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GB 21341-2022: The norm of energy consumption per unit production of ferroalloy
GB 21341-2022
ICS 27.010
CCS F 01
Replacing GB 21341-2017
The Norm of Energy Consumption per Unit Production of
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Levels of the Norm of Energy Consumption ... 5
5 Technical Requirements ... 7
6 Statistical Scopes and Calculation Methods ... 7
Appendix A (informative) Standard Coal Conversion Reference Coefficients of Various
Energy Sources ... 10
Appendix B (normative) Table of Benchmark Composition of Ferroalloy Products .. 11
The Norm of Energy Consumption per Unit Production of
1 Scope
This document specifies the levels, technical requirements, statistical scopes and calculation
methods for the norm of energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy (hereinafter referred
to as energy consumption).
This document is applicable to the calculation and assessment of energy consumption per unit
product of 9 varieties: ferrosilicon produced by ferroalloy submerged arc furnaces, high carbon
ferromanganese produced by electric furnaces (limited to high carbon ferromanganese
produced through the flux-free smelting process), manganese-silicon alloy, low carbon
ferromanganese-silicon, high carbon ferrochromium and charge ferrochromium, and micro-
carbon ferromanganese and medium (low) carbon ferrochromium produced by electric
ferroalloy refining furnaces, and blast furnace ferromanganese produced by ferroalloy blast
furnace, as well as the energy consumption control of new construction, renovation and
extension projects.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document
through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only
versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a
specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 2272 Ferrosilicon
GB/T 2589 General Rules for Calculation of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption
GB/T 3795 Ferromanganese
GB/T 4008 Ferromanganese-silicon
GB/T 5683 Ferrochromium
GB/T 12723 General Principles of Stipulation of Energy Consumption Norm for Unit Product
GB/T 14984.1 Ferroalloys - Vocabulary - Part 1: Materials
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 12723, and the following terms and definitions are
applicable to this document.
3.1 comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
Comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy refers to the amount of
various energy sources consumed by ferroalloy enterprises to produce 1 benchmark ton
(converted in accordance with the benchmark composition of the main elements) of qualified
ferroalloy products during the reporting period.
3.2 smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
Smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy refers to the electricity
consumption in the smelting process by ferroalloy enterprises to produce 1 benchmark ton
(converted in accordance with the benchmark composition of the main elements) of qualified
ferroalloy products during the reporting period.
3.3 coke consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
Coke consumption per unit product of ferroalloy refers to the amount of coke (dry tons)
consumed by ferroalloy blast furnace production enterprises to produce 1 benchmark ton
(converted in accordance with the benchmark composition of the main elements) of qualified
ferroalloy products during the reporting period.
3.4 low carbon ferromanganese-silicon
Low carbon ferromanganese-silicon refers to ferromanganese-silicon whose carbon content is
not greater than 0.3%.
3.5 charge ferrochromium
Charge ferrochromium refers to ferrochromium whose chromium content is 45% ~ 52% and
carbon content is below 10%.
4 Levels of the Norm of Energy Consumption
The indicators of the norm of energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy production
enterprises include smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy, coke
consumption per unit product of ferroalloy and comprehensive energy consumption per unit
product of ferroalloy. The levels of the norm of energy consumption are shown in Table 1 and
Table 2, in which, Level-1 represents the lowest energy consumption.
5 Technical Requirements
5.1 Limit Values of Energy Consumption per Unit Product of Existing Ferroalloy
Production Enterprises
The indicators of the limit values of energy consumption per unit product of existing ferroalloy
production enterprises include smelting electricity consumption per unit product, coke
consumption per unit product and comprehensive energy consumption per unit product. The
limit values shall be not greater than the Level-3 energy consumption indicators in Table 1 and
Table 2.
5.2 Access Values of Energy Consumption per Unit Product of Newly Constructed,
Reconstructed and Extended Ferroalloy Production Enterprises
The indicators of the access values of energy consumption per unit product of newly constructed,
reconstructed and extended ferroalloy production enterprises include smelting electricity
consumption per unit product, coke consumption per unit product and comprehensive energy
consumption per unit product. The limit values shall be not greater than the Level-2 energy
consumption indicators in Table 1 and Table 2.
6 Statistical Scopes and Calculation Methods
6.1 Statistical Scope and Valuing Principle of Energy Conversion Coefficient
6.1.1 Statistical scope Statistical scope of comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of
The comprehensive energy consumption of electric furnace ferroalloy production enterprises
shall include the smelting electrical energy consumption for heating the charge and maintaining
normal furnace conditions; power energy consumption in the production and processing process
(including raw material preparation, transportation, alloy pouring, finishing, material and alloy
transportation, dynamic electricity for auxiliary facilities, and lighting electricity, etc.);
carbonaceous reducing agents (coke, under-sieve coke of ironmaking blast furnace, small
particle coke for submerged arc furnace, and small particle semi-coke, etc.) consumption
required for reducing ore, deducting the amount of secondary energy (such as: recovered gas
and waste heat, etc.) that is recovered and externally supplied. Statistical scope of smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
The smelting electricity consumption of ferroalloy products shall include electricity
consumption for smelting and furnace-washing during the smelting of products, excluding
electricity of the oven during production (the electricity of the oven refers to the electricity
consumption to increase the hearth temperature by newly opened ferroalloy submerged arc
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GB 21341-2022: The norm of energy consumption per unit production of ferroalloy
GB 21341-2022
ICS 27.010
CCS F 01
Replacing GB 21341-2017
The Norm of Energy Consumption per Unit Production of
Issued by: State Administration for Market Regulation;
Standardization Administration of the People?€?s Republic of China.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative References ... 4
3 Terms and Definitions ... 5
4 Levels of the Norm of Energy Consumption ... 5
5 Technical Requirements ... 7
6 Statistical Scopes and Calculation Methods ... 7
Appendix A (informative) Standard Coal Conversion Reference Coefficients of Various
Energy Sources ... 10
Appendix B (normative) Table of Benchmark Composition of Ferroalloy Products .. 11
The Norm of Energy Consumption per Unit Production of
1 Scope
This document specifies the levels, technical requirements, statistical scopes and calculation
methods for the norm of energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy (hereinafter referred
to as energy consumption).
This document is applicable to the calculation and assessment of energy consumption per unit
product of 9 varieties: ferrosilicon produced by ferroalloy submerged arc furnaces, high carbon
ferromanganese produced by electric furnaces (limited to high carbon ferromanganese
produced through the flux-free smelting process), manganese-silicon alloy, low carbon
ferromanganese-silicon, high carbon ferrochromium and charge ferrochromium, and micro-
carbon ferromanganese and medium (low) carbon ferrochromium produced by electric
ferroalloy refining furnaces, and blast furnace ferromanganese produced by ferroalloy blast
furnace, as well as the energy consumption control of new construction, renovation and
extension projects.
2 Normative References
The contents of the following documents constitute indispensable clauses of this document
through the normative references in the text. In terms of references with a specified date, only
versions with a specified date are applicable to this document. In terms of references without a
specified date, the latest version (including all the modifications) is applicable to this document.
GB/T 2272 Ferrosilicon
GB/T 2589 General Rules for Calculation of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption
GB/T 3795 Ferromanganese
GB/T 4008 Ferromanganese-silicon
GB/T 5683 Ferrochromium
GB/T 12723 General Principles of Stipulation of Energy Consumption Norm for Unit Product
GB/T 14984.1 Ferroalloys - Vocabulary - Part 1: Materials
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 12723, and the following terms and definitions are
applicable to this document.
3.1 comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
Comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy refers to the amount of
various energy sources consumed by ferroalloy enterprises to produce 1 benchmark ton
(converted in accordance with the benchmark composition of the main elements) of qualified
ferroalloy products during the reporting period.
3.2 smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
Smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy refers to the electricity
consumption in the smelting process by ferroalloy enterprises to produce 1 benchmark ton
(converted in accordance with the benchmark composition of the main elements) of qualified
ferroalloy products during the reporting period.
3.3 coke consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
Coke consumption per unit product of ferroalloy refers to the amount of coke (dry tons)
consumed by ferroalloy blast furnace production enterprises to produce 1 benchmark ton
(converted in accordance with the benchmark composition of the main elements) of qualified
ferroalloy products during the reporting period.
3.4 low carbon ferromanganese-silicon
Low carbon ferromanganese-silicon refers to ferromanganese-silicon whose carbon content is
not greater than 0.3%.
3.5 charge ferrochromium
Charge ferrochromium refers to ferrochromium whose chromium content is 45% ~ 52% and
carbon content is below 10%.
4 Levels of the Norm of Energy Consumption
The indicators of the norm of energy consumption per unit product of ferroalloy production
enterprises include smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy, coke
consumption per unit product of ferroalloy and comprehensive energy consumption per unit
product of ferroalloy. The levels of the norm of energy consumption are shown in Table 1 and
Table 2, in which, Level-1 represents the lowest energy consumption.
5 Technical Requirements
5.1 Limit Values of Energy Consumption per Unit Product of Existing Ferroalloy
Production Enterprises
The indicators of the limit values of energy consumption per unit product of existing ferroalloy
production enterprises include smelting electricity consumption per unit product, coke
consumption per unit product and comprehensive energy consumption per unit product. The
limit values shall be not greater than the Level-3 energy consumption indicators in Table 1 and
Table 2.
5.2 Access Values of Energy Consumption per Unit Product of Newly Constructed,
Reconstructed and Extended Ferroalloy Production Enterprises
The indicators of the access values of energy consumption per unit product of newly constructed,
reconstructed and extended ferroalloy production enterprises include smelting electricity
consumption per unit product, coke consumption per unit product and comprehensive energy
consumption per unit product. The limit values shall be not greater than the Level-2 energy
consumption indicators in Table 1 and Table 2.
6 Statistical Scopes and Calculation Methods
6.1 Statistical Scope and Valuing Principle of Energy Conversion Coefficient
6.1.1 Statistical scope Statistical scope of comprehensive energy consumption per unit product of
The comprehensive energy consumption of electric furnace ferroalloy production enterprises
shall include the smelting electrical energy consumption for heating the charge and maintaining
normal furnace conditions; power energy consumption in the production and processing process
(including raw material preparation, transportation, alloy pouring, finishing, material and alloy
transportation, dynamic electricity for auxiliary facilities, and lighting electricity, etc.);
carbonaceous reducing agents (coke, under-sieve coke of ironmaking blast furnace, small
particle coke for submerged arc furnace, and small particle semi-coke, etc.) consumption
required for reducing ore, deducting the amount of secondary energy (such as: recovered gas
and waste heat, etc.) that is recovered and externally supplied. Statistical scope of smelting electricity consumption per unit product of ferroalloy
The smelting electricity consumption of ferroalloy products shall include electricity
consumption for smelting and furnace-washing during the smelting of products, excluding
electricity of the oven during production (the electricity of the oven refers to the electricity
consumption to increase the hearth temperature by newly opened ferroalloy submerged arc