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GB 39731-2020: Discharge standard of water pollutants for electronic industry
GB 39731-2020
Discharge standard of water pollutants for electronic
Issued by. Ministry of Ecological Environment;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative references... 5
3 Terms and definitions... 9
4 Water pollutant discharge control requirements... 12
5 Requirements for water pollutant monitoring... 16
6 Standardization requirements for sewage outlets... 21
7 Implementation and supervision... 21
Appendix A (Normative) Scope of products covered by special electronic materials 22
This standard is formulated, to implement the Environmental Protection Law of the
People's Republic of China, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the
People's Republic of China, the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's
Republic of China and other laws and regulations; to prevent and control environmental
pollution, improve environmental quality, promote technological progress and
sustainable development of the electronics industry.
This standard specifies the water pollutant discharge control requirements, monitoring
requirements, supervision and management requirements for electronic industrial
enterprises, production facilities or research and development lines. The water pollutant
discharge management of centralized wastewater treatment facilities in the electronics
industry is also applicable to this standard.
The discharge of atmospheric pollutants (including odorous pollutants) and
environmental noise from electronic industrial enterprises, production facilities or
research and development lines, centralized wastewater treatment facilities in the
electronics industry shall be subject to the corresponding national pollutant discharge
standards; the identification, treatment, disposal of solid wastes shall be subject to the
corresponding national standards on solid waste pollution control.
This standard is published for the first time.
For the new electronic industrial enterprises from July 1, 2021, and the existing
enterprises from January 1, 2024, the water pollutant discharge control shall be
implemented in accordance with the provisions of this standard; the relevant provisions
of the Integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB 8978-1996) and the Discharge
standard of pollutants for electroplating (GB 21900-2008) shall no longer be
implemented. Local governments may implement this standard in advance with the
approval of local provincial people's governments, according to local ecological and
environmental protection needs and economic and technical conditions.
This standard is the basic requirement for the control of water pollutant discharges from
the electronics industry. Provincial people's governments may formulate local pollutant
discharge standards for items not specified in this standard; for items already specified
in this standard, they may formulate local pollutant discharge standards that are stricter
than this standard.
This standard was formulated under the organization by the Water Ecology and
Environment Department and the Regulations and Standards Department of the
Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
The main drafting organizations of this standard. China Electronics Engineering Design
Institute Co., Ltd., Environmental Standards Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and
Discharge standard of water pollutants for electronic
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements for water pollutant discharge control,
monitoring, supervisory management for the electronics industry.
This standard applies to the management of water pollutant discharge from existing
electronic industrial enterprises, production facilities or research and development lines,
as well as the environmental impact assessment, environmental protection facility
design, completion environmental protection acceptance, issuance of pollutant
discharge permits, water pollutant discharge management after the electronic industrial
construction projects are put into operation.
The management of water pollutant discharge from centralized wastewater treatment
facilities in the electronic industry is applicable to this standard.
The water pollutant discharge control requirements specified in this standard apply to
the behavior of electronic industrial enterprises and centralized wastewater treatment
facilities in the electronic industry directly or indirectly discharging water pollutants
outside their legal boundaries.
2 Normative references
The content of this standard refers to the following documents or clauses therein. For
all referenced documents without a year, the latest version applies to this standard.
GB 6920 Water quality - Determination of pH value - Glass electrode method
GB 7466 Water quality - Determination of total chromium - Potassium
permanganate oxidation-diphenylcarbohydrazide spectrophotometric method
GB 7467 Water quality - Determination of chromium (6) - 1.5
Diphenylcarbahydrazide spectrophotometric method
GB 7470 Water quality - Determination of lead - Spectrophotometric method with
GB 7471 Water quality - Determination of cadmium - Spectrophotometric method
with dithizone
boards and flexible boards, which can be divided into single-sided printed circuit
boards, double-sided printed circuit boards, multi-layer printed circuit boards, rigid-
flexible printed circuit boards, high-density interconnector (HDI) printed circuit
3.5 Semiconductor device
Electronic devices with specific functions, which are manufactured using the special
electrical properties of semiconductor materials. It includes two major categories of
products. discrete devices and integrated circuits.
3.6 Display device
Device that presents information for visual perception based on electronic means. It
includes thin film transistor liquid crystal display devices, low-temperature
polycrystalline silicon thin film transistor liquid crystal display devices, organic
light-emitting diode display devices, vacuum fluorescent display devices, field
discharge display devices, plasma display devices, curved display devices, flexible
display devices.
3.7 Photoelectronic device
Various functional devices made using the semiconductor light-electron (or electric-
photon) conversion effect. It includes light-emitting diodes; photoelectric converters
and photodetectors in semiconductor optoelectronic devices; gas laser devices,
semiconductor laser devices, solid-state laser devices, electrostatic induction
devices in laser devices; optical communication circuits and other devices;
semiconductor lighting devices, etc.
3.8 Electronic terminal product
Electronic products or components with independent application functions, which
are assembled based on printed circuit board assembly technology. It includes
communication equipment, radar equipment, radio and television equipment,
electronic computers, audio-visual equipment, etc.
3.9 Existing facility
Electronic industrial enterprises, production facilities or research and development
lines that have been completed and put into production or whose environmental
impact assessment documents have been approved before the implementation of this
standard, as well as centralized sewage treatment facilities for the electronic industry.
3.10 New facility
New, rebuilt, expanded electronic industry or electronic industrial sewage treatment
facility construction projects whose environmental impact assessment documents
have been approved since the implementation of this standard.
3.11 Direct discharge
The act of a pollutant discharger directly discharging water pollutants into
environmental water bodies.
3.12 Indirect discharge
The act of a pollutant discharger discharging water pollutants into centralized
sewage treatment facilities.
3.13 Concentrated wastewater treatment facilities
Wastewater treatment facilities that provide wastewater treatment services for two
or more pollutant dischargers, including urban wastewater treatment facilities of
various sizes and types, centralized wastewater treatment facilities of industrial
agglomeration areas (economic and technological development zones, high-tech
industrial development zones, export processing zones and other industrial parks),
as well as other wastewater treatment facilities shared by two or more pollutant
3.14 Concentrated wastewater treatment facilities for electronic industry
Wastewater treatment facilities that provide wastewater treatment services
specifically for two or more electronic industry pollutant dischargers.
3.15 Effluent volume
The amount of wastewater discharged by an enterprise or production facility outside
the legal boundaries of the enterprise, including various types of effluents that are
directly or indirectly related to production (including domestic sewage, cooling
sewage, boiler drainage in the plant area, etc.).
3.16 Benchmark effluent volume per unit product
The upper limit of the effluent volume per unit product, which is used to determine
the concentration of water pollutants discharged.
3.17 Dilution level
The reciprocal of the total volume fraction of the original water sample after dilution,
generally expressed as D. For example, if the water sample is not diluted, the dilution
level D = 1; if 250 ml of the water sample is diluted to 1000 ml (i.e., the volume
fraction is 25%), the dilution level D = 4.
3.18 Lowest ineffective dilution
When the production facilities of an enterprise produce more than two products at the
same time, different discharge control requirements or national pollutant discharge
standards for different industries may be applied. When the wastewater generated by
the production facilities is treated and discharged in a mixed manner, the most stringent
concentration limit specified in the discharge standard shall be implemented,
meanwhile converted into the benchmark discharge volume concentration of water
pollutants according to formula (1).
C benchmark = (Q total / ΣYiQi benchmark) × C measured (1)
C benchmark - Water pollutant benchmark discharge concentration, mg/L;
Q total - Measured total discharge, m3;
Yi - The i-th product output, see Table 2 for units;
Qi benchmark - The unit product benchmark discharge of the i-th product, see Table 2
for units;
C measured - The measured water pollutant discharge concentration, mg/L.
If the ratio of Q total to ΣYiQi benchmark is less than 1, the measured concentration of water
pollutants is used as the basis for determining whether the discharge meets the standard.
5 Requirements for water pollutant monitoring
5.1 Enterprises shall establish an enterprise environmental monitoring system and
formulate monitoring plans, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as
the "Environmental Monitoring Management Measures"; conduct self-monitoring of
pollutant discharges and their impact on the surrounding environment as required; keep
original monitoring records. For petroleum, total nitrogen, anionic surfactants, total
organic carbon, sulfides, the self-monitoring frequency of key pollutant discharge
organizations shall be at least once a month; the other pollutant discharge organizations
shall be at least once a year.
5.2 The requirements for new and existing facilities to install automatic monitoring
equipment for pollutant discharges shall be implemented, in accordance with relevant
laws and the "Measures for the Administration of Automatic Monitoring of Pollution
Sources". Key pollutant-discharging organizations shall install automatic monitoring
equipment for key water pollutant discharges; connect them to the monitoring
equipment of the ecological and environmental authorities; ensure the normal operation
of the monitoring equipment.
5.3 The setting of monitoring sampling points and sampling methods for water
6 Standardization requirements for sewage outlets
6.1 The setting of sewage outlets and sampling points shall comply with the provisions
of HJ 91.1.
6.2 In accordance with the relevant provisions of GB 15562.1 and the "Notice on
Issuing the Technical Specifications of Discharge Outlet Signs", warning sewage outlet
signs shall be set up in conspicuous places near sewage outlets or sampling points and
retained for a long time.
7 Implementation and supervision
7.1 The ecological environment authorities at or above the county level are responsible
for supervising the implementation of this standard.
7.2 Enterprises are the responsible entities for implementing discharge standards. Under
any circumstances, enterprises shall comply with the pollutant discharge control
requirements specified in this standard and take necessary measures to ensure the
normal operation of pollution prevention and control facilities. When conducting law
enforcement inspections on enterprises, the ecological and environmental authorities at
all levels can use the results of on-site real-time sampling or monitoring as the basis for
determining whether the discharge behavior complies with the discharge standards and
implementing relevant ecological and environmental protection management measures.
7.3 Key pollutant-discharging organizations shall set up electronic display screens at
locations such as the factory gate where the public can easily supervise; publish online
monitoring data of water pollutants and other environmental information to the public
in real time, in accordance with the "Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental
Information of Enterprises and Institutions".
7.4 Metering devices, monitoring devices, signboards, environmental information
disclosure facilities, etc. related to sewage discharge outlets shall be supervised and
managed as ecological and environmental protection facilities. Enterprises shall
establish special management systems and arrange special personnel to ca...
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Historical versions (Master-website): GB 39731-2020
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GB 39731-2020: Discharge standard of water pollutants for electronic industry
GB 39731-2020
Discharge standard of water pollutants for electronic
Issued by. Ministry of Ecological Environment;
State Administration for Market Regulation.
Table of Contents
Foreword... 3
1 Scope... 5
2 Normative references... 5
3 Terms and definitions... 9
4 Water pollutant discharge control requirements... 12
5 Requirements for water pollutant monitoring... 16
6 Standardization requirements for sewage outlets... 21
7 Implementation and supervision... 21
Appendix A (Normative) Scope of products covered by special electronic materials 22
This standard is formulated, to implement the Environmental Protection Law of the
People's Republic of China, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the
People's Republic of China, the Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People's
Republic of China and other laws and regulations; to prevent and control environmental
pollution, improve environmental quality, promote technological progress and
sustainable development of the electronics industry.
This standard specifies the water pollutant discharge control requirements, monitoring
requirements, supervision and management requirements for electronic industrial
enterprises, production facilities or research and development lines. The water pollutant
discharge management of centralized wastewater treatment facilities in the electronics
industry is also applicable to this standard.
The discharge of atmospheric pollutants (including odorous pollutants) and
environmental noise from electronic industrial enterprises, production facilities or
research and development lines, centralized wastewater treatment facilities in the
electronics industry shall be subject to the corresponding national pollutant discharge
standards; the identification, treatment, disposal of solid wastes shall be subject to the
corresponding national standards on solid waste pollution control.
This standard is published for the first time.
For the new electronic industrial enterprises from July 1, 2021, and the existing
enterprises from January 1, 2024, the water pollutant discharge control shall be
implemented in accordance with the provisions of this standard; the relevant provisions
of the Integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB 8978-1996) and the Discharge
standard of pollutants for electroplating (GB 21900-2008) shall no longer be
implemented. Local governments may implement this standard in advance with the
approval of local provincial people's governments, according to local ecological and
environmental protection needs and economic and technical conditions.
This standard is the basic requirement for the control of water pollutant discharges from
the electronics industry. Provincial people's governments may formulate local pollutant
discharge standards for items not specified in this standard; for items already specified
in this standard, they may formulate local pollutant discharge standards that are stricter
than this standard.
This standard was formulated under the organization by the Water Ecology and
Environment Department and the Regulations and Standards Department of the
Ministry of Ecology and Environment.
The main drafting organizations of this standard. China Electronics Engineering Design
Institute Co., Ltd., Environmental Standards Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and
Discharge standard of water pollutants for electronic
1 Scope
This standard specifies the requirements for water pollutant discharge control,
monitoring, supervisory management for the electronics industry.
This standard applies to the management of water pollutant discharge from existing
electronic industrial enterprises, production facilities or research and development lines,
as well as the environmental impact assessment, environmental protection facility
design, completion environmental protection acceptance, issuance of pollutant
discharge permits, water pollutant discharge management after the electronic industrial
construction projects are put into operation.
The management of water pollutant discharge from centralized wastewater treatment
facilities in the electronic industry is applicable to this standard.
The water pollutant discharge control requirements specified in this standard apply to
the behavior of electronic industrial enterprises and centralized wastewater treatment
facilities in the electronic industry directly or indirectly discharging water pollutants
outside their legal boundaries.
2 Normative references
The content of this standard refers to the following documents or clauses therein. For
all referenced documents without a year, the latest version applies to this standard.
GB 6920 Water quality - Determination of pH value - Glass electrode method
GB 7466 Water quality - Determination of total chromium - Potassium
permanganate oxidation-diphenylcarbohydrazide spectrophotometric method
GB 7467 Water quality - Determination of chromium (6) - 1.5
Diphenylcarbahydrazide spectrophotometric method
GB 7470 Water quality - Determination of lead - Spectrophotometric method with
GB 7471 Water quality - Determination of cadmium - Spectrophotometric method
with dithizone
boards and flexible boards, which can be divided into single-sided printed circuit
boards, double-sided printed circuit boards, multi-layer printed circuit boards, rigid-
flexible printed circuit boards, high-density interconnector (HDI) printed circuit
3.5 Semiconductor device
Electronic devices with specific functions, which are manufactured using the special
electrical properties of semiconductor materials. It includes two major categories of
products. discrete devices and integrated circuits.
3.6 Display device
Device that presents information for visual perception based on electronic means. It
includes thin film transistor liquid crystal display devices, low-temperature
polycrystalline silicon thin film transistor liquid crystal display devices, organic
light-emitting diode display devices, vacuum fluorescent display devices, field
discharge display devices, plasma display devices, curved display devices, flexible
display devices.
3.7 Photoelectronic device
Various functional devices made using the semiconductor light-electron (or electric-
photon) conversion effect. It includes light-emitting diodes; photoelectric converters
and photodetectors in semiconductor optoelectronic devices; gas laser devices,
semiconductor laser devices, solid-state laser devices, electrostatic induction
devices in laser devices; optical communication circuits and other devices;
semiconductor lighting devices, etc.
3.8 Electronic terminal product
Electronic products or components with independent application functions, which
are assembled based on printed circuit board assembly technology. It includes
communication equipment, radar equipment, radio and television equipment,
electronic computers, audio-visual equipment, etc.
3.9 Existing facility
Electronic industrial enterprises, production facilities or research and development
lines that have been completed and put into production or whose environmental
impact assessment documents have been approved before the implementation of this
standard, as well as centralized sewage treatment facilities for the electronic industry.
3.10 New facility
New, rebuilt, expanded electronic industry or electronic industrial sewage treatment
facility construction projects whose environmental impact assessment documents
have been approved since the implementation of this standard.
3.11 Direct discharge
The act of a pollutant discharger directly discharging water pollutants into
environmental water bodies.
3.12 Indirect discharge
The act of a pollutant discharger discharging water pollutants into centralized
sewage treatment facilities.
3.13 Concentrated wastewater treatment facilities
Wastewater treatment facilities that provide wastewater treatment services for two
or more pollutant dischargers, including urban wastewater treatment facilities of
various sizes and types, centralized wastewater treatment facilities of industrial
agglomeration areas (economic and technological development zones, high-tech
industrial development zones, export processing zones and other industrial parks),
as well as other wastewater treatment facilities shared by two or more pollutant
3.14 Concentrated wastewater treatment facilities for electronic industry
Wastewater treatment facilities that provide wastewater treatment services
specifically for two or more electronic industry pollutant dischargers.
3.15 Effluent volume
The amount of wastewater discharged by an enterprise or production facility outside
the legal boundaries of the enterprise, including various types of effluents that are
directly or indirectly related to production (including domestic sewage, cooling
sewage, boiler drainage in the plant area, etc.).
3.16 Benchmark effluent volume per unit product
The upper limit of the effluent volume per unit product, which is used to determine
the concentration of water pollutants discharged.
3.17 Dilution level
The reciprocal of the total volume fraction of the original water sample after dilution,
generally expressed as D. For example, if the water sample is not diluted, the dilution
level D = 1; if 250 ml of the water sample is diluted to 1000 ml (i.e., the volume
fraction is 25%), the dilution level D = 4.
3.18 Lowest ineffective dilution
When the production facilities of an enterprise produce more than two products at the
same time, different discharge control requirements or national pollutant discharge
standards for different industries may be applied. When the wastewater generated by
the production facilities is treated and discharged in a mixed manner, the most stringent
concentration limit specified in the discharge standard shall be implemented,
meanwhile converted into the benchmark discharge volume concentration of water
pollutants according to formula (1).
C benchmark = (Q total / ΣYiQi benchmark) × C measured (1)
C benchmark - Water pollutant benchmark discharge concentration, mg/L;
Q total - Measured total discharge, m3;
Yi - The i-th product output, see Table 2 for units;
Qi benchmark - The unit product benchmark discharge of the i-th product, see Table 2
for units;
C measured - The measured water pollutant discharge concentration, mg/L.
If the ratio of Q total to ΣYiQi benchmark is less than 1, the measured concentration of water
pollutants is used as the basis for determining whether the discharge meets the standard.
5 Requirements for water pollutant monitoring
5.1 Enterprises shall establish an enterprise environmental monitoring system and
formulate monitoring plans, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations such as
the "Environmental Monitoring Management Measures"; conduct self-monitoring of
pollutant discharges and their impact on the surrounding environment as required; keep
original monitoring records. For petroleum, total nitrogen, anionic surfactants, total
organic carbon, sulfides, the self-monitoring frequency of key pollutant discharge
organizations shall be at least once a month; the other pollutant discharge organizations
shall be at least once a year.
5.2 The requirements for new and existing facilities to install automatic monitoring
equipment for pollutant discharges shall be implemented, in accordance with relevant
laws and the "Measures for the Administration of Automatic Monitoring of Pollution
Sources". Key pollutant-discharging organizations shall install automatic monitoring
equipment for key water pollutant discharges; connect them to the monitoring
equipment of the ecological and environmental authorities; ensure the normal operation
of the monitoring equipment.
5.3 The setting of monitoring sampling points and sampling methods for water
6 Standardization requirements for sewage outlets
6.1 The setting of sewage outlets and sampling points shall comply with the provisions
of HJ 91.1.
6.2 In accordance with the relevant provisions of GB 15562.1 and the "Notice on
Issuing the Technical Specifications of Discharge Outlet Signs", warning sewage outlet
signs shall be set up in conspicuous places near sewage outlets or sampling points and
retained for a long time.
7 Implementation and supervision
7.1 The ecological environment authorities at or above the county level are responsible
for supervising the implementation of this standard.
7.2 Enterprises are the responsible entities for implementing discharge standards. Under
any circumstances, enterprises shall comply with the pollutant discharge control
requirements specified in this standard and take necessary measures to ensure the
normal operation of pollution prevention and control facilities. When conducting law
enforcement inspections on enterprises, the ecological and environmental authorities at
all levels can use the results of on-site real-time sampling or monitoring as the basis for
determining whether the discharge behavior complies with the discharge standards and
implementing relevant ecological and environmental protection management measures.
7.3 Key pollutant-discharging organizations shall set up electronic display screens at
locations such as the factory gate where the public can easily supervise; publish online
monitoring data of water pollutants and other environmental information to the public
in real time, in accordance with the "Measures for the Disclosure of Environmental
Information of Enterprises and Institutions".
7.4 Metering devices, monitoring devices, signboards, environmental information
disclosure facilities, etc. related to sewage discharge outlets shall be supervised and
managed as ecological and environmental protection facilities. Enterprises shall
establish special management systems and arrange special personnel to ca...