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GB 19592-2019: Detergent additive for motor gasoline
GB 19592-2019
ICS 75.140
E 61
Replacing GB 19592-2004
Detergent Additive for Motor Gasoline
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative References ... 5??
3 Terms and Definitions ... 7??
4 Requirements and Test Methods ... 7??
5 Inspection Rules ... 8??
6 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 10??
7 Safety ... 10??
Appendix A (Normative) Base Fuel ... 11??
All the technical content in this Standard is mandatory.
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard serves as a replacement of GB 19592-2004 Detergent Additive for
Vehicle Gasoline. In comparison with GB 19592-2004, the main technical changes are
as follows:
---The scope of application is modified (see Chapter 1);
---Normative references are modified (see Chapter 2);
---The definition of base fuel is modified (see 3.1);
---The definition of detergent additive for motor gasoline is modified (see 3.2);
---The definition of intake system is deleted (see 3.3 in Version 2004);
---The definition of intake valve deposits is modified (see 3.3);
---The definition of total combustion deposits is modified (see 3.4);
---Table content in the previous version is modified into the content in 4.1 (see 4.1;
Table 1 in Version 2004);
---Pour point indicator is modified from ?€?not higher than -15 ??C?€? into ?€?not higher
than -20 ??C?€? (see Table 1);
---Flash point indicator is modified from ?€?not lower than 45 ??C?€? into ?€?not lower than
60 ??C?€? (see Table 1);
---The technical requirements of sulfur content and chlorine content are added
(see Table 1);
---The expression of technical requirements of anti-rust property is modified from
?€?not more than 5%?€? into ?€?not more than moderate rust?€? (see Table 1);
---The expression of fuel nozzle cleanliness is deleted and modified into ?€?nozzle
mass flow loss rate?€? (see Table 1);
---The requirements of deposit decline rate of intake system are deleted (see Table
1 in Version 2004);
---?€?Simulated intake valve deposit decline rate?€? is modified into ?€?simulated intake
valve deposit mass?€?; ?€?report?€? is modified into ?€?not more than 2.0 mg?€?; test
method is modified into GB/T 37322-2019 (see Table 1);
Detergent Additive for Motor Gasoline
Warning: if appropriate precautions are not abided by, there might be dangers
in the production, storage, transportation and usage process of products that
belong to this Standard. This Standard does not intend to propose suggestions
to all the safety issues related with the products. Before putting this Standard
into effect, users shall undertake the responsibility of establishing appropriate
safety and preventive measures; confirming the applicability of relevant
stipulations and restrictions.
1 Scope
This Standard stipulates the terms and definitions, requirements, test methods,
inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and safety of detergent
additive for motor gasoline.
This Standard is applicable to detergent additives used in motor gasoline and motor
ethanol gasoline.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In
terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are
applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest
version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB 190 Packing Symbol of Dangerous Goods;
GB/T 261 Determination of Flash Point - Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Method;
GB/T 511 Petroleum, Petroleum Products and Additives - Method for Determination of
Mechanical Admixtures;
GB/T 3535 Petroleum Products - Determination of Pour Point;
GB/T 4756 Method for Manual Sampling of Petroleum Liquids;
GB/T 11140 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength
Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry;
GB 17930 Gasoline for Motor Vehicles;
GB/T 19230.1 Test Method for Evaluating Gasoline Detergent in Use - Part 1: Test
Method for Rust-preventing Characteristics of Gasoline Detergent;
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 Base Fuel
Base fuel refers to fuel that is used to inspect a certain property of additives in tests.
Base fuel has satisfying distinctiveness and does not include additives that may
improve the property being inspected.
3.2 Detergent Additive for Motor Gasoline
Detergent additive for motor gasoline refers to a matter that is added to motor gasoline
or motor ethanol gasoline to prevent the generation of deposits or separable deposits
in parts like engine inlet, intake valve and fuel spray nozzle, etc. Generally speaking,
detergent additive for motor gasoline is ashless organic matter that contains some
3.3 Intake Valve Deposits; IVDs
Intake valve deposits refers to any matters that are generated by fuel, lubricating oil
and additives, or, inhaled from the outside, and deposit on the surface of intake valve.
3.4 Total Combustion Deposits; TCDs
Total combustion deposits refers to any matters that are generated by fuel, lubricating
oil and additives, or, inhaled from the outside, and deposit on the part of combustion
chamber (cylinder head and piston top).
4 Requirements and Test Methods
4.1 Chemical substances that may generate ash content cannot be manually added to
detergent additive for motor gasoline. Motor gasoline and motor ethanol gasoline,
which adds detergent additive in accordance with the recommended dosage, shall
comply with corresponding standards.
4.2 The technical requirements and test methods of detergent additive for motor
gasoline are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 -- Technical Requirements and Test Methods of Detergent Additive for
Motor Gasoline
Items Technical Indicators Test Methods
Transparent, no
suspended matters
and settling
Visual inspection a
When there are no changes in raw materials and production process that might affect
product quality, exit-factory cyclic inspection items include: nozzle mass flow loss rate,
average intake valve deposit mass and total combustion deposit mass increasing rate.
The inspection cycle is one inspection in every three years of normal production.
5.1.2 Type inspection
Type inspection items include all the items stipulated in the technical requirements in
Table 1.
Under the following circumstances, type inspection shall be conducted:
a) When new products are put into production or products are receiving type
b) Where there are relatively significant changes in raw materials and production
process that might affect product quality;
c) When production is suspended for over two consecutive years, then, resumed.
5.2 Group Batch
Under the condition that raw materials and production process remain changeless,
every tin or kettle being produced shall be considered as one batch.
5.3 Sampling
Sampling shall comply with GB/T 4756. Sampling quantity shall be not less than 1 L;
reserve for inspection and as reserved sample.
5.4 Determination Rules
When the result of exit-factory inspection and the result of type inspection completely
comply with the stipulations in Chapter 4, then, the batch of products shall be
determined as qualified. When the result of simulated intake valve deposit mass and
the result of average intake valve deposit mass in engine test are contradictory, the
result of engine test shall be subject to.
5.5 Re-inspection Rules
If the result of exit-factory inspection and the result of type inspection do not comply
with the requirements of this Standard, re-take a double size of samples from the same
batch of products; conduct re-inspection of the disqualified items. When the re-
inspection result still does not comply with the requirements of this Standard, then, this
batch of products shall be determined as disqualified.
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Historical versions (Master-website): GB 19592-2019
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GB 19592-2019: Detergent additive for motor gasoline
GB 19592-2019
ICS 75.140
E 61
Replacing GB 19592-2004
Detergent Additive for Motor Gasoline
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 5??
2 Normative References ... 5??
3 Terms and Definitions ... 7??
4 Requirements and Test Methods ... 7??
5 Inspection Rules ... 8??
6 Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage ... 10??
7 Safety ... 10??
Appendix A (Normative) Base Fuel ... 11??
All the technical content in this Standard is mandatory.
This Standard was drafted in accordance with the rules in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This Standard serves as a replacement of GB 19592-2004 Detergent Additive for
Vehicle Gasoline. In comparison with GB 19592-2004, the main technical changes are
as follows:
---The scope of application is modified (see Chapter 1);
---Normative references are modified (see Chapter 2);
---The definition of base fuel is modified (see 3.1);
---The definition of detergent additive for motor gasoline is modified (see 3.2);
---The definition of intake system is deleted (see 3.3 in Version 2004);
---The definition of intake valve deposits is modified (see 3.3);
---The definition of total combustion deposits is modified (see 3.4);
---Table content in the previous version is modified into the content in 4.1 (see 4.1;
Table 1 in Version 2004);
---Pour point indicator is modified from ?€?not higher than -15 ??C?€? into ?€?not higher
than -20 ??C?€? (see Table 1);
---Flash point indicator is modified from ?€?not lower than 45 ??C?€? into ?€?not lower than
60 ??C?€? (see Table 1);
---The technical requirements of sulfur content and chlorine content are added
(see Table 1);
---The expression of technical requirements of anti-rust property is modified from
?€?not more than 5%?€? into ?€?not more than moderate rust?€? (see Table 1);
---The expression of fuel nozzle cleanliness is deleted and modified into ?€?nozzle
mass flow loss rate?€? (see Table 1);
---The requirements of deposit decline rate of intake system are deleted (see Table
1 in Version 2004);
---?€?Simulated intake valve deposit decline rate?€? is modified into ?€?simulated intake
valve deposit mass?€?; ?€?report?€? is modified into ?€?not more than 2.0 mg?€?; test
method is modified into GB/T 37322-2019 (see Table 1);
Detergent Additive for Motor Gasoline
Warning: if appropriate precautions are not abided by, there might be dangers
in the production, storage, transportation and usage process of products that
belong to this Standard. This Standard does not intend to propose suggestions
to all the safety issues related with the products. Before putting this Standard
into effect, users shall undertake the responsibility of establishing appropriate
safety and preventive measures; confirming the applicability of relevant
stipulations and restrictions.
1 Scope
This Standard stipulates the terms and definitions, requirements, test methods,
inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and safety of detergent
additive for motor gasoline.
This Standard is applicable to detergent additives used in motor gasoline and motor
ethanol gasoline.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this document. In
terms of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are
applicable to this document. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest
version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB 190 Packing Symbol of Dangerous Goods;
GB/T 261 Determination of Flash Point - Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Method;
GB/T 511 Petroleum, Petroleum Products and Additives - Method for Determination of
Mechanical Admixtures;
GB/T 3535 Petroleum Products - Determination of Pour Point;
GB/T 4756 Method for Manual Sampling of Petroleum Liquids;
GB/T 11140 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products by Wavelength
Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry;
GB 17930 Gasoline for Motor Vehicles;
GB/T 19230.1 Test Method for Evaluating Gasoline Detergent in Use - Part 1: Test
Method for Rust-preventing Characteristics of Gasoline Detergent;
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this document.
3.1 Base Fuel
Base fuel refers to fuel that is used to inspect a certain property of additives in tests.
Base fuel has satisfying distinctiveness and does not include additives that may
improve the property being inspected.
3.2 Detergent Additive for Motor Gasoline
Detergent additive for motor gasoline refers to a matter that is added to motor gasoline
or motor ethanol gasoline to prevent the generation of deposits or separable deposits
in parts like engine inlet, intake valve and fuel spray nozzle, etc. Generally speaking,
detergent additive for motor gasoline is ashless organic matter that contains some
3.3 Intake Valve Deposits; IVDs
Intake valve deposits refers to any matters that are generated by fuel, lubricating oil
and additives, or, inhaled from the outside, and deposit on the surface of intake valve.
3.4 Total Combustion Deposits; TCDs
Total combustion deposits refers to any matters that are generated by fuel, lubricating
oil and additives, or, inhaled from the outside, and deposit on the part of combustion
chamber (cylinder head and piston top).
4 Requirements and Test Methods
4.1 Chemical substances that may generate ash content cannot be manually added to
detergent additive for motor gasoline. Motor gasoline and motor ethanol gasoline,
which adds detergent additive in accordance with the recommended dosage, shall
comply with corresponding standards.
4.2 The technical requirements and test methods of detergent additive for motor
gasoline are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 -- Technical Requirements and Test Methods of Detergent Additive for
Motor Gasoline
Items Technical Indicators Test Methods
Transparent, no
suspended matters
and settling
Visual inspection a
When there are no changes in raw materials and production process that might affect
product quality, exit-factory cyclic inspection items include: nozzle mass flow loss rate,
average intake valve deposit mass and total combustion deposit mass increasing rate.
The inspection cycle is one inspection in every three years of normal production.
5.1.2 Type inspection
Type inspection items include all the items stipulated in the technical requirements in
Table 1.
Under the following circumstances, type inspection shall be conducted:
a) When new products are put into production or products are receiving type
b) Where there are relatively significant changes in raw materials and production
process that might affect product quality;
c) When production is suspended for over two consecutive years, then, resumed.
5.2 Group Batch
Under the condition that raw materials and production process remain changeless,
every tin or kettle being produced shall be considered as one batch.
5.3 Sampling
Sampling shall comply with GB/T 4756. Sampling quantity shall be not less than 1 L;
reserve for inspection and as reserved sample.
5.4 Determination Rules
When the result of exit-factory inspection and the result of type inspection completely
comply with the stipulations in Chapter 4, then, the batch of products shall be
determined as qualified. When the result of simulated intake valve deposit mass and
the result of average intake valve deposit mass in engine test are contradictory, the
result of engine test shall be subject to.
5.5 Re-inspection Rules
If the result of exit-factory inspection and the result of type inspection do not comply
with the requirements of this Standard, re-take a double size of samples from the same
batch of products; conduct re-inspection of the disqualified items. When the re-
inspection result still does not comply with the requirements of this Standard, then, this
batch of products shall be determined as disqualified.