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GB 4066-2017: Powder extinguishing agent
GB 4066-2017
ICS 13.220.10
C 83
Replacing GB 4066.1-2004, GB 4066.2-2004
Powder extinguishing agent
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Models ... 6
5 Technical requirements ... 7
6 Test methods ... 7
7 Inspection rules ... 18
8 Marks, packaging, instruction manual, transportation and storage ... 19
Annex A (Normative) Test method for sodium bicarbonate content ... 20
Annex B (Normative) Test method for ammonium dihydrogen phosphate content ... 24
Annex C (Normative) Test method for class A fire extinguishing performance ... 27
Annex D (Normative) Test method for class B, C fire extinguishing performance ... 31
Powder extinguishing agent
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, models, technical requirements, test
methods, inspection rules, marks, packaging, transportation and storage for powder
extinguishing agent.
This Standard applies to powder extinguishing agent whose major chemical content is
not less than 75%. It is not suitable for ultra-fine powder extinguishing agent specified
in GA 578 and Class D powder extinguishing agent specified in GA 979.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 535, Fertilizer grade ammonium sulphate
GB/T 622, Chemical reagent - Hydrochloric acid
GB 4351.1, Portable fire extinguishers - Part 1: Performance and construction
GB/T 4509, Standard test method for penetration of bitumen
GB/T 4968, Classification of fires
GB/T 5907 (all parts), Fire protection vocabulary
GB/T 6003.1, Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test sieves
of metal wire cloth
GB/T 6682, Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
GB/T 9969, General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial
GA 578, Super fine powder fire extinguishing agent
GA 634, Adiabatic protective clothing for firefighter
GA 979, Fire extinguishing media. D power
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 5907 and
GB/T 4968 as well as the followings apply.
3.1 characterization statement
The data and information on the physical or chemical properties of powder
extinguishing agent provided by the manufacturer or the inspection entrusting party. It
includes the content of chemical content, bulk density, particle size distribution, fire
extinguishing performance, etc.
3.2 chemical content
The basic component of powder extinguishing agent. Additives used to improve
extinguishing agent storage, moisture resistance, fluidity, etc. are not included.
3.3 major chemical content
Among the chemical contents of powder extinguishing agent, the chemical content with
the highest content.
3.4 batch
Uniformed products that are produced according to the same formula and the same
process, one-time feeding and production.
3.5 lot
Multiple batches of products under the same formula, process, and raw materials. The
total amount shall not exceed 25 t.
NOTE: Any major changes in production personnel, manufacturing process, raw materials or
environmental conditions are considered as different lots.
4 Models
The model of powder extinguishing agent is represented by a combination of fire type
codes applicable to firefighting, chemical content and amount, and enterprise-defined
information. The total content of chemical contents shall not be less than 90%.
b) Weighing bottle: ϕ70 mm × 40 mm;
c) Desiccator: ϕ220 mm;
d) Balance: accuracy is 0.2 mg.
6.3.2 Test steps In the weighing bottle with constant weight, weigh 5 g of powder extinguishing
agent specimen, accurate to 0.2 mg. Place the weighing bottle without the cap in the desiccator filled with sulfuric
acid at a temperature of 20°C±2°C for 48 h. Take out the weighing bottle and put it in the desiccator. Weigh after standing
for 15 min, accurate to 0.2 mg.
6.3.3 Results
Moisture content x1 is calculated according to formula (2):
m1 - the mass of the specimen before drying, in grams (g);
m2 - the mass of the specimen after drying, in grams (g).
Take the average of the two test results with a difference of not more than 0.02% as the
measurement result.
6.4 Moisture absorption rate
6.4.1 Reagents, instruments and equipment
The requirements for reagents, instruments, and equipment for the moisture absorption
rate test are as follows:
a) Ammonium chloride: chemically pure;
b) Balance: accuracy is 0.2 mg;
c) Weighing bottle: ϕ50 mm × 30 mm;
d) Desiccator: ϕ220 mm;
e) Constant temperature and humidity system: saturated ammonium chloride
6 - base.
Figure 2 -- Liquidity tester
6.5.2 Test steps Weigh 300 g of powder extinguishing agent specimen, accurate to 0.5 g. Put it
into the glass sand clock. Mount the glass sand clock on the stand. Turn the specimen continuously in the
sand clock for 30 s. After inflating the specimen, immediately start measuring the time
for 20 consecutive free passages through the middle of the neck.
6.5.3 Results
Take the arithmetic mean value of 20 test times as the measurement result.
6.6 Water repellency
6.6.1 Reagents and instruments
The requirements for the reagents and instruments for water repellency test are as
a) Sodium chloride: chemically pure;
b) Petri dish: ϕ70 mm;
c) Pipette: 0.5 mL;
d) Desiccator: ϕ220 mm.
6.6.2 Test steps Put an excess powder extinguishing agent specimen in the petri dish. Use a
spatula to smooth the surface. Use a pipette to drop 0.3 mL of grade three water at three different points on the
surface of the dry powder (according to the provisions of GB/T 6682). The distance
between the dripping points and between the dripping points and the edge of the petri
dish shall not be less than 10 mm. Place the petri dish in a desiccator filled with saturated sodium chloride solution
at a temperature of (20±5)°C (relative humidity is 75%). The time for placement is
(120±5) min. Remove the Petri dish. Gradually tilt to make the drops roll off.
6.6.3 Results
Observe whether the specimen has obvious water absorption and agglomeration.
6.7 Penetration
6.7.1 Reagents, instruments and equipment
The requirements for the reagents, instruments, and equipment for the penetration test
are as follows:
a) Ammonium chloride: chemically pure;
b) Saturated ammonium chloride constant humidity system or constant temperature
and humidity box: The saturated ammonium chloride constant humidity system
(see Figure 1) controls the air flow rate of 5 L/min (humidity is 78%) to pass
through the humidistat. The lower part of the humidistat is filled with saturated
ammonium chloride solution;
c) Penetration meter: in accordance with GB/T 4509; precision is 0.1 mm; the sum
of the mass of the standard needle and the needle strip is (50.00±0.05) g;
d) Electrothermal constant temperature drying oven: accuracy is ±2°C;
e) Beaker: capacity is 100 mL;
f) Stopwatch: graduation value is 0.1 s;
g) Vibrating screen machine: swing frequency is 4.58 Hz ~ 4.92 Hz; shock frequency
is 0.52 Hz ~ 0.55 Hz; shock height is 4.0 mm.
6.7.2 Test steps In a dry and clean beaker, fill the powder extinguishing agent specimen. Use a
spatula to smooth the surface. Place the beaker on the shaker. Use a clamp to clamp. Shake for 5 min. Remove
the beaker. Humidify in a humidistat with a temperature of (21±3)°C and a relative
humidity of 78% for 24 h. Then move it into an electric constant temperature drying
oven with a temperature of (48±3)°C and dry for 24 h. Determination of penetration: When measuring, the tip of the needle shall be
close to the surface of the specimen. The distance between the needle penetration points
and between the needle penetration point and the beaker wall shall not be less than 10
mm. After the needle falls freely into the specimen for 5s, record the depth of the needle
inserted into the specimen. Measure three needle penetration points for each beaker
6.7.3 Results
Take the average value of 9 test results whose deviation from the average value does
6.9.1 Instruments and equipment
The requirements for the instruments and equipment for the low temperature resistance
test are as follows:
a) Low temperature tester: accuracy is ±1°C;
b) Test tube: ϕ20 mm × 150 mm;
c) Balance: resolution is 0.2 g;
d) Stopwatch: division value is 0.1 s.
6.9.2 Test steps Weigh 20 g of powder extinguishing agent specimen, accurate to 0.2 g. Place in
a dry, clean test tube. Put the test tube in a -55°C environment for 1 h after stoppering. Remove the test tube. Tilt it upside down within 2 s. Use the stopwatch to record
the time for the specimen to flow completely.
6.9.3 Results
Take the average value of 3 test results as the measurement result.
6.10 Electrical insulation
6.10.1 Instruments and equipment
The requirements for the instruments and equipment for electrical insulation testing are
as follows:
a) Test cup (see Figure 3): The cup body is made of high insulating material that does
not absorb moisture. The distance between any part of the electrode and the test
cup is not less than 13 mm. The distance between the top of the test cup and the
top of the electrode is not less than 32 mm.
b) Plate electrodes are polished brass plates. The diameter is 25 mm. The thickness
is not less than 3 mm. The edges are at right angles. The electrode spacing is (2.50
± 0.01) mm.
c) Pressure resistance tester: the output voltage can be continuously raised to above
5 kV.
d) Drop test bench: the maximum drop height is 30 mm. The maximum allowable
load is 50 kg. It is continuously adjustable in the frequency range of 0 Hz ~ 1.667
Hz. The falling acceleration is greater than 9.3 m/s2.
Put the powder extinguishing agent specimen in a colorless glass. Observe the color.
6.12 Fire extinguishing performance
The extinguishing performance of powder extinguishing agent for class A fire shall be
inspected according to the provisions of Annex C. The extinguishing performance of
powder extinguishing agent for classes B, C fire shall be inspected according to the
provisions of Annex D.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection categories and items
7.1.1 Routine inspection
In normal production, each batch of products shall be routinely inspected. Bulk density,
fluidity, water repellency, particle size distribution, low temperature resistance, and
color are routine inspection items.
7.1.2 Confirmation inspection
All inspection items in Table 1 are confirmation inspection items. Each lot of products
shall be sampled for inspection of the content of chemical content, moisture content,
moisture absorption rate, and penetration. The rest of the items shall also be inspected
regularly to ensure that the products continue to meet the requirements of this Standard.
7.1.3 Type inspection
All the inspection items in Table 1 are type inspection items. In one of the following
situations, type inspection shall be carried out:
a) When a new product is identified, or an old product is transferred to a factory for
b) After formal production, when the raw materials and process have changed greatly;
c) When the production has been suspended for more than one year, production is
d) When the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection
requirements according to law.
7.2 Sampling method
7.2.1 Samples for type inspection and confirmation inspection shall be taken from
products that pass routine inspection. The sampling method shall ensure that the
sampling is representative. The samples shall be thoroughly mixed before testing.
Annex A
Test method for sodium bicarbonate content
A.1 Titration method (arbitration method)
A.1.1 Method principle
After destroying the silicon film of the powder extinguishing agent specimen, heat
distilled water to dissolve and filter. Take its filtrate. Use cresyl red-thymol blue and
bromocresol green-methyl red as indication solutions respectively. Use standard
hydrochloric acid solution to titrate.
A.1.2 Reagents
Test reagents:
a) Acetone: analytically pure;
b) Grade three water: comply with the provisions of GB/T 6682;
c) Bromocresol green ethanol solution (0.1%);
d) Methyl red ethanol solution (0.2%);
e) Bromocresol green-methyl red mixed indicator: Mix bromocresol green ethanol
solution (0.1%) with methyl red ethanol solution (0.2%) at a volume ratio of 3:1.
Shake well;
f) Cresyl red sodium salt solution (0.1%);
g) Thymol blue sodium salt solution (0.1%);
h) Cresyl red-thymol blue mixed indicator: Mix cresyl red sodium salt solution
(0.1%) with thymol blue sodium salt solution (0.1%) at a volume ratio of 1:3.
Shake well;
i) Hydrochloric acid standard titration solution: Use hydrochloric acid (in
accordance with the provisions of GB/T 622) to prepare an aqueous solution of
which the concentration is about 0.1 mol/L.
A.1.3 Instruments
Test instruments:
a) Balance: resolution is 0.2 mg;
b) Volumetric flask: 500 mL;
c) Pipette: 50 mL;
d) Burette: 50 mL;
e) Erlenmeyer flask: 250 mL.
A.1.4 Test steps
A.1.4.1 Prepare the solution to be tested as follows:
a) Weigh 2 g of powder extinguishing agent specimen, accurat...
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GB 4066-2017: Powder extinguishing agent
GB 4066-2017
ICS 13.220.10
C 83
Replacing GB 4066.1-2004, GB 4066.2-2004
Powder extinguishing agent
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 6
4 Models ... 6
5 Technical requirements ... 7
6 Test methods ... 7
7 Inspection rules ... 18
8 Marks, packaging, instruction manual, transportation and storage ... 19
Annex A (Normative) Test method for sodium bicarbonate content ... 20
Annex B (Normative) Test method for ammonium dihydrogen phosphate content ... 24
Annex C (Normative) Test method for class A fire extinguishing performance ... 27
Annex D (Normative) Test method for class B, C fire extinguishing performance ... 31
Powder extinguishing agent
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, models, technical requirements, test
methods, inspection rules, marks, packaging, transportation and storage for powder
extinguishing agent.
This Standard applies to powder extinguishing agent whose major chemical content is
not less than 75%. It is not suitable for ultra-fine powder extinguishing agent specified
in GA 578 and Class D powder extinguishing agent specified in GA 979.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
GB/T 535, Fertilizer grade ammonium sulphate
GB/T 622, Chemical reagent - Hydrochloric acid
GB 4351.1, Portable fire extinguishers - Part 1: Performance and construction
GB/T 4509, Standard test method for penetration of bitumen
GB/T 4968, Classification of fires
GB/T 5907 (all parts), Fire protection vocabulary
GB/T 6003.1, Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 1: Test sieves
of metal wire cloth
GB/T 6682, Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
GB/T 9969, General principles for preparation of instructions for use of industrial
GA 578, Super fine powder fire extinguishing agent
GA 634, Adiabatic protective clothing for firefighter
GA 979, Fire extinguishing media. D power
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions defined in GB/T 5907 and
GB/T 4968 as well as the followings apply.
3.1 characterization statement
The data and information on the physical or chemical properties of powder
extinguishing agent provided by the manufacturer or the inspection entrusting party. It
includes the content of chemical content, bulk density, particle size distribution, fire
extinguishing performance, etc.
3.2 chemical content
The basic component of powder extinguishing agent. Additives used to improve
extinguishing agent storage, moisture resistance, fluidity, etc. are not included.
3.3 major chemical content
Among the chemical contents of powder extinguishing agent, the chemical content with
the highest content.
3.4 batch
Uniformed products that are produced according to the same formula and the same
process, one-time feeding and production.
3.5 lot
Multiple batches of products under the same formula, process, and raw materials. The
total amount shall not exceed 25 t.
NOTE: Any major changes in production personnel, manufacturing process, raw materials or
environmental conditions are considered as different lots.
4 Models
The model of powder extinguishing agent is represented by a combination of fire type
codes applicable to firefighting, chemical content and amount, and enterprise-defined
information. The total content of chemical contents shall not be less than 90%.
b) Weighing bottle: ϕ70 mm × 40 mm;
c) Desiccator: ϕ220 mm;
d) Balance: accuracy is 0.2 mg.
6.3.2 Test steps In the weighing bottle with constant weight, weigh 5 g of powder extinguishing
agent specimen, accurate to 0.2 mg. Place the weighing bottle without the cap in the desiccator filled with sulfuric
acid at a temperature of 20°C±2°C for 48 h. Take out the weighing bottle and put it in the desiccator. Weigh after standing
for 15 min, accurate to 0.2 mg.
6.3.3 Results
Moisture content x1 is calculated according to formula (2):
m1 - the mass of the specimen before drying, in grams (g);
m2 - the mass of the specimen after drying, in grams (g).
Take the average of the two test results with a difference of not more than 0.02% as the
measurement result.
6.4 Moisture absorption rate
6.4.1 Reagents, instruments and equipment
The requirements for reagents, instruments, and equipment for the moisture absorption
rate test are as follows:
a) Ammonium chloride: chemically pure;
b) Balance: accuracy is 0.2 mg;
c) Weighing bottle: ϕ50 mm × 30 mm;
d) Desiccator: ϕ220 mm;
e) Constant temperature and humidity system: saturated ammonium chloride
6 - base.
Figure 2 -- Liquidity tester
6.5.2 Test steps Weigh 300 g of powder extinguishing agent specimen, accurate to 0.5 g. Put it
into the glass sand clock. Mount the glass sand clock on the stand. Turn the specimen continuously in the
sand clock for 30 s. After inflating the specimen, immediately start measuring the time
for 20 consecutive free passages through the middle of the neck.
6.5.3 Results
Take the arithmetic mean value of 20 test times as the measurement result.
6.6 Water repellency
6.6.1 Reagents and instruments
The requirements for the reagents and instruments for water repellency test are as
a) Sodium chloride: chemically pure;
b) Petri dish: ϕ70 mm;
c) Pipette: 0.5 mL;
d) Desiccator: ϕ220 mm.
6.6.2 Test steps Put an excess powder extinguishing agent specimen in the petri dish. Use a
spatula to smooth the surface. Use a pipette to drop 0.3 mL of grade three water at three different points on the
surface of the dry powder (according to the provisions of GB/T 6682). The distance
between the dripping points and between the dripping points and the edge of the petri
dish shall not be less than 10 mm. Place the petri dish in a desiccator filled with saturated sodium chloride solution
at a temperature of (20±5)°C (relative humidity is 75%). The time for placement is
(120±5) min. Remove the Petri dish. Gradually tilt to make the drops roll off.
6.6.3 Results
Observe whether the specimen has obvious water absorption and agglomeration.
6.7 Penetration
6.7.1 Reagents, instruments and equipment
The requirements for the reagents, instruments, and equipment for the penetration test
are as follows:
a) Ammonium chloride: chemically pure;
b) Saturated ammonium chloride constant humidity system or constant temperature
and humidity box: The saturated ammonium chloride constant humidity system
(see Figure 1) controls the air flow rate of 5 L/min (humidity is 78%) to pass
through the humidistat. The lower part of the humidistat is filled with saturated
ammonium chloride solution;
c) Penetration meter: in accordance with GB/T 4509; precision is 0.1 mm; the sum
of the mass of the standard needle and the needle strip is (50.00±0.05) g;
d) Electrothermal constant temperature drying oven: accuracy is ±2°C;
e) Beaker: capacity is 100 mL;
f) Stopwatch: graduation value is 0.1 s;
g) Vibrating screen machine: swing frequency is 4.58 Hz ~ 4.92 Hz; shock frequency
is 0.52 Hz ~ 0.55 Hz; shock height is 4.0 mm.
6.7.2 Test steps In a dry and clean beaker, fill the powder extinguishing agent specimen. Use a
spatula to smooth the surface. Place the beaker on the shaker. Use a clamp to clamp. Shake for 5 min. Remove
the beaker. Humidify in a humidistat with a temperature of (21±3)°C and a relative
humidity of 78% for 24 h. Then move it into an electric constant temperature drying
oven with a temperature of (48±3)°C and dry for 24 h. Determination of penetration: When measuring, the tip of the needle shall be
close to the surface of the specimen. The distance between the needle penetration points
and between the needle penetration point and the beaker wall shall not be less than 10
mm. After the needle falls freely into the specimen for 5s, record the depth of the needle
inserted into the specimen. Measure three needle penetration points for each beaker
6.7.3 Results
Take the average value of 9 test results whose deviation from the average value does
6.9.1 Instruments and equipment
The requirements for the instruments and equipment for the low temperature resistance
test are as follows:
a) Low temperature tester: accuracy is ±1°C;
b) Test tube: ϕ20 mm × 150 mm;
c) Balance: resolution is 0.2 g;
d) Stopwatch: division value is 0.1 s.
6.9.2 Test steps Weigh 20 g of powder extinguishing agent specimen, accurate to 0.2 g. Place in
a dry, clean test tube. Put the test tube in a -55°C environment for 1 h after stoppering. Remove the test tube. Tilt it upside down within 2 s. Use the stopwatch to record
the time for the specimen to flow completely.
6.9.3 Results
Take the average value of 3 test results as the measurement result.
6.10 Electrical insulation
6.10.1 Instruments and equipment
The requirements for the instruments and equipment for electrical insulation testing are
as follows:
a) Test cup (see Figure 3): The cup body is made of high insulating material that does
not absorb moisture. The distance between any part of the electrode and the test
cup is not less than 13 mm. The distance between the top of the test cup and the
top of the electrode is not less than 32 mm.
b) Plate electrodes are polished brass plates. The diameter is 25 mm. The thickness
is not less than 3 mm. The edges are at right angles. The electrode spacing is (2.50
± 0.01) mm.
c) Pressure resistance tester: the output voltage can be continuously raised to above
5 kV.
d) Drop test bench: the maximum drop height is 30 mm. The maximum allowable
load is 50 kg. It is continuously adjustable in the frequency range of 0 Hz ~ 1.667
Hz. The falling acceleration is greater than 9.3 m/s2.
Put the powder extinguishing agent specimen in a colorless glass. Observe the color.
6.12 Fire extinguishing performance
The extinguishing performance of powder extinguishing agent for class A fire shall be
inspected according to the provisions of Annex C. The extinguishing performance of
powder extinguishing agent for classes B, C fire shall be inspected according to the
provisions of Annex D.
7 Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection categories and items
7.1.1 Routine inspection
In normal production, each batch of products shall be routinely inspected. Bulk density,
fluidity, water repellency, particle size distribution, low temperature resistance, and
color are routine inspection items.
7.1.2 Confirmation inspection
All inspection items in Table 1 are confirmation inspection items. Each lot of products
shall be sampled for inspection of the content of chemical content, moisture content,
moisture absorption rate, and penetration. The rest of the items shall also be inspected
regularly to ensure that the products continue to meet the requirements of this Standard.
7.1.3 Type inspection
All the inspection items in Table 1 are type inspection items. In one of the following
situations, type inspection shall be carried out:
a) When a new product is identified, or an old product is transferred to a factory for
b) After formal production, when the raw materials and process have changed greatly;
c) When the production has been suspended for more than one year, production is
d) When the national quality supervision agency proposes type inspection
requirements according to law.
7.2 Sampling method
7.2.1 Samples for type inspection and confirmation inspection shall be taken from
products that pass routine inspection. The sampling method shall ensure that the
sampling is representative. The samples shall be thoroughly mixed before testing.
Annex A
Test method for sodium bicarbonate content
A.1 Titration method (arbitration method)
A.1.1 Method principle
After destroying the silicon film of the powder extinguishing agent specimen, heat
distilled water to dissolve and filter. Take its filtrate. Use cresyl red-thymol blue and
bromocresol green-methyl red as indication solutions respectively. Use standard
hydrochloric acid solution to titrate.
A.1.2 Reagents
Test reagents:
a) Acetone: analytically pure;
b) Grade three water: comply with the provisions of GB/T 6682;
c) Bromocresol green ethanol solution (0.1%);
d) Methyl red ethanol solution (0.2%);
e) Bromocresol green-methyl red mixed indicator: Mix bromocresol green ethanol
solution (0.1%) with methyl red ethanol solution (0.2%) at a volume ratio of 3:1.
Shake well;
f) Cresyl red sodium salt solution (0.1%);
g) Thymol blue sodium salt solution (0.1%);
h) Cresyl red-thymol blue mixed indicator: Mix cresyl red sodium salt solution
(0.1%) with thymol blue sodium salt solution (0.1%) at a volume ratio of 1:3.
Shake well;
i) Hydrochloric acid standard titration solution: Use hydrochloric acid (in
accordance with the provisions of GB/T 622) to prepare an aqueous solution of
which the concentration is about 0.1 mol/L.
A.1.3 Instruments
Test instruments:
a) Balance: resolution is 0.2 mg;
b) Volumetric flask: 500 mL;
c) Pipette: 50 mL;
d) Burette: 50 mL;
e) Erlenmeyer flask: 250 mL.
A.1.4 Test steps
A.1.4.1 Prepare the solution to be tested as follows:
a) Weigh 2 g of powder extinguishing agent specimen, accurat...