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GB 190-2009: Packing symbol of dangerous goods
GB 190-2009
ICS 13.300
A 80
Replacing GB 190-1990
Packing symbol of dangerous goods
ISSUED ON: JUNE 21, 2009
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 5
2 Normative references ... 5
3 Symbol classifications ... 5
4 Dimensions and Colors of Symbols ... 15
5 Symbol Application Methods ... 15
Annex A (normative) Application Requirements for Marking and Labelling ... 17
Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of this Standard are mandatory; the rest are
This Standard is an adoption and modification of the United Nations ?€?Model
Regulations the Transport of Dangerous Goods?€? (15th Edition) ?€?Part 5:
Consignment Procedures - Chapter 5.2: Markings and Labelling?€?. The main
technical differences in this Standard when compared to it:
- The pictorial symbols are described in table format;
- Content that does not concern symbol application has been deleted.
This Standard replaces GB 190-1990 ?€?Labels for Packages of Dangerous
Goods?€?. The main differences between this Standard when compared to GB
- The number of symbols for Explosive Substances has increased from the
original 3 to 4;
- The number of symbols for Gaseous Substances has increased from the
original 3 to 5;
- The number of symbols for Flammable Liquids has increased from the
original 1 to 2;
- The number of symbols for Category 4 substances has increased from the
original 3 to 4;
- The symbols for Class 5 substances, major changes to Organic Peroxide
Oxidizing Substances;
- The number of symbols for Toxic Substances has decreased from the
original 3 to 1;
- Fissionable Substances has been added to the symbols for Class 7
- 4 Marks has been added;
- Requirements for the applications of marking and labelling have been
added (Annex A).
Annex A of this Standard is a normative appendix.
Packing symbol of dangerous goods
1 Scope
This Standard specifies the type figure, dimension, color and use method of the
diagrammatic labels for packages of dangerous goods (hereinafter referred to
as label).
This Standard is applicable to the transportation and package of dangerous
2 Normative references
The provisions of the following documents become provisions of this Standard
after being referenced. For dated reference documents, all later amendments
(excluding corrigenda) and versions do not apply to this Standard; however, the
parties to the agreement are encouraged to study whether the latest versions
of these documents apply. For undated reference documents, the latest
versions apply to this Standard.
GB/T 191, Packaging and storage marks
GB 6944, Classification and Code of Dangerous Goods
GB 11806-2004, Regulations for the safe transport of radioactive material
GB 12268, List of dangerous goods
3 Symbol classifications
The symbols are divided into Marks (see Table 1) and Labels (see Table 2).
There are 4 Marks and 26 Labels, their pictures indicate the main characters of
the 9 Classes dangerous goods.
Annex A
Application Requirements for Marking and Labelling
A.1 Marking
A.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the proper shipping name for the dangerous
goods as determined in accordance with GB 12286 and the corresponding
number, shall be displayed on each package. In the case of unpackaged
articles, the marking shall be displayed on the article, on its cradle or on its
handling, storage or launching device.
A.1.2 All package markings specified in A.1.1:
a) Shall be readily visible and legible;
b) Shall be able to withstand open weather exposure without a substantial
reduction in effectiveness;
c) Shall be displayed on a background of contrasting color on the external
surface of the package;
d) Shall not be located with other package markings that could substantially
reduce their effectiveness.
A.1.3 Salvage packaging shall also be marked with the word ?€?SALVAGE?€?.
A.1.4 Intermediate bulk containers of more than 450L capacity and large
packaging shall be marked on two opposing sides.
A.1.5 Special marking provisions for class 7:
a) Special markings, transport units and packaging forms for Class 7 shall
be in accordance with the provisions set out in GB 11806-2004;
b) Each package shall be legibly and durably marked on the outside of the
packaging with identification of either the consignor or consignee, or both;
c) For every package (with the exception of packages specified in GB 11806-
2004 that are excluded) shall be legibly and durably marked on the outside
of the packaging with the number GB 12286 and the correct shipping
name. In the case of excepted packages, only the GB 12286 number is
d) Each package of gross mass exceeding 50 kg shall have its permissible
gross mass legibly and durably marked on the outside of the packaging;
e) A package which conforms to:
- A Type IP-1 package, a Type IP-2 package or a Type IP-3 package
design, shall be legibly and durably marked on the outside of the
packaging with ?€?TYPE IP-1?€?, ?€?TYPE IP-2?€? OR ?€?TYPE IP -3?€? as appropriate;
- A Type A package design, shall be legibly and durably marked on the
outside of the packaging with ?€?TYPE A?€?;
- A Type IP-2 package, a Type IP-3 or a Type A package design, shall be
legibly and durably marked on the outside of the packaging with the
International Vehicle Registration Code (VRI Code) of the country of origin
of design and either the name of the manufacturer or other identification
of the packaging specified by the competent authority for transport of the
country of origin of design;
f) Each package which conforms to a design approved by the competent
authority for transport shall be legibly and durably marked on the outside
of the packaging with:
- The identification mark allocated to that design by the competent
authority for transport;
- A serial number to uniquely identify each packaging which conforms to
that design;
- In the case of a Type B (U) or Type B (M) package design, with ?€?TYPE B
(U)?€??€? or ?€?TYPE B (M)?€?;
- In the case of a Type C package design, mark ?€?TYPE C?€??€?.
g) Each package which conforms to a Type B (U), Type B (M) or Type C
package design shall have the outside of the outermost receptacle which
is resistant to the effects of fire and water plainly marked by embossing,
stamping or other means resistant to the effects of fire and water with the
trefoil symbol shown in the Figure A.1;
h) Where LSA-I or SCO-I material is contained in receptacles or wrapping
materials and is transported under exclusive use as permitted by the
competent authority for transport, the outer surface of these receptacles
or wrapping materials may bear the marking ?€?RADIOACTIVE LSA-I?€? or
?€?RADIOACTIVE SCO-I?€? as appropriate;
i) In case of international transport of packages requiring the design or
b) The environmentally hazardous substance mark shall be located adjacent
to the markings required by A.1.1. The requirements of A.1.2 and A.1.4
shall be met;
c) The environmentally hazardous substance mark shall be as shown in
serial number 1 of Table 1. The marking dimensions of the packaging shall
conform to the requirements of Table 3, except in the case of packages of
such dimensions that they can only bear smaller marks. For transport units,
the minimum dimensions shall be 250mm??250mm.
A.1.7 Application requirements of orientation arrows
a) Except as provided in b):
- Combination packaging having inner packaging containing liquid
dangerous goods;
- Single packaging fitted with vents;
- Cryogenic receptacles intended for the transport of refrigerated liquefied
Shall be legibly marked with package orientation arrows shown in number 2
of Table 1, or with those meeting the specifications of GB/T 191. The
orientation shall appear on two opposite vertical sides of the package with
the arrows pointing in the correct upright direction. They shall be rectangular
and of a size that is clearly visible, proportionate to the size of the package.
Depicting a rectangular border around the arrows is optional.
b) Orientation arrows are not required on the packages below:
- Pressure receptacles;
- Dangerous goods in inner packaging of not more than 120 ml which are
prepared with sufficient absorbent material between the inner and outer
packaging to completely absorb the liquid contents;
- Division 6.2 infectious substances in primary receptacles of not more
than 50 ml;
- Category 7 radioactive material in type B (U), type B (M) or type C
- Articles which are leak-tight in all orientations (e.g. alcohol or mercury in
thermometers, aerosols, etc.).
c) Arrows for purposes other than indicating proper package orientation shall
not be displayed on a package marked in accordance with this Standard.
A.1.8 Marking application for transport at an elevated temperature
When transport units are offered for transport, if it contains a liquid substance
at a temperature equal to or exceeding 100??C; or a solid-state substance at a
temperature equal to or exceeding 240??C, shall apply the mark shown in
number 3 of Table 1 on each side and on each end. The mark shall be triangular
shape, shall have sides of at least 250mm, and shall be shown in red.
A.2 Labelling
A.2.1 Labelling Provisions
A.2.1.1 These provisions relate essentially to classified labels of contents
(shown in Table 2). However, additional markings or symbols indicating
precautions to be taken in handling or storing a package (e.g. A symbol
representing an umbrella indicating that a package shall be kept dry) may be
appropriately displayed on a package.
A.2.1.2 Labels identifying primary and subsidiary risks shall conform to models
No. 1 to No. 9 illustrated in Table 2. The ?€?EXPLOSIVE?€? subsidiary risk label shall
be model No. 1.
A.2.1.3 Where articles or substances are specifically listed in the Dangerous
Goods List, a danger class label shall be affixed for the hazard shown in Column
4 of GB 12268. A subsidiary risk label shall also be affixed for any risk indicated
by a class or division number in the Column 5 of the Dangerous Goods List.
However, special provisions may also require a subsidiary risk label where no
subsidiary risk is indicated in Column 5 or may be exempt from the requirement
for a subsidiary risk label where such a risk is indicated in the Dangerous Goods
A.2.1.4 If a substance which meets the definition of more than one class is not
specifically listed by name in the Dangerous Goods List in GB 12268, the
provisions in GB 6944 shall be used to determine the primary risk class of the
goods. In addition to the label required for that primary risk class, subsidiary
risk labels shall also be applied as specified in the Dangerous Goods List.
Packages containing substances of Category 8 need not bear the subsidiary
risk label model No. 6.1 if the toxicity arises solely from the destructive effect
on tissue. Packages containing substances of Division 4.2 need not bear the
subsidiary risk label model No. 4.1.
A.2.1.5 See Table A.1 for the labels for Category 2 gases with subsidiary risk
exhibit explosive behavior.
A.2.1.11 Special provisions for the labelling of organic peroxides:
The Division 5.2 label in Table 2 (model No. 5.2) shall be affixed to packages
containing organic peroxides classified as types B, C, D, E or F in GB 12268.
This label also implies that the product may be flammable and hence no
?€?FLAMMABLE LIQUID?€? subsidiary risk label (model No. 3) is required. In
addition, the following subsidiary risk labels shall be applied:
a) An ?€?EXPLOSIVE?€? subsidiary risk label (model No. 1) for organic peroxides
type B, unless the competent authority for transport has permitted this
label to be dispensed with for specific packaging because test data have
proved that the organic peroxide in such packaging does not exhibit
explosive behavior;
b) A ?€?CORROSIVE?€? subsidiary risk label (model No. 8) is required when
packing group I or II criteria of Category 8 are met.
A.2.1.12 Special provisions for the labeling of packages of infectious
Except for the main hazard label (model No. 6.2), packages of infectious
substances shall also be affixed with any other labels required by the nature of
the contents.
A.2.1.13 Special provisions for the labelling of radioactive material:
a) Except the circumstances which are for large freight containers and tanks
specified in GB 11806-2004, each package, overpack and freight
container containing radioactive material shall bear at least two labels
which conform to the models No. 7A, No. 7B and No. 7C as appropriate
according to the category (see Table 7 in GB 11806) of that package,
overpack or freight container. Labels shall be affixed to two opposite sides
on the outside of the package or on the outside of all four sides of the
freight container. Each overpack containing radioactive material shall bear
at least two labels on opposite sides of the outside of the overpack. In
addition, each package, overpack and freight container containing fissile
material shall bear labels which conform to model No. 7E; such labels,
where applicable, shall be affixed adjacent to the labels for radioactive
material. Labels shall not cover the specified markings. Any labels which
do not relate to the contents shall be removed or covered.
b) Shall conform to the provisions specified in GB 11806-2004; each label
conforming to model numbers No. 7A, No. 7B, and No. 7C shall be
completed with the following information:
appropriate, labels in Table 2 can be shown with a dotted outer boundary in
accordance with the provisions in a) below. This is not required when the label
is applied on a background of contrasting color:
a) Labels shall ...
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