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GB 40877-2021: The norm of energy consumption per unit product of aluminium silicate wools and products
GB 40877-2021
ICS 27.010
CCS F 01
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of
aluminium silicate wools and products
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Energy consumption norm grades ... 5
5 Technical requirements ... 6
6 Statistical range and calculation method ... 6
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of
aluminium silicate wools and products
1 Scope
This document specifies the norm grades, technical requirements, statistical
scope and calculation method of energy consumption per unit product of
aluminium silicate wools and products.
This document applies to the calculation and assessment of energy
consumption of aluminium silicate wools and products, as well as the energy
consumption control of newly built (rebuilt, expanded) projects.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the indispensable clauses
of this document through normative references in the text. For dated references,
only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for
undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable
to this document.
GB/T 2589, General principles for calculation of the comprehensive energy
GB/T 3003, Refractory fibres and the products
GB/T 12723, General principles for establishing allowance of energy
consumption per unit throughput
GB/T 16400, Aluminium silicate wool and its products for thermal insulation
GB 17167, General principle for equipping and managing of the measuring
instrument of energy in organization of energy using
GB/T 24851, Specification for equipping and managing of measuring
instrument of energy in building material industry
3 Terms and definitions
Terms and definitions determined by GB/T 2589, GB/T 12723 and GB/T 16400,
and the following ones are applicable to this document.
consumed and exported from the construction of infrastructure, technological
transformation and other projects. Various energy sources shall be uniformly converted into standard coal
according to their calorific value. If there are actual measurement conditions,
the calorific value measured by the enterprise during the statistical period shall
prevail. If there is no actual measurement condition, use the energy conversion
coefficient given in GB/T 2589 to convert into standard coal. The statistical period is a natural year
6.1.2 Classification Aluminium silicate wools
The energy consumption of aluminium silicate wools shall include the energy
consumption of all production systems, auxiliary production systems and
subsidiary production systems involved in the process from the raw materials
entering the conveying and batching stage to the warehousing of cellucotton.
The spinning process shall include: melting furnace, flow port, air compressor,
fan, water pump, spinning, cotton collecting box mesh belt and dust removal.
The injection process shall include: melting furnace, flow port, air compressor,
fan, water pump, cotton collecting box mesh belt and dust removal. Needled aluminium silicate wool blanket
The energy consumption of needled aluminium silicate wool blanket shall
include the energy consumption of all production systems, auxiliary production
systems, and subsidiary production systems involved in the process from the
cellucotton entering the needling stage to the warehousing of finished products,
including: cooling fan, carpet roll, needle punch, dust removal, heating furnace
(including electric heating and natural gas heating) and mesh belt. Aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products (continuous
The energy consumption of aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products
(continuous mechanism) shall include the energy consumption of all production
systems, auxiliary production systems and subsidiary production systems
involved in the process from the cellucotton entering the conveying and
batching stage, to beating, slag removal, slurry preparation, storage, fourdrinier
wire forming, and drying, cutting, to warehousing of the finished products. Aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products (vacuum suction
The energy consumption of aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products
(vacuum suction filtration) shall include the energy consumption of all
production systems, auxiliary production systems and subsidiary production
systems involved in the process from the cellucotton entering the conveying
and batching stage, to beating, slag removal, slurry preparation, vacuum
suction filtration, and drying, cutting to warehousing of finished products.
6.2 Statistical method
Use energy measuring instruments to measure and count the amount of energy
consumption during the statistical period; do not recalculate or miss calculation.
The energy measuring instruments shall comply with the relevant provisions of
GB 17167 and GB/T 24851.
6.3 Calculation methods
6.3.1 Principle
The calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption of aluminium silicate
wools and products shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 2589 on the
calculation principle and calculation range.
6.3.2 Calculation of comprehensive energy consumption of products
The comprehensive energy consumption of aluminium silicate wools or
products shall be calculated according to Formula (1):
E – the comprehensive energy consumption of a certain type of aluminium
silicate wool or its products during the statistical period, in kilograms of
standard coal (kgce);
ei – the physical quantity of the ith energy (including the energy consumed by
the energy-consumed medium) consumed in the production of a certain
type of aluminium silicate wool or its products during the statistical period;
ki – the conversion factor of the ith energy consumed in the production of a
certain type of aluminium silicate wool or its products during the statistical
6.3.3 Calculation of comprehensive energy consumption per unit product
The comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of aluminium silicate
wools or products shall be calculated according to Formula (2):
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GB 40877-2021: The norm of energy consumption per unit product of aluminium silicate wools and products
GB 40877-2021
ICS 27.010
CCS F 01
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of
aluminium silicate wools and products
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Energy consumption norm grades ... 5
5 Technical requirements ... 6
6 Statistical range and calculation method ... 6
The norm of energy consumption per unit product of
aluminium silicate wools and products
1 Scope
This document specifies the norm grades, technical requirements, statistical
scope and calculation method of energy consumption per unit product of
aluminium silicate wools and products.
This document applies to the calculation and assessment of energy
consumption of aluminium silicate wools and products, as well as the energy
consumption control of newly built (rebuilt, expanded) projects.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the indispensable clauses
of this document through normative references in the text. For dated references,
only the version corresponding to that date is applicable to this document; for
undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) is applicable
to this document.
GB/T 2589, General principles for calculation of the comprehensive energy
GB/T 3003, Refractory fibres and the products
GB/T 12723, General principles for establishing allowance of energy
consumption per unit throughput
GB/T 16400, Aluminium silicate wool and its products for thermal insulation
GB 17167, General principle for equipping and managing of the measuring
instrument of energy in organization of energy using
GB/T 24851, Specification for equipping and managing of measuring
instrument of energy in building material industry
3 Terms and definitions
Terms and definitions determined by GB/T 2589, GB/T 12723 and GB/T 16400,
and the following ones are applicable to this document.
consumed and exported from the construction of infrastructure, technological
transformation and other projects. Various energy sources shall be uniformly converted into standard coal
according to their calorific value. If there are actual measurement conditions,
the calorific value measured by the enterprise during the statistical period shall
prevail. If there is no actual measurement condition, use the energy conversion
coefficient given in GB/T 2589 to convert into standard coal. The statistical period is a natural year
6.1.2 Classification Aluminium silicate wools
The energy consumption of aluminium silicate wools shall include the energy
consumption of all production systems, auxiliary production systems and
subsidiary production systems involved in the process from the raw materials
entering the conveying and batching stage to the warehousing of cellucotton.
The spinning process shall include: melting furnace, flow port, air compressor,
fan, water pump, spinning, cotton collecting box mesh belt and dust removal.
The injection process shall include: melting furnace, flow port, air compressor,
fan, water pump, cotton collecting box mesh belt and dust removal. Needled aluminium silicate wool blanket
The energy consumption of needled aluminium silicate wool blanket shall
include the energy consumption of all production systems, auxiliary production
systems, and subsidiary production systems involved in the process from the
cellucotton entering the needling stage to the warehousing of finished products,
including: cooling fan, carpet roll, needle punch, dust removal, heating furnace
(including electric heating and natural gas heating) and mesh belt. Aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products (continuous
The energy consumption of aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products
(continuous mechanism) shall include the energy consumption of all production
systems, auxiliary production systems and subsidiary production systems
involved in the process from the cellucotton entering the conveying and
batching stage, to beating, slag removal, slurry preparation, storage, fourdrinier
wire forming, and drying, cutting, to warehousing of the finished products. Aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products (vacuum suction
The energy consumption of aluminium silicate wool wet-processed products
(vacuum suction filtration) shall include the energy consumption of all
production systems, auxiliary production systems and subsidiary production
systems involved in the process from the cellucotton entering the conveying
and batching stage, to beating, slag removal, slurry preparation, vacuum
suction filtration, and drying, cutting to warehousing of finished products.
6.2 Statistical method
Use energy measuring instruments to measure and count the amount of energy
consumption during the statistical period; do not recalculate or miss calculation.
The energy measuring instruments shall comply with the relevant provisions of
GB 17167 and GB/T 24851.
6.3 Calculation methods
6.3.1 Principle
The calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption of aluminium silicate
wools and products shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 2589 on the
calculation principle and calculation range.
6.3.2 Calculation of comprehensive energy consumption of products
The comprehensive energy consumption of aluminium silicate wools or
products shall be calculated according to Formula (1):
E – the comprehensive energy consumption of a certain type of aluminium
silicate wool or its products during the statistical period, in kilograms of
standard coal (kgce);
ei – the physical quantity of the ith energy (including the energy consumed by
the energy-consumed medium) consumed in the production of a certain
type of aluminium silicate wool or its products during the statistical period;
ki – the conversion factor of the ith energy consumed in the production of a
certain type of aluminium silicate wool or its products during the statistical
6.3.3 Calculation of comprehensive energy consumption per unit product
The comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of aluminium silicate
wools or products shall be calculated according to Formula (2):