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GB 40163-2021: Safety technical specification for packing dangerous goods in containers transported by sea
GB 40163-2021
ICS 03.220.40
R 09
Safety technical specification for packing dangerous goods in
containers transported by sea
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Basic requirements ... 7
5 Preparations before packing ... 9
6 Packing operation for dangerous goods ... 15
7 Requirements for sealing operation ... 20
8 Requirements after packing... 20
9 Records and documents ... 21
Appendix A (Informative) Packing records ... 23
References ... 25
Safety technical specification for packing dangerous goods in
containers transported by sea
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic requirements for packing dangerous goods in
containers transported by sea, the preparations before packing, the packing and sealing
operation requirements, the post-packing requirements, and the recording and
documentation requirements.
This standard applies to the packing operation of dangerous goods containers carried
by ships.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 19854 General rules of explosion-proof techniques of industrial trucks for
explosive atmospheres
JT/T 812 Requirements for the filling of non-refrigerated liquefied gas tanks (UN-
JT/T 813 Technical requirements for the carriage of non-refrigerated liquefied gas
tanks by ship
Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of Containers. Maritime Safety
Administration of the People’s Republic of China
IMO CSC International Convention for Safe Containers 1972
IMO IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
3.1 dangerous goods
The goods listed in IMO IMDG have the characteristics of flammability, explosion,
poison, corrosion, radiation, pollution, etc., which may cause personal injury, property
damage, or environmental pollution during the transportation of ships and require
special protective measures.
3.2 container
A device for transporting goods and having the following features.
a) It has durability and sufficient strength for repeated use.
b) It is specially designed to facilitate the transport of goods in one or more modes
of transport without the need for intermediate reloading.
c) For securing and/or ease of loading and unloading, corner pieces are provided.
d) The area enclosed by the 4 outer bottom corner fittings shall be one of the
following two:
1) At least 14 m2 (150 square feet);
2) At least 7 m2 (75 square feet) if fitted with roof corner fittings.
Note 1: Containers, as defined above, include offshore containers, portable tanks, multiple element gas
containers (MEGCs), and bulk containers that meet the above characteristics, but do not include vehicles
and packaging.
Note 2: Rewrite the “General definition 9.2(4)” in Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of
Containers (2017).
3.3 portable tank
A tank for the transport of dangerous goods, conforming to the definition of a container,
and having the following characteristics:
a) It consists of the shell and auxiliary equipment and structural devices required for
the transport of dangerous goods;
b) It can be loaded and unloaded without dismantling structural devices;
c) It has stable structural parts outside the shell, and can be lifted when fully loaded;
d) It is equipped with bases, securing devices, and accessories that facilitate
mechanized operation so that it can be hoisted to transport vehicles or ships.
Note: Rewrite the “General definition 9.2(6)” in Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of
4 Basic requirements
4.1 Container and packaging
4.1.1 Containers The design, manufacture, inspection, test, and operation of containers, portable
tanks, and multiple element gas containers (unless otherwise specified, hereinafter
referred to as “containers”) shall comply with the regulations of the Technical
Regulations for Statutory Inspection of Containers, IMO CSC and IMO IMDG, and a
valid certificate or report shall be attached. The content and posting of the inspection mark and safety certificate or
nameplate obtained after the container has passed the inspection shall meet the
requirements of the Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of Containers, IMO
CSC, and IMO IMDG. The inspection mark and inspection date of a container that has
passed the periodic inspection shall be marked on or near the safety approval plate, and
shall be durable, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and remain clearly visible.
Containers inspected in accordance with the Accredited Continuous Inspection
Program (ACEP) shall be marked with the approval number of the Continuous
Inspection Program on or near the safety approval plate. Portable tanks for transporting non-refrigerated liquefied gas shall comply with
the provisions of JT/T 813. Portable tanks and multiple element gas containers shall be clearly marked on
the connection parts (such as inlet pipes, discharge ports and other accessories, and stop
valves) of the tank body with their purpose. Portable tanks carrying dangerous goods
and multiple element gas containers carrying non-refrigerated gases shall have a
nameplate at a conspicuous place that is easily inspected (usually installed at the rear
end thereof), which is displayed permanently on the corrosion-resistant metal and
complying with the requirements of IMO IMDG.
4.1.2 Packaging The packaging shall be firm and in good condition; the parts in contact with the
goods shall not reduce their performance due to the characteristics of the goods, and
can withstand the general risks of loading, unloading, and shipping. The packaging shall be inspected and qualified, and have the corresponding
certificate of conformity and the packaging mark. The hazard signs and markings on the packaging shall comply with the
regulations of IMO IMDG.
4.2 Personnel
4.2.1 Personnel engaged in the packing and inspection of dangerous goods containers
shall be familiar with or understand relevant knowledge and skills in accordance with
the requirements of IMO IMDG, especially on personnel protection and emergency
measures, etc.
4.2.2 An on-site inspector of container packing shall be familiar with the technical
requirements of the packing operation. During the packing operation, the inspector shall
be responsible for the command or monitoring of the packing site on behalf of his
organization, and issue a “Container Packing Certificate”.
4.2.3 When loading and securing dangerous goods, the packing personnel shall work
under the direct command or supervision of the on-site inspector of container packing.
4.2.4 The packing personnel shall wear suitable protective equipment during the
operation, shall clean up in time after the operation, and shall not eat or drink during
the operation.
4.3 Operating environment
4.3.1 Packing shall be carried out in a well-lit or well-lit environment.
4.3.2 The packing operation shall not be carried out under lightning weather.
4.3.3 For packing sites that do not have good shielding conditions, in case of bad
weather such as rain, snow, and strong wind, the operation shall be stopped and the
doors of the containers shall be closed.
4.3.4 Appropriate measures shall be taken at packing sites to prevent fire; no smoking,
fire work, or operations that may generate sparks shall be performed around the
dangerous goods.
4.3.5 All kinds of safety protection devices, lighting, signals, monitoring instruments,
warning signs, lightning protection, alarm devices and other equipment shall be
certified and regularly inspected, and shall not be dismantled and occupied at will.
4.3.6 If it is necessary to supply power to the container to operate refrigeration or
heating equipment, ensure that the connection plug is available.
4.4 Loading and unloading equipment
4.4.1 Loading and unloading equipment shall be selected according to the nature and
quality of the packaging of the goods, and the machinery and its ancillary equipment
shall not affect the integrity of the packaging.
4.4.2 Protective measures shall be taken when using a forklift to load, unload, and carry
approval plate of the container. The center of gravity of the goods in the container shall be at or near the center
of the longitudinal length of the container, and at the lower half of the height of the
container’s cargo space. The goods shall be evenly distributed in the container, and the weight of the
goods within half the length of the container shall not exceed 60% of the total weight
of the goods in the container. For heavy objects with a small contact surface with the bottom of the container,
cushion materials shall be used to increase the contact surface, so that the concentrated
load of the cargo can be transferred to the structural beams and longitudinal bottom
girders of the container to avoid local overloading of the bottom of the container. If dangerous goods have special requirements on the ventilation of containers,
ventilated containers shall be used. If the goods cannot be ventilated, general cargo
containers shall not be ventilated or in contact with external humid air, and the
ventilation holes of the container shall be closed before packing. The appropriate stacking method shall be selected according to the type and
specification of the packaging to prevent the goods from shifting or collapsing during
transportation. For example, the alternate stacking or stacking wall can be chosen for
the bagged goods. An appropriate padding method and padding materials shall be selected
according to the characteristics, quality, shape, and structural strength of the cargo. If there is a gap between the cargo and the container body, an appropriate method
shall be selected for securing and binding. When using portable tanks to transport dangerous goods, the applicable
portable tanks shall be selected according to the regulations of IMO IMDG.
5.2.2 LCL stowage LCL stowage shall consider various cargo properties and their compatibility,
including the packages and the type or strength of their packaging, the possibility of
cross-contamination of cargo odor and dust, and physical or chemical compatibility.
Dusty and dirty goods shall not be loaded near clean and easily contaminated goods,
such as food packaged in breathable materials. Unless they have been properly segregated and/or effectively protected with
appropriate protective materials, incompatible goods shall not be shipped in the same
container. When the goods are LCL in the container, the segregation shall be carried out in
accordance with the strictest requirements of the hazard and sub-hazard of the goods,
and shall comply with the segregation requirements in the various segregation tables
and the list of dangerous goods in IMO IMDG. Solid cargoes shall not be placed under liquid cargoes; sharp objects shall not
be loaded adjacent to cargoes with fragile surfaces; cargoes that release moisture shall
not be loaded on or near moisture-sensitive cargoes. Heavy cargo shall not be loaded on top of light cargo and fragile items. When consolidating dangerous goods and ordinary goods, the dangerous goods
shall be loaded later and unloaded first, and shall be loaded at the easy-to-unload place
at the door of the container.
5.3 Placement of containers
5.3.1 Containers shall be placed on a firm and level ground or on a trailer, and the
ground on which containers are placed shall be free of any debris or protrusions that
may damage the bottom structure (cross member or floor bearer) of the container.
5.3.2 When loading containers through a platform, appropriate slopes shall be used as
safe passages for entering and exiting the containers, and there shall be a safe and
effective connection between the platform and containers.
5.3.3 When using a trailer for packing, measures shall be taken to prevent the body from
tilting and the vehicle from moving.
5.3.4 Containers shall be placed on a hard road without soil, vegetation, hanging
branches, and searchlights; pests, insects and other organisms shall be prevented from
entering containers and causing secondary pollution.
5.4 Inspection of containers
5.4.1 Inspection of the external of a container The main frame of a container shall be complete, and there is no serious
structural defect specified by IMO CSC. The walls, bottom structure, and roof structure of a container shall be in good
condition, and there shall be no obvious deformation. There shall be no cracks near and inside where the outer surface has traces of
bending, dents, creases, scratches, etc. There shall be no signs of water leakage caused
by loose or broken rivets at the joints of the outer panels. The air holes in the roof structure of a container shall be free from damage and
strength of the fastening devices and the method of securing.
5.4.3 Inspection of the door of a container The door of a container shall be able to open and close smoothly and be properly
fixed when opening. The gaskets around the container door shall be tight and can ensure airtightness. The handle of the container door shall be able to operate flexibly; the container
door can be completely locked and a seal can be added. The locking structure of the container door shall ena...
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GB 40163-2021: Safety technical specification for packing dangerous goods in containers transported by sea
GB 40163-2021
ICS 03.220.40
R 09
Safety technical specification for packing dangerous goods in
containers transported by sea
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Basic requirements ... 7
5 Preparations before packing ... 9
6 Packing operation for dangerous goods ... 15
7 Requirements for sealing operation ... 20
8 Requirements after packing... 20
9 Records and documents ... 21
Appendix A (Informative) Packing records ... 23
References ... 25
Safety technical specification for packing dangerous goods in
containers transported by sea
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic requirements for packing dangerous goods in
containers transported by sea, the preparations before packing, the packing and sealing
operation requirements, the post-packing requirements, and the recording and
documentation requirements.
This standard applies to the packing operation of dangerous goods containers carried
by ships.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
GB/T 19854 General rules of explosion-proof techniques of industrial trucks for
explosive atmospheres
JT/T 812 Requirements for the filling of non-refrigerated liquefied gas tanks (UN-
JT/T 813 Technical requirements for the carriage of non-refrigerated liquefied gas
tanks by ship
Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of Containers. Maritime Safety
Administration of the People’s Republic of China
IMO CSC International Convention for Safe Containers 1972
IMO IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
3.1 dangerous goods
The goods listed in IMO IMDG have the characteristics of flammability, explosion,
poison, corrosion, radiation, pollution, etc., which may cause personal injury, property
damage, or environmental pollution during the transportation of ships and require
special protective measures.
3.2 container
A device for transporting goods and having the following features.
a) It has durability and sufficient strength for repeated use.
b) It is specially designed to facilitate the transport of goods in one or more modes
of transport without the need for intermediate reloading.
c) For securing and/or ease of loading and unloading, corner pieces are provided.
d) The area enclosed by the 4 outer bottom corner fittings shall be one of the
following two:
1) At least 14 m2 (150 square feet);
2) At least 7 m2 (75 square feet) if fitted with roof corner fittings.
Note 1: Containers, as defined above, include offshore containers, portable tanks, multiple element gas
containers (MEGCs), and bulk containers that meet the above characteristics, but do not include vehicles
and packaging.
Note 2: Rewrite the “General definition 9.2(4)” in Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of
Containers (2017).
3.3 portable tank
A tank for the transport of dangerous goods, conforming to the definition of a container,
and having the following characteristics:
a) It consists of the shell and auxiliary equipment and structural devices required for
the transport of dangerous goods;
b) It can be loaded and unloaded without dismantling structural devices;
c) It has stable structural parts outside the shell, and can be lifted when fully loaded;
d) It is equipped with bases, securing devices, and accessories that facilitate
mechanized operation so that it can be hoisted to transport vehicles or ships.
Note: Rewrite the “General definition 9.2(6)” in Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of
4 Basic requirements
4.1 Container and packaging
4.1.1 Containers The design, manufacture, inspection, test, and operation of containers, portable
tanks, and multiple element gas containers (unless otherwise specified, hereinafter
referred to as “containers”) shall comply with the regulations of the Technical
Regulations for Statutory Inspection of Containers, IMO CSC and IMO IMDG, and a
valid certificate or report shall be attached. The content and posting of the inspection mark and safety certificate or
nameplate obtained after the container has passed the inspection shall meet the
requirements of the Technical Regulations for Statutory Inspection of Containers, IMO
CSC, and IMO IMDG. The inspection mark and inspection date of a container that has
passed the periodic inspection shall be marked on or near the safety approval plate, and
shall be durable, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and remain clearly visible.
Containers inspected in accordance with the Accredited Continuous Inspection
Program (ACEP) shall be marked with the approval number of the Continuous
Inspection Program on or near the safety approval plate. Portable tanks for transporting non-refrigerated liquefied gas shall comply with
the provisions of JT/T 813. Portable tanks and multiple element gas containers shall be clearly marked on
the connection parts (such as inlet pipes, discharge ports and other accessories, and stop
valves) of the tank body with their purpose. Portable tanks carrying dangerous goods
and multiple element gas containers carrying non-refrigerated gases shall have a
nameplate at a conspicuous place that is easily inspected (usually installed at the rear
end thereof), which is displayed permanently on the corrosion-resistant metal and
complying with the requirements of IMO IMDG.
4.1.2 Packaging The packaging shall be firm and in good condition; the parts in contact with the
goods shall not reduce their performance due to the characteristics of the goods, and
can withstand the general risks of loading, unloading, and shipping. The packaging shall be inspected and qualified, and have the corresponding
certificate of conformity and the packaging mark. The hazard signs and markings on the packaging shall comply with the
regulations of IMO IMDG.
4.2 Personnel
4.2.1 Personnel engaged in the packing and inspection of dangerous goods containers
shall be familiar with or understand relevant knowledge and skills in accordance with
the requirements of IMO IMDG, especially on personnel protection and emergency
measures, etc.
4.2.2 An on-site inspector of container packing shall be familiar with the technical
requirements of the packing operation. During the packing operation, the inspector shall
be responsible for the command or monitoring of the packing site on behalf of his
organization, and issue a “Container Packing Certificate”.
4.2.3 When loading and securing dangerous goods, the packing personnel shall work
under the direct command or supervision of the on-site inspector of container packing.
4.2.4 The packing personnel shall wear suitable protective equipment during the
operation, shall clean up in time after the operation, and shall not eat or drink during
the operation.
4.3 Operating environment
4.3.1 Packing shall be carried out in a well-lit or well-lit environment.
4.3.2 The packing operation shall not be carried out under lightning weather.
4.3.3 For packing sites that do not have good shielding conditions, in case of bad
weather such as rain, snow, and strong wind, the operation shall be stopped and the
doors of the containers shall be closed.
4.3.4 Appropriate measures shall be taken at packing sites to prevent fire; no smoking,
fire work, or operations that may generate sparks shall be performed around the
dangerous goods.
4.3.5 All kinds of safety protection devices, lighting, signals, monitoring instruments,
warning signs, lightning protection, alarm devices and other equipment shall be
certified and regularly inspected, and shall not be dismantled and occupied at will.
4.3.6 If it is necessary to supply power to the container to operate refrigeration or
heating equipment, ensure that the connection plug is available.
4.4 Loading and unloading equipment
4.4.1 Loading and unloading equipment shall be selected according to the nature and
quality of the packaging of the goods, and the machinery and its ancillary equipment
shall not affect the integrity of the packaging.
4.4.2 Protective measures shall be taken when using a forklift to load, unload, and carry
approval plate of the container. The center of gravity of the goods in the container shall be at or near the center
of the longitudinal length of the container, and at the lower half of the height of the
container’s cargo space. The goods shall be evenly distributed in the container, and the weight of the
goods within half the length of the container shall not exceed 60% of the total weight
of the goods in the container. For heavy objects with a small contact surface with the bottom of the container,
cushion materials shall be used to increase the contact surface, so that the concentrated
load of the cargo can be transferred to the structural beams and longitudinal bottom
girders of the container to avoid local overloading of the bottom of the container. If dangerous goods have special requirements on the ventilation of containers,
ventilated containers shall be used. If the goods cannot be ventilated, general cargo
containers shall not be ventilated or in contact with external humid air, and the
ventilation holes of the container shall be closed before packing. The appropriate stacking method shall be selected according to the type and
specification of the packaging to prevent the goods from shifting or collapsing during
transportation. For example, the alternate stacking or stacking wall can be chosen for
the bagged goods. An appropriate padding method and padding materials shall be selected
according to the characteristics, quality, shape, and structural strength of the cargo. If there is a gap between the cargo and the container body, an appropriate method
shall be selected for securing and binding. When using portable tanks to transport dangerous goods, the applicable
portable tanks shall be selected according to the regulations of IMO IMDG.
5.2.2 LCL stowage LCL stowage shall consider various cargo properties and their compatibility,
including the packages and the type or strength of their packaging, the possibility of
cross-contamination of cargo odor and dust, and physical or chemical compatibility.
Dusty and dirty goods shall not be loaded near clean and easily contaminated goods,
such as food packaged in breathable materials. Unless they have been properly segregated and/or effectively protected with
appropriate protective materials, incompatible goods shall not be shipped in the same
container. When the goods are LCL in the container, the segregation shall be carried out in
accordance with the strictest requirements of the hazard and sub-hazard of the goods,
and shall comply with the segregation requirements in the various segregation tables
and the list of dangerous goods in IMO IMDG. Solid cargoes shall not be placed under liquid cargoes; sharp objects shall not
be loaded adjacent to cargoes with fragile surfaces; cargoes that release moisture shall
not be loaded on or near moisture-sensitive cargoes. Heavy cargo shall not be loaded on top of light cargo and fragile items. When consolidating dangerous goods and ordinary goods, the dangerous goods
shall be loaded later and unloaded first, and shall be loaded at the easy-to-unload place
at the door of the container.
5.3 Placement of containers
5.3.1 Containers shall be placed on a firm and level ground or on a trailer, and the
ground on which containers are placed shall be free of any debris or protrusions that
may damage the bottom structure (cross member or floor bearer) of the container.
5.3.2 When loading containers through a platform, appropriate slopes shall be used as
safe passages for entering and exiting the containers, and there shall be a safe and
effective connection between the platform and containers.
5.3.3 When using a trailer for packing, measures shall be taken to prevent the body from
tilting and the vehicle from moving.
5.3.4 Containers shall be placed on a hard road without soil, vegetation, hanging
branches, and searchlights; pests, insects and other organisms shall be prevented from
entering containers and causing secondary pollution.
5.4 Inspection of containers
5.4.1 Inspection of the external of a container The main frame of a container shall be complete, and there is no serious
structural defect specified by IMO CSC. The walls, bottom structure, and roof structure of a container shall be in good
condition, and there shall be no obvious deformation. There shall be no cracks near and inside where the outer surface has traces of
bending, dents, creases, scratches, etc. There shall be no signs of water leakage caused
by loose or broken rivets at the joints of the outer panels. The air holes in the roof structure of a container shall be free from damage and
strength of the fastening devices and the method of securing.
5.4.3 Inspection of the door of a container The door of a container shall be able to open and close smoothly and be properly
fixed when opening. The gaskets around the container door shall be tight and can ensure airtightness. The handle of the container door shall be able to operate flexibly; the container
door can be completely locked and a seal can be added. The locking structure of the container door shall ena...