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Q/BQB 690-2018: Stainless carbon steel rolled clad plates for pressure vessels
Q/BQB 690-2018
Replacing BZJ 690-2015
Stainless Carbon Steel Rolled Clad Plates for
Pressure Vessels
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Classification and Code ... 6
5 Order Content ... 8
6 Dimensions, Appearance, Weight and Allowable Deviation ... 8
7 Technical Requirements ... 10
8 Inspection and Tests ... 13
9 Numerical Rounding-off ... 16
10 Packaging, Marking and Quality Certificate ... 16
Appendix A (informative) Density of Commonly Used Stainless Steel ... 17
Stainless Carbon Steel Rolled Clad Plates for
Pressure Vessels
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms, definitions, classification, code, dimensions,
appearance, weight, technical requirements, inspection and tests, packaging, marking
and quality certificate of stainless carbon steel clad plates, which are manufactured
through rolling method for the purposes of pressure vessels.
This Standard is applicable to clad thick plates, which are manufactured by BAOSHAN
Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and take stainless steel as the cladding metal, and carbon steel
or low-alloy steel as the base metal, hereinafter referred to as clad plates. This
Standard shall be applied to single-sided, double-sided symmetrical, and asymmetrical
clad thick plates whose stainless-steel cladding thickness is 2 mm. They are for the
purposes of structural components for manufacturing oil, chemical industry, light
industry, sea water desalination and nuclear industry.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms
of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable
to this Standard. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version
(including all the modifications) of is applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 228.1 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing - Part 1: Method of Test at Room
GB/T 229 Metallic Materials - Charpy Pendulum Impact Test Method
GB/T 247 General Rule of Acceptance, Package, Mark and Certification for Steel
Plates (sheets) and Strips
GB/T 709 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerances for Hot-rolled Steel Plates
and Sheets
GB/T 711 Hot-rolled Quality Carbon Structural Steel Plates Sheets and Strips
GB/T 2970 Method for Ultrasonic Testing of Thicker Steel Plates
GB/T 2975-1998 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test
Pieces for Mechanical Testing
GB/T 3274 Hot-rolled Plates and Strips of Carbon Structural Steels and High
Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels
GB/T 4237 Hot Rolled Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip
GB/T 6396 Clad Steel Plates - Mechanical and Technological Test
GB/T 7734 Method for Ultrasonic Testing of Clad Steel Plates
GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values and Expression and
Judgement of Limiting Values
GB/T 20878 Stainless and Heat-resisting Steels - Designation and Chemical
NB/T 47013.3-2015 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment - Part 3:
Ultrasonic Testing
NB/T 47013.5-2015 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment - Part 5:
Penetrant Testing
3 Terms and Definitions
This Standard adopts the following terms and definitions:
3.1 Stainless-carbon Steel Rolled Clad Plate
Stainless-carbon steel rolled clad plate refers to clad plate, which takes carbon steel
or low-alloy steel as the base metal and adopts the rolling method to integrally and
consecutively clad a certain thickness of stainless steel on its one side, or both sides.
3.2 Base Metal
Base metal refers to the matrix material in clad plate, namely, carbon steel or low-alloy
steel that mainly bears the structural strength.
3.3 Cladding Metal
Cladding metal refers to the cladding material in clad plate, namely, stainless steel that
contacts the working medium, and plays the role of resisting corrosion and
3.4 Rolled Compounding Method
Rolled compounding method refers to the method of implementing metallurgical
compound of the base metal and the cladding metal through the rolling process.
3.5 Compound Contact Interface
Clad plate’s product designation is constituted of nameplate, specification, grade code
and standard No. Separator “” may be used to link them up in designation. Or, they
may be separately designated.
4.3.1 Nameplate expression method
In terms of single-sided clad plate, nameplate expression shall be constituted in
accordance with the sequence: “nameplate of cladding metal + nameplate of base
metal”. In terms of double-sided clad plate, nameplate expression shall be constituted
in accordance with the sequence: “nameplate of cladding metal 1 + nameplate of base
metal + nameplate of cladding metal 2”. Generally speaking, the nameplate of stainless
steel shall be replaced by a unified digital code.
4.3.2 Specification expression method
In terms of single-sided clad plate, specification expression shall be constituted in
accordance with the sequence: “(nominal thickness of cladding metal + nominal
thickness of base metal) nominal width nominal length”. In terms of double-sided
clad plate, specification expression shall be constituted in accordance with the
sequence “(nominal thickness of cladding metal 1 + nominal thickness of base metal
+ nominal thickness of cladding metal 2) nominal width nominal length”. The unit
of the dimensions is mm.
4.3.3 Standard No. expression method
In terms of single-sided clad plate, standard No. expression shall be constituted in
accordance with the sequence “standard No. of clad plate year (standard No. of
cladding metal + standard No. of base metal)”. In accordance with double-sided clad
plate, standard No. expression shall be constituted in accordance with the sequence
“standard No. of clad plate year (standard No. of cladding metal 1 + standard No. of
base metal + standard No. of cladding metal 2)”. The content in the brackets may be
4.3.4 Examples of designation
Example 1:
Grade-1 single-sided rolled clad plate; ordered in accordance with BZJ 690-2017;
cladding metal: 3 mm thickness, S32168 (standard No.: GB/T 24511) stainless steel;
base metal: 30 mm thickness, Q345B (standard No.: GB/T 3274) steel plate; width:
3,000 mm; length: 10,000 mm may be designated like this:
Example 2:
Grade-2 double-sided rolled clad plate; ordered in accordance with BZJ 690-2017;
cladding metal 1 (namely, one side of cladding metal): 3 mm thickness, S32168
(standard No.: GB/T 24511) stainless steel; base metal: 30 mm thickness, Q345B
(standard No.: GB/T 3274) steel plate; cladding metal 2 (namely, the other side of
cladding metal): 2 mm thickness, S30408 (standard No.: GB/T 24511) stainless steel;
width: 3,000 mm; length: 10,000 mm may be designated like this:
5 Order Content
Contracts or orders that order products in accordance with this Standard shall include
the following content:
a) Standard No.; standard No. of the cladding metal and the base metal;
b) Name of products;
c) Nameplate of the cladding metal and the base metal;
d) Grade of clad plate;
e) Delivery state;
f) Dimensions and weight;
g) Purposes;
h) Special requirements.
6 Dimensions, Appearance, Weight and Allowable
6.1 Dimensions
6.1.1 Please refer to Table 2 for the dimensions of clad plate.
7.5.2 Tensile test result of clad plate shall comply with the stipulations in Table 8. In
terms of double-sided clad plate, only one kind of cladding metal is generally retained
for tensile test. The cladding metal that needs to be retained shall be indicated by the
demand-side in the contract. When the thickness of the base metal is more than 40
mm, or is appointed by the demand-side, tensile test of the base metal shall merely be
7.5.3 When base metal standard has corresponding requirements of impact test
towards the nameplate of base metal, then, clad plate shall receive impact test of the
base metal. The test temperature and impact absorption energy shall comply with the
stipulations of base metal standard.
Table 8
Yield Strength Re a, MPa Tensile Strength Rm, MPa Elongation after Break Ab, %
Re1---lower limit of yield strength
standard of cladding metal, MPa;
Re2---lower limit of yield strength
standard of base metal, MPa;
t1---thickness of cladding metal,
t2---thickness of base metal, mm.
Rm1---lower limit of tensile strength
standard of cladding metal, MPa;
Rm2---lower limit of tensile strength
standard of base metal, MPa;
t1---thickness of cladding metal, mm;
t2---thickness of base metal, mm.
Not less than
base metal
standard value.
a The type of yield shall comply with corresponding stipulations of base metal standard. When
yield is not obvious, RP0.2 may be used as a replacement.
b Gauge length of tensile test shall comply with corresponding stipulations of base metal
standard. When the standard value of elongation after break of the cladding metal is less than
the standard value of the base metal, the elongation of clad plate is allowed to be less than
the standard value of the base metal, but not less than the standard value of the cladding
metal. Under this circumstance, a tensile test of base metal sample shall be supplemented.
Its elongation shall be not less than the standard value of the base metal.
7.6 Bending Properties
Clad plate shall receive internal bending (the surface of cladding metal is being
pressed) and external bending (the surface of cladding metal is being pulled) test. In
terms of double-sided clad plate, the external bending test shall be conducted on both
sides of the cladding metal. The test shall comply with the stipulations in Table 9.
7.7 Intergranular Corrosion Test of Cladding Metal
In accordance with the demand-side’s demands, and indication in the contract,
intergranular corrosion test of cladding metal may be conducted. The test methods and
acceptable quality level shall be negotiated between the demand-side and the supply-
indicators in the re-inspection result (including all the indicators requested in the test)
is disqualified, the whole batch shall be deemed as disqualified.
8.5.3 Re-classification and rework
Before or after the re-inspection, disqualified steel plates may receive re-classification
and rework. Please see the specific methods as follows:
a) An individual PCS of steel plate which has already received the tests and the
test results are disqualified cannot be accepted. However, steel plates which
have not received the tests in this batch may be re-submitted per PCS for tests
and acceptance check;
b) Disqualified steel plates may receive re-thermal treatment, then, be re-
constituted into a group batch and submitted for tests and acceptance check.
9 Numerical Rounding-off
Numerical rounding-off rules shall comply with the stipulations in GB/T 8170.
10 Packaging, Marking and Quality Certificate
10.1 In the packaging of clad plates, the cladding metal surface of clad plates shall
receive effective protection, which can prevent the cladding metal surface from being
contaminated or scratched.
10.2 On the cladding metal surface (when it is doubled-sided cladding metal: on the
surface of cladding metal 1) of each PCS of clad plate, certain marks shall be printed
or sculptured, such as the supply-side’s trademark, standard No., nameplate,
dimensions, steel plate No. and weight.
10.3 Quality certificate of clad plates shall comply with the stipulations in GB/T 247.
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Q/BQB 690-2018: Stainless carbon steel rolled clad plates for pressure vessels
Q/BQB 690-2018
Replacing BZJ 690-2015
Stainless Carbon Steel Rolled Clad Plates for
Pressure Vessels
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Classification and Code ... 6
5 Order Content ... 8
6 Dimensions, Appearance, Weight and Allowable Deviation ... 8
7 Technical Requirements ... 10
8 Inspection and Tests ... 13
9 Numerical Rounding-off ... 16
10 Packaging, Marking and Quality Certificate ... 16
Appendix A (informative) Density of Commonly Used Stainless Steel ... 17
Stainless Carbon Steel Rolled Clad Plates for
Pressure Vessels
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the terms, definitions, classification, code, dimensions,
appearance, weight, technical requirements, inspection and tests, packaging, marking
and quality certificate of stainless carbon steel clad plates, which are manufactured
through rolling method for the purposes of pressure vessels.
This Standard is applicable to clad thick plates, which are manufactured by BAOSHAN
Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., and take stainless steel as the cladding metal, and carbon steel
or low-alloy steel as the base metal, hereinafter referred to as clad plates. This
Standard shall be applied to single-sided, double-sided symmetrical, and asymmetrical
clad thick plates whose stainless-steel cladding thickness is 2 mm. They are for the
purposes of structural components for manufacturing oil, chemical industry, light
industry, sea water desalination and nuclear industry.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard. In terms
of references with a specified date, only versions with a specified date are applicable
to this Standard. In terms of references without a specified date, the latest version
(including all the modifications) of is applicable to this Standard.
GB/T 228.1 Metallic Materials - Tensile Testing - Part 1: Method of Test at Room
GB/T 229 Metallic Materials - Charpy Pendulum Impact Test Method
GB/T 247 General Rule of Acceptance, Package, Mark and Certification for Steel
Plates (sheets) and Strips
GB/T 709 Dimension, Shape, Weight and Tolerances for Hot-rolled Steel Plates
and Sheets
GB/T 711 Hot-rolled Quality Carbon Structural Steel Plates Sheets and Strips
GB/T 2970 Method for Ultrasonic Testing of Thicker Steel Plates
GB/T 2975-1998 Steel and Steel Products - Location and Preparation of Test
Pieces for Mechanical Testing
GB/T 3274 Hot-rolled Plates and Strips of Carbon Structural Steels and High
Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels
GB/T 4237 Hot Rolled Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip
GB/T 6396 Clad Steel Plates - Mechanical and Technological Test
GB/T 7734 Method for Ultrasonic Testing of Clad Steel Plates
GB/T 8170 Rules of Rounding off for Numerical Values and Expression and
Judgement of Limiting Values
GB/T 20878 Stainless and Heat-resisting Steels - Designation and Chemical
NB/T 47013.3-2015 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment - Part 3:
Ultrasonic Testing
NB/T 47013.5-2015 Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Equipment - Part 5:
Penetrant Testing
3 Terms and Definitions
This Standard adopts the following terms and definitions:
3.1 Stainless-carbon Steel Rolled Clad Plate
Stainless-carbon steel rolled clad plate refers to clad plate, which takes carbon steel
or low-alloy steel as the base metal and adopts the rolling method to integrally and
consecutively clad a certain thickness of stainless steel on its one side, or both sides.
3.2 Base Metal
Base metal refers to the matrix material in clad plate, namely, carbon steel or low-alloy
steel that mainly bears the structural strength.
3.3 Cladding Metal
Cladding metal refers to the cladding material in clad plate, namely, stainless steel that
contacts the working medium, and plays the role of resisting corrosion and
3.4 Rolled Compounding Method
Rolled compounding method refers to the method of implementing metallurgical
compound of the base metal and the cladding metal through the rolling process.
3.5 Compound Contact Interface
Clad plate’s product designation is constituted of nameplate, specification, grade code
and standard No. Separator “” may be used to link them up in designation. Or, they
may be separately designated.
4.3.1 Nameplate expression method
In terms of single-sided clad plate, nameplate expression shall be constituted in
accordance with the sequence: “nameplate of cladding metal + nameplate of base
metal”. In terms of double-sided clad plate, nameplate expression shall be constituted
in accordance with the sequence: “nameplate of cladding metal 1 + nameplate of base
metal + nameplate of cladding metal 2”. Generally speaking, the nameplate of stainless
steel shall be replaced by a unified digital code.
4.3.2 Specification expression method
In terms of single-sided clad plate, specification expression shall be constituted in
accordance with the sequence: “(nominal thickness of cladding metal + nominal
thickness of base metal) nominal width nominal length”. In terms of double-sided
clad plate, specification expression shall be constituted in accordance with the
sequence “(nominal thickness of cladding metal 1 + nominal thickness of base metal
+ nominal thickness of cladding metal 2) nominal width nominal length”. The unit
of the dimensions is mm.
4.3.3 Standard No. expression method
In terms of single-sided clad plate, standard No. expression shall be constituted in
accordance with the sequence “standard No. of clad plate year (standard No. of
cladding metal + standard No. of base metal)”. In accordance with double-sided clad
plate, standard No. expression shall be constituted in accordance with the sequence
“standard No. of clad plate year (standard No. of cladding metal 1 + standard No. of
base metal + standard No. of cladding metal 2)”. The content in the brackets may be
4.3.4 Examples of designation
Example 1:
Grade-1 single-sided rolled clad plate; ordered in accordance with BZJ 690-2017;
cladding metal: 3 mm thickness, S32168 (standard No.: GB/T 24511) stainless steel;
base metal: 30 mm thickness, Q345B (standard No.: GB/T 3274) steel plate; width:
3,000 mm; length: 10,000 mm may be designated like this:
Example 2:
Grade-2 double-sided rolled clad plate; ordered in accordance with BZJ 690-2017;
cladding metal 1 (namely, one side of cladding metal): 3 mm thickness, S32168
(standard No.: GB/T 24511) stainless steel; base metal: 30 mm thickness, Q345B
(standard No.: GB/T 3274) steel plate; cladding metal 2 (namely, the other side of
cladding metal): 2 mm thickness, S30408 (standard No.: GB/T 24511) stainless steel;
width: 3,000 mm; length: 10,000 mm may be designated like this:
5 Order Content
Contracts or orders that order products in accordance with this Standard shall include
the following content:
a) Standard No.; standard No. of the cladding metal and the base metal;
b) Name of products;
c) Nameplate of the cladding metal and the base metal;
d) Grade of clad plate;
e) Delivery state;
f) Dimensions and weight;
g) Purposes;
h) Special requirements.
6 Dimensions, Appearance, Weight and Allowable
6.1 Dimensions
6.1.1 Please refer to Table 2 for the dimensions of clad plate.
7.5.2 Tensile test result of clad plate shall comply with the stipulations in Table 8. In
terms of double-sided clad plate, only one kind of cladding metal is generally retained
for tensile test. The cladding metal that needs to be retained shall be indicated by the
demand-side in the contract. When the thickness of the base metal is more than 40
mm, or is appointed by the demand-side, tensile test of the base metal shall merely be
7.5.3 When base metal standard has corresponding requirements of impact test
towards the nameplate of base metal, then, clad plate shall receive impact test of the
base metal. The test temperature and impact absorption energy shall comply with the
stipulations of base metal standard.
Table 8
Yield Strength Re a, MPa Tensile Strength Rm, MPa Elongation after Break Ab, %
Re1---lower limit of yield strength
standard of cladding metal, MPa;
Re2---lower limit of yield strength
standard of base metal, MPa;
t1---thickness of cladding metal,
t2---thickness of base metal, mm.
Rm1---lower limit of tensile strength
standard of cladding metal, MPa;
Rm2---lower limit of tensile strength
standard of base metal, MPa;
t1---thickness of cladding metal, mm;
t2---thickness of base metal, mm.
Not less than
base metal
standard value.
a The type of yield shall comply with corresponding stipulations of base metal standard. When
yield is not obvious, RP0.2 may be used as a replacement.
b Gauge length of tensile test shall comply with corresponding stipulations of base metal
standard. When the standard value of elongation after break of the cladding metal is less than
the standard value of the base metal, the elongation of clad plate is allowed to be less than
the standard value of the base metal, but not less than the standard value of the cladding
metal. Under this circumstance, a tensile test of base metal sample shall be supplemented.
Its elongation shall be not less than the standard value of the base metal.
7.6 Bending Properties
Clad plate shall receive internal bending (the surface of cladding metal is being
pressed) and external bending (the surface of cladding metal is being pulled) test. In
terms of double-sided clad plate, the external bending test shall be conducted on both
sides of the cladding metal. The test shall comply with the stipulations in Table 9.
7.7 Intergranular Corrosion Test of Cladding Metal
In accordance with the demand-side’s demands, and indication in the contract,
intergranular corrosion test of cladding metal may be conducted. The test methods and
acceptable quality level shall be negotiated between the demand-side and the supply-
indicators in the re-inspection result (including all the indicators requested in the test)
is disqualified, the whole batch shall be deemed as disqualified.
8.5.3 Re-classification and rework
Before or after the re-inspection, disqualified steel plates may receive re-classification
and rework. Please see the specific methods as follows:
a) An individual PCS of steel plate which has already received the tests and the
test results are disqualified cannot be accepted. However, steel plates which
have not received the tests in this batch may be re-submitted per PCS for tests
and acceptance check;
b) Disqualified steel plates may receive re-thermal treatment, then, be re-
constituted into a group batch and submitted for tests and acceptance check.
9 Numerical Rounding-off
Numerical rounding-off rules shall comply with the stipulations in GB/T 8170.
10 Packaging, Marking and Quality Certificate
10.1 In the packaging of clad plates, the cladding metal surface of clad plates shall
receive effective protection, which can prevent the cladding metal surface from being
contaminated or scratched.
10.2 On the cladding metal surface (when it is doubled-sided cladding metal: on the
surface of cladding metal 1) of each PCS of clad plate, certain marks shall be printed
or sculptured, such as the supply-side’s trademark, standard No., nameplate,
dimensions, steel plate No. and weight.
10.3 Quality certificate of clad plates shall comply with the stipulations in GB/T 247.








