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GB 25991-2010: Automotive headlamps with LED light sources and/or LED modules
GB 25991-2010
ICS 43.040.20
T 38
Automotive headlamps with LED
light sources and/or LED modules
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 4??
4 Different types of headlamps ... 5??
5 Requirements ... 5??
6 Test methods ... 12??
7 Inspection rules ... 15??
Appendix A (Normative) LED headlamp light distribution stability test ... 18??
Appendix B (Normative) LED headlamp illumination and color temperature
stability test ... 22??
Appendix C (Normative) LED headlamp temperature cycling test ... 24??
Chapter 5 (except for 5.10) and Chapter 6 (except for 6.8) of this standard
are mandatory, AND the rest of this standard is recommended.
The Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C of this standard are normative.
This standard was proposed by the National Development and Reform
Commission of the People's Republic of China.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Automotive
Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114).
The drafting organizations of this standard. China Automotive Technology
Research Center, Shanghai Automotive Lighting Research Institute, Tianjin
Automotive Light Factory, Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Changchun
Hella Lights Co., Ltd., Osram (China) Lighting Co., Tianjin Polytechnic
University Haiyu Semiconductor Lighting Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xiaosi
Automotive Light Co., Ltd., Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Light Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard. He Yuntang, Xu Mouhe, Ouyang Tao,
Huang Chunwei, Huang Zhongwen, Zhao Bin, Xu Zhiqiang, Yu Yali, Liu Xijuan,
Ye Lin, Niu Pingjuan, Zhu Minghua, Jin Yuqing, Meng Qing?€?en.
Automotive headlamps with LED
light sources and/or LED modules
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test methods and inspection rules for the light
distribution performance, light color, temperature cycle of the automotive
headlamps with LED light source or LED light source/module.
This standard applies to the LED headlamps used for category M and N
automotive, OR the LED headlamps mainly using the LED light source or LED
module to generate a high beam or low beam.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB 4599-2007 Motor vehicle headlamps equipped with filament lamps
GB 4785 Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light
signaling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 7922 Method of measuring the color of light sources
GB 15766.1 Filament lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and
luminous requirements
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as established in GB 4599-2007 and GB 4785 as
well as the following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Objective luminous flux
The design value of the luminous flex of the replaceable light source OR
light source module.
Failure of light source
The phenomenon of loss of lighting function, darkening, chroma exceeding
criteria, or flashing of one or more LED during the normal use of LED or
LED module.
LED module
Light source module containing LED only.
4 Different types of headlamps
Headlamps that differ in the following main areas.
- Product name or trademark;
- Optical system characteristics;
- Components to change the optical effect by reflection, refraction,
absorption and/or deformation at work;
- Light beam types provided (low beam, high beam, or high and low beam);
- Lens and its coating material.
- LED light source/module type and parameters (voltage, power, luminous
flux, chroma, and color rendering performance).
5 Requirements
5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 LED headlamp shall be so designed and manufactured that under
normal conditions of use, even if subjected to vibration, it can still comply with
the requirements and comply with the provisions of this standard.
5.1.2 LED headlamps shall have good heat dissipation, to prevent heat
accumulation of LED light source. LED headlamp can work normally even in
low temperature freezing environment.
5.1.3 LED headlamps shall have good electromagnetic compatibility.
5.1.4 When the headlamp is equipped with LED light source or LED module,
its performance shall comply with the requirements of this standard; when the
LED headlamp is equipped with filament lamps or HID light source to achieve
high beam or low beam function, its light distribution performance and testing
shall comply with the requirements of their respective standards.
5.1.5 The headlamps shall have beam adjustment device. When the low beam
and high beam form a combination AND each has an LED light source/module,
filament lamp (or combination lamp), the adjustment device shall be able to
adjust them individually, BUT these requirements do not apply to the headlamp
for which the high beam and low beam cannot be adjusted separately.
5.1.6 LED headlamps shall include the following markings.
- LED headlamp
- Voltage;
- Reference center.
5.2 General requirements of LED module and electronic light source
5.2.1 LED module shall use the LED light source which emits visible light, AND
it is not allowed to use other forms of light.
5.2.2 LED module under normal conditions of use, shall be maintained at a
good working condition without design and manufacturing defects, AND the
entire module shall be deemed as failure when there is a LED light source
5.2.3 LED on the LED module shall be mounted on a suitable fixed substrate,
AND the fixed substrate shall have good strength and stability to protect the
LED and LED module.
5.2.4 LED module (in the lamp) shall be positioned accurately and fixed well, to
prevent the movement.
5.2.5 For the replaceable LED module, in case of replacement, it shall use the
LED module complying with the design requirements; AND the LED modules
of different specifications in the same lamp shall not be interchangeable.
5.2.6 Regardless of the electronic light source controller placed inside or
outside, it is considered as part of LED headlamps.
5.2.7 If not specified by the manufacturer, the LED module shall be tested in
the headlamp submitted by the manufacturer.
5.3 Light distribution
5.3.1 The headlamp low beam shall have enough lighting BUT shall not
produce dazzling, AND the high beam shall have good lighting. Bend lighting
can be achieved by means of an additional light source which is part of a low
beam headlamp. If the additional light source fails, the light distribution shall
still comply with the low beam requirements.
5.3.2 The light distribution shall be measured on a vertical plane light
distribution screen 25 m away from the reference center of the headlamp. The
positions of the test points and zones are as shown in Figure 1.
Unit in millimeter
Figure 1 -- Light distribution screen
5.3.3 Low beam light distribution requirements On the light distribution screen, the low beam shall have a clear cut-off
line with the horizontal part to the left of the v-v line AND the HV-H2-H3 line or
the HV-H1-H2-H4 line to the right. It is allowed to have multiple cut-off lines
visually visible.
Illumination limit on the light distribution screen shall be consistent with the
provisions of Table 1.
Road centreline
Zone I
Zone IV
Zone II
Zone III
Area A
Area B
Table 1 For LED headlamps, the illumination limits of test points 1 to 8 on light
distribution screens shall comply with the following requirements.
- Test point 1 + 2 + 3 ??? 0.3 lx;
- Test point 4 + 5 + 6 ??? 0.6 lx;
- 0.7 lx ??? test point 7 ??? 0.1 lx;
- 0.7 lx ??? test point 8 ??? 0.2 lx, As for the LED headlamps with adjustable reflectors, each position of
use of the reflector as specified by the manufacturer shall comply with the
requirements of and There shall be no change in lateral illumination that affects good
visibility in zones I, II, III and IV. If the bend lighting beam is obtained by the following methods, the
requirements in the above Table 1 are also applicable to the headlamps which
are designed to generate bend lighting beam.
- Rotating the low beam or moving the cutoff line transition horizontally;
- Moving one or more optical components of the headlamp ...
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GB 25991-2010: Automotive headlamps with LED light sources and/or LED modules
GB 25991-2010
ICS 43.040.20
T 38
Automotive headlamps with LED
light sources and/or LED modules
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 4??
4 Different types of headlamps ... 5??
5 Requirements ... 5??
6 Test methods ... 12??
7 Inspection rules ... 15??
Appendix A (Normative) LED headlamp light distribution stability test ... 18??
Appendix B (Normative) LED headlamp illumination and color temperature
stability test ... 22??
Appendix C (Normative) LED headlamp temperature cycling test ... 24??
Chapter 5 (except for 5.10) and Chapter 6 (except for 6.8) of this standard
are mandatory, AND the rest of this standard is recommended.
The Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C of this standard are normative.
This standard was proposed by the National Development and Reform
Commission of the People's Republic of China.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Automotive
Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 114).
The drafting organizations of this standard. China Automotive Technology
Research Center, Shanghai Automotive Lighting Research Institute, Tianjin
Automotive Light Factory, Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Changchun
Hella Lights Co., Ltd., Osram (China) Lighting Co., Tianjin Polytechnic
University Haiyu Semiconductor Lighting Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xiaosi
Automotive Light Co., Ltd., Changzhou Xingyu Automotive Light Co., Ltd.
The main drafters of this standard. He Yuntang, Xu Mouhe, Ouyang Tao,
Huang Chunwei, Huang Zhongwen, Zhao Bin, Xu Zhiqiang, Yu Yali, Liu Xijuan,
Ye Lin, Niu Pingjuan, Zhu Minghua, Jin Yuqing, Meng Qing?€?en.
Automotive headlamps with LED
light sources and/or LED modules
1 Scope
This standard specifies the test methods and inspection rules for the light
distribution performance, light color, temperature cycle of the automotive
headlamps with LED light source or LED light source/module.
This standard applies to the LED headlamps used for category M and N
automotive, OR the LED headlamps mainly using the LED light source or LED
module to generate a high beam or low beam.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. For the dated references, the subsequent
amendments (excluding corrections) or revisions do not apply to this Standard;
however, parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are
encouraged to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document applies.
GB 4599-2007 Motor vehicle headlamps equipped with filament lamps
GB 4785 Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light
signaling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 7922 Method of measuring the color of light sources
GB 15766.1 Filament lamps for road vehicles - Dimensional, electrical and
luminous requirements
3 Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions as established in GB 4599-2007 and GB 4785 as
well as the following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
Objective luminous flux
The design value of the luminous flex of the replaceable light source OR
light source module.
Failure of light source
The phenomenon of loss of lighting function, darkening, chroma exceeding
criteria, or flashing of one or more LED during the normal use of LED or
LED module.
LED module
Light source module containing LED only.
4 Different types of headlamps
Headlamps that differ in the following main areas.
- Product name or trademark;
- Optical system characteristics;
- Components to change the optical effect by reflection, refraction,
absorption and/or deformation at work;
- Light beam types provided (low beam, high beam, or high and low beam);
- Lens and its coating material.
- LED light source/module type and parameters (voltage, power, luminous
flux, chroma, and color rendering performance).
5 Requirements
5.1 General requirements
5.1.1 LED headlamp shall be so designed and manufactured that under
normal conditions of use, even if subjected to vibration, it can still comply with
the requirements and comply with the provisions of this standard.
5.1.2 LED headlamps shall have good heat dissipation, to prevent heat
accumulation of LED light source. LED headlamp can work normally even in
low temperature freezing environment.
5.1.3 LED headlamps shall have good electromagnetic compatibility.
5.1.4 When the headlamp is equipped with LED light source or LED module,
its performance shall comply with the requirements of this standard; when the
LED headlamp is equipped with filament lamps or HID light source to achieve
high beam or low beam function, its light distribution performance and testing
shall comply with the requirements of their respective standards.
5.1.5 The headlamps shall have beam adjustment device. When the low beam
and high beam form a combination AND each has an LED light source/module,
filament lamp (or combination lamp), the adjustment device shall be able to
adjust them individually, BUT these requirements do not apply to the headlamp
for which the high beam and low beam cannot be adjusted separately.
5.1.6 LED headlamps shall include the following markings.
- LED headlamp
- Voltage;
- Reference center.
5.2 General requirements of LED module and electronic light source
5.2.1 LED module shall use the LED light source which emits visible light, AND
it is not allowed to use other forms of light.
5.2.2 LED module under normal conditions of use, shall be maintained at a
good working condition without design and manufacturing defects, AND the
entire module shall be deemed as failure when there is a LED light source
5.2.3 LED on the LED module shall be mounted on a suitable fixed substrate,
AND the fixed substrate shall have good strength and stability to protect the
LED and LED module.
5.2.4 LED module (in the lamp) shall be positioned accurately and fixed well, to
prevent the movement.
5.2.5 For the replaceable LED module, in case of replacement, it shall use the
LED module complying with the design requirements; AND the LED modules
of different specifications in the same lamp shall not be interchangeable.
5.2.6 Regardless of the electronic light source controller placed inside or
outside, it is considered as part of LED headlamps.
5.2.7 If not specified by the manufacturer, the LED module shall be tested in
the headlamp submitted by the manufacturer.
5.3 Light distribution
5.3.1 The headlamp low beam shall have enough lighting BUT shall not
produce dazzling, AND the high beam shall have good lighting. Bend lighting
can be achieved by means of an additional light source which is part of a low
beam headlamp. If the additional light source fails, the light distribution shall
still comply with the low beam requirements.
5.3.2 The light distribution shall be measured on a vertical plane light
distribution screen 25 m away from the reference center of the headlamp. The
positions of the test points and zones are as shown in Figure 1.
Unit in millimeter
Figure 1 -- Light distribution screen
5.3.3 Low beam light distribution requirements On the light distribution screen, the low beam shall have a clear cut-off
line with the horizontal part to the left of the v-v line AND the HV-H2-H3 line or
the HV-H1-H2-H4 line to the right. It is allowed to have multiple cut-off lines
visually visible.
Illumination limit on the light distribution screen shall be consistent with the
provisions of Table 1.
Road centreline
Zone I
Zone IV
Zone II
Zone III
Area A
Area B
Table 1 For LED headlamps, the illumination limits of test points 1 to 8 on light
distribution screens shall comply with the following requirements.
- Test point 1 + 2 + 3 ??? 0.3 lx;
- Test point 4 + 5 + 6 ??? 0.6 lx;
- 0.7 lx ??? test point 7 ??? 0.1 lx;
- 0.7 lx ??? test point 8 ??? 0.2 lx, As for the LED headlamps with adjustable reflectors, each position of
use of the reflector as specified by the manufacturer shall comply with the
requirements of and There shall be no change in lateral illumination that affects good
visibility in zones I, II, III and IV. If the bend lighting beam is obtained by the following methods, the
requirements in the above Table 1 are also applicable to the headlamps which
are designed to generate bend lighting beam.
- Rotating the low beam or moving the cutoff line transition horizontally;
- Moving one or more optical components of the headlamp ...