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YBB 00042003-2015 English PDF
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YBB 00042003-2015: Test for acute systemic toxicity
YBB 00042003-2015
Test for Acute Systemic Toxicity
Test for Acute Systemic Toxicity
This test is a method in which a certain dose of test sample is intravenously
injected into the mouse, and the mouse is observed for toxic reaction and death
within a prescribed period of time, so as to determine whether the test sample
meets the requirements.
The test mice shall be healthy and qualified. They shall be kept under the same
feeding condition (the temperature of laboratory and feeding room is controlled
at 19~28 °C). The female mice shall have no pregnancy. The weight is 17~23
g. Mice which have been used in this test must not be reused. The mice are
randomly divided into two groups -- test group and control group, with 5 in each
group. For retest, 10 mice of 18~19 g are taken from each group.
[Preparation of the test solution] The preparation process shall be carried
out according to the aseptic method.
RINSE test sample with purified water; after dried with filter paper, CUT into
strips of about 0.5 cm X 3 cm; and then PLACE into an extraction container.
Unless otherwise specified, in accordance with Table 1, ADD sodium chloride
injection as the extract. The test sample is immersed in the extract. EXTRACT
according to the conditions of Table 2; and OBTAIN the test solution. When
necessary, before the preparation of test solution, the test sample is placed into
a high-pressure steam sterilizer and is kept at 115 °C for 30 minutes.
[Blank control solution] Sodium chloride injection.
The blank control solution and the test solution shall be used within 24 hours
after preparation.
Table 1 -- RATIO of the surface area or weight of test sample TO the
volume of extract
Thickness of test sample (mm) Ratio of surface area or weight to volume of extract
≤0.5 6 cm2/ml
>0.5~1.0 3 cm2/ml
>1.0 1.25 cm2/ml
Irregular shape 0.2 g/ml
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Historical versions (Master-website): YBB 00042003-2015
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YBB 00042003-2015: Test for acute systemic toxicity
YBB 00042003-2015
Test for Acute Systemic Toxicity
Test for Acute Systemic Toxicity
This test is a method in which a certain dose of test sample is intravenously
injected into the mouse, and the mouse is observed for toxic reaction and death
within a prescribed period of time, so as to determine whether the test sample
meets the requirements.
The test mice shall be healthy and qualified. They shall be kept under the same
feeding condition (the temperature of laboratory and feeding room is controlled
at 19~28 °C). The female mice shall have no pregnancy. The weight is 17~23
g. Mice which have been used in this test must not be reused. The mice are
randomly divided into two groups -- test group and control group, with 5 in each
group. For retest, 10 mice of 18~19 g are taken from each group.
[Preparation of the test solution] The preparation process shall be carried
out according to the aseptic method.
RINSE test sample with purified water; after dried with filter paper, CUT into
strips of about 0.5 cm X 3 cm; and then PLACE into an extraction container.
Unless otherwise specified, in accordance with Table 1, ADD sodium chloride
injection as the extract. The test sample is immersed in the extract. EXTRACT
according to the conditions of Table 2; and OBTAIN the test solution. When
necessary, before the preparation of test solution, the test sample is placed into
a high-pressure steam sterilizer and is kept at 115 °C for 30 minutes.
[Blank control solution] Sodium chloride injection.
The blank control solution and the test solution shall be used within 24 hours
after preparation.
Table 1 -- RATIO of the surface area or weight of test sample TO the
volume of extract
Thickness of test sample (mm) Ratio of surface area or weight to volume of extract
≤0.5 6 cm2/ml
>0.5~1.0 3 cm2/ml
>1.0 1.25 cm2/ml
Irregular shape 0.2 g/ml