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GB 39732-2020: Vehicle event data recorder system
GB 39732-2020
ICS 43.040.10
T 36
Vehicle event data recorder system
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions... 5
4 Technical requirements ... 9
5 Test methods and requirements ... 23
6 Appearance and marking ... 27
7 Extension of vehicle models ... 27
8 Instruction manual ... 28
9 Implementation of standard ... 29
Appendix A (Normative) Data element format ... 30
Appendix B (Normative) Arrangement of data elements ... 34
Appendix C (Normative) Determination of compliance of delta-V curve ... 48
Appendix D (Normative) Shock waveform of bench test ... 50
Vehicle event data recorder system
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods
and requirements, appearance and marking, vehicle type extensions and instructions,
for the vehicle event data recorder system of category M1 vehicles.
This standard applies to category M1 vehicles, which are equipped with a vehicle event
data recorder system. Other vehicles can make reference with it.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the
latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB 11551-2014 The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal impact for
motor vehicle
GB 14166 Safety-belts, restraint systems, child restraint systems and ISOFIX child
restraint systems for occupants of power-driven vehicles
GB 20071 The protection of the occupants in the event of a lateral impact
GB/T 20913 The protection of the occupants in the event of an off-set frontal impact
for passenger car
GB/T 30038 Road vehicles - Degrees of protection (IP-Code) - Protection of
electrical equipment against foreign objects, water and access
GB/T 34589-2017 Road vehicles - Diagnostic connector
ISO 14229-1:2020 Road vehicles - Unified diagnostic services (UDS) - Part 1:
Application layer
ISO 14230-1 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line) -
Part 1: Physical layer
ISO 14230-2 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line) -
Part 2: Datalink layer
ISO 14230-3:1999 Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Keyword Protocol 2000 -
Part 3: Application layer
ISO15765-2:2016 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over Controller Area
Network (DoCAN) - Part 2: Transport protocol and network layer services
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions, as defined in GB 14166, as well as the following terms and
definitions, apply to this document.
Impact event
A impact or other physical event, that reaches or exceeds the trigger threshold, OR
any other event, that causes an irreversible restraint to deploy, whichever occurs first.
Vehicle event data recorder system; EDR
A device or system, which is composed of one or more on-board electronic modules;
has the function of monitoring, collecting, recording the data of the vehicle and
occupant protection system before, during, after the occurrence of an impact event.
EDR controller
In-vehicle electronic module, for monitoring, collecting, recording time-series data,
during an impact event.
Lateral acceleration
The component of the acceleration vector, at a point on the vehicle, in the direction
of the Y axis.
Note: When the driver sits in the car and faces the driving direction of the vehicle, from left
to right, from the driver's point of view, is the positive direction of lateral acceleration, as
shown in Figure 1.
extraction tools.
EDR record report
A human-readable report, which contains vehicle EDR records, as translated and
output by the EDR data extraction tool.
Control upper limits; UCL
A limit, which is used to define the compliance test of a variable.
Lower control limits; LCL
A limit, which is used to define the compliance test of a variable.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Requirements for impact event
4.1.1 Trigger threshold The event shall be recorded, when the vehicle reaches the following trigger
threshold conditions:
- When the vehicle only records "longitudinal delta-V", the trigger threshold is the
vehicle speed change of not less than 8 km/h, within a 150 ms time interval in the
X-axis direction;
- When the vehicle records "lateral delta-V" at the same time, the trigger threshold
is a vehicle speed change of not less than 8 km/h, within a 150 ms time interval in
the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction. For the above two cases, if the event duration is less than 150 ms AND the
vehicle speed change is not less than 8 km/h, the trigger threshold is reached. When the manufacturer sets other trigger thresholds, it shall also meet the
requirements of and
4.1.2 Lockout conditions The EDR system shall select at least one of the following, as the locking
condition; the event data shall not be overwritten by subsequent events:
- The deployment of the irreversible restraint device;
- The vehicle speed change in the X-axis direction, within the time interval of 150
ms, shall not be less than 25 km/h. When a back-impact occurs, the manufacturer can use the control algorithm,
which is set by itself, as the lockout condition. In the event of a side impact, the
deployment of side irreversible restraint device shall be used as the lockout condition.
If the vehicle is not equipped with a side irreversible restraint device, the vehicle
manufacturer shall determine whether to lock it. When the manufacturer sets other locking conditions, it shall also meet the
requirements of and
4.1.3 Starting point of impact event
The starting point of the impact event (time zero T0) shall meet any of the following
requirements, as shown in Figure 2:
a) For systems using the "wake up" occupant protection control algorithm, T0 is the
moment when the occupant protection control algorithm is activated.
b) For the system using the "continuous operation" occupant protection control
algorithm, T0 is the earliest time, when the longitudinal cumulative delta-V is not
less than 0.8 km/h, within the 20 ms time interval of the front impact/rear impact
event; OR it is the earliest time, when lateral cumulative delta-V is not less than
0.8 km/h, within the 5 ms time interval of the side impact event, as shown in Table
c) The initial moment of deployment of an irreversible restraint device.
d) If the EDR function is not implemented by the airbag controller, then b) shall be
used as the starting point of the impact event.
e) The secondary (or higher) burst of the airbag shall not be used as the starting point
of the impact event, nor shall it trigger another EDR record.
f) If c) is used as the starting point of the impact event, then the impact event data,
before the deployment of the irreversible restraint device, shall also be collected
and recorded.
Note: "Wake up" occupant protection control algorithm means that the occupant protection
control algorithm starts to run, after meeting certain conditions and is activated; "continuous
operation" occupant protection control algorithm means that the occupant protection control
algorithm starts to run, immediately after power-on.
test requirements of 5.1, 5.2, 5.3.
4.3 EDR recording functional requirements
4.3.1 Storage media requirements
EDR data shall be recorded in non-volatile memory.
4.3.2 EDR trigger requirements
When the vehicle reaches the trigger threshold, which is specified in 4.1.1, the EDR
controller shall trigger the recording of data; after the test according to 5.3.2, it shall
meet the test requirements.
4.3.3 Requirements for the number of storage events
The EDR system shall be able to record at least three consecutive impact event data.
After the test according to 5.3.3, it shall meet the test requirements.
4.3.4 Requirements for storage overwriting mechanism If the EDR system does not have enough space to record an event, the current
event data shall overwrite the previous non-locking event data, BUT they shall be
overwritten, in chronological order. The lockout event data shall not be overwritten, by
the data of subsequent events. After the test is carried out according to 5.3.4, it shall
meet the test requirements. For non-locking events, the manufacturer is allowed to set other storage
overwriting mechanisms.
4.3.5 Requirements for power-off storage
In the process of impact, if the power supply circuit in the vehicle cannot supply power
normally, due to the impact event, then the EDR system itself shall have the power
supply capability. When it is fully deployed within (150 ± 10) ms, after the power-off
of all relevant ignition circuits (if available), such power supply capability shall meet
the requirements that, in case of impact in a single direction, the EDR system at least
meets the needs of recording all the data before T0, as well as the data from T0 to (150
± 10) ms after the power-off. Meanwhile it shall meet the test requirements of 5.3.5.
4.4 Data extraction requirements
4.4.1 General requirements
After the event occurs, the data recorded by the EDR shall be able to be extracted, AND
the data shall be prevented from being tampered with or deleted.
4.4.2 Requirements for data extraction port Requirements for physical layer
It shall comply with the provisions of ISO 14230-1. Requirements for data link layer
It shall comply with the provisions of ISO 14230-2. It shall meet the following
- Header byte: It shall contain 4 bytes, that is, including format byte, destination
address byte, source address byte, separate length byte.
- Format byte: A1, A0 shall be 1, 0, that is, the address mode is "with address
information, physical address".
- Address information: EDR controller address is C016; EDR data extraction tool
address is F116.
- Initialization: The initialization mode of the EDR controller shall support the "fast
initialization" mode. Requirements for application layer
It shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 "Read data by public identifier" 2216 service,
in ISO 14230-3:1999.
4.4.4 Requirements for data extraction symbol Extracting data based on controller area network (CAN)
The EDR data extraction symbol, based on the controller area network (CAN), shall
meet the requirements in Table B.1. It assigns an event identifier to each event stored,
which shall be: 0xFA13, 0xFA14, 0xFA15, respectively. Among them, 0xFA13 is the
identifier of the most recent event, 0xFA14 is the identifier of the second-to-last event,
0xFA15 is the identifier of the third-to-last event. Extracting data based on K-line data
The K-line-based EDR data extraction symbol shall meet the requirements in Table B.2.
It assigns an identifier 0XFA10 to the stored public part data. It assigns three event
identifiers to each stored event, which shall be respectively: 0XFA21, 0XFA33,
0XFA41 are the identifiers of the most recent events; 0XFA22, 0XFA32, 0XFA42 are
the identifiers of the second-to-last event; 0XFA23, 0XFA31, 0XFA43 are the
identifiers of the third-to-last event.
4.4.5 Requirements for data translation
The data recorded by the EDR shall meet the requirements of Table A.1 in Appendix A.
which are equipped on the vehicle, shall be recorded.
5.1.4 Vehicles, which are not equipped with frontal airbags, side airbags, side curtains
shall be tested, in accordance with GB 11551-2014 or GB/T 20913.
5.1.5 After the test, the EDR data shall be saved in the format of Appendix A. The data
shall be read, through the EDR data extraction tool. The read data shall meet the
following requirements:
- The collected delta-V or acceleration data shall meet the compliance requirements
of the delta-V curve, in Appendix C; the delta-V data shall not be clipped, OR the
acceleration data shall not exceed the acceleration sensor's range;
- The EDR system shall fully record the relevant data in Appendix A.
5.2 Driving operation data test
5.2.1 During the test, when the vehicle engine is running (the pure electric vehicle and
hybrid electric vehicle are powered on), the electronic and electrical systems of the
vehicle, which are recorded by the EDR, shall be set and kept in the ON state. The
relevant components shall be set at least as follows:
- The brake pedal and accelerator pedal shall maintain a certain stroke, to avoid from
being in the idle stroke position;
- The steering wheel shall be fixed at a certain angle, to avoid being in the idle stroke
- The seat belt's buckle shall be in the locked state;
- The lamps required to be recorded shall be turned on.
5.2.2 The following, but not limited to, four methods shall be used to trigger the impact
- Impact the vehicle so that the vehicle reaches the trigger threshold;
- Fix the vehicle with a trolley; impact the trolley, to make the vehicle reach the
trigger threshold;
- Physically trigger the EDR system of the vehicle, so that the vehicle reaches the
trigger threshold;
- Input a trigger signal to the EDR system of the vehicle, to make the vehicle reach
the trigger threshold.
5.2.3 The EDR system shall be triggered and record data. The data shall meet the
recording requirements of 4.2. At the same time, the recording of relevant data shall be
consistent with the vehicle setting status in 5.2.1.
5.3 Bench test
5.3.1 Test preparation The manufacturer provides a test box connected to the EDR controller to
simulate the peripheral signals and loads of the EDR controller in t...
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GB 39732-2020: Vehicle event data recorder system
GB 39732-2020
ICS 43.040.10
T 36
Vehicle event data recorder system
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions... 5
4 Technical requirements ... 9
5 Test methods and requirements ... 23
6 Appearance and marking ... 27
7 Extension of vehicle models ... 27
8 Instruction manual ... 28
9 Implementation of standard ... 29
Appendix A (Normative) Data element format ... 30
Appendix B (Normative) Arrangement of data elements ... 34
Appendix C (Normative) Determination of compliance of delta-V curve ... 48
Appendix D (Normative) Shock waveform of bench test ... 50
Vehicle event data recorder system
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, technical requirements, test methods
and requirements, appearance and marking, vehicle type extensions and instructions,
for the vehicle event data recorder system of category M1 vehicles.
This standard applies to category M1 vehicles, which are equipped with a vehicle event
data recorder system. Other vehicles can make reference with it.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated references, the
latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB 11551-2014 The protection of the occupants in the event of a frontal impact for
motor vehicle
GB 14166 Safety-belts, restraint systems, child restraint systems and ISOFIX child
restraint systems for occupants of power-driven vehicles
GB 20071 The protection of the occupants in the event of a lateral impact
GB/T 20913 The protection of the occupants in the event of an off-set frontal impact
for passenger car
GB/T 30038 Road vehicles - Degrees of protection (IP-Code) - Protection of
electrical equipment against foreign objects, water and access
GB/T 34589-2017 Road vehicles - Diagnostic connector
ISO 14229-1:2020 Road vehicles - Unified diagnostic services (UDS) - Part 1:
Application layer
ISO 14230-1 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line) -
Part 1: Physical layer
ISO 14230-2 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over K-Line (DoK-Line) -
Part 2: Datalink layer
ISO 14230-3:1999 Road vehicles - Diagnostic systems - Keyword Protocol 2000 -
Part 3: Application layer
ISO15765-2:2016 Road vehicles - Diagnostic communication over Controller Area
Network (DoCAN) - Part 2: Transport protocol and network layer services
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions, as defined in GB 14166, as well as the following terms and
definitions, apply to this document.
Impact event
A impact or other physical event, that reaches or exceeds the trigger threshold, OR
any other event, that causes an irreversible restraint to deploy, whichever occurs first.
Vehicle event data recorder system; EDR
A device or system, which is composed of one or more on-board electronic modules;
has the function of monitoring, collecting, recording the data of the vehicle and
occupant protection system before, during, after the occurrence of an impact event.
EDR controller
In-vehicle electronic module, for monitoring, collecting, recording time-series data,
during an impact event.
Lateral acceleration
The component of the acceleration vector, at a point on the vehicle, in the direction
of the Y axis.
Note: When the driver sits in the car and faces the driving direction of the vehicle, from left
to right, from the driver's point of view, is the positive direction of lateral acceleration, as
shown in Figure 1.
extraction tools.
EDR record report
A human-readable report, which contains vehicle EDR records, as translated and
output by the EDR data extraction tool.
Control upper limits; UCL
A limit, which is used to define the compliance test of a variable.
Lower control limits; LCL
A limit, which is used to define the compliance test of a variable.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Requirements for impact event
4.1.1 Trigger threshold The event shall be recorded, when the vehicle reaches the following trigger
threshold conditions:
- When the vehicle only records "longitudinal delta-V", the trigger threshold is the
vehicle speed change of not less than 8 km/h, within a 150 ms time interval in the
X-axis direction;
- When the vehicle records "lateral delta-V" at the same time, the trigger threshold
is a vehicle speed change of not less than 8 km/h, within a 150 ms time interval in
the X-axis direction or the Y-axis direction. For the above two cases, if the event duration is less than 150 ms AND the
vehicle speed change is not less than 8 km/h, the trigger threshold is reached. When the manufacturer sets other trigger thresholds, it shall also meet the
requirements of and
4.1.2 Lockout conditions The EDR system shall select at least one of the following, as the locking
condition; the event data shall not be overwritten by subsequent events:
- The deployment of the irreversible restraint device;
- The vehicle speed change in the X-axis direction, within the time interval of 150
ms, shall not be less than 25 km/h. When a back-impact occurs, the manufacturer can use the control algorithm,
which is set by itself, as the lockout condition. In the event of a side impact, the
deployment of side irreversible restraint device shall be used as the lockout condition.
If the vehicle is not equipped with a side irreversible restraint device, the vehicle
manufacturer shall determine whether to lock it. When the manufacturer sets other locking conditions, it shall also meet the
requirements of and
4.1.3 Starting point of impact event
The starting point of the impact event (time zero T0) shall meet any of the following
requirements, as shown in Figure 2:
a) For systems using the "wake up" occupant protection control algorithm, T0 is the
moment when the occupant protection control algorithm is activated.
b) For the system using the "continuous operation" occupant protection control
algorithm, T0 is the earliest time, when the longitudinal cumulative delta-V is not
less than 0.8 km/h, within the 20 ms time interval of the front impact/rear impact
event; OR it is the earliest time, when lateral cumulative delta-V is not less than
0.8 km/h, within the 5 ms time interval of the side impact event, as shown in Table
c) The initial moment of deployment of an irreversible restraint device.
d) If the EDR function is not implemented by the airbag controller, then b) shall be
used as the starting point of the impact event.
e) The secondary (or higher) burst of the airbag shall not be used as the starting point
of the impact event, nor shall it trigger another EDR record.
f) If c) is used as the starting point of the impact event, then the impact event data,
before the deployment of the irreversible restraint device, shall also be collected
and recorded.
Note: "Wake up" occupant protection control algorithm means that the occupant protection
control algorithm starts to run, after meeting certain conditions and is activated; "continuous
operation" occupant protection control algorithm means that the occupant protection control
algorithm starts to run, immediately after power-on.
test requirements of 5.1, 5.2, 5.3.
4.3 EDR recording functional requirements
4.3.1 Storage media requirements
EDR data shall be recorded in non-volatile memory.
4.3.2 EDR trigger requirements
When the vehicle reaches the trigger threshold, which is specified in 4.1.1, the EDR
controller shall trigger the recording of data; after the test according to 5.3.2, it shall
meet the test requirements.
4.3.3 Requirements for the number of storage events
The EDR system shall be able to record at least three consecutive impact event data.
After the test according to 5.3.3, it shall meet the test requirements.
4.3.4 Requirements for storage overwriting mechanism If the EDR system does not have enough space to record an event, the current
event data shall overwrite the previous non-locking event data, BUT they shall be
overwritten, in chronological order. The lockout event data shall not be overwritten, by
the data of subsequent events. After the test is carried out according to 5.3.4, it shall
meet the test requirements. For non-locking events, the manufacturer is allowed to set other storage
overwriting mechanisms.
4.3.5 Requirements for power-off storage
In the process of impact, if the power supply circuit in the vehicle cannot supply power
normally, due to the impact event, then the EDR system itself shall have the power
supply capability. When it is fully deployed within (150 ± 10) ms, after the power-off
of all relevant ignition circuits (if available), such power supply capability shall meet
the requirements that, in case of impact in a single direction, the EDR system at least
meets the needs of recording all the data before T0, as well as the data from T0 to (150
± 10) ms after the power-off. Meanwhile it shall meet the test requirements of 5.3.5.
4.4 Data extraction requirements
4.4.1 General requirements
After the event occurs, the data recorded by the EDR shall be able to be extracted, AND
the data shall be prevented from being tampered with or deleted.
4.4.2 Requirements for data extraction port Requirements for physical layer
It shall comply with the provisions of ISO 14230-1. Requirements for data link layer
It shall comply with the provisions of ISO 14230-2. It shall meet the following
- Header byte: It shall contain 4 bytes, that is, including format byte, destination
address byte, source address byte, separate length byte.
- Format byte: A1, A0 shall be 1, 0, that is, the address mode is "with address
information, physical address".
- Address information: EDR controller address is C016; EDR data extraction tool
address is F116.
- Initialization: The initialization mode of the EDR controller shall support the "fast
initialization" mode. Requirements for application layer
It shall comply with the provisions of 7.2 "Read data by public identifier" 2216 service,
in ISO 14230-3:1999.
4.4.4 Requirements for data extraction symbol Extracting data based on controller area network (CAN)
The EDR data extraction symbol, based on the controller area network (CAN), shall
meet the requirements in Table B.1. It assigns an event identifier to each event stored,
which shall be: 0xFA13, 0xFA14, 0xFA15, respectively. Among them, 0xFA13 is the
identifier of the most recent event, 0xFA14 is the identifier of the second-to-last event,
0xFA15 is the identifier of the third-to-last event. Extracting data based on K-line data
The K-line-based EDR data extraction symbol shall meet the requirements in Table B.2.
It assigns an identifier 0XFA10 to the stored public part data. It assigns three event
identifiers to each stored event, which shall be respectively: 0XFA21, 0XFA33,
0XFA41 are the identifiers of the most recent events; 0XFA22, 0XFA32, 0XFA42 are
the identifiers of the second-to-last event; 0XFA23, 0XFA31, 0XFA43 are the
identifiers of the third-to-last event.
4.4.5 Requirements for data translation
The data recorded by the EDR shall meet the requirements of Table A.1 in Appendix A.
which are equipped on the vehicle, shall be recorded.
5.1.4 Vehicles, which are not equipped with frontal airbags, side airbags, side curtains
shall be tested, in accordance with GB 11551-2014 or GB/T 20913.
5.1.5 After the test, the EDR data shall be saved in the format of Appendix A. The data
shall be read, through the EDR data extraction tool. The read data shall meet the
following requirements:
- The collected delta-V or acceleration data shall meet the compliance requirements
of the delta-V curve, in Appendix C; the delta-V data shall not be clipped, OR the
acceleration data shall not exceed the acceleration sensor's range;
- The EDR system shall fully record the relevant data in Appendix A.
5.2 Driving operation data test
5.2.1 During the test, when the vehicle engine is running (the pure electric vehicle and
hybrid electric vehicle are powered on), the electronic and electrical systems of the
vehicle, which are recorded by the EDR, shall be set and kept in the ON state. The
relevant components shall be set at least as follows:
- The brake pedal and accelerator pedal shall maintain a certain stroke, to avoid from
being in the idle stroke position;
- The steering wheel shall be fixed at a certain angle, to avoid being in the idle stroke
- The seat belt's buckle shall be in the locked state;
- The lamps required to be recorded shall be turned on.
5.2.2 The following, but not limited to, four methods shall be used to trigger the impact
- Impact the vehicle so that the vehicle reaches the trigger threshold;
- Fix the vehicle with a trolley; impact the trolley, to make the vehicle reach the
trigger threshold;
- Physically trigger the EDR system of the vehicle, so that the vehicle reaches the
trigger threshold;
- Input a trigger signal to the EDR system of the vehicle, to make the vehicle reach
the trigger threshold.
5.2.3 The EDR system shall be triggered and record data. The data shall meet the
recording requirements of 4.2. At the same time, the recording of relevant data shall be
consistent with the vehicle setting status in 5.2.1.
5.3 Bench test
5.3.1 Test preparation The manufacturer provides a test box connected to the EDR controller to
simulate the peripheral signals and loads of the EDR controller in t...