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GB 38850-2020: List for materials and restricted substances in disinfectant
GB 38850-2020
ICS 11.080
C 50
List for materials and restricted substances in
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Disinfectant raw material list and scope of use ... 6
5 Provisions on prohibited substances ... 29
6 Provisions on restricted substances ... 30
List for materials and restricted substances in
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the list of ingredients and scope of application of
disinfectants for different disinfection objects. At the same time, it also specifies
the prohibited and restricted substances in disinfectant formulations.
This Standard is applicable to disinfectants for disinfecting drinking water,
human body, medical equipment, environment and surface of objects,
pollutants, indoor air, centralized air conditioning and ventilation system,
swimming pool water, hospital sewage.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 5749, Standards for drinking water quality
GB/T 19104, Peracetic acid solution
GB/T 19106, Sodium hypochlorite
GB/T 20783, Stable chlorine dioxide solution
HG/T 3779, Dichloroisocyanuric acid sodium salt
Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (Edition 2015)
Specification for sanitary safety evaluation of sanitary disinfectants and
disinfection equipment for drinking water [Ministry of Health (Waijianfa [2005]
No. 336)]
Technical specifications for cosmetics safety (Edition 2015) (China Food and
Drug Administration)
In medical and health institutions, disinfectant used to disinfect equipment and
supplies that come into contact with human skin, mucous membranes, organs,
and tissues.
3.9 disinfectant for environment and object surface
Disinfectant used to disinfect surfaces such as walls, floors, articles,
instruments and equipment that are not in direct contact with food and feed in
homes, public places, factories, medical and health and other institutions.
3.10 disinfectant for contaminants
Disinfectant used to disinfect the secretions, excreta, pollutants, medical waste,
and microbiological laboratory pollutants and waste of patients and suspected
patients in medical institutions and infectious disease epidemic sites.
3.11 disinfectant for indoor air
Disinfectant used to disinfect indoor air under unmanned conditions.
3.12 disinfectant for central air-condition
Disinfectant used to disinfect central air conditioning ventilation pipes, fan coils,
and condensation systems.
3.13 disinfectant for swimming pool water
Disinfectant used to disinfect swimming pool water.
3.14 disinfectant for contaminated water of hospital
Disinfectant used to disinfect sewage in medical institutions.
4 Disinfectant raw material list and scope of use
4.1 See Table 1 for disinfectant raw material active (effective) ingredient list and
range of use.
5 Provisions on prohibited substances
5.1 Medicines and raw materials with the same name that are prohibited to add
into the "Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China" (Edition 2015)
(except for disinfection and antiseptic drugs) by disinfectants; preparations for
generating active or passive immunity such as vaccines, sera or toxins and their
products used in human medicine, preparations used to diagnose immune
status (except lysozyme and staphylococcus enzyme); prohibited substances
listed in the "Technical specifications for cosmetics safety" (Edition 2015)
(except iodine) (limited to disinfectants used for human body); other prohibited
substances stipulated by the national health administrative department.
5.2 Disinfectant using sodium hypochlorite as raw material, is forbidden to use
grade B raw material in GB/T 19106.
5.3 Disinfectant using peroxyacetic acid as raw material, is forbidden to use
type III raw material in GB/T 19104.
5.4 For disinfectant using trichlorohydroxydiphenyl ether as raw material, the
content of dioxin shall meet the requirements of the "Pharmacopoeia of the
People's Republic of China" (Edition 2015).
5.5 When using sodium dichloroisocyanurate as disinfectant for drinking water
in emergency, it is prohibited to use type II raw materials in HG/T 3779.
5.6 The raw materials for disinfectants used to disinfect human bodies, medical
devices, and drinking water shall meet the "Pharmacopoeia of the People's
Republic of China" (Edition 2015), quality requirements of food grade, medical
grade, or chemically pure and above grades. Prohibit the use of industrial grade
raw materials. If there is no raw material of the above quality grade, industrial
grade raw material can be used temporarily, but it shall meet the raw material
requirements of the corresponding disinfectant standard.
5.7 The raw materials used for disinfectant for drinking water shall also meet
the requirements of GB 5749 and the Ministry of Health's "Specification for
sanitary safety evaluation of sanitary disinfectants and disinfection equipment
for drinking water" (Edition 2005).
5.8 When the stable chlorine dioxide solution is used as a raw material for
disinfecting the human body, food, medical equipment, and drinking water, it is
prohibited to use the type II solution in GB/T 20783.
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GB 38850-2020: List for materials and restricted substances in disinfectant
GB 38850-2020
ICS 11.080
C 50
List for materials and restricted substances in
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Disinfectant raw material list and scope of use ... 6
5 Provisions on prohibited substances ... 29
6 Provisions on restricted substances ... 30
List for materials and restricted substances in
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the list of ingredients and scope of application of
disinfectants for different disinfection objects. At the same time, it also specifies
the prohibited and restricted substances in disinfectant formulations.
This Standard is applicable to disinfectants for disinfecting drinking water,
human body, medical equipment, environment and surface of objects,
pollutants, indoor air, centralized air conditioning and ventilation system,
swimming pool water, hospital sewage.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of
this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
GB 5749, Standards for drinking water quality
GB/T 19104, Peracetic acid solution
GB/T 19106, Sodium hypochlorite
GB/T 20783, Stable chlorine dioxide solution
HG/T 3779, Dichloroisocyanuric acid sodium salt
Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China (Edition 2015)
Specification for sanitary safety evaluation of sanitary disinfectants and
disinfection equipment for drinking water [Ministry of Health (Waijianfa [2005]
No. 336)]
Technical specifications for cosmetics safety (Edition 2015) (China Food and
Drug Administration)
In medical and health institutions, disinfectant used to disinfect equipment and
supplies that come into contact with human skin, mucous membranes, organs,
and tissues.
3.9 disinfectant for environment and object surface
Disinfectant used to disinfect surfaces such as walls, floors, articles,
instruments and equipment that are not in direct contact with food and feed in
homes, public places, factories, medical and health and other institutions.
3.10 disinfectant for contaminants
Disinfectant used to disinfect the secretions, excreta, pollutants, medical waste,
and microbiological laboratory pollutants and waste of patients and suspected
patients in medical institutions and infectious disease epidemic sites.
3.11 disinfectant for indoor air
Disinfectant used to disinfect indoor air under unmanned conditions.
3.12 disinfectant for central air-condition
Disinfectant used to disinfect central air conditioning ventilation pipes, fan coils,
and condensation systems.
3.13 disinfectant for swimming pool water
Disinfectant used to disinfect swimming pool water.
3.14 disinfectant for contaminated water of hospital
Disinfectant used to disinfect sewage in medical institutions.
4 Disinfectant raw material list and scope of use
4.1 See Table 1 for disinfectant raw material active (effective) ingredient list and
range of use.
5 Provisions on prohibited substances
5.1 Medicines and raw materials with the same name that are prohibited to add
into the "Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China" (Edition 2015)
(except for disinfection and antiseptic drugs) by disinfectants; preparations for
generating active or passive immunity such as vaccines, sera or toxins and their
products used in human medicine, preparations used to diagnose immune
status (except lysozyme and staphylococcus enzyme); prohibited substances
listed in the "Technical specifications for cosmetics safety" (Edition 2015)
(except iodine) (limited to disinfectants used for human body); other prohibited
substances stipulated by the national health administrative department.
5.2 Disinfectant using sodium hypochlorite as raw material, is forbidden to use
grade B raw material in GB/T 19106.
5.3 Disinfectant using peroxyacetic acid as raw material, is forbidden to use
type III raw material in GB/T 19104.
5.4 For disinfectant using trichlorohydroxydiphenyl ether as raw material, the
content of dioxin shall meet the requirements of the "Pharmacopoeia of the
People's Republic of China" (Edition 2015).
5.5 When using sodium dichloroisocyanurate as disinfectant for drinking water
in emergency, it is prohibited to use type II raw materials in HG/T 3779.
5.6 The raw materials for disinfectants used to disinfect human bodies, medical
devices, and drinking water shall meet the "Pharmacopoeia of the People's
Republic of China" (Edition 2015), quality requirements of food grade, medical
grade, or chemically pure and above grades. Prohibit the use of industrial grade
raw materials. If there is no raw material of the above quality grade, industrial
grade raw material can be used temporarily, but it shall meet the raw material
requirements of the corresponding disinfectant standard.
5.7 The raw materials used for disinfectant for drinking water shall also meet
the requirements of GB 5749 and the Ministry of Health's "Specification for
sanitary safety evaluation of sanitary disinfectants and disinfection equipment
for drinking water" (Edition 2005).
5.8 When the stable chlorine dioxide solution is used as a raw material for
disinfecting the human body, food, medical equipment, and drinking water, it is
prohibited to use the type II solution in GB/T 20783.