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GB 3552-2018: Discharge standard for water pollutants from ships
GB 3552-2018
ICS 13.060.30
Replacing GB 3552-83
Discharge standard for water pollutants from ships
Issued by. Ministry of Environmental Protection;
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Oily wastewater discharge control requirements ... 9
5 Domestic sewage discharge control requirements ... 10
6 Discharge control requirements for waste water containing noxious liquid
substances ... 13
7 Ship garbage discharge control requirements ... 14
8 Monitoring requirements ... 14
9 Implementation and supervision ... 16
Appendix A (Normative) Ship garbage classification ... 17
To implement such laws and regulations as the Law of the People's Republic of
China on Environmental Protection, the Law of the People's Republic of China
on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Law of the People's Republic
of China on Marine Environmental Protection, the Management Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Marine
Pollution by Ship, to protect the environment and prevent pollution, to promote
the advancement of ship water pollutant emission control technology, to
promote the ship pollutant reception and handling facility construction, and to
promote the green development of ship and related equipment manufacturing
industry, this standard is hereby developed.
This standard specifies the emission control requirements for ships discharging
oily sewage, domestic sewage, sewage containing toxic liquid substances and
ship garbage to environmental water bodies, as well as standards
implementation and supervision requirements.
This standard was first published in 1983 and this is the first revision. The main
revisions are as follows.
1. MODIFY the standard name in accordance with the property of controlled
emission of pollutants;
2. ADJUST the scope of application of the standard, ADD the emission
control requirements for wastewater containing toxic liquid substances;
3. In accordance with the waters and ship categories, SPECIFY the emission
control requirements for oily sewage, domestic sewage, sewage
containing toxic liquid substances and ship garbage;
4. For the ship domestic sewage discharge, ADD the pollutant control items
such as pH, chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), total chlorine (total
residual chlorine), total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus;
5. TIGHTEN the emission limit of the five-day biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD5), suspended solids (SS) and thermotolerant coliform counts in
petroleum and domestic sewage in the oily sewage of the ship;
6. ADJUST the provisions on ship waste classification, UPDATE the ship
waste discharge control requirements;
7. DEFINE the monitoring requirements for pollutants in oily sewage and
domestic sewage in ship machinery locations.
The Ship Pollutant Emission Standard (GB 3552-83) shall be abolished from
Discharge standard for water pollutants from ships
1 Scope
This standard stipulates the emission control requirements and monitoring
requirements for oily sewage and domestic sewage of ships, the emission
control requirements for sewage and marine waste containing toxic liquid
substances, and the implementation and supervision of standards.
This standard is applicable to the supervision and management of the
discharge of oily sewage, domestic sewage, sewage containing toxic liquid
substances and ship garbage into environmental water bodies in the territory
and other administrated sea areas of the People's Republic of China. This
standard does not apply to temporary discharges necessary to protect the
safety of ships or to protect the lives of waterborne personnel.
This standard applies to the discharge of pollutants permitted by law. The
management of pollutant discharges from ships in inland rivers and other
special protection areas shall be in accordance with the specific provisions of
the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law
of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water
Pollution, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Marine Environmental
Protection, and the Management Provisions of People's Republic of China on
Control and Prevention of Ship from Polluting Marine Environment, and other
laws and regulations on prohibiting dumping of garbage, prohibiting the
discharge of toxic liquid substances, prohibiting the discharge of pollutants in
drinking water source protection areas, and preventing the overflow and
leakage of shipborne cargo.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB 6920 Water quality - Determination of pH value - Glass electrode method
GB 11893 Water quality - Determination of total phosphorus - Ammonium
molybdate spectrophotometric method
GB 11901 Water quality - Determination of suspended substance -
Sewage from main personnel living on the ships, including.
a) Effluent and other waste from any form of toilet;
b) Sinks, bath tubs of clinic (pharmacies, wards, etc.), and discharges from
drain holes in these places;
c) Discharges from places containing live animal;
d) Other sewage mixed with the above effluent or waste.
3.8 Noxious liquid substances
Substances that are harmful to the water environment or human health or
cause damage to water resources, including the substances in the pollutant
type list in clauses 17 or 18 of the International Regulations for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships of Bulk Hazardous Chemicals (IBC
Code), or any other substances which are rated as category X, Y or Z in
accordance with clause 6.3 of Annex II in International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), where.
a) Category X substances refer to substances that cause significant harm to
marine resources or human health and are prohibited from being
discharged into environmental water bodies;
b) Category Y substances refer to substances that cause harm to marine
resources or human health, or cause damage to the marine rest
environment or other legal use, and require strict restrictions on discharge
into environmental water bodies;
c) Category Z substances are substances that have less harmful effects on
marine resources or human health and are restricted from being
discharged into environmental water bodies.
3.9 Waste water containing noxious liquid substances
Wastewater containing toxic liquid substances produced by ships due to
activities such as washing.
3.10 Garbage from ships
Wastes that need to be processed continuously or regularly during normal
operation of the ship, including various plastic wastes, food waste, domestic
waste, waste cooking oil, operational waste, cargo residues, animal
carcasses, discarded fishing gear and electronics garbage (see Appendix A
of this standard for details), and waste incinerator ash, except for substances
applicable to Annex I, II, III, IV and VI of the Convention on the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), and does not include the fishes (including
c) For discharge through the underwater discharge port below the waterline,
the discharge rate does not exceed the maximum design rate.
7 Ship garbage discharge control requirements
7.1 Inland rivers are prohibited from dumping ship garbage. In the sea area
where garbage is allowed to be discharged, the corresponding discharge
control requirements are respectively implemented in accordance with the
category of ship garbage and the nature of the sea area.
7.1.1 In any sea area, plastic waste, waste cooking oil, domestic waste,
incinerator ash, discarded fishing gear and electronic waste shall be collected
and discharged into reception facilities.
7.1.2 For food waste, in the sea areas within 3 nautical miles (including) of the
nearest land, it shall be collected and discharged into the reception facility; in
the sea areas at 3 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles (inclusive) from the nearest
land, it can only be discharged after being crushed or ground to a diameter of
not more than 25 mm; in the sea areas more than 12 nautical miles away from
the nearest land, it can be discharged.
7.1.3 For cargo residues, in the sea area within 12 nautical miles (including)
from the nearest land, it shall be collected and discharged into the reception
facility; in the sea area more than 12 nautical miles away from the nearest land,
the cargo residues which do not contain substances endangering the marine
environmental substances can be discharged.
7.1.4 For animal carcasses, in the sea areas within 12 nautical miles (inclusive)
from the nearest land, it shall be collected and discharged into reception
facilities; in the sea areas more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land, it
can be discharged.
7.1.5 In any sea areas, for cargo tanks, decks and external surface cleaning
water, the detergents or additives contained therein can only be discharged if
not belonging to marine environment endangering substance; other operational
wastes shall be collected and discharged into reception facilities.
7.2 In any sea area, the discharge control of mixed garbage from different types
of ship garbage shall meet the discharge control requirements for each type of
ship garbage included.
8 Monitoring requirements
8.1 Sampling of oily waste water and domestic sewage in marine machinery
spaces shall be carried out in accordance with JT/T 409.
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GB 3552-2018: Discharge standard for water pollutants from ships
GB 3552-2018
ICS 13.060.30
Replacing GB 3552-83
Discharge standard for water pollutants from ships
Issued by. Ministry of Environmental Protection;
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Terms and definitions ... 7
4 Oily wastewater discharge control requirements ... 9
5 Domestic sewage discharge control requirements ... 10
6 Discharge control requirements for waste water containing noxious liquid
substances ... 13
7 Ship garbage discharge control requirements ... 14
8 Monitoring requirements ... 14
9 Implementation and supervision ... 16
Appendix A (Normative) Ship garbage classification ... 17
To implement such laws and regulations as the Law of the People's Republic of
China on Environmental Protection, the Law of the People's Republic of China
on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, the Law of the People's Republic
of China on Marine Environmental Protection, the Management Provisions of
the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Marine
Pollution by Ship, to protect the environment and prevent pollution, to promote
the advancement of ship water pollutant emission control technology, to
promote the ship pollutant reception and handling facility construction, and to
promote the green development of ship and related equipment manufacturing
industry, this standard is hereby developed.
This standard specifies the emission control requirements for ships discharging
oily sewage, domestic sewage, sewage containing toxic liquid substances and
ship garbage to environmental water bodies, as well as standards
implementation and supervision requirements.
This standard was first published in 1983 and this is the first revision. The main
revisions are as follows.
1. MODIFY the standard name in accordance with the property of controlled
emission of pollutants;
2. ADJUST the scope of application of the standard, ADD the emission
control requirements for wastewater containing toxic liquid substances;
3. In accordance with the waters and ship categories, SPECIFY the emission
control requirements for oily sewage, domestic sewage, sewage
containing toxic liquid substances and ship garbage;
4. For the ship domestic sewage discharge, ADD the pollutant control items
such as pH, chemical oxygen demand (CODCr), total chlorine (total
residual chlorine), total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus;
5. TIGHTEN the emission limit of the five-day biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD5), suspended solids (SS) and thermotolerant coliform counts in
petroleum and domestic sewage in the oily sewage of the ship;
6. ADJUST the provisions on ship waste classification, UPDATE the ship
waste discharge control requirements;
7. DEFINE the monitoring requirements for pollutants in oily sewage and
domestic sewage in ship machinery locations.
The Ship Pollutant Emission Standard (GB 3552-83) shall be abolished from
Discharge standard for water pollutants from ships
1 Scope
This standard stipulates the emission control requirements and monitoring
requirements for oily sewage and domestic sewage of ships, the emission
control requirements for sewage and marine waste containing toxic liquid
substances, and the implementation and supervision of standards.
This standard is applicable to the supervision and management of the
discharge of oily sewage, domestic sewage, sewage containing toxic liquid
substances and ship garbage into environmental water bodies in the territory
and other administrated sea areas of the People's Republic of China. This
standard does not apply to temporary discharges necessary to protect the
safety of ships or to protect the lives of waterborne personnel.
This standard applies to the discharge of pollutants permitted by law. The
management of pollutant discharges from ships in inland rivers and other
special protection areas shall be in accordance with the specific provisions of
the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law
of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water
Pollution, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Marine Environmental
Protection, and the Management Provisions of People's Republic of China on
Control and Prevention of Ship from Polluting Marine Environment, and other
laws and regulations on prohibiting dumping of garbage, prohibiting the
discharge of toxic liquid substances, prohibiting the discharge of pollutants in
drinking water source protection areas, and preventing the overflow and
leakage of shipborne cargo.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB 6920 Water quality - Determination of pH value - Glass electrode method
GB 11893 Water quality - Determination of total phosphorus - Ammonium
molybdate spectrophotometric method
GB 11901 Water quality - Determination of suspended substance -
Sewage from main personnel living on the ships, including.
a) Effluent and other waste from any form of toilet;
b) Sinks, bath tubs of clinic (pharmacies, wards, etc.), and discharges from
drain holes in these places;
c) Discharges from places containing live animal;
d) Other sewage mixed with the above effluent or waste.
3.8 Noxious liquid substances
Substances that are harmful to the water environment or human health or
cause damage to water resources, including the substances in the pollutant
type list in clauses 17 or 18 of the International Regulations for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships of Bulk Hazardous Chemicals (IBC
Code), or any other substances which are rated as category X, Y or Z in
accordance with clause 6.3 of Annex II in International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), where.
a) Category X substances refer to substances that cause significant harm to
marine resources or human health and are prohibited from being
discharged into environmental water bodies;
b) Category Y substances refer to substances that cause harm to marine
resources or human health, or cause damage to the marine rest
environment or other legal use, and require strict restrictions on discharge
into environmental water bodies;
c) Category Z substances are substances that have less harmful effects on
marine resources or human health and are restricted from being
discharged into environmental water bodies.
3.9 Waste water containing noxious liquid substances
Wastewater containing toxic liquid substances produced by ships due to
activities such as washing.
3.10 Garbage from ships
Wastes that need to be processed continuously or regularly during normal
operation of the ship, including various plastic wastes, food waste, domestic
waste, waste cooking oil, operational waste, cargo residues, animal
carcasses, discarded fishing gear and electronics garbage (see Appendix A
of this standard for details), and waste incinerator ash, except for substances
applicable to Annex I, II, III, IV and VI of the Convention on the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), and does not include the fishes (including
c) For discharge through the underwater discharge port below the waterline,
the discharge rate does not exceed the maximum design rate.
7 Ship garbage discharge control requirements
7.1 Inland rivers are prohibited from dumping ship garbage. In the sea area
where garbage is allowed to be discharged, the corresponding discharge
control requirements are respectively implemented in accordance with the
category of ship garbage and the nature of the sea area.
7.1.1 In any sea area, plastic waste, waste cooking oil, domestic waste,
incinerator ash, discarded fishing gear and electronic waste shall be collected
and discharged into reception facilities.
7.1.2 For food waste, in the sea areas within 3 nautical miles (including) of the
nearest land, it shall be collected and discharged into the reception facility; in
the sea areas at 3 nautical miles to 12 nautical miles (inclusive) from the nearest
land, it can only be discharged after being crushed or ground to a diameter of
not more than 25 mm; in the sea areas more than 12 nautical miles away from
the nearest land, it can be discharged.
7.1.3 For cargo residues, in the sea area within 12 nautical miles (including)
from the nearest land, it shall be collected and discharged into the reception
facility; in the sea area more than 12 nautical miles away from the nearest land,
the cargo residues which do not contain substances endangering the marine
environmental substances can be discharged.
7.1.4 For animal carcasses, in the sea areas within 12 nautical miles (inclusive)
from the nearest land, it shall be collected and discharged into reception
facilities; in the sea areas more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land, it
can be discharged.
7.1.5 In any sea areas, for cargo tanks, decks and external surface cleaning
water, the detergents or additives contained therein can only be discharged if
not belonging to marine environment endangering substance; other operational
wastes shall be collected and discharged into reception facilities.
7.2 In any sea area, the discharge control of mixed garbage from different types
of ship garbage shall meet the discharge control requirements for each type of
ship garbage included.
8 Monitoring requirements
8.1 Sampling of oily waste water and domestic sewage in marine machinery
spaces shall be carried out in accordance with JT/T 409.