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GB 38995-2020: Infant feeding bottles and teats
GB 38995-2020
ICS 83.140.01
Y 28
Infant feeding bottles and teats
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Technical requirements ... 8
4.1 General requirements... 8
4.2 Additional requirements ... 11
5 Test methods ... 12
5.1 Sample preparation ... 12
5.2 General requirements test method ... 13
5.3 Test method for additional requirements ... 22
6 Inspection rules ... 24
6.1 Classification of inspection ... 24
6.2 Exit-factory inspection ... 24
6.3 Type inspection ... 25
7 Marks, transport and storage ... 26
7.1 Marks ... 26
7.2 Transport and storage ... 30
Infant feeding bottles and teats
1 Scope
This Standard specifies technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules,
marks, transport and storage for infant feeding bottles and teats.
This Standard is applicable to infant feeding bottles (container, teat and
matched accessory) that are made of one or more of plastic, glass, metal,
ceramic, silicone rubber, rubber.
This Standard is not applicable to medical bottles and teats. It is not applicable
to pacifiers.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 131-2006, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of
surface texture in technical Product documentation
GB/T 2828.1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributea - Part 1:
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit(AQL) for lot-by-lot
GB/T 2918, Plastics - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GB/T 4545, Test methods for stress examination of glass containers
GB/T 4547, Glass containers - Test methods of the thermal shock resistance
and thermal shock endurance
GB/T 6552, Glass containers - Test method for impact resistance
GB/T 6579, Laboratory glassware - Thermal shock and thermal shock
endurance - Test methods
GB/T 6582, Glass - Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98°C - Method of
test and classification
3.4.6 handle
a part that is installed on the container to facilitate the use of the feeding bottle
3.4.7 tube disc
a part that connects the tube and seals the teat to help suck fluid food
3.4.8 tube
a hollow tube that is installed inside the feeding bottle to connect the gravity ball
and the tube disc
3.4.9 gravity ball
a part that is connected to the end of the tube and acts as a gravity guide
3.4.10 matched components
when feeding infants, other parts that are used in conjunction with container,
teat, drinking accessory, protective cover, locking ring, sealing disc, filtering
gauze, handle, tube disc, tube and gravity ball
3.5 numbered graduations
scale mark with numerical value and unit to show the volume of fluid food in the
feeding bottle
4 Technical requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 Components Appearance
It shall be clean, neat, without foreign objects. There shall be no gaps, holes,
or deformations that affect the use (except for design requirements). Edge and tip
The feeding bottle and its components shall not have sharp edges and sharp
tips that may cause injury or danger. Ink adhesion of printing pattern
For reuse products or components, the ink adhesion of the marked printing
pattern (including text and numbered graduations) shall meet the requirements
When tested according to, the components of the feeding bottle
(including teat or drinking accessory) shall not protrude from the bottom of the
test template A / template B.
If the teat or drinking accessory protrudes from the bottom of the test template
A / template B, it shall meet the requirements of
If the components of the feeding bottle (excluding teat or drinking accessory)
protrude from the bottom of the test template A / template B, it shall meet the
requirements of Other requirements for teat or drinking accessory Length
Assemble the teat or drinking accessory according to the instructions for use.
When tested according to, the length of the teat or drinking
accessory shall be less than or equal to 100mm. Safety retention
When tested for safety retention according to, the components of
the feeding bottle (including teat or drinking accessory) shall not be broken,
cracked or separated from the container. Flexibility test
When tested for flexibility according to, the distance between the
locking ring (without locking ring, it shall be the mouth of the container) and the
bending point of teat or drinking accessory is less than 40mm. Overall drop performance
When tested according to, the container, the teat (or drinking accessary)
and the locking ring shall not be separated. There shall be no visible breaks
and cracks. This requirement does not apply to glass feeding bottle, ceramic
feeding bottle. But safety warning shall be set (see 7.1.5).
4.2 Additional requirements
4.2.1 Resistance to compressive deformation of plastic feeding bottle
When tested according to 5.3.1, the diameter change rate of the plastic feeding
bottle container along the compression direction shall be less than or equal to
If the product declares that the container is a compressible product, this
to boiling. Maintain for 10min (the sample shall not be in contact with the inner
wall of the boiling water container). Then take it out. Perform the state
conditioning according to 5.1.3.
NOTE: Boiling water treatment is suitable for test items except appearance.
5.1.2 Disposable products or components
Perform the sample state conditioning according to 5.1.3.
5.1.3 State conditioning
According to the standard environment specified by GB/T 2918, in the
environment of which the temperature is (23±2)°C and the relative humidity is
(50±5)%, the time for state conditioning is not less than 40h. Until the test, all
samples shall be placed in this environment. The test may not be carried out
under the conditions of this standard environment.
5.1.4 Requirements for test water
Except for the specific provisions in the method, the test water in this Standard
shall meet the requirements for grade three water in GB/T 6682.
5.2 General requirements test method
5.2.1 Components Appearance
Visually inspect under natural light. Edge and tip Edge
Test according to the method specified in 5.8 of GB 6675.2-2014. Tip
Test according to the method specified in 5.9 of GB 6675.2-2014.
Choose three different positions for each sample for testing.
Take three samples for testing. When all three samples are conforming, this
item is conforming. Ink adhesion of printing pattern
For reused products or components, the ink adhesion of printing pattern
The hardness is HRC 45~50.
Figure 5 – Sharp needle Pull resistance
Use a suitable fixture, along the axis of the sample, to respectively and securely
clamp both ends of the sample.
Along the axis direction of the sample, apply a pulling force of (5±2) N. Check
the sample. Then, in the same direction, at a speed of (200±10) mm/min,
increase the pulling force to (90±5) N. Maintain (10±0.5) s. Visually inspect the
During the test, the fixture shall clamp the sample without damage. Avoid
damage to the place where the sample is clamped and affect the test result. If
it happens, the test result shall be invalid.
5.2.2 Test method for system performance Fitting of components of feeding bottle
Assemble samples according to the instructions for use. Check if it can be
assembled correctly. Resistance to boiling water
Under normal temperature and pressure, disassemble the sample. All
components are immersed in boiling water for 10min~12min. Take the sample
out. Visually inspect the sample. During the testing process, the sample shall
not be in contact with the wall of the boiling water container. Resistance to thermal shock
Under normal temperature and pressure, disassemble the sample. Immerse all
components (except glass material components) in boiling water for
10min~12min. Then take it out. Within 5s, immerse it in a mixture of ice and
water at 0°C. Take it out after 10min~12min. During the testing process, the
sample shall not be in contact with the wall of the boiling water container.
Visually inspect the sample. Sealing performance
Under normal temperature and pressure, pour room temperature water into the
sample. The injection volume is about two-thirds of the nominal volume.
Assemble the sample correctly according to the instructions for use. Invert for
3min then visually inspect the sample.
Figure 6 -- Test template A and test template B Other requirements for teat or drinking accessory Length
Use a measuring tool of which the precision is 0.02mm to measure the length
from the top of the sample to the locking ring. If there is no locking ring, measure
the length from the top of the sample to the mouth of the container. See Figure
8. Safety retention
The purpose of the safety retention test is to detect the safety of the
components of the feeding bottle (including teat or drinking accessory) during
normal use. Because the feeding bottle is made up of multiple components, the
components of the feeding bottle (including teat or drinking accessory) shall be
assembled according to the instructions for safety retention test.
Assemble the sample correctly according to the instructions for use. Use a
torque of (1.75±0.25) N·m to install the locking ring.
As shown in Figure 7, fix the sample. The axis of the container of the sample
shall be at a 45° angle to the main axis.
Choose a right fixture to clamp the position where the test component is (10±2)
mm away from the top.
Apply a tension of (5±2) N at an angle of 45° to the axis of the sample. Check
the sample. Then in the same direction, at a speed of (200±5) mm/min, increase
the pulling force to (60±5) N. Maintain (10±0.5) s. Visually inspect the sample.
A in Figure 7 is the direction to apply force. When testing, the fixture shall clamp
the sample without damage. Avoid damage to the position where the sample is
clamped and affect the test result. If it happens, the test result shall be invalid. Soda lime glass
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 4547. Borosilicate glass
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 6579. Resistance to water
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 6582. Internal stress
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 4545. Mechanical shock strength
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 6552.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Classification of inspection
The product inspection is divided into exit-factory inspection and type inspection.
6.2 Exit-factory inspection
6.2.1 Batching
The products not exceeding 50,000 in quantity, with the same raw materials,
specifications, formulas, and processes, are a batch. If the output of 7d is less
than 50,000, the output of 7d is used as a batch.
6.2.2 Inspection items
The inspection items for the exit-factory inspection are appearance, ink
adhesion of printing pattern, volume deviation, and matching of feeding bottle
6.2.3 Sampling and determination Appearance
Sampling and determination of appearance exit-factory inspection shall be
carried out in accordance with GB/T 2828.1. Use sub-sampling plan of normal
inspection. Take general inspection level II. Acceptance quality limit (AQL) is
6.5. See Table 4 for the sampling plan.
b) after the formal production, for example, when the material formula and
production process have significant changes that may affect product
c) during formal production, for annual inspection;
d) when production is resumed after the production has been discontinued
for more than 6 months;
e) when the results of the exit-factory inspection and the previous type
inspection are quite different;
f) when state quality supervision agencies require to carry out the type
6.3.2 Sampling
Among the products that pass the exit-factory inspection, a sufficient number of
products are randomly selected for type inspection.
6.3.3 Inspection items
The inspection items are all required items of this Standard.
6.3.4 Rules for determination Determination for conforming items
If there are nonconforming items, double samples shall be taken to re-inspect
the nonconforming items. When the reinspection result is conforming, this item
shall be conforming. Otherwise this item shall be nonconforming. Determination for conforming products
When all inspection items are conforming, the product shall be determined as
7 Marks, transport and storage
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 Basic principles
The product marks shall comply with the following basic principles:
a) Products for sale shall provide instructions for use. The instructions for
package or instructions for use.
7.1.4 Instructions for use
The instructions for use can be marked on the product or on the product's sales
package or object of instructions for use. It shall at least contain the following
a) Safe use information of product.
b) Common heating methods that are not applicab...
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GB 38995-2020: Infant feeding bottles and teats
GB 38995-2020
ICS 83.140.01
Y 28
Infant feeding bottles and teats
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Technical requirements ... 8
4.1 General requirements... 8
4.2 Additional requirements ... 11
5 Test methods ... 12
5.1 Sample preparation ... 12
5.2 General requirements test method ... 13
5.3 Test method for additional requirements ... 22
6 Inspection rules ... 24
6.1 Classification of inspection ... 24
6.2 Exit-factory inspection ... 24
6.3 Type inspection ... 25
7 Marks, transport and storage ... 26
7.1 Marks ... 26
7.2 Transport and storage ... 30
Infant feeding bottles and teats
1 Scope
This Standard specifies technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules,
marks, transport and storage for infant feeding bottles and teats.
This Standard is applicable to infant feeding bottles (container, teat and
matched accessory) that are made of one or more of plastic, glass, metal,
ceramic, silicone rubber, rubber.
This Standard is not applicable to medical bottles and teats. It is not applicable
to pacifiers.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB/T 131-2006, Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of
surface texture in technical Product documentation
GB/T 2828.1, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributea - Part 1:
Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit(AQL) for lot-by-lot
GB/T 2918, Plastics - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GB/T 4545, Test methods for stress examination of glass containers
GB/T 4547, Glass containers - Test methods of the thermal shock resistance
and thermal shock endurance
GB/T 6552, Glass containers - Test method for impact resistance
GB/T 6579, Laboratory glassware - Thermal shock and thermal shock
endurance - Test methods
GB/T 6582, Glass - Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98°C - Method of
test and classification
3.4.6 handle
a part that is installed on the container to facilitate the use of the feeding bottle
3.4.7 tube disc
a part that connects the tube and seals the teat to help suck fluid food
3.4.8 tube
a hollow tube that is installed inside the feeding bottle to connect the gravity ball
and the tube disc
3.4.9 gravity ball
a part that is connected to the end of the tube and acts as a gravity guide
3.4.10 matched components
when feeding infants, other parts that are used in conjunction with container,
teat, drinking accessory, protective cover, locking ring, sealing disc, filtering
gauze, handle, tube disc, tube and gravity ball
3.5 numbered graduations
scale mark with numerical value and unit to show the volume of fluid food in the
feeding bottle
4 Technical requirements
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 Components Appearance
It shall be clean, neat, without foreign objects. There shall be no gaps, holes,
or deformations that affect the use (except for design requirements). Edge and tip
The feeding bottle and its components shall not have sharp edges and sharp
tips that may cause injury or danger. Ink adhesion of printing pattern
For reuse products or components, the ink adhesion of the marked printing
pattern (including text and numbered graduations) shall meet the requirements
When tested according to, the components of the feeding bottle
(including teat or drinking accessory) shall not protrude from the bottom of the
test template A / template B.
If the teat or drinking accessory protrudes from the bottom of the test template
A / template B, it shall meet the requirements of
If the components of the feeding bottle (excluding teat or drinking accessory)
protrude from the bottom of the test template A / template B, it shall meet the
requirements of Other requirements for teat or drinking accessory Length
Assemble the teat or drinking accessory according to the instructions for use.
When tested according to, the length of the teat or drinking
accessory shall be less than or equal to 100mm. Safety retention
When tested for safety retention according to, the components of
the feeding bottle (including teat or drinking accessory) shall not be broken,
cracked or separated from the container. Flexibility test
When tested for flexibility according to, the distance between the
locking ring (without locking ring, it shall be the mouth of the container) and the
bending point of teat or drinking accessory is less than 40mm. Overall drop performance
When tested according to, the container, the teat (or drinking accessary)
and the locking ring shall not be separated. There shall be no visible breaks
and cracks. This requirement does not apply to glass feeding bottle, ceramic
feeding bottle. But safety warning shall be set (see 7.1.5).
4.2 Additional requirements
4.2.1 Resistance to compressive deformation of plastic feeding bottle
When tested according to 5.3.1, the diameter change rate of the plastic feeding
bottle container along the compression direction shall be less than or equal to
If the product declares that the container is a compressible product, this
to boiling. Maintain for 10min (the sample shall not be in contact with the inner
wall of the boiling water container). Then take it out. Perform the state
conditioning according to 5.1.3.
NOTE: Boiling water treatment is suitable for test items except appearance.
5.1.2 Disposable products or components
Perform the sample state conditioning according to 5.1.3.
5.1.3 State conditioning
According to the standard environment specified by GB/T 2918, in the
environment of which the temperature is (23±2)°C and the relative humidity is
(50±5)%, the time for state conditioning is not less than 40h. Until the test, all
samples shall be placed in this environment. The test may not be carried out
under the conditions of this standard environment.
5.1.4 Requirements for test water
Except for the specific provisions in the method, the test water in this Standard
shall meet the requirements for grade three water in GB/T 6682.
5.2 General requirements test method
5.2.1 Components Appearance
Visually inspect under natural light. Edge and tip Edge
Test according to the method specified in 5.8 of GB 6675.2-2014. Tip
Test according to the method specified in 5.9 of GB 6675.2-2014.
Choose three different positions for each sample for testing.
Take three samples for testing. When all three samples are conforming, this
item is conforming. Ink adhesion of printing pattern
For reused products or components, the ink adhesion of printing pattern
The hardness is HRC 45~50.
Figure 5 – Sharp needle Pull resistance
Use a suitable fixture, along the axis of the sample, to respectively and securely
clamp both ends of the sample.
Along the axis direction of the sample, apply a pulling force of (5±2) N. Check
the sample. Then, in the same direction, at a speed of (200±10) mm/min,
increase the pulling force to (90±5) N. Maintain (10±0.5) s. Visually inspect the
During the test, the fixture shall clamp the sample without damage. Avoid
damage to the place where the sample is clamped and affect the test result. If
it happens, the test result shall be invalid.
5.2.2 Test method for system performance Fitting of components of feeding bottle
Assemble samples according to the instructions for use. Check if it can be
assembled correctly. Resistance to boiling water
Under normal temperature and pressure, disassemble the sample. All
components are immersed in boiling water for 10min~12min. Take the sample
out. Visually inspect the sample. During the testing process, the sample shall
not be in contact with the wall of the boiling water container. Resistance to thermal shock
Under normal temperature and pressure, disassemble the sample. Immerse all
components (except glass material components) in boiling water for
10min~12min. Then take it out. Within 5s, immerse it in a mixture of ice and
water at 0°C. Take it out after 10min~12min. During the testing process, the
sample shall not be in contact with the wall of the boiling water container.
Visually inspect the sample. Sealing performance
Under normal temperature and pressure, pour room temperature water into the
sample. The injection volume is about two-thirds of the nominal volume.
Assemble the sample correctly according to the instructions for use. Invert for
3min then visually inspect the sample.
Figure 6 -- Test template A and test template B Other requirements for teat or drinking accessory Length
Use a measuring tool of which the precision is 0.02mm to measure the length
from the top of the sample to the locking ring. If there is no locking ring, measure
the length from the top of the sample to the mouth of the container. See Figure
8. Safety retention
The purpose of the safety retention test is to detect the safety of the
components of the feeding bottle (including teat or drinking accessory) during
normal use. Because the feeding bottle is made up of multiple components, the
components of the feeding bottle (including teat or drinking accessory) shall be
assembled according to the instructions for safety retention test.
Assemble the sample correctly according to the instructions for use. Use a
torque of (1.75±0.25) N·m to install the locking ring.
As shown in Figure 7, fix the sample. The axis of the container of the sample
shall be at a 45° angle to the main axis.
Choose a right fixture to clamp the position where the test component is (10±2)
mm away from the top.
Apply a tension of (5±2) N at an angle of 45° to the axis of the sample. Check
the sample. Then in the same direction, at a speed of (200±5) mm/min, increase
the pulling force to (60±5) N. Maintain (10±0.5) s. Visually inspect the sample.
A in Figure 7 is the direction to apply force. When testing, the fixture shall clamp
the sample without damage. Avoid damage to the position where the sample is
clamped and affect the test result. If it happens, the test result shall be invalid. Soda lime glass
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 4547. Borosilicate glass
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 6579. Resistance to water
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 6582. Internal stress
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 4545. Mechanical shock strength
Test according to the method specified in GB/T 6552.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Classification of inspection
The product inspection is divided into exit-factory inspection and type inspection.
6.2 Exit-factory inspection
6.2.1 Batching
The products not exceeding 50,000 in quantity, with the same raw materials,
specifications, formulas, and processes, are a batch. If the output of 7d is less
than 50,000, the output of 7d is used as a batch.
6.2.2 Inspection items
The inspection items for the exit-factory inspection are appearance, ink
adhesion of printing pattern, volume deviation, and matching of feeding bottle
6.2.3 Sampling and determination Appearance
Sampling and determination of appearance exit-factory inspection shall be
carried out in accordance with GB/T 2828.1. Use sub-sampling plan of normal
inspection. Take general inspection level II. Acceptance quality limit (AQL) is
6.5. See Table 4 for the sampling plan.
b) after the formal production, for example, when the material formula and
production process have significant changes that may affect product
c) during formal production, for annual inspection;
d) when production is resumed after the production has been discontinued
for more than 6 months;
e) when the results of the exit-factory inspection and the previous type
inspection are quite different;
f) when state quality supervision agencies require to carry out the type
6.3.2 Sampling
Among the products that pass the exit-factory inspection, a sufficient number of
products are randomly selected for type inspection.
6.3.3 Inspection items
The inspection items are all required items of this Standard.
6.3.4 Rules for determination Determination for conforming items
If there are nonconforming items, double samples shall be taken to re-inspect
the nonconforming items. When the reinspection result is conforming, this item
shall be conforming. Otherwise this item shall be nonconforming. Determination for conforming products
When all inspection items are conforming, the product shall be determined as
7 Marks, transport and storage
7.1 Marks
7.1.1 Basic principles
The product marks shall comply with the following basic principles:
a) Products for sale shall provide instructions for use. The instructions for
package or instructions for use.
7.1.4 Instructions for use
The instructions for use can be marked on the product or on the product's sales
package or object of instructions for use. It shall at least contain the following
a) Safe use information of product.
b) Common heating methods that are not applicab...