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GB 4706.25-2008: Household and similar electrical appliances -- Safety -- Particular requirements for dishwashers
GB 4706.25-2008
Household and similar electrical appliances.Safety.Particular requirements for dishwashers
ICS 13.100
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB 4706.25-2002
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety
Particular requirements for dishwashers
(IEC 60335-2-5.2005 (Ed5.1), IDT)
Published 2008-12-30
2010-03-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China issued
Table of Contents
Introduction Ⅲ
IEC Foreword Ⅳ
Introduction Ⅵ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 General requirements 2
General conditions for 5 tests 2
6 Category 2
7 Marking and instructions 2
8 Protection against access to live parts 3
Start electric appliance 3 9
10 Power input and current 3
11 heat 3
12 Void 3
Leakage current and electric strength at the operating temperature of 13 3
14 Transient overvoltages 3
3 15 Moisture resistance
16 Leakage current and electric strength 4
Transformer 17 and associated circuitry overload 4
18 Endurance 4
19 Abnormal operation 4
5 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
5 21 Mechanical strength
22 Structure 6
Internal wiring 23 6
6 element 24
25 and the external power connection cord 7
26 with the external lead terminals 7
27 grounding measures 7
7 and screw 28 is connected
Clearances 29, creepage distances and solid insulation 7
30 7 fire resistant and
31 7 rust
32 radiation, toxicity and similar hazards 7
Appendix 8
Annex AA (normative) detergent and rinsing agent 8
Annex BB (normative) Aging test synthetic rubber parts 9
Reference 10
All technical contents of this section is mandatory.
GB 4706 "and similar household electrical appliances," it consists of several components, Part 1 General Requirements for the other parts of special
This part 4706. Part 25 GB . This section should be safe first and GB 4706.1-2005 "Household and similar electrical appliances
Part 1. General Requirements, "with the use.
This section states that "suitable" partial, GB 4706.1-2005 indicate corresponding provision applies to this part; this section states that "Generation
For "part, places subject to the provisions of this section; present states" addition "part indicates the other to meet GB 4706.1-2005
Outside the corresponding provisions, it must also comply with the provisions of section in the increased provision.
This section is equivalent to using IEC 60335-2-5.2005 "Safety Section 2-5 of household electrical appliances and the like. special to the dishwasher
This partial replacement GB 4706.25-2002 "Particular requirements for dishwashers and similar household electrical appliances."
For ease of use, this part of the IEC 60335-2-5 following editorial changes made.
The word "Part 1" to "GB 4706.1-2005".
This section compared with GB 4706.25-2002, major changes are as follows.
--- Chapter 5 increase. 15.3 15.101 trials before the test;
7.12 --- increase. instructions for an increase instructions;
19.101 --- increasing. mechanical part of the water level switch failure or blockage.
Appendix This section AA, BB appendix is normative.
This section was proposed by China Light Industry Federation.
This part of the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee appliances (SAC/TC46).
This part of the main drafting units. China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, the National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for household appliances, Midea Group Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this section. Zhu Yan, Lu Jianguo, Song Liqiang Liang swan, Yan Ling, Sun Peng.
This section was first released in June 2002, this is the first revision.
IEC Foreword
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC ) is an international scope by all national Electrotechnical Commission (IEC NC) consisting of standardization organizations.
Its purpose is to promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. For this reason, IEC carry out related activities,
And publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specification (PAS), Guide (hereinafter collectively referred to as the IEC publication).
These standards entrusted to technical committees. Any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate
Plus development work. IEC linked with international, governmental and non-governmental organizations may also participate in the development of standards. IEC and the National
Inter Organization for Standardization (ISO ) in close cooperation on the basis of the agreement between the two organizations.
2) IEC technical aspects of formal decisions or agreements, the technical committee of the National Commission on all their interest to participate in the formulation
of. Therefore, these decisions or agreements are expressed as related issues consensus in the international arena.
3) IEC standard manner recommended for international use and are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. In order to ensure that the IEC
When the accuracy of the technical content of the publication was made all reasonable efforts to IEC standards are used and their ultimate use any
Family misunderstanding is not responsible.
4) In order to promote international unification, National Committees to ensure maximum use of international standards in their national or regional standards
quasi. IEC standards corresponding to any difference between the national or regional standard must make clear that in the latter.
5) IEC provides no marking to indicate its approval procedures, but does not mean any equipment declared to comply with certain criteria to take responsibility.
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest version of this section.
7) IEC or its managers, employees, agents or support staff (including members of the Independent Expert and Technical Commission) and IEC National Committees
We will not deal with the use of any personal injury or rely on this publication or other IEC IEC publication caused property damage or other
Direct or indirect loss of any property, or from outside of this publication costs (including legal fees) and expenses responsibility.
8) It should be noted in this section are listed reference standard (normative references). For proper use of this section is concerned, the use of a reference standard
Quasi (Normative references) is indispensable.
Content 9) should be noted that certain provisions of this International Standard may involve patent rights, IEC will not be liable to confirm the patent.
This part of International Standard IEC 60335 developed by IEC technical committee 61 "Household and similar electrical appliances."
This section is based on the 5th edition (2002) and its Addendum 1 to develop, based on the following documents.
FDIS Report on voting
61/2099/FDIS 61/2130/RVD
61/2788/FDIS 61/2813/RVD
This part of the version number is 5.1.
This section should be used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1 latest version of its addendum. This part is based on the 4th edition IEC 60335-1
(2001) developed.
Note 1. in this section to mention, "Part 1" refers to IEC 60335-1.
This part of the make or modify the corresponding provisions IEC 60335-1, to convert it for this section. Particular requirements for dishwashers.
Where the articles in the first portion is not particularly mentioned in this section, as long as reasonable, i.e., should be used. This section states "addition", "repair
When change "or" substitution ", in the first portion about the content to be adapted accordingly.
Note 2. The following number.
--- increase in terms of IEC 60335-1, tables and figures that are numbered starting from 101;
Note --- unless new terms or contained in the first part of the note, otherwise they should start number 101, including chapters or terms replaced.
--- increased use Appendix Appendix AA, BB, etc. Annex.
Note 3. The following fonts.
--- text requirements. printed;
--- test specifications. italic;
--- Note. lowercase printed.
Printed in bold text word definitions given in Chapter 3. When in a definition of IEC 60335-1 it relates to an adjective, adjective and the associated
The term is also bold.
Technical Committee decided that the contents of this publication remain unchanged until the indicated repair on the IEC website (http.//webstore.iec.ch)
Change the results date. By then the standard will be.
Replaced by a revised edition, or
There is a difference in some countries.
--- 6.1. If the rated voltage not exceeding 150V, the appliance can be 0Ⅰ class (Japan).
--- 20.102. 30,000 door locks cycle endurance test (USA).
--- 25.7. free length of the cord needs to be at least 1.5m (USA).
--- Appendix AA. detergent and rinse aid different (USA).
--- Appendix BB. different tests (United States).
It has been assumed in the drafting of this section, a person appropriately qualified and experienced to implement the provisions of this section.
This portion is recognized that the use of household electrical appliances and the like under normal conditions noted when the manufacturer's instructions for the appliance
An acceptable level of risk international protection of electrical, mechanical, thermal, radiation and fire, it also includes the use may be expected to occur
Abnormal circumstances, and in view of electromagnetic interference affect the way for the safe operation of the appliance.
In developing this part has been as much as possible into account the requirements of GB 16895 in order to make electrical appliances when connecting to the grid
Gas wiring rules requires coordinated.
If a number of functions related to the appliance GB 4706 Part 2 different specific requirements, as far as is reasonable in the case of
Under Part 2 related to the special requirements of the standard are applied to each function. If applicable, should take into account a feature of other functions
This part is a matter of security appliance product family standards, and standards covering at the same level as in the same category and the same subject
In priority.
An appliance that complies text of this section, when examined and tested, found to have other features that will be covered by the requirements of this damage
And when the level of security, it will not be considered to comply with the safety guidelines in this section.
Product use various materials or various forms of structures other than specified in this part, this may be the product according to the present section
The intent of these requirements for inspection and testing. If found to be substantially equivalent, it can be determined which comply with this part.
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety
Particular requirements for dishwashers
Range 1
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter replaced by the following.
This section relates to security intended for washing and rinsing dishes household dishwashers, cutlery and other utensils, which single-phase appliances
Rated voltage not exceeding 250V, other apparatus does not exceed 480V.
Common hazards presented by the appliances covered in this section, is in and around the home environments of all people may experience.
This section does not cover.
--- unattended young children and people with disabilities danger of appliances;
--- children playing instruments situation.
101 Note. Note the following conditions.
--- for use on a vehicle, ship or aircraft, appliances, additional requirements may be necessary;
--- the national health authorities, the national labor protection authorities, the national water supply authorities and similar authorities of the appliance defines
Additional requirements.
102 NOTE. This does not apply to.
--- commercial electric dishwashing machines (GB 4706.50);
--- designed specifically for industrial use appliances;
--- appliance intended for use in a corrosive or explosive gases (such as dust, vapor or methane gas) locations where special conditions.
2 Normative references
Terms of the following documents constitute provisions of this section by reference in this section. For dated reference documents, all later
Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this section, however, encourage the parties to agreements based on research of
Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this section.
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter except as follows, are applicable.
GB/T 20290-2006 Electric dishwashers for household Methods for measuring performance (IEC 60436.2004, IDT)
ISO 1817.1999 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic liquid resistant Test Method
Definition 3
The following terms and definitions apply to this section.
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter except as follows, are applicable.
3.1.9 Replacement.
The appliance is operated under the following conditions.
Appliance designed at the maximum amount of water running, they do not put detergent or rinse aid and Place setting or public utensils. However, if the test results
If the impact load will be affected significantly, the appliance should be charged with a predetermined maximum number of seats in the specification and public tableware.
101 Note. Place setting regulations and public tableware used see GB/T 20290.
Water pressure using any convenient pressure within the predetermined pressure specification, should inlet water temperature.
--- only for feeding hot water, 60 ℃ ± 5 ℃ or predetermined specification value, whichever is higher;
--- only for the intake of cold water, 15 ℃ ± 5 ℃.
If the appliance inlet hot or cold water can enter, using the most unfavorable water temperature.
4 General requirements
This chapter in GB 4706.1-2005 is applicable.
General conditions for 5 tests
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter except as follows, are applicable.
5.3 Addition.
15.101 tests were carried out before t...
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Historical versions (Master-website): GB 4706.25-2008
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GB 4706.25-2008: Household and similar electrical appliances -- Safety -- Particular requirements for dishwashers
GB 4706.25-2008
Household and similar electrical appliances.Safety.Particular requirements for dishwashers
ICS 13.100
National Standards of People's Republic of China
Replacing GB 4706.25-2002
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety
Particular requirements for dishwashers
(IEC 60335-2-5.2005 (Ed5.1), IDT)
Published 2008-12-30
2010-03-01 implementation
Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People's Republic of China
Standardization Administration of China issued
Table of Contents
Introduction Ⅲ
IEC Foreword Ⅳ
Introduction Ⅵ
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 General requirements 2
General conditions for 5 tests 2
6 Category 2
7 Marking and instructions 2
8 Protection against access to live parts 3
Start electric appliance 3 9
10 Power input and current 3
11 heat 3
12 Void 3
Leakage current and electric strength at the operating temperature of 13 3
14 Transient overvoltages 3
3 15 Moisture resistance
16 Leakage current and electric strength 4
Transformer 17 and associated circuitry overload 4
18 Endurance 4
19 Abnormal operation 4
5 20 Stability and mechanical hazards
5 21 Mechanical strength
22 Structure 6
Internal wiring 23 6
6 element 24
25 and the external power connection cord 7
26 with the external lead terminals 7
27 grounding measures 7
7 and screw 28 is connected
Clearances 29, creepage distances and solid insulation 7
30 7 fire resistant and
31 7 rust
32 radiation, toxicity and similar hazards 7
Appendix 8
Annex AA (normative) detergent and rinsing agent 8
Annex BB (normative) Aging test synthetic rubber parts 9
Reference 10
All technical contents of this section is mandatory.
GB 4706 "and similar household electrical appliances," it consists of several components, Part 1 General Requirements for the other parts of special
This part 4706. Part 25 GB . This section should be safe first and GB 4706.1-2005 "Household and similar electrical appliances
Part 1. General Requirements, "with the use.
This section states that "suitable" partial, GB 4706.1-2005 indicate corresponding provision applies to this part; this section states that "Generation
For "part, places subject to the provisions of this section; present states" addition "part indicates the other to meet GB 4706.1-2005
Outside the corresponding provisions, it must also comply with the provisions of section in the increased provision.
This section is equivalent to using IEC 60335-2-5.2005 "Safety Section 2-5 of household electrical appliances and the like. special to the dishwasher
This partial replacement GB 4706.25-2002 "Particular requirements for dishwashers and similar household electrical appliances."
For ease of use, this part of the IEC 60335-2-5 following editorial changes made.
The word "Part 1" to "GB 4706.1-2005".
This section compared with GB 4706.25-2002, major changes are as follows.
--- Chapter 5 increase. 15.3 15.101 trials before the test;
7.12 --- increase. instructions for an increase instructions;
19.101 --- increasing. mechanical part of the water level switch failure or blockage.
Appendix This section AA, BB appendix is normative.
This section was proposed by China Light Industry Federation.
This part of the jurisdiction of the National Standardization Technical Committee appliances (SAC/TC46).
This part of the main drafting units. China Household Electrical Appliances Research Institute, the National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for household appliances, Midea Group Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this section. Zhu Yan, Lu Jianguo, Song Liqiang Liang swan, Yan Ling, Sun Peng.
This section was first released in June 2002, this is the first revision.
IEC Foreword
1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC ) is an international scope by all national Electrotechnical Commission (IEC NC) consisting of standardization organizations.
Its purpose is to promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. For this reason, IEC carry out related activities,
And publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specification (PAS), Guide (hereinafter collectively referred to as the IEC publication).
These standards entrusted to technical committees. Any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate
Plus development work. IEC linked with international, governmental and non-governmental organizations may also participate in the development of standards. IEC and the National
Inter Organization for Standardization (ISO ) in close cooperation on the basis of the agreement between the two organizations.
2) IEC technical aspects of formal decisions or agreements, the technical committee of the National Commission on all their interest to participate in the formulation
of. Therefore, these decisions or agreements are expressed as related issues consensus in the international arena.
3) IEC standard manner recommended for international use and are accepted by the National Committees in that sense. In order to ensure that the IEC
When the accuracy of the technical content of the publication was made all reasonable efforts to IEC standards are used and their ultimate use any
Family misunderstanding is not responsible.
4) In order to promote international unification, National Committees to ensure maximum use of international standards in their national or regional standards
quasi. IEC standards corresponding to any difference between the national or regional standard must make clear that in the latter.
5) IEC provides no marking to indicate its approval procedures, but does not mean any equipment declared to comply with certain criteria to take responsibility.
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest version of this section.
7) IEC or its managers, employees, agents or support staff (including members of the Independent Expert and Technical Commission) and IEC National Committees
We will not deal with the use of any personal injury or rely on this publication or other IEC IEC publication caused property damage or other
Direct or indirect loss of any property, or from outside of this publication costs (including legal fees) and expenses responsibility.
8) It should be noted in this section are listed reference standard (normative references). For proper use of this section is concerned, the use of a reference standard
Quasi (Normative references) is indispensable.
Content 9) should be noted that certain provisions of this International Standard may involve patent rights, IEC will not be liable to confirm the patent.
This part of International Standard IEC 60335 developed by IEC technical committee 61 "Household and similar electrical appliances."
This section is based on the 5th edition (2002) and its Addendum 1 to develop, based on the following documents.
FDIS Report on voting
61/2099/FDIS 61/2130/RVD
61/2788/FDIS 61/2813/RVD
This part of the version number is 5.1.
This section should be used in conjunction with IEC 60335-1 latest version of its addendum. This part is based on the 4th edition IEC 60335-1
(2001) developed.
Note 1. in this section to mention, "Part 1" refers to IEC 60335-1.
This part of the make or modify the corresponding provisions IEC 60335-1, to convert it for this section. Particular requirements for dishwashers.
Where the articles in the first portion is not particularly mentioned in this section, as long as reasonable, i.e., should be used. This section states "addition", "repair
When change "or" substitution ", in the first portion about the content to be adapted accordingly.
Note 2. The following number.
--- increase in terms of IEC 60335-1, tables and figures that are numbered starting from 101;
Note --- unless new terms or contained in the first part of the note, otherwise they should start number 101, including chapters or terms replaced.
--- increased use Appendix Appendix AA, BB, etc. Annex.
Note 3. The following fonts.
--- text requirements. printed;
--- test specifications. italic;
--- Note. lowercase printed.
Printed in bold text word definitions given in Chapter 3. When in a definition of IEC 60335-1 it relates to an adjective, adjective and the associated
The term is also bold.
Technical Committee decided that the contents of this publication remain unchanged until the indicated repair on the IEC website (http.//webstore.iec.ch)
Change the results date. By then the standard will be.
Replaced by a revised edition, or
There is a difference in some countries.
--- 6.1. If the rated voltage not exceeding 150V, the appliance can be 0Ⅰ class (Japan).
--- 20.102. 30,000 door locks cycle endurance test (USA).
--- 25.7. free length of the cord needs to be at least 1.5m (USA).
--- Appendix AA. detergent and rinse aid different (USA).
--- Appendix BB. different tests (United States).
It has been assumed in the drafting of this section, a person appropriately qualified and experienced to implement the provisions of this section.
This portion is recognized that the use of household electrical appliances and the like under normal conditions noted when the manufacturer's instructions for the appliance
An acceptable level of risk international protection of electrical, mechanical, thermal, radiation and fire, it also includes the use may be expected to occur
Abnormal circumstances, and in view of electromagnetic interference affect the way for the safe operation of the appliance.
In developing this part has been as much as possible into account the requirements of GB 16895 in order to make electrical appliances when connecting to the grid
Gas wiring rules requires coordinated.
If a number of functions related to the appliance GB 4706 Part 2 different specific requirements, as far as is reasonable in the case of
Under Part 2 related to the special requirements of the standard are applied to each function. If applicable, should take into account a feature of other functions
This part is a matter of security appliance product family standards, and standards covering at the same level as in the same category and the same subject
In priority.
An appliance that complies text of this section, when examined and tested, found to have other features that will be covered by the requirements of this damage
And when the level of security, it will not be considered to comply with the safety guidelines in this section.
Product use various materials or various forms of structures other than specified in this part, this may be the product according to the present section
The intent of these requirements for inspection and testing. If found to be substantially equivalent, it can be determined which comply with this part.
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety
Particular requirements for dishwashers
Range 1
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter replaced by the following.
This section relates to security intended for washing and rinsing dishes household dishwashers, cutlery and other utensils, which single-phase appliances
Rated voltage not exceeding 250V, other apparatus does not exceed 480V.
Common hazards presented by the appliances covered in this section, is in and around the home environments of all people may experience.
This section does not cover.
--- unattended young children and people with disabilities danger of appliances;
--- children playing instruments situation.
101 Note. Note the following conditions.
--- for use on a vehicle, ship or aircraft, appliances, additional requirements may be necessary;
--- the national health authorities, the national labor protection authorities, the national water supply authorities and similar authorities of the appliance defines
Additional requirements.
102 NOTE. This does not apply to.
--- commercial electric dishwashing machines (GB 4706.50);
--- designed specifically for industrial use appliances;
--- appliance intended for use in a corrosive or explosive gases (such as dust, vapor or methane gas) locations where special conditions.
2 Normative references
Terms of the following documents constitute provisions of this section by reference in this section. For dated reference documents, all later
Amendments (not including errata content) or revisions do not apply to this section, however, encourage the parties to agreements based on research of
Whether the latest versions of these documents. For undated reference documents, the latest versions apply to this section.
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter except as follows, are applicable.
GB/T 20290-2006 Electric dishwashers for household Methods for measuring performance (IEC 60436.2004, IDT)
ISO 1817.1999 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic liquid resistant Test Method
Definition 3
The following terms and definitions apply to this section.
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter except as follows, are applicable.
3.1.9 Replacement.
The appliance is operated under the following conditions.
Appliance designed at the maximum amount of water running, they do not put detergent or rinse aid and Place setting or public utensils. However, if the test results
If the impact load will be affected significantly, the appliance should be charged with a predetermined maximum number of seats in the specification and public tableware.
101 Note. Place setting regulations and public tableware used see GB/T 20290.
Water pressure using any convenient pressure within the predetermined pressure specification, should inlet water temperature.
--- only for feeding hot water, 60 ℃ ± 5 ℃ or predetermined specification value, whichever is higher;
--- only for the intake of cold water, 15 ℃ ± 5 ℃.
If the appliance inlet hot or cold water can enter, using the most unfavorable water temperature.
4 General requirements
This chapter in GB 4706.1-2005 is applicable.
General conditions for 5 tests
GB 4706.1-2005 in this chapter except as follows, are applicable.
5.3 Addition.
15.101 tests were carried out before t...