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GB 30864-2014: Respiratory protection -- Powered air-purifying respirator
GB 30864-2014
ICS 13.340.30
C 73
Respiratory Protection -
Powered Air-purifying Respirator
ISSUED ON: 2014-07-24
IMPLEMENTED ON: 2015-06-01
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Classification and Labelling ... 11
4.1 Classification and Labelling of Powered Air-purifying Respirator (PAPR) .. 11
4.2 Classification, Labelling and Tinting of PAPR Filter Elements ... 11
5 Technical Requirements ... 14
5.1 General Requirements ... 14
5.2 Tight-fitting Facepiece ... 15
5.3 Loose-fitting Facepiece and Loose-Fitting Hood ... 16
5.4 Manufacturer’s Minimum Design Flow Rate (MMDF) and Manufacturer's
Design Duration ... 17
5.5 Respiratory Resistance ... 17
5.6 Visor... 18
5.7 Inward Leakage ... 19
5.8 Breathing Hose ... 20
5.9 Dead Space ... 20
5.10 Filter Element ... 20
5.11 Strength of Connecting Component ... 23
5.12 Noise ... 23
5.13 Flammability ... 23
5.14 Checking Device ... 24
5.15 Warning Device ... 24
5.16 Intrinsic Safety and Electrical Part ... 24
5.17 Mass ... 25
5.18 Practical Performance ... 25
5.19 Requirements for Fire-fighting PAPR ... 25
5.20 Information to be Provided by the Manufacturer ... 26
6 Test ... 28
6.1 Samples and Ambient Conditions of Test ... 28
6.2 Visual Checking ... 28
6.3 Pretreatment ... 28
6.4 Actual Flow Rate and Manufacturer's Design Duration ... 29
6.5 Respiratory Resistance ... 34
6.6 Visual Field ... 35
6.7 Mechanical Strength of Visor ... 36
6.8 Inward Leakage ... 36
6.9 Compression Resistance of Breathing Hose ... 40
6.10 Dead Space ... 41
6.11 Filter Efficiency ... 42
6.12 Protective Time ... 43
6.13 Resistance of Multiple Filter Elements ... 45
6.14 Interactive Flow Rate of PAPR with Tight-fitting Facepiece ... 45
6.15 Tensile Strength ... 49
6.16 Noise ... 49
6.17 Flammability ... 50
6.18 Mass ... 52
6.19 Practical Performance ... 53
7 Identification ... 54
7.1 Identification Content ... 54
7.2 Identification Location ... 55
Annex A (Normative) Test Methods for Electrical Insulation and Heat
Resistance of Respirator Facepiece or Hood for Welding Protection ... 56
Annex B (Informative) Application of Warning Device ... 58
Annex C (Informative) Description on PAPR Application in Fire-fighting ... 60
Annex D (Informative) Summary of Requirements for Test Sample ... 63
Annex E (Normative) Assembly Method of Loose-fitting Hood (with Neck
Sealing Design) with or without Head Fixing Device ... 67
References ... 71
Respiratory Protection -
Powered Air-purifying Respirator
1 Scope
This standard specifies the classification, labelling, technical requirements, test methods
and identification of powered air-purifying respirators.
This standard is applicable to powered air-purifying respirators preventing particles, toxic
and harmful gas or vapor.
This standard is not applicable to respirators used in combustible, explosive and
oxygen-deficient environment and for escaping.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including amendments) applies.
GB/T 2428 Head-face Dimensions of Adults
GB 2626-2006 Respiratory Protective Equipment - Non-powered Air-purifying
Particle Respirator
GB 2811-2007 Safety Helmet
GB 2890-2009 Respiratory Protection - Non-powered Air-purifying Respirators
GB/T 3609.1-2008 Occupational Eye and Face Protection - Welding Protection - Part
1: Welding Protector
GB/T 3609.2-2009 Occupational Eye and Face Protection - Welding Protection - Part
2: Automatic Welding Filter
GB/T 3785.1-2010 Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters - Part 1: Specifications
GB 3836.1-2010 Explosive Atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment - General
GB 3836.4-2010 Explosive Atmospheres - Part 4: Equipment Protection by Intrinsic
Safety "i"
GB/T 5703 Basic Human Body Measurements for Technological Design
GB 12476.4-2010 Electrical Apparatus for Use in the Presence of Combustible Dust -
Part 4: Protection by Intrinsic Safety “iD”
GB/T 12903-2008 Personal Protective Equipment - Terminology
half facepiece
the tight-fitting facepiece capable of covering mouth and nose, or covering mouth, nose
and lower jaw.
[GB 2626-2006, as defined in 3.8]
full facepiece
the tight-fitting facepiece capable of covering mouth, nose, eyes and lower jaw.
[GB 2626-2006, as defined in 3.9]
loose-fitting facepiece
the loose-fitting air introduction unit used for positive pressure respirator, which only
covers eyes, nose and mouth and tightly fits with face in part.
Note: as defined in of modified GB/T 12903-2008.
loose-fitting hood
the loose-fitting air introduction unit used for positive pressure respirator, which is able to
completely cover head, neck and part of the shoulder or is used together with protective
Note: as defined in 3.1.12 of modified GB/T 18664-2002.
breathing hose
the airtight air-guide hose which can deliver the breathing air to facepiece or hood.
head harness
gas and (or) vapor in air.
Filter efficiency
the percentage of particles filtered by filter element under specified test conditions.
[GB 2626-2006, as defined in 3.16]
protective time
the time from the test medium's passing through the filter element to the penetrating
concentration of such test medium reaching the limit value under specified conditions.
Note: as defined in 5.3.2 of modified GB 12903-2008.
manufacturer’s minimum design flow rate; MMDF
the minimum flow rate promised by the manufacturer to ensure that the respirator meets
corresponding performance requirements.
manufacturer's design duration
the continuous service time promised by the manufacturer to ensure that the flow rate of
powered respirator is not less than the manufacturer’s minimum design flow rate.
actual flow rate
the flow rate generated by powered air-purifying respirator measured under specified
interactive flow rate
Filter elements are classified as follows:
a) Type P: prevention against particles;
b) Type A: prevention against certain organic vapor with boiling point higher than
65℃ as specified by the manufacturer;
c) Type B: prevention against certain inorganic gas specified by the manufacturer;
d) Type E: prevention against certain acid gas specified by the manufacturer;
e) Type K: prevention against ammonia and certain organic derivative of ammonia
specified by the manufacturer;
f) Type NO: prevention against nitrogen oxide;
g) Type Hg: prevention against mercury vapor;
h) Type CO: prevention against carbonic oxide gas;
i) Type AX: prevention against certain organic vapor with boiling point not higher than
65℃ as specified by the manufacturer;
j) Type SX: prevention against certain special compound specified by the
k) Any combination of the above types.
4.2.2 Labelling and tinting of filter elements
Filter efficiency of particle filter element and combination filter element against particles is
classified into two grades: 95.00% and 99.97%, respectively corresponding to labels of
P95 and P100. Gas and/or vapor filter elements of Types A, B, E and K are classified into
three grades according to protective capacity: Grade 1 represents low protective capacity,
Grade 2 represents moderate protective capacity, and Grade 3 represents high protective
capacity; gas and/or vapor filter elements of other Types (e.g. SX, CO, AX, NO, etc.) are
not graded. The classification method of Types A, B, E and K in combination filter
elements is the same as the grading method of separate protective filter elements; see the
last row of the labelling example in Table 2. See Table 2 for labelling, tinting and prevented
pollutant examples of various filter elements of PAPR.
5 Technical Requirements
5.1 General Requirements
The material and structural design used for PAPR shall meet the following requirements,
checked according to the method in 6.2 and assessed according to 6.19.
a) The material shall meet the following requirements:
1) Suitable for use under the expected exposure temperature and humidity
conditions and corrosive environment; after the pretreatment under the
conditions specified in 6.3.1, PAPR components (except filter element) shall
be free from obvious deformation and inside separation and shall meet the
requirements of 5.2~5.9 and 5.11~5.18;
Note: generally, the pretreatment doesn't cover charger unless the respirator design
makes the battery charger inseparable from the respirator.
2) Materials known to be able to cause skin irritation or other adverse reactions
shall not be adopted for components which may directly contact the wearer's
3) The product is able to withstand the detergent and disinfectant and their
treatment methods as suggested by the manufacturer;
4) The inside of filter element shall be able to withstand the corrosivity of filter
5) The air flow filtered by filter element shall be free from substance or peculiar
smell harmful to human.
b) The structural design of product shall meet the following requirements:
1) It shall not cause structural damage easily; the component design,
composition and installation shall not endanger the wearer;
2) The head harness and PAPR fixing device shall be adjustable and convenient
for wearing and removal; the PAPR shall be firmly fixed on the wearer, and no
obvious pressing or pain due to pressing shall appear during wearing.
3) During the wearing and removal process, the part directly contacting the
wearer shall be free from any sharp edge and burr;
5.2.2 Head harness
The head harness strength shall meet the requirements of 5.1.11, GB 2890-2009.
5.2.3 Negative pressure PAPR
Tight-fitting facepiece used for negative pressure PAPR shall meet the following
a) It shall meet the requirements of 5.5, 5.7, 5.11 and 5.12, GB 2626-2006;
b) Where checked according to the method in 6.2, the tight-fitting facepiece used for
negative pressure PAPR shall only be used in conjunction with particle filter
element; gas and/or vapor filter element and combination filter element shall not
be used.
5.3 Loose-fitting Facepiece and Loose-Fitting Hood
5.3.1 General Requirements
Product design shall meet the following requirements:
a) Where facepiece or hood doesn't contain fan component, the filter element cannot
be directly connected with facepiece or hood. It is checked according to the method
in 6.2;
b) The facepiece or hood shall be equipped with facepiece or hood as required so as
to be fixed on body; its design and composition shall provide proper fastening
strength and shall be adjustable or have certain flexibility so as to be suitable for
head-form and body type within certain range. It is assessed in 6.19;
c) If the product is claimed to have additional protective functions for eyes, face and
head beyond this standard (e.g., protection against mechanical shock or
non-ionizing radiation, etc.), such additional functions shall not interfere the
respiratory protection performance specified in this standard. It is assessed in 6.19.
5.3.2 Safety helmet function
If the facepiece or hood is claimed to have safety helmet function, it shall meet the
requirements of impact absorption performance (4.2.1), penetration resistance
performance (4.2.2) and chin strap strength (4.2.3) in GB 2811-2007. If used in flammable
and explosive environment, the safety helmet should comply with the requirements of
a) Where tested according to the method in 6.5.2, the peak inhalation resistance of
PAPR under power-off state shall not exceed 1100Pa;
b) Where tested according to the method in 6.5.3, the peak inhalation resistance of
PAPR under power-on state shall not exceed 350Pa;
c) Where tested according to the method in 6.5.4, the peak inhalation resistance of
PAPR under power-on state shall not exceed 700Pa.
5.5.2 PAPR with loose-fitting facepiece and loose-fitting hood
Where tested according to the method in 6.5.5, the positive pressure in facepiece or hood
shall not exceed 500Pa.
5.6 Visor
5.6.1 Visual field
Where tested according to the method in 6.6, the tight-fitting facepiece shall meet the
requirements of 5.1.7, GB 2890-2009; the total visual field of loose-fitting facepiece and
loose-fitting hood shall not be less than 70%. Where there are various sizes of facepiece
or hood, each size shall meet this requirement.
This requirement is not applicable to the facepiece or hood claimed to have welding
protection function.
5.6.2 Mechanical strength of visor
Where tested according to the method in 6.7, the visor shall be free from any form of
damage, and the facepiece or hood after test shall also meet the requirements of 5.7.
5.6.3 Prevention against high-speed particle impact
If PAPR facepiece or hood is claimed to have prevention performance against high-speed
particle impact, it shall meet the technical requirements for visor in 5.11, GB 14866-2006.
The facepiece or hood after test shall also meet the requirements of 5.7.
5.6.4 Special requirements for welding protection
If PAPR facepiece or hood is claimed to have welding protection function, it shall not only
meet the applicable requirements in 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 of this standard, but also comply with
the following requirements:
a) As for the non-automatic dimmer welding filter glass, its length shall not be less
5.8 Breathing Hose
5.8.1 As tested according to the me...
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GB 30864-2014: Respiratory protection -- Powered air-purifying respirator
GB 30864-2014
ICS 13.340.30
C 73
Respiratory Protection -
Powered Air-purifying Respirator
ISSUED ON: 2014-07-24
IMPLEMENTED ON: 2015-06-01
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 4
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Classification and Labelling ... 11
4.1 Classification and Labelling of Powered Air-purifying Respirator (PAPR) .. 11
4.2 Classification, Labelling and Tinting of PAPR Filter Elements ... 11
5 Technical Requirements ... 14
5.1 General Requirements ... 14
5.2 Tight-fitting Facepiece ... 15
5.3 Loose-fitting Facepiece and Loose-Fitting Hood ... 16
5.4 Manufacturer’s Minimum Design Flow Rate (MMDF) and Manufacturer's
Design Duration ... 17
5.5 Respiratory Resistance ... 17
5.6 Visor... 18
5.7 Inward Leakage ... 19
5.8 Breathing Hose ... 20
5.9 Dead Space ... 20
5.10 Filter Element ... 20
5.11 Strength of Connecting Component ... 23
5.12 Noise ... 23
5.13 Flammability ... 23
5.14 Checking Device ... 24
5.15 Warning Device ... 24
5.16 Intrinsic Safety and Electrical Part ... 24
5.17 Mass ... 25
5.18 Practical Performance ... 25
5.19 Requirements for Fire-fighting PAPR ... 25
5.20 Information to be Provided by the Manufacturer ... 26
6 Test ... 28
6.1 Samples and Ambient Conditions of Test ... 28
6.2 Visual Checking ... 28
6.3 Pretreatment ... 28
6.4 Actual Flow Rate and Manufacturer's Design Duration ... 29
6.5 Respiratory Resistance ... 34
6.6 Visual Field ... 35
6.7 Mechanical Strength of Visor ... 36
6.8 Inward Leakage ... 36
6.9 Compression Resistance of Breathing Hose ... 40
6.10 Dead Space ... 41
6.11 Filter Efficiency ... 42
6.12 Protective Time ... 43
6.13 Resistance of Multiple Filter Elements ... 45
6.14 Interactive Flow Rate of PAPR with Tight-fitting Facepiece ... 45
6.15 Tensile Strength ... 49
6.16 Noise ... 49
6.17 Flammability ... 50
6.18 Mass ... 52
6.19 Practical Performance ... 53
7 Identification ... 54
7.1 Identification Content ... 54
7.2 Identification Location ... 55
Annex A (Normative) Test Methods for Electrical Insulation and Heat
Resistance of Respirator Facepiece or Hood for Welding Protection ... 56
Annex B (Informative) Application of Warning Device ... 58
Annex C (Informative) Description on PAPR Application in Fire-fighting ... 60
Annex D (Informative) Summary of Requirements for Test Sample ... 63
Annex E (Normative) Assembly Method of Loose-fitting Hood (with Neck
Sealing Design) with or without Head Fixing Device ... 67
References ... 71
Respiratory Protection -
Powered Air-purifying Respirator
1 Scope
This standard specifies the classification, labelling, technical requirements, test methods
and identification of powered air-purifying respirators.
This standard is applicable to powered air-purifying respirators preventing particles, toxic
and harmful gas or vapor.
This standard is not applicable to respirators used in combustible, explosive and
oxygen-deficient environment and for escaping.
2 Normative References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this
document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including amendments) applies.
GB/T 2428 Head-face Dimensions of Adults
GB 2626-2006 Respiratory Protective Equipment - Non-powered Air-purifying
Particle Respirator
GB 2811-2007 Safety Helmet
GB 2890-2009 Respiratory Protection - Non-powered Air-purifying Respirators
GB/T 3609.1-2008 Occupational Eye and Face Protection - Welding Protection - Part
1: Welding Protector
GB/T 3609.2-2009 Occupational Eye and Face Protection - Welding Protection - Part
2: Automatic Welding Filter
GB/T 3785.1-2010 Electroacoustics - Sound Level Meters - Part 1: Specifications
GB 3836.1-2010 Explosive Atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment - General
GB 3836.4-2010 Explosive Atmospheres - Part 4: Equipment Protection by Intrinsic
Safety "i"
GB/T 5703 Basic Human Body Measurements for Technological Design
GB 12476.4-2010 Electrical Apparatus for Use in the Presence of Combustible Dust -
Part 4: Protection by Intrinsic Safety “iD”
GB/T 12903-2008 Personal Protective Equipment - Terminology
half facepiece
the tight-fitting facepiece capable of covering mouth and nose, or covering mouth, nose
and lower jaw.
[GB 2626-2006, as defined in 3.8]
full facepiece
the tight-fitting facepiece capable of covering mouth, nose, eyes and lower jaw.
[GB 2626-2006, as defined in 3.9]
loose-fitting facepiece
the loose-fitting air introduction unit used for positive pressure respirator, which only
covers eyes, nose and mouth and tightly fits with face in part.
Note: as defined in of modified GB/T 12903-2008.
loose-fitting hood
the loose-fitting air introduction unit used for positive pressure respirator, which is able to
completely cover head, neck and part of the shoulder or is used together with protective
Note: as defined in 3.1.12 of modified GB/T 18664-2002.
breathing hose
the airtight air-guide hose which can deliver the breathing air to facepiece or hood.
head harness
gas and (or) vapor in air.
Filter efficiency
the percentage of particles filtered by filter element under specified test conditions.
[GB 2626-2006, as defined in 3.16]
protective time
the time from the test medium's passing through the filter element to the penetrating
concentration of such test medium reaching the limit value under specified conditions.
Note: as defined in 5.3.2 of modified GB 12903-2008.
manufacturer’s minimum design flow rate; MMDF
the minimum flow rate promised by the manufacturer to ensure that the respirator meets
corresponding performance requirements.
manufacturer's design duration
the continuous service time promised by the manufacturer to ensure that the flow rate of
powered respirator is not less than the manufacturer’s minimum design flow rate.
actual flow rate
the flow rate generated by powered air-purifying respirator measured under specified
interactive flow rate
Filter elements are classified as follows:
a) Type P: prevention against particles;
b) Type A: prevention against certain organic vapor with boiling point higher than
65℃ as specified by the manufacturer;
c) Type B: prevention against certain inorganic gas specified by the manufacturer;
d) Type E: prevention against certain acid gas specified by the manufacturer;
e) Type K: prevention against ammonia and certain organic derivative of ammonia
specified by the manufacturer;
f) Type NO: prevention against nitrogen oxide;
g) Type Hg: prevention against mercury vapor;
h) Type CO: prevention against carbonic oxide gas;
i) Type AX: prevention against certain organic vapor with boiling point not higher than
65℃ as specified by the manufacturer;
j) Type SX: prevention against certain special compound specified by the
k) Any combination of the above types.
4.2.2 Labelling and tinting of filter elements
Filter efficiency of particle filter element and combination filter element against particles is
classified into two grades: 95.00% and 99.97%, respectively corresponding to labels of
P95 and P100. Gas and/or vapor filter elements of Types A, B, E and K are classified into
three grades according to protective capacity: Grade 1 represents low protective capacity,
Grade 2 represents moderate protective capacity, and Grade 3 represents high protective
capacity; gas and/or vapor filter elements of other Types (e.g. SX, CO, AX, NO, etc.) are
not graded. The classification method of Types A, B, E and K in combination filter
elements is the same as the grading method of separate protective filter elements; see the
last row of the labelling example in Table 2. See Table 2 for labelling, tinting and prevented
pollutant examples of various filter elements of PAPR.
5 Technical Requirements
5.1 General Requirements
The material and structural design used for PAPR shall meet the following requirements,
checked according to the method in 6.2 and assessed according to 6.19.
a) The material shall meet the following requirements:
1) Suitable for use under the expected exposure temperature and humidity
conditions and corrosive environment; after the pretreatment under the
conditions specified in 6.3.1, PAPR components (except filter element) shall
be free from obvious deformation and inside separation and shall meet the
requirements of 5.2~5.9 and 5.11~5.18;
Note: generally, the pretreatment doesn't cover charger unless the respirator design
makes the battery charger inseparable from the respirator.
2) Materials known to be able to cause skin irritation or other adverse reactions
shall not be adopted for components which may directly contact the wearer's
3) The product is able to withstand the detergent and disinfectant and their
treatment methods as suggested by the manufacturer;
4) The inside of filter element shall be able to withstand the corrosivity of filter
5) The air flow filtered by filter element shall be free from substance or peculiar
smell harmful to human.
b) The structural design of product shall meet the following requirements:
1) It shall not cause structural damage easily; the component design,
composition and installation shall not endanger the wearer;
2) The head harness and PAPR fixing device shall be adjustable and convenient
for wearing and removal; the PAPR shall be firmly fixed on the wearer, and no
obvious pressing or pain due to pressing shall appear during wearing.
3) During the wearing and removal process, the part directly contacting the
wearer shall be free from any sharp edge and burr;
5.2.2 Head harness
The head harness strength shall meet the requirements of 5.1.11, GB 2890-2009.
5.2.3 Negative pressure PAPR
Tight-fitting facepiece used for negative pressure PAPR shall meet the following
a) It shall meet the requirements of 5.5, 5.7, 5.11 and 5.12, GB 2626-2006;
b) Where checked according to the method in 6.2, the tight-fitting facepiece used for
negative pressure PAPR shall only be used in conjunction with particle filter
element; gas and/or vapor filter element and combination filter element shall not
be used.
5.3 Loose-fitting Facepiece and Loose-Fitting Hood
5.3.1 General Requirements
Product design shall meet the following requirements:
a) Where facepiece or hood doesn't contain fan component, the filter element cannot
be directly connected with facepiece or hood. It is checked according to the method
in 6.2;
b) The facepiece or hood shall be equipped with facepiece or hood as required so as
to be fixed on body; its design and composition shall provide proper fastening
strength and shall be adjustable or have certain flexibility so as to be suitable for
head-form and body type within certain range. It is assessed in 6.19;
c) If the product is claimed to have additional protective functions for eyes, face and
head beyond this standard (e.g., protection against mechanical shock or
non-ionizing radiation, etc.), such additional functions shall not interfere the
respiratory protection performance specified in this standard. It is assessed in 6.19.
5.3.2 Safety helmet function
If the facepiece or hood is claimed to have safety helmet function, it shall meet the
requirements of impact absorption performance (4.2.1), penetration resistance
performance (4.2.2) and chin strap strength (4.2.3) in GB 2811-2007. If used in flammable
and explosive environment, the safety helmet should comply with the requirements of
a) Where tested according to the method in 6.5.2, the peak inhalation resistance of
PAPR under power-off state shall not exceed 1100Pa;
b) Where tested according to the method in 6.5.3, the peak inhalation resistance of
PAPR under power-on state shall not exceed 350Pa;
c) Where tested according to the method in 6.5.4, the peak inhalation resistance of
PAPR under power-on state shall not exceed 700Pa.
5.5.2 PAPR with loose-fitting facepiece and loose-fitting hood
Where tested according to the method in 6.5.5, the positive pressure in facepiece or hood
shall not exceed 500Pa.
5.6 Visor
5.6.1 Visual field
Where tested according to the method in 6.6, the tight-fitting facepiece shall meet the
requirements of 5.1.7, GB 2890-2009; the total visual field of loose-fitting facepiece and
loose-fitting hood shall not be less than 70%. Where there are various sizes of facepiece
or hood, each size shall meet this requirement.
This requirement is not applicable to the facepiece or hood claimed to have welding
protection function.
5.6.2 Mechanical strength of visor
Where tested according to the method in 6.7, the visor shall be free from any form of
damage, and the facepiece or hood after test shall also meet the requirements of 5.7.
5.6.3 Prevention against high-speed particle impact
If PAPR facepiece or hood is claimed to have prevention performance against high-speed
particle impact, it shall meet the technical requirements for visor in 5.11, GB 14866-2006.
The facepiece or hood after test shall also meet the requirements of 5.7.
5.6.4 Special requirements for welding protection
If PAPR facepiece or hood is claimed to have welding protection function, it shall not only
meet the applicable requirements in 5.1, 5.2 or 5.3 of this standard, but also comply with
the following requirements:
a) As for the non-automatic dimmer welding filter glass, its length shall not be less
5.8 Breathing Hose
5.8.1 As tested according to the me...