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YD/T 3709-2020: Technical requirements of message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication
YD/T 3709-2020
ICS 33.060.30
Technical requirements of message layer of LTE-
based vehicular communication
Issued by: Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of PRC
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations ... 5 
3.1 Terms and definitions ... 5 
3.2 Abbreviations ... 5 
4 Message layer of LTE-based vehicular communication technology ... 6 
4.1 System introduction ... 6 
4.2 Architecture of message layer ... 7 
5 Technical requirements for the message layer ... 8 
5.1 Basic introduction and requirements of the message layer ... 8 
5.2 Definition of data set of message layer ... 8 
Appendix A (Informative) Type and value of DE_EventType (traffic event index)
... 99 
Technical requirements of message layer of LTE-
based vehicular communication
1 Scope
This standard specifies the technical requirements for the message layer of
LTE-based vehicular communication technology, which specifically includes the
structure of the data set at message layer AND specific data definitions and
coding methods.
This standard applies to the message layer of the LTE-based wireless
communication technology for vehicular internet.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) is applicable to this standard.
GB 2312-1980 Code of Chinese graphic character set for information
interchange - Primary set
GB 5768.2-2009 Road traffic signs and markings - Part 2: Road traffic signs
GB 14886 Specifications for road traffic signal setting and installation
GB/T 27967-2011 Format of weather forecast on highway traffic
GB/T 29100-2012 Road traffic information service - Traffic event
classification and coding
YD/T 3340-2018 Technical requirements of air interface of LTE-based
vehicular communication
YD/T 3400-2018 General technical requirements of LTE-based vehicular
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Vehicle to everything, V2X
The communication, BETWEEN the on-board unit AND other devices, which
includes, but is not limited to, the communication between the on-board units,
the communication between the on-board unit and the roadside unit, the
communication between the on-board unit and the pedestrian equipment,
the communication between the on-board unit and the network.
3.2 Abbreviations
The following abbreviations apply to this document.
ASN.1: Abstract Syntax Notation One
BSM: Basic Safety Message
DE: Data Element
DF: Data Frame
DSM: Dedicated Short Message
DSMP: Dedicated Short Message Protocol
ID: IDentification
ITS: Intelligent Transportation Systems
LTE: Long Term Evolution
LTE-V2X: LTE Vehicle to Everything
RSI: Road Side Information
RSM: Road Side Message
RSU: Road Side Unit
Define the effective time attributes of road traffic events and road traffic sign
It is defined in UTC Universal Time, including the effective start time, end time,
end time confidence, accurate to the minute.
[ASN.1 code] DF_RTEData
Define road traffic incident information. Traffic incident classification supports
GB/T 29100-2012. In this data frame, it contains the information source,
occurrence area, timeliness, priority, impact area of the traffic incident. It may
also use the form of text, to supplement the description or explanation of the
event information.
When the on-board unit determines the area affected by a traffic incident, it can
perform calculations in two ways, associative path and associative road
segment, based on the information provided. The associated path, in the data
frame, uses an ordered sequence of position points, to describe the center line
of the affected area of the traffic event; meanwhile, it uses the radius to indicate
the vertical distance from the center line of the affected area boundary, to reflect
the width of the area to cover the actual road segment. The position points in
the data frame are all offset coordinates, based on the external reference
position coordinate points. Associated road segments are associated with the
corresponding road segments and lanes, which are provided in the MAP
[ASN.1 code] DF_TimeCountingDown
In the form of countdown, describe the complete timing state of a signal light
phase state.
• startTime: If the current phase state has started (not ended), the value is
0; if the current phase state has not started, it means the time from the
current moment to the next start of the phase state.
• minEndTime: Indicate the shortest time from the current moment to the
end of the phase state (regardless of whether the phase state starts at the
current moment).
• maxEndTime: Indicate the longest time from the current moment to the
end of the phase state (regardless of whether the phase state starts at the
current moment).
• likelyEndTime: Indicate the estimated time from the current moment to the
end of the phase state next time (regardless of whether the phase state
starts at the current moment or not). If the signal light's phase is a fixed
period and a fixed duration, THEN, the value represents the exact time
from the current moment to the next end of the phase state. If the current
phase of the signal light is non-fixed timing (sensing timing, manual control,
etc.), THEN, the value indicates the predicted end time. Meanwhile, the
prediction time must be between minEndTime and maxEndTime, which
may be predicted by historical data OR triggered by some events.
• timeConfidence: The confidence level of the predicted time of the above
• nextStartTime: If the current phase state has started (not ended), THEN,
this value represents the estimated time between the current time and the
next start of the phase state. If the current phase state has not started, it
means the time from the current moment to the second start of this phase
state. Usually, it is used in some related applications, such as ECO Drive.
• nextDuration: If the current phase state has started (not ended), the value
indicates the duration of the phase state after the next start. If the current
phase state has not started, it indicates the duration of the phase state
after the second start. It is used in conjunction with nextStartTime; it is
usually used in some related applications, such as ECO Drive.
Figure 7 shows the time values, when the phase state starts or does not start,
at the current moment. DF_UTCTiming
Use UTC universal time format, to describe the complete timing state of a signal
light phase state.
• startUTCTime: If the current phase state has started (not ended), THEN,
the value is the time when the current state starts. If the current phase
state has not started, THEN, it means the time when the current phase
state starts next time.
• minEndUTCTime: Indicate the time corresponding to the next time the
phase state ends, in the shortest time (regardless of whether the phase
state starts at the current time or not).
• maxEndUTCTime: Indicate the time corresponding to the next time the
phase state ends, in the longest time (regardless of whether the phase
state starts at the current time or not).
• likelyEndUTCTime: Indicate the estimated end time next time of the phase
state (regardless of whether the phase state starts at the current moment).
If the phase of the signal light is a fixed period and a fixed duration, the
value indicates the exact time, when the phase state will end next time. If
the current phase of the signal light is non-fixed timing (sensing timing,
manual control, etc.), THEN, the value indicates the predicated end time;
meanwhile, the prediction time must be between minEndUTCTime and
maxEndUTCTime, which may be predicted by historical data OR triggered
by some events.
• timeConfidence: The confidence level of the predicted time of
likelyEndUTCTime above.
• nextStartUTCTime: If the current phase state has started (not ended),
THEN, this value indicates the estimated time when the phase state starts
next time. If the current phase state has not started, THEN, it indicates the
estimated time when the phase state starts the second time. It is usually
used in some related applications, such as ECO Drive.
• nextEndUTCTime: If the current phase state has started (not ended),
one corresponding state is activated or restored from the activated state, the
flag value shall be set and interacted.
When the vehicle receives a piece of data, which contains a special state of the
vehicle, it needs to select a specific operation, based on the content of the data.
The special state of the vehicle is defined as follows:
• Hazard Lights: The vehicle warning lights are on.
• Stop Line Violation: Before reaching the intersection, the vehicle predicts
that it may not have time to brake and cross the stop line.
• ABS: The ABS system was triggered and exceeded 100 milliseconds.
• Traction Control: The electronic system's control traction is triggered for
more than 100 milliseconds.
• Stability Control: The vehicle body stability control is triggered for more
than 100 milliseconds.
• Hazardous Material: Hazardous goods transport vehicles.
• Hard Braking: Vehicle brakes abruptly, AND the deceleration is greater
than 0.4G.
• Lights Changed: In the past 2 seconds, the status of the lights has
• Wipers Changed: In the past 2 seconds, the status of the vehicle's wipers
(front window or rear window) has changed.
• Flat tire. The vehicle found that at least one tire had a puncture.
• Disabled Vehicle: The vehicle is malfunctioning AND cannot be driven.
• Air Bag Deployment: At least one airbag has popped out.
[ASN.1 code]

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