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GB 19761-2020: Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for fan
GB 19761-2020
ICS 27.010
F 01
Replacing GB 19761-2009
Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and
Energy Efficiency Grades for Fan
ISSUED ON: MAY 29, 2020
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Energy Efficiency Grade ... 6
5 Technical Requirements ... 9
6 Test Methods ... 13
Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and
Energy Efficiency Grades for Fan
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the energy efficiency grade, minimum allowable values of
energy efficiency, test methods and technical requirements of the fan.
This Standard is applicable to general-purpose centrifugal fans, general-purpose axial
flow fans, centrifugal induced draft fans for industrial boilers, centrifugal fans for boiler
of power station, axial flow fans for power station, centrifugal fans for HVAC, and
forward multi-blade centrifugal Fan.
This Standard is not applicable to duct fans for air conditioning, box fans, unhoused
centrifugal fan, and fans with other uses and special structure.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 1236 Industrial Fan - Performance Testing Using Standardized Airways
GB/T 3235 Basic Types Sizes Parameters and Characteristics of Fans
GB/T 10178 Industrial Fans-Performance Testing in Situ
JB/T 2977 Technical Terms for Industry Fans, Turbo-Blowers and Compressors
JB/T 4357 Centrifugal ID-Fan for Industry Boiler
JB/T 4358 Centrifugal Fan for Boiler of Power Station
JB/T 4362 Power Station Axial Fans
JB/T 7221 Centrifugal Fan for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioner
JB/T 9068 Forward Curved Centrifugal Fan
JB/T 10562 Technical Specification for General Purposes Axial Fans
JB/T 10563 Technical Specification for General Purposes Centrifugal Fans
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 1236, GB/T
3235, JB/T 2977 and the following apply.
3.1 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for fan
Under the test conditions specified in the standard, the minimum guaranteed value of
the fan's efficiency is allowed.
3.2 Plant
Device composed of driving machine and fan.
4 Energy Efficiency Grade
The energy efficiency grade of the fan is divided into three grades, of which the energy
efficiency of Grade-1 is the highest, and the energy efficiency of Grade-3 is the lowest.
The regulations are as follows:
a) Centrifugal fan
1) The maximum fan efficiency ??r in the stable working area shall be no lower
than the provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2;
2) The maximum fan efficiency of ordinary motor direct drive type (Type-A
transmission) centrifugal fan in the stable working area shall be no lower than
the provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2;
3) For the efficiency ??r of the double suction centrifugal fan in the stable working
area, the Grades 1 and 2 shall decrease by 1 percentage point according to
the provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2; while the Grade 3 shall decrease
by 3 percentage points;
4) For the efficiency ??r of centrifugal fans for HVAC in the stable working area,
Grades 1 and 2 shall decrease by 1 percentage point according to the
provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2; while the Grade 3 shall decrease by 3
percentage points;
5) When the inlet has an air inlet box, the efficiency ??r at each grade in the stable
2) The ordinary motor direct drive (Type-A transmission) centrifugal fan in the
stable working area shall have a maximum fan efficiency no lower than the
provisions of Grade-3 in Tables 1 and 2.
3) The efficiency ??r of the double-suction centrifugal fan in the stable working
area shall decrease by 3 percentage points in accordance with the provisions
of Grade-3 in Tables 1 and 2.
4) The efficiency ??r of the centrifugal fan for HVAC in the stable working area
shall decrease by 3 percentage points according to the provisions of Tables 1
Table 2.
5) When the inlet has an air inlet box, the efficiency ??r at each grade in the stable
working area shall decrease by 4 percentage points in accordance with the
provisions of Grade-3 in Tables 1 and 2.
6) For forward multi-blade centrifugal fans with external rotor motors (except
single-phase and three-phase multi-speed type, three-phase six-pole and
above) direct drive type, the maximum plant efficiency shall be no lower than
the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 4.
b) Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for axial flow fan
1) The maximum fan efficiency in the stable working area shall be no lower than
the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3;
2) The maximum fan efficiency of the axial flow fan using the direct drive type
(Type-A transmission) of ordinary motor in the stable working area shall be no
lower than the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3;
3) When the inlet has air inlet box, it shall decrease by 3 percentage points
according to the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3;
4) When the outlet has a diffusion tube, the efficiency value shall be no lower
than the provisions of 0.55?????< 0.75, machine No. ???No10 of Grade-3 in Table
3; and when the fan outlet has no diffusion tube, the efficiency value shall
increase by 2 percentage point compared with Grade-3 in Table 3;
5) For an axial flow fan with adjustable moving blades (complete the
synchronous adjustment of the moving blade angle during operation), under
the condition that the inlet has no air inlet box, the outlet has no diffusion tube,
the efficiency value shall be no less than 82%;
6) The reversible axial flow fan, the efficiency value shall decrease by 8
percentage points according to the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3.
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GB 19761-2020: Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for fan
GB 19761-2020
ICS 27.010
F 01
Replacing GB 19761-2009
Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and
Energy Efficiency Grades for Fan
ISSUED ON: MAY 29, 2020
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative References ... 5
3 Terms and Definitions ... 6
4 Energy Efficiency Grade ... 6
5 Technical Requirements ... 9
6 Test Methods ... 13
Minimum Allowable Values of Energy Efficiency and
Energy Efficiency Grades for Fan
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the energy efficiency grade, minimum allowable values of
energy efficiency, test methods and technical requirements of the fan.
This Standard is applicable to general-purpose centrifugal fans, general-purpose axial
flow fans, centrifugal induced draft fans for industrial boilers, centrifugal fans for boiler
of power station, axial flow fans for power station, centrifugal fans for HVAC, and
forward multi-blade centrifugal Fan.
This Standard is not applicable to duct fans for air conditioning, box fans, unhoused
centrifugal fan, and fans with other uses and special structure.
2 Normative References
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the
dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this
document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the
amendments) are applicable to this document.
GB/T 1236 Industrial Fan - Performance Testing Using Standardized Airways
GB/T 3235 Basic Types Sizes Parameters and Characteristics of Fans
GB/T 10178 Industrial Fans-Performance Testing in Situ
JB/T 2977 Technical Terms for Industry Fans, Turbo-Blowers and Compressors
JB/T 4357 Centrifugal ID-Fan for Industry Boiler
JB/T 4358 Centrifugal Fan for Boiler of Power Station
JB/T 4362 Power Station Axial Fans
JB/T 7221 Centrifugal Fan for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioner
JB/T 9068 Forward Curved Centrifugal Fan
JB/T 10562 Technical Specification for General Purposes Axial Fans
JB/T 10563 Technical Specification for General Purposes Centrifugal Fans
3 Terms and Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 1236, GB/T
3235, JB/T 2977 and the following apply.
3.1 Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for fan
Under the test conditions specified in the standard, the minimum guaranteed value of
the fan's efficiency is allowed.
3.2 Plant
Device composed of driving machine and fan.
4 Energy Efficiency Grade
The energy efficiency grade of the fan is divided into three grades, of which the energy
efficiency of Grade-1 is the highest, and the energy efficiency of Grade-3 is the lowest.
The regulations are as follows:
a) Centrifugal fan
1) The maximum fan efficiency ??r in the stable working area shall be no lower
than the provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2;
2) The maximum fan efficiency of ordinary motor direct drive type (Type-A
transmission) centrifugal fan in the stable working area shall be no lower than
the provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2;
3) For the efficiency ??r of the double suction centrifugal fan in the stable working
area, the Grades 1 and 2 shall decrease by 1 percentage point according to
the provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2; while the Grade 3 shall decrease
by 3 percentage points;
4) For the efficiency ??r of centrifugal fans for HVAC in the stable working area,
Grades 1 and 2 shall decrease by 1 percentage point according to the
provisions specified in Tables 1 and 2; while the Grade 3 shall decrease by 3
percentage points;
5) When the inlet has an air inlet box, the efficiency ??r at each grade in the stable
2) The ordinary motor direct drive (Type-A transmission) centrifugal fan in the
stable working area shall have a maximum fan efficiency no lower than the
provisions of Grade-3 in Tables 1 and 2.
3) The efficiency ??r of the double-suction centrifugal fan in the stable working
area shall decrease by 3 percentage points in accordance with the provisions
of Grade-3 in Tables 1 and 2.
4) The efficiency ??r of the centrifugal fan for HVAC in the stable working area
shall decrease by 3 percentage points according to the provisions of Tables 1
Table 2.
5) When the inlet has an air inlet box, the efficiency ??r at each grade in the stable
working area shall decrease by 4 percentage points in accordance with the
provisions of Grade-3 in Tables 1 and 2.
6) For forward multi-blade centrifugal fans with external rotor motors (except
single-phase and three-phase multi-speed type, three-phase six-pole and
above) direct drive type, the maximum plant efficiency shall be no lower than
the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 4.
b) Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency for axial flow fan
1) The maximum fan efficiency in the stable working area shall be no lower than
the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3;
2) The maximum fan efficiency of the axial flow fan using the direct drive type
(Type-A transmission) of ordinary motor in the stable working area shall be no
lower than the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3;
3) When the inlet has air inlet box, it shall decrease by 3 percentage points
according to the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3;
4) When the outlet has a diffusion tube, the efficiency value shall be no lower
than the provisions of 0.55?????< 0.75, machine No. ???No10 of Grade-3 in Table
3; and when the fan outlet has no diffusion tube, the efficiency value shall
increase by 2 percentage point compared with Grade-3 in Table 3;
5) For an axial flow fan with adjustable moving blades (complete the
synchronous adjustment of the moving blade angle during operation), under
the condition that the inlet has no air inlet box, the outlet has no diffusion tube,
the efficiency value shall be no less than 82%;
6) The reversible axial flow fan, the efficiency value shall decrease by 8
percentage points according to the provisions of Grade-3 in Table 3.