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SN/T 3879-2014: Safety requirements and test methods for child-resistance for lighters
SN/T 3879-2014
Safety requirements and test methods for child-resistance
for lighters
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 4
4 Safety requirements ... 5
5 Children test methods ... 6
6 Test report ... 12
Appendix A (Normative) Demonstration of requirements for turning on surrogate
lighters ... 14
Safety requirements and test methods for child-resistance
for lighters
1 Scope
This standard specifies the safety requirements and test methods for child-resistant
opening devices of lighters.
This standard is suitable for testing the anti-child opening performance of lighters.
This standard does not apply to novelty lighters.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For the dated
documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable to this document;
for the undated documents, only the latest version (including all the amendments) is
applicable to this standard.
ISO 9994 Lighters - Safety specification
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
A manually operated ignition device, which is filled with no more than 10 g of fuel.
The fuel is composed of butane or other flammable or liquid hydrocarbons. It is
usually used to ignite cigarettes, pipes, etc.; it can also be used to ignite paper, oil
ropes, candles, lanterns or other flammable materials.
Note: Lighters cannot be used as candles, flashlights or other long-lasting burning devices.
Resistant compression lighter
A lighter with a weighted spring attached to the piezoelectric push button. The
pressing force required to open it is much greater than that of ordinary lighters; it is
difficult for children under 51 months to open it. It can be regarded as a lighter that
prevents children from opening it.
Novelty lighter
A lighter, including a case or other accessories combined with it, which is likely to
attract children under the age of 51 months, usually has entertainment sound effects
or animation effects. Novelty lighters use a variety of fuels, including butane and
liquid fuel. Novelty lighters include, but are not limited to, the following: lighters
and lighter cases that resemble cartoon characters, toys, guns, watches, telephones,
musical instruments, vehicles, human bodies or human body parts, animals, food or
beverages, or emitting musical notes, having flashing lights, movable parts or other
features that provide certain entertainment, but do not include logos, trademarks,
decals, pictures or wrapped colored papers printed on the lighter.
Surrogate lighter
A device that has the same appearance, dimensions, weight, operation as a real
lighter. The device is not supplied with fuel and cannot produce a flame, but can
produce a clear visual or audible signal when successfully operated.
Note: A real lighter can be used as a surrogate lighter, but the lighter shall be drained of fuel.
4 Safety requirements
4.1 Lighters shall comply with the requirements of ISO 9994.
4.2 For lighters that prevent children from opening by increasing the operating force
(resistant compression lighters), there is no requirement that a child test team be used
to test their safety, BUT they shall meet the following technical parameter requirements:
a) Push-button lighter: 42 N (pressing force);
b) Lever lighter: 40 N (pressing force);
c) Incline lighter: 20 N (rebound force);
d) Grinding wheel lighter: The spark occurrence rate shall not be greater than 40%.
4.3 Lighters that are operated to prevent children from being opened shall be tested by
a child test team; the lighter shall be able to prevent 85% of children from opening. See
Chapter 5 for specific test methods.
- If the date difference exceeds 15 (such as 16, 17), add 1 month;
- If the date difference is less than -15 (such as -16, -17), then subtract one month,
for example: 50 months - 1 month = 49 months;
- If the date difference is between -15 ~ 15 (such as -15, -14…14, 15), it will neither
add nor reduce one month.
5.1.4 Children with long-term illness, temporary illness, injury, or any other condition
that may affect the test results are not allowed to participate in the test.
5.1.5 Two children participate in the test of surrogate lighters at the same time.
5.1.6 Each child may not participate in more than one test group, or test more than one
surrogate lighters. Children cannot participate in other child-resistant packaging tests
on the same day.
5.2 Testing location, environment, testers
5.2.1 Test location Surrogate lighters need to be tested within the territory of the People’s Republic
of China. Each test group is tested at 5 or more locations. The testing location can be a
nursery, kindergarten or full-time care center where the children participating in the test
are located. No more than 20 children will be tested at each testing location. If the children in the test group come from different areas, they will be
concentrated in one or more testing locations.
5.2.2 Test environment
Surrogate lighters shall be tested in the following environments:
a) In a room that is familiar to the child (for example, a room in a nursery or
kindergarten where the child often attends);
b) In places that may be unfamiliar to children, testers shall allow children at least 5
minutes to familiarize themselves with the new environment before starting the
c) The environment of the test area shall be bright and away from entertainment
d) Two children shall sit side by side on chairs approximately 15 cm apart and a table
away from the tester. Children are free to play with their surrogate lighters as long
as the testers could see them at the same time. Test tables and chairs shall be child-
friendly, so that they can have their feet on the floor and their arms resting
comfortably on the table.
5.2.3 Testers
Testers are required to be over 18 years old and familiar with the language of the testing
location. They shall receive unified training, including demonstrating actions and using
words for children. Each test group requires 5 or 6 testers, with each tester testing
approximately the same number of children.
5.3 Surrogate lighters
5.3.1 All surrogate lighters must have the same color; the force required to open them
shall be consistent with the officially sold product.
5.3.2 Each test group shall ensure that 6 intact surrogate lighters are used for testing.
The surrogate lighters shall not be exposed to excessive heat or cold during the test.
Surrogate lighters can be used with multiple test groups.
5.3.3 Each surrogate lighter is tested on the same number of children within the test
group, approximately (17 ± 2) children. If the surrogate lighter is damaged during
testing, proceed with the remaining surrogate lighter.
5.3.4 Before testing begins, each surrogate lighter is inspected to confirm that it has the
same appearance, size, shape, weight as the officially marketed product.
5.3.5 Before and after the test, the force required to turn on each surrogate lighter shall
be checked, to confirm that it is within a reasonable range and will not affect the test
results of normal operation by children.
5.3.6 Before and after testing the surrogate lighter with each child, each surrogate
lighter shall be inspected, to confirm that it produces a clearly identifiable signal when
turned on. If it is found before the test begins that it does not produce a signal when
turned on, the surrogate lighter shall be repaired before testing. If it is found after the
test that it cannot generate a signal when turned on, the test results of the surrogate
lighter will not be included in the test results. Once the surrogate lighter is repaired, it
can be tested on additional qualified children to complete the test.
5.4 Encouragement
5.4.1 The language used during the test shall be the main language used in the area
where the test is conducted.
5.4.2 During the testing process, the tester shall use a friendly and calm tone of voice
to make the children feel friendly and trustworthy.
surrogate lighter and then says: "Try to use your lighter to make noises. Please keep
trying until I say stop.”
5.6.3 The tester shall observe the child being tested for 5 minutes; then make a judgment
as to whether the child under test can successfully operate the surrogate lighter to
generate a signal. If a child produces a spark by operating the anti-child operation
device without it being turned on, the tester shall say to the child: "That's a spark, it
won't hurt you, try making a sound with your lighter." If any child successfully
completes the operation during this period, the surrogate lighter shall be taken away
from the child and the child shall not be asked to do so again. The tester shall ask the
child to stay, until other children in the group have completed the procedure.
5.6.4 If a test child fails to successfully complete the operation of the surrogate lighter
within the time specified in 5.6.3, the tester shall demonstrate it to the child. See
Appendix A for details of the demonstration.
5.6.5 If the requirements of Appendix A are not followed during the demonstration
process for two children, the test results of these two children will not be recorded; the
test will be completed by the other two children.
5.6.6 If a test child fails to successfully operate the surrogate lighter within 5 minutes,
give him or her another 5 minutes to test after completing the demonstration. At this
time, the surrogate lighter is returned to each child, and then said: "Now you can try to
make sound with your lighter, stop when I say stop."
5.6.7 If any child successfully completes the operation during this period, the surrogate
lighter shall be removed from the child and the child shall not be required to operate
the surrogate lighter again. The tester shall ask the child to stay, until other children in
the group have completed the procedure.
5.6.8 At the end of the second 5-minute test, retrieve the surrogate lighter from the child
who failed to successfully operate the surrogate lighter.
5.6.9 After the test, the tester shall say to the children: "This is a special lighter that does
not produce a flame. A real lighter will burn you. Can you promise me that you will
never play with a real lighter?" After receiving reassurance from both children, thank
them for their help and remove the children from the testing room.
5.6.10 On the day the test is completed, inform their parents or guardians in writing of
the test situation; ask their parents or guardians to warn the children not to play with
real lighters. At the same time, parents or guardians of children are reminded to keep
lighters or related products (whether with or without child-resistant devices) out of the
reach of children.
5.7 Data collection and recording
5.7.1 In addition to recording the number of successful operations by children,
recording of other data when children operate the lighter shall be avoided, so that the
tester can concentrate on the child during the test.
5.7.2 If video recording is required during the test, in order not to divert children's
attention, the camera is required to be fixedly placed and operated in a hidden location.
5.7.3 After the test is completed, all image data shall be used to record the actual test
process (for example, demonstration actions, etc.). The following relevant data shall be
collected and recorded from children participating in the test:
a) Gender (male or female);
b) Date of birth (year, month, day);
c) Age (accurate to the month, calculated according to the requirements of 5.1.3);
d) The number of lighters tested by children;
e) Test date (year/month/day);
f) Test location (city and country name, or location code or writing credit code that
can be used to prove the test location);
g) The name of the tester who performed the test;
h) Record the time it takes the child to successfully operate the surrogate lighter
during the first 5 minutes of testing (accurate to the second);
i) Within the specified time of the test, the time it takes for the test child to
successfully operate the surrogate lighter within the second 5 minutes (accurate
to the second);
j) From the 100 children who participated in the test, select a pair of images and
videos of children as examples:
- The way the tester holds the surrogate lighter;
- The direction of the tester’s hands;
- The direction in which the tester faces the child's body and hands when
5.8 Result judgment
In order to determine whether the surrogate lighter can prevent children from turning
on by 85%, a test group will be formed for every 100 children; the upper limit of the
test will be 2 test groups. The test results are judged as follows, see Table 2 for details:

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