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GB 25577-2010: National food safety standards of food additives titanium dioxide
GB 25577-2010
National food safety standard ?€?
Food additives ?€? Titanium dioxide
??????????????? ????????????
Issued by. Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope .. 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Molecular formula and relative molecular mass ... 4??
4 Technical requirements ... 4??
Appendix A (Normative) Testing method ... 6??
National food safety standard ?€?
Food additives ?€? Titanium dioxide
1 Scope
This Standard is applicable for the food additive titanium dioxide which is prepared from
the raw materials such as titanic iron ore and sulfuric acid OR is prepared with rutile ore
(or enriched titanic iron ore) by using chlorination.
2 Normative references
The referenced documents in this Standard are essential to the application of this
Standard. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are
applicable to this Standard; for the undated documents, only the latest version
(including all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
3 Molecular formula and relative molecular mass
3.1 Molecular formula
3.2 Relative molecular mass
79.87 (According to the international relative atomic weight in 2007)
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Sensory requirements
Sensory requirements shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 -- Sensory requirements
Item Requirements Inspection methods
Colour, Flavour White without peculiar smell PLACE appropriate amount of sample into the
50mL beaker; OBSERVE the colour and tissue
state under the natural light; SMELL the flavour. Tissue state Powder
Appendix A
Testing method
A.1 Warnings
Some reagents used in this Standard?€?s test method are toxic or corrosive. It must be careful
when performing the operation! If it is splashed onto the skin, the skin shall be washed with
water immediately. Severe cases shall be treated immediately.
A.2 General provisions
The reagents and water used in this standard, unless otherwise specified, refer to the
analytical pure reagents and the grade-3 water as specified in GB/T 6682-2008. The
standard volumetric solutions, impurity standard solutions, preparations and products used
in the tests shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of HG/T 3696.1, HG/T
3696.2 and HG/T 3696.3, unless otherwise specified.
A.3 Identification test
Take approximate 0.5g of the sample. Add 5mL of the sulfuric acid. Perform heating slowly
until the sulfuric acid appears smog; cool it down. Carefully dilute it to 100mL with water
AND; filter it. Then take approximate 5mL of the filter liquor. Add a few drops of the test
solution -- hydrogen peroxide. The filter liquor appears orange red.
A.4 Determination of titanium dioxide - Aluminum reduction method
Weigh 0.20g??0.01g of the sample which has been dried, according to A.5. The accuracy
is 0.0001g. Other operations are the same as the 7.1 of GB/T 1706-2006.
A.5 Determination of the loss on drying
Same as the 7.2 of GB/T 1706-2006. Dry for 3 hours.
A.6 Determination of the loss on ignition
A.6.1 Instruments and equipment
High temperature furnace. it can be controlled at 800??C??25??C.
A.6.2 Analytical procedures
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Historical versions (Master-website): GB 25577-2010
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GB 25577-2010: National food safety standards of food additives titanium dioxide
GB 25577-2010
National food safety standard ?€?
Food additives ?€? Titanium dioxide
??????????????? ????????????
Issued by. Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope .. 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Molecular formula and relative molecular mass ... 4??
4 Technical requirements ... 4??
Appendix A (Normative) Testing method ... 6??
National food safety standard ?€?
Food additives ?€? Titanium dioxide
1 Scope
This Standard is applicable for the food additive titanium dioxide which is prepared from
the raw materials such as titanic iron ore and sulfuric acid OR is prepared with rutile ore
(or enriched titanic iron ore) by using chlorination.
2 Normative references
The referenced documents in this Standard are essential to the application of this
Standard. For the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are
applicable to this Standard; for the undated documents, only the latest version
(including all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
3 Molecular formula and relative molecular mass
3.1 Molecular formula
3.2 Relative molecular mass
79.87 (According to the international relative atomic weight in 2007)
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Sensory requirements
Sensory requirements shall comply with the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 -- Sensory requirements
Item Requirements Inspection methods
Colour, Flavour White without peculiar smell PLACE appropriate amount of sample into the
50mL beaker; OBSERVE the colour and tissue
state under the natural light; SMELL the flavour. Tissue state Powder
Appendix A
Testing method
A.1 Warnings
Some reagents used in this Standard?€?s test method are toxic or corrosive. It must be careful
when performing the operation! If it is splashed onto the skin, the skin shall be washed with
water immediately. Severe cases shall be treated immediately.
A.2 General provisions
The reagents and water used in this standard, unless otherwise specified, refer to the
analytical pure reagents and the grade-3 water as specified in GB/T 6682-2008. The
standard volumetric solutions, impurity standard solutions, preparations and products used
in the tests shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of HG/T 3696.1, HG/T
3696.2 and HG/T 3696.3, unless otherwise specified.
A.3 Identification test
Take approximate 0.5g of the sample. Add 5mL of the sulfuric acid. Perform heating slowly
until the sulfuric acid appears smog; cool it down. Carefully dilute it to 100mL with water
AND; filter it. Then take approximate 5mL of the filter liquor. Add a few drops of the test
solution -- hydrogen peroxide. The filter liquor appears orange red.
A.4 Determination of titanium dioxide - Aluminum reduction method
Weigh 0.20g??0.01g of the sample which has been dried, according to A.5. The accuracy
is 0.0001g. Other operations are the same as the 7.1 of GB/T 1706-2006.
A.5 Determination of the loss on drying
Same as the 7.2 of GB/T 1706-2006. Dry for 3 hours.
A.6 Determination of the loss on ignition
A.6.1 Instruments and equipment
High temperature furnace. it can be controlled at 800??C??25??C.
A.6.2 Analytical procedures