electric shock 4
7 Protection against mechanical hazards 5
8 Resistance to mechanical shock and impact 5
9 prevent flame spread 6
10 Device temperature limits and heat resistance 6
11 Protection against fluid hazards 7
12 Radiation protection (including laser source), sound pressure and ultrasonic pressure 7
13 Protection against released gases, explosions and implosions 7
14 Components 7
15 Protection by Interlocking Device 8
16 Test and measurement equipment 8
Appendix 9
Reference 9
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
The entire technical content of this section is mandatory.
GB 4793 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use" is currently divided into 7 parts.
--- Part 1. General requirements (IEC 61010-1);
--- Part 2. Particular requirements for hand-held and hand-operated current sensors for electrical measurement and testing (IEC 6110-2-0232);
--- Part 3. Particular requirements for laboratory mixing and stirring equipment (IEC 61010-2-0051);
--- Part 4. Special requirements for autoclaves for medical materials used in laboratories (IEC 6110-2-0241);
--- Part 5. Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and testing (IEC 6110-1031);
--- Part 6. Special requirements for laboratory material heating equipment (IEC 6110-2-0-10);
--- Part 7. Special requirements for laboratory centrifuges (IEC 6110-2-20).
Note. The names of the above parts will change as the IEC standard names change.
This part is Part 6 of GB 4793.
This part is equivalent to adopting IEC 6110-2-0-10..2005 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use-Part 2-10
Sub-Special Requirements for Laboratory Heating Equipment (English version). Its technical content, text structure, and expression are in accordance with IEC 6110-
2-10..2005 is completely equivalent.
For ease of use, the following editorial changes have been made in this section.
--- Replace the comma "," with a decimal point "." As a decimal point;
--- Omit the content of the preamble of IEC 6110-2-0-10..2005;
--- For other international standards referenced in IEC 6110-10-2-10..2005, which are equivalent or modified and adopted as our national standards, this
Some of our national standards or industry standards replace the corresponding international standards; the rest are not equivalent or modified and adopted as our national standards
Standard international standards are directly cited in this section.
This section is for GB 4793.6-2001 "Safety laboratory material heating equipment for measurement, control and laboratory electrical equipment
"Special Requirements" (IEC 6110-2-10..1992, IDT).
This section must be combined with GB 4793.1 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use-Part 1. General requirements"
Use. The part that says "applicable" in this part means that the corresponding clause of GB 47.93.1 applies to this part; this part says "replaces" or
The "modified" part indicates that the provisions of this part shall prevail; the part that is marked with "added" in this part indicates that the division shall comply with the corresponding requirements of GB 47393.1.
In addition to the article, the article added in this section must also be met. In order to distinguish the bars in GB 47.93.1, the numbers of the bars added in this section start with 101.
Start, such as 5.2.1101.
Compared with GB 4973.6-2001, this section has major changes. Many clauses have been modified in text. The standard structure follows
GB 4793.1-2007 was adjusted, and some test methods were explained in more detail.
--- Increased the dynamic test of the horizontal heating surface of glass or ceramic materials;
--- Increased surface temperature limits for burn prevention.
This section is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This section is under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Electrical Equipment Safety (SAC/TC338).
Drafting organization of this section. Institute of Integrated Technology and Economy of Instrumentation for the Machinery Industry.
The main drafters of this section. Pan Changqing, Liu Xiaojing, Zheng Xu, Mei Ke, Ouyang Jinsong, Wang Linyi, Fang Xiaoshi, Wang Jianhua, Zhang Guiling.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this section are.
--- GB 4793.6-2001.
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
Safety requirements Part 6. Laboratory
Special requirements for heating equipment with materials
1 Scope and purpose
Except for the following, the first chapter of GB 47.93.1 applies.
1.1.1 Equipment to which this section applies
This article is replaced by the following.
This part of GB 4793 is only applicable to laboratory electrical equipment for material heating. Material heating is the only or one of several functions of the equipment.
Note. If the whole or part of the equipment falls within the scope of this part and the scope of one or more other parts in GB 4793, then it also needs to meet
Requirements of other relevant standards in GB 4793. In particular, if the equipment is intended for IVD purposes, it must also meet the requirements of IEC 6110-2-11
1.1.2 Equipment not included in the scope of this part
Add three new entries after i).
aa) laboratory heating and ventilation equipment;
bb) disinfection equipment;
c) The heating equipment accessible to the operator, that is, the space in the equipment when the door of the equipment is closed is sufficient to accommodate the equipment of the operator.
2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this section after being quoted in this section of GB 4793. For dated references,
All subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this section, however, it is encouraged to reach agreement based on this section
The parties studied whether the latest versions of these documents could be used. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this section.
GB 47.93.1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use-Part 1. General requirements (GB 47.93.1-
2007, IEC 61110-1..2001, IDT)
Chapter 2 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
3 Terms and definitions
Chapter 3 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
4 Test
Except for the following, Chapter 4 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
4.3.2 Device status
Add the following note after the first paragraph.
Note. When in doubt, the test can be performed under more than one combination of conditions. Heating device
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
Add the following new second paragraph.
If overfilling or underfilling of heat-conducting media can cause danger, the equipment should be left unfilled, partially filled, or overfilled
When the test is selected, the less favorable case is selected. When in doubt, the test should be performed under more than one condition. Heat transfer for testing
The conducting medium shall be of a type prescribed for normal use.
4.4.4 Compliance after fault conditions are applied
Replace the second paragraph with the following.
In addition to heating the heated surface of the equipment (see 10.1), whether it is due to heat transfer or due to proximity to a heating element, the surface of the equipment or
The temperature of the parts must not exceed 105 ° C when the ambient temperature is 40 ° C or the maximum rated ambient temperature (if the rated ambient temperature is higher).
(See 1.4.2).
5 Signs and documents
Except for the following, Chapter 5 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
5.1.3 Power supply
c) Add the following note after.
Note 101. If the actual power or current may be much greater than the maximum rated power or current indicated for 1 min or less after being switched on, it should be at the maximum
Instantaneous maximum values are shown in parentheses following the rated power or current.
5.1.6 Switches and circuit breakers
Add the third paragraph, which reads as follows.
For drying cabinets and similar equipment, equipment with doors or other openings for loading materials shall have an “on” status indication on each side.
5.2 Warning signs
Replace the fifth paragraph with the following.
Warning signs are, 5.2.1101, 6.1.2b),,, 6.6.2, 7 .2c), 7.3, 10.1 and
Provided in 13.2.2.
Add the following new bars.
5.2.101 Equipment with high contact current
For non-permanently connected equipment, if the equipment's contact current exceeds the limit of 6.3.1b) or 6.3.2b), but is still permanently connected
Within the limits of the equipment, there should be warning signs for non-permanent connection to the power supply. The mark should be on or next to the terminal cover connected to the power supply,
The warning should also be stated again in the installation instructions. Symbol 14 in Table 1 is a suitable warning sign. But given the country where the device is used
Homes may not be aware of this sign, so the warning sign should be printed in appropriate language.
Compliance is checked by visual inspection.
5.4.3 Equipment installation
Documentation should include installation and specific commissioning instructions (various examples are listed below), and if necessary for safety, equipment
Prepare for dangerous warnings during installation and commissioning.
a) Assembly, positioning and installation requirements. If hot objects falling from the equipment pose a danger, for example, when the door is opened,
Warning that the equipment must be installed on the surface of combustible materials;
b) instructions for protective earthing;
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
c) Connection to power supply. For equipment with dangerous live parts that may need to be touched (see 6.1.2), it shall be stated that the remaining power needs to be installed
Current-operated circuit breakers; when permanently connected to a power source, the necessary warnings and statements must be provided (see 5.2.1101);
d) for permanently connected equipment.
1) Power wiring requirements;
2) Requirements for any external switches or circuit breakers (see and external overcurrent protection devices (see 9.5.1)
And recommendations for placing these switches or circuit breakers near the equipment;
e) ventilation requirements;
f) special maintenance requirements, such as air and coolant;
g) if a measurement is required in 12.5.1, the maximum sound power level produced by the sounding equipment;
h) a description related to the sound pressure level (see 12.5.1);
i) drying requirements (see;
j) If the material may release dangerous gases during heating, the installation instructions should include
Warning instructions for safety temperature related temperature limiting devices, etc. (see Note to 5.4.1).
Note. The exhaust system is a system that removes air from the building, not a recirculating system.
Add bar. Drying
If the equipment may not meet all of the safety requirements of this section after transportation or storage under humid conditions, the installation instructions shall specify
The time required to dry the equipment and return it to normal conditions. The instructions should include a warning that the equipment may
Not all safety requirements in this section.
Compliance is checked by visual inspection.
5.4.4 Operation of equipment
Add the following references after g).
Add the following three new entries.
aa) When access to hazardous live parts is permitted, the operator needs additional protection regulations (see;
bb) with regard to any potentially hazardous conditions arising from the explosion, implosion, release of toxic gases or flammable gases from the heated material
Warning [see 5.4.3j)];
c) Specifications for suitable heat transfer media, such as liquids used in hot baths.
Add bar. Cleaning and disinfection
Instructions should include cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection recommendations, as well as common names of approved recommended materials for cleaning and disinfection
Claim, and point out materials that may be used but are not compatible with the equipment parts or materials contained in the equipment.
The instructions should also state that those responsible must ensure that.
a) if hazardous materials leak on the surface of the equipment or enter the equipment, appropriate disinfection should be taken;
b) Do not use cleaning agents or disinfectants that cause a chemical reaction with equipment parts or materials contained in the equipment;
c) If in doubt about the compatibility of disinfectants or cleaning agents with equipment parts or materials contained in equipment, consult the manufacturer or
Its proxy.
If the manufacturer states that an item can be sterilized by steam sterilization, the item should be able to withstand at least one set of time-temperature bars in Table 101
Steam sterilization.
Note 1. Manufacturers should refer to the intern...
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GB 4793.6-2008: Safety requirements for electrical for measurement, control, and laboratory use -- Part 6: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
GB 4793.6-2008
Safety requirements for electrical for measurement, control, and laboratory use. Part 6. Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
ICS 19.809
National Standards of People's Republic of China
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
Replaces GB 4793.6-2001
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
Safety requirements Part 6. Laboratory
Special requirements for heating equipment with materials
(IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005, IDT)
2009-2009-01 implementation
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Published by China National Standardization Administration
Foreword III
1 Scope and purpose 1
2 Normative references 1
3 Terms and definitions 1
4 Test 1
5 Signs and documents 2
6 Protection against electric shock 4
7 Protection against mechanical hazards 5
8 Resistance to mechanical shock and impact 5
9 prevent flame spread 6
10 Device temperature limits and heat resistance 6
11 Protection against fluid hazards 7
12 Radiation protection (including laser source), sound pressure and ultrasonic pressure 7
13 Protection against released gases, explosions and implosions 7
14 Components 7
15 Protection by Interlocking Device 8
16 Test and measurement equipment 8
Appendix 9
Reference 9
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
The entire technical content of this section is mandatory.
GB 4793 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use" is currently divided into 7 parts.
--- Part 1. General requirements (IEC 61010-1);
--- Part 2. Particular requirements for hand-held and hand-operated current sensors for electrical measurement and testing (IEC 6110-2-0232);
--- Part 3. Particular requirements for laboratory mixing and stirring equipment (IEC 61010-2-0051);
--- Part 4. Special requirements for autoclaves for medical materials used in laboratories (IEC 6110-2-0241);
--- Part 5. Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and testing (IEC 6110-1031);
--- Part 6. Special requirements for laboratory material heating equipment (IEC 6110-2-0-10);
--- Part 7. Special requirements for laboratory centrifuges (IEC 6110-2-20).
Note. The names of the above parts will change as the IEC standard names change.
This part is Part 6 of GB 4793.
This part is equivalent to adopting IEC 6110-2-0-10..2005 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use-Part 2-10
Sub-Special Requirements for Laboratory Heating Equipment (English version). Its technical content, text structure, and expression are in accordance with IEC 6110-
2-10..2005 is completely equivalent.
For ease of use, the following editorial changes have been made in this section.
--- Replace the comma "," with a decimal point "." As a decimal point;
--- Omit the content of the preamble of IEC 6110-2-0-10..2005;
--- For other international standards referenced in IEC 6110-10-2-10..2005, which are equivalent or modified and adopted as our national standards, this
Some of our national standards or industry standards replace the corresponding international standards; the rest are not equivalent or modified and adopted as our national standards
Standard international standards are directly cited in this section.
This section is for GB 4793.6-2001 "Safety laboratory material heating equipment for measurement, control and laboratory electrical equipment
"Special Requirements" (IEC 6110-2-10..1992, IDT).
This section must be combined with GB 4793.1 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use-Part 1. General requirements"
Use. The part that says "applicable" in this part means that the corresponding clause of GB 47.93.1 applies to this part; this part says "replaces" or
The "modified" part indicates that the provisions of this part shall prevail; the part that is marked with "added" in this part indicates that the division shall comply with the corresponding requirements of GB 47393.1.
In addition to the article, the article added in this section must also be met. In order to distinguish the bars in GB 47.93.1, the numbers of the bars added in this section start with 101.
Start, such as 5.2.1101.
Compared with GB 4973.6-2001, this section has major changes. Many clauses have been modified in text. The standard structure follows
GB 4793.1-2007 was adjusted, and some test methods were explained in more detail.
--- Increased the dynamic test of the horizontal heating surface of glass or ceramic materials;
--- Increased surface temperature limits for burn prevention.
This section is proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation.
This section is under the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Electrical Equipment Safety (SAC/TC338).
Drafting organization of this section. Institute of Integrated Technology and Economy of Instrumentation for the Machinery Industry.
The main drafters of this section. Pan Changqing, Liu Xiaojing, Zheng Xu, Mei Ke, Ouyang Jinsong, Wang Linyi, Fang Xiaoshi, Wang Jianhua, Zhang Guiling.
The previous versions of the standards replaced by this section are.
--- GB 4793.6-2001.
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use
Safety requirements Part 6. Laboratory
Special requirements for heating equipment with materials
1 Scope and purpose
Except for the following, the first chapter of GB 47.93.1 applies.
1.1.1 Equipment to which this section applies
This article is replaced by the following.
This part of GB 4793 is only applicable to laboratory electrical equipment for material heating. Material heating is the only or one of several functions of the equipment.
Note. If the whole or part of the equipment falls within the scope of this part and the scope of one or more other parts in GB 4793, then it also needs to meet
Requirements of other relevant standards in GB 4793. In particular, if the equipment is intended for IVD purposes, it must also meet the requirements of IEC 6110-2-11
1.1.2 Equipment not included in the scope of this part
Add three new entries after i).
aa) laboratory heating and ventilation equipment;
bb) disinfection equipment;
c) The heating equipment accessible to the operator, that is, the space in the equipment when the door of the equipment is closed is sufficient to accommodate the equipment of the operator.
2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this section after being quoted in this section of GB 4793. For dated references,
All subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this section, however, it is encouraged to reach agreement based on this section
The parties studied whether the latest versions of these documents could be used. For undated references, the latest edition applies to this section.
GB 47.93.1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use-Part 1. General requirements (GB 47.93.1-
2007, IEC 61110-1..2001, IDT)
Chapter 2 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
3 Terms and definitions
Chapter 3 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
4 Test
Except for the following, Chapter 4 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
4.3.2 Device status
Add the following note after the first paragraph.
Note. When in doubt, the test can be performed under more than one combination of conditions. Heating device
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
Add the following new second paragraph.
If overfilling or underfilling of heat-conducting media can cause danger, the equipment should be left unfilled, partially filled, or overfilled
When the test is selected, the less favorable case is selected. When in doubt, the test should be performed under more than one condition. Heat transfer for testing
The conducting medium shall be of a type prescribed for normal use.
4.4.4 Compliance after fault conditions are applied
Replace the second paragraph with the following.
In addition to heating the heated surface of the equipment (see 10.1), whether it is due to heat transfer or due to proximity to a heating element, the surface of the equipment or
The temperature of the parts must not exceed 105 ° C when the ambient temperature is 40 ° C or the maximum rated ambient temperature (if the rated ambient temperature is higher).
(See 1.4.2).
5 Signs and documents
Except for the following, Chapter 5 of GB 47.93.1 applies.
5.1.3 Power supply
c) Add the following note after.
Note 101. If the actual power or current may be much greater than the maximum rated power or current indicated for 1 min or less after being switched on, it should be at the maximum
Instantaneous maximum values are shown in parentheses following the rated power or current.
5.1.6 Switches and circuit breakers
Add the third paragraph, which reads as follows.
For drying cabinets and similar equipment, equipment with doors or other openings for loading materials shall have an “on” status indication on each side.
5.2 Warning signs
Replace the fifth paragraph with the following.
Warning signs are, 5.2.1101, 6.1.2b),,, 6.6.2, 7 .2c), 7.3, 10.1 and
Provided in 13.2.2.
Add the following new bars.
5.2.101 Equipment with high contact current
For non-permanently connected equipment, if the equipment's contact current exceeds the limit of 6.3.1b) or 6.3.2b), but is still permanently connected
Within the limits of the equipment, there should be warning signs for non-permanent connection to the power supply. The mark should be on or next to the terminal cover connected to the power supply,
The warning should also be stated again in the installation instructions. Symbol 14 in Table 1 is a suitable warning sign. But given the country where the device is used
Homes may not be aware of this sign, so the warning sign should be printed in appropriate language.
Compliance is checked by visual inspection.
5.4.3 Equipment installation
Documentation should include installation and specific commissioning instructions (various examples are listed below), and if necessary for safety, equipment
Prepare for dangerous warnings during installation and commissioning.
a) Assembly, positioning and installation requirements. If hot objects falling from the equipment pose a danger, for example, when the door is opened,
Warning that the equipment must be installed on the surface of combustible materials;
b) instructions for protective earthing;
GB 4793.6-2008/IEC 61110-2-0-10..2005
c) Connection to power supply. For equipment with dangerous live parts that may need to be touched (see 6.1.2), it shall be stated that the remaining power needs to be installed
Current-operated circuit breakers; when permanently connected to a power source, the necessary warnings and statements must be provided (see 5.2.1101);
d) for permanently connected equipment.
1) Power wiring requirements;
2) Requirements for any external switches or circuit breakers (see and external overcurrent protection devices (see 9.5.1)
And recommendations for placing these switches or circuit breakers near the equipment;
e) ventilation requirements;
f) special maintenance requirements, such as air and coolant;
g) if a measurement is required in 12.5.1, the maximum sound power level produced by the sounding equipment;
h) a description related to the sound pressure level (see 12.5.1);
i) drying requirements (see;
j) If the material may release dangerous gases during heating, the installation instructions should include
Warning instructions for safety temperature related temperature limiting devices, etc. (see Note to 5.4.1).
Note. The exhaust system is a system that removes air from the building, not a recirculating system.
Add bar. Drying
If the equipment may not meet all of the safety requirements of this section after transportation or storage under humid conditions, the installation instructions shall specify
The time required to dry the equipment and return it to normal conditions. The instructions should include a warning that the equipment may
Not all safety requirements in this section.
Compliance is checked by visual inspection.
5.4.4 Operation of equipment
Add the following references after g).
Add the following three new entries.
aa) When access to hazardous live parts is permitted, the operator needs additional protection regulations (see;
bb) with regard to any potentially hazardous conditions arising from the explosion, implosion, release of toxic gases or flammable gases from the heated material
Warning [see 5.4.3j)];
c) Specifications for suitable heat transfer media, such as liquids used in hot baths.
Add bar. Cleaning and disinfection
Instructions should include cleaning and, if necessary, disinfection recommendations, as well as common names of approved recommended materials for cleaning and disinfection
Claim, and point out materials that may be used but are not compatible with the equipment parts or materials contained in the equipment.
The instructions should also state that those responsible must ensure that.
a) if hazardous materials leak on the surface of the equipment or enter the equipment, appropriate disinfection should be taken;
b) Do not use cleaning agents or disinfectants that cause a chemical reaction with equipment parts or materials contained in the equipment;
c) If in doubt about the compatibility of disinfectants or cleaning agents with equipment parts or materials contained in equipment, consult the manufacturer or
Its proxy.
If the manufacturer states that an item can be sterilized by steam sterilization, the item should be able to withstand at least one set of time-temperature bars in Table 101
Steam sterilization.
Note 1. Manufacturers should refer to the intern...