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SH/T 1499.3-1997 English PDF (SH/T1499.3-1997)

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SH/T 1499.3-1997: Pure adipoic acid. Measurement of ammonia solution colour (in Pt -- Co scale). Spectrophotometric method
SH/T 1499.3-1997
ICS 71.080.40
G 15
Pure adipic acid – Measurement of ammonia solution
color (in Pt-Co scale) – Spectrophotometric method
ISSUED ON. JULY 12, 1997
Issued by. China Petrochemical Corporation
Table of contents
Foreword ... 3 
1 Scope ... 4 
2 Normative references ... 4 
3 Method summary ... 4 
4 Reagents and solutions ... 4 
5 Instruments and equipment ... 5 
6 Sampling ... 5 
7 Analytical procedures ... 5 
8 Expression of analytical results ... 6 
9 Precision... 6 
10 Report ... 7 
This standard equivalently adopts the clause 4.4 Measurement of solution
color (in Pt-Co scale) in TOCT 10558-80* (with the No.2 modification
notification passed in September 1989, AND the No.3 modification notification
passed in March 1992), AND the test methods of clause 2.4 Measurement of
ammonia solution color in SH/T 1499-92 after review. AND it determines the
precision level of 95% confidence level using the mathematical statistics
This version was rewritten in accordance with the editing requirements of GB/T
1.1-1993, AND the chapter is fully supplemented and adjusted.
This standard shall, from the date of implementation, replace the clause 2.4
Measurement of ammonia solution color in SH/T 1499-92.
This standard was proposed by Liaoyang Petrochemical Company.
This standard shall be under the jurisdiction of the National Chemical
Standardization Technical Committee Petrochemical Technical Subcommittee.
This standard is responsibly drafted by Liaoyang Petrochemical Company
No.4 Chemical Factory.
The main drafters of this standard. Xue Shaoju, Tang Min, Tong Enbao.
This standard was first published on October 10, 1986, AND first confirmed on
July 12, 1997.
Pure adipic acid – Measurement of ammonia solution
color (in Pt-Co scale) – Spectrophotometric method
1 Scope
This standard specifies the determination method for the solution color of the
pure adipic acid ammonium solution.
This standard is applicable to the determination of the solution color of the pure
adipic acid ammonium solution.
2 Normative references
The provisions in following documents become the provisions of this Standard
through reference in this Standard. The versions indicated at the time of
publication of this standard are valid. All standards are subjected to revision,
AND parties who reach an agreement based on this Standard are encouraged
to study if the latest versions of these documents are applicable.
GB/T 601-88 Chemical reagent – Preparations of standard volumetric
GB/T 6678-86 General principles for sampling chemical products
GB/T 6679-86 General rules for sampling of solid chemical products
GB/T 6682-92 Water for laboratory use; Specifications
3 Method summary
DISSOLVE the appropriate amount of the sample in the ammonia solution of a
certain concentration; USE the spectrophotometer to conduct color
determination at a wavelength of 390nm, and COMPARE with the
platinum-cobalt standard solution; CALCULATE the sample color.
4 Reagents and solutions
Unless otherwise noted, the reagents used are analytical pure, AND the water
used shall comply with the level III water specifications of GB/T 6682.
4.1 Hydrochloric acid solution [c (HCl) = 0.1mol/L].
4.2 Platinum-cobalt standard solution (500 platinum-cobalt color number).
Ni – The color number of thin platinum-cobalt standard solution;
Ai - Absorbance of thin platinum-cobalt standard solution;
n - The number of thin platinum-cobalt standard solution.
The calculation factor K shall be reviewed once every 6 months.
7.2 Determination of samples
WEIGH (10.0000 ± 0.0001) g of sample; PLACE it into a 200mL beaker; ADD
95mL of ammonia (4.3), to dissolve the sample AND filter it; USE the ammonia
(4.3) as a reference; at a wavelength of 390nm, USE the 5cm absorption pool
to determine its absorbance.
8 Expression of analytical results
8.1 Calculation
The solution color (X) represented by the platinum-cobalt color number is
calculated in accordance with the formula (2).
A - The absorbance of the sample, A;
K - The calculation factor.
8.2 Expression of results
The arithmetic mean of the results of two repeated measurements is taken as
the result of the analysis, which shall be accurate to 0.1 platinum-cobalt color
9 Precision
9.1 Repeatability
The difference of results as obtained in the same laboratory by the same
operator using the same instrument to conduct two repeated determination
against the same sample shall be not 1 platinum-cobalt color number (95%
confidence level).
9.2 Reproducibility
To be determined.

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