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GB 18350-2013 English PDF

GB 18350-2013 English PDF

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GB 18350-2013: [Including Modifications 2016XG1, 2020XG2] Denatured fuel ethanol
GB 18350-2013
ICS 75.160.20
E 31
Replacing GB 18350-2001
Denatured fuel ethanol
[including 2016 No.1 Amendment]
Issued by. General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Quarantine of the People's Republic of China;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
3. No action is required - Full-copy of this standard will be automatically and
immediately delivered to your EMAIL address in 0~60 minutes.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3??
1 Scope ... 4??
2 Normative references ... 4??
3 Terms and definitions ... 5??
4 Requirements ... 6??
5 Test method ... 7??
6 Inspection rules ... 8??
7 Marking, packaging, transportation, and storage ... 10??
Appendix A (Normative) Determination of ethanol and methanol in denatured
fuel ethanol (gas chromatography) ... 12??
Appendix B (Normative) Method for determination of moisture content in
denatured fuel ethanol (Karl Fischer titration method) ... 20??
Appendix C (Normative) Method for determination of chloride ion content in
denatured fuel ethanol ... 25??
Appendix D (Normative) Method for determination of acidity of denatured fuel
ethanol ... 34??
Appendix E (Normative) Method for determination of copper content in
denatured fuel ethanol (atomic absorption graphite furnace method) ... 36??
Appendix F (Normative) Method for determination of pHe of denatured fuel
ethanol ... 40??
Amendment ... 44??
No.1 Amendment of national standard GB 18350-2013 ?€?Denatured fuel ethanol?€?
... 45??
Chapter 4 of this standard is mandatory AND the rest is recommended.
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009.
This standard replaces GB 18350-2001 ?€?Denatured fuel ethanol?€?.
As compared with GB 18350-2001, the main changes of this standard are as
- ADD the sulfur content index, which is less than or equal to 30 mg/kg;
- MODIFY the amount of addition of the denaturant, changing the volume
ratio of the fuel ethanol to the denaturant from 100.2 ~ 100.5 to 100.1 ~
- MODIFY the inorganic chlorine content, from less than or equal to 32 mg/L
to less than or equal to 8 mg/L.
This standard was proposed by AND shall be under the jurisdiction of the
National Standardization Technical Committee on Denatured Fuel Ethanol and
Fuel Ethanol (SAC/TC 349).
The drafting organizations of this standard. Henan Tianguan Enterprise Group
Co., Ltd., China Food and Fermentation Industry Research Institute, Jilin Fuel
Ethanol Co., Ltd., COFCO China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation
Petrochemical Research Institute.
The main drafters of this standard. Du Fengguang, Wang Zhiqiang, Guo
Xinguang, Qiao Qing?€?an, Zheng Wei, Yue Guojun, Liu Jiuxin, Ni Bei.
This Standard replaces the standard previously issued as follows.
- GB 18350-2001.
Denatured fuel ethanol
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, requirements, test methods,
inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation, and storage of
denatured fuel ethanol.
This standard applies to the fuel ethanol which is produced by using such raw
materials as starch, sugar, cellulose and so on through fermentation, distillation,
and dehydration, AND denatured by adding the denaturant.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this Standard.
GB 190 Packaging symbol of dangerous goods
GB/T 191 Packaging ?€? Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 601 Chemical reagent ?€? Preparation of standard volumetric solutions
GB/T 602 Chemical reagent ?€? Preparations of standard solutions for impurity
GB/T 603 Chemical reagent ?€? Preparations of reagent solution for use in test
GB/T 611-2006 Chemical reagent ?€? General methods for the determination
of density
GB/T 683 Chemical reagent - Methanol
GB/T 4472 Determination of density and relative density for chemical
GB/T 6682-2008 Water for analytical laboratory use ?€? Specification and test
mixed with the gasoline in accordance with the specified proportion to form
a fuel for the ignition type internal combustion engine.
It refers to the measurement of the acid strength in denatured fuel ethanol.
4 Requirements
4.1 Major raw material requirements
4.1.1 Fuel ethanol
The density of the fuel ethanol at 20 ??C shall be in the range of 0.7918 g/cm3 ~
0.7893 g/cm3.
4.1.2 Denaturant
The denaturant which is added into the fuel ethanol shall comply with the
requirements of GB/T 22030 or GB 18351, AND it is not allowed to artificially
add other oxygen-containing compounds.
4.2 Technical requirements
4.2.1 Addition of denaturant
The volume fraction of the fuel ethanol and the denaturant shall be 100.1 ~
100.5, that is, the volume fraction of the denaturant in the denatured fuel ethanol
is 0.99% ~ 4.76%.
4.2.2 Metal corrosion inhibitors
It shall add in the effective metal corrosion inhibitor to comply with the stripe
copper corrosion requirements of the ethanol gasoline for motor vehicles.
4.2.3 Physical and chemical indicators
The physical and chemical indexes of denatured fuel ethanol shall comply with
the requirements of Table 1.
Table 1 -- Physical and chemical indexes of denatured fuel ethanol
Item Index
Appearance Appearance is clear and transparent, AND no visible suspended solids and sediment
a) During sample injection b) During sinking
Figure 1 -- Sampler Products in tanker or tank car is sampled from the middle part for one
time. As for the products contained in tanker or tank car, it shall take sample
from three locations. upper part, middle part, and lower part of the liquid in the
tank, in the volume proportion of 2.3.2 from the vertical tank AND in the volume
proportion of 1.3.1 from the horizontal tank, AND contain it in the glass bottle
AND mix it uniformly.
6.2.2 Sampling amount
TAKE 2 L of sample from each batch; MIX it uniformly; respectively CONTAIN
it into two 1 L narrow-mouthed reagent glass bottle; MAKE it labelled and
indicated of the following information. product name, batch number (tank,
tanker number), manufacturer name, sampling date, location, and sampler.
SEND one bottle to the laboratory for detection, and SEAL and PRESERVE the
other bottle for one month for reference.
6.3 Inspection classification
6.3.1 Exit-factory inspection Before exit-factory, the quality inspection department of the
manufacturer shall carry out the inspection in accordance with the provisions of
this standard, AND it can only be exit-factory for sale after passing the
inspection AND obtaining the quality certificate. Exit-factory inspection items. appearance, ethanol, methanol, moisture,
acidity and pHe.
6.3.2 Type inspection Type inspection items are all physical and chemical requirements in
Table 1. Type inspection shall be carried out once every six months AND it shall
also be carried out in any of the following cases.
a) When replacing equipment or main raw materials;
b) In case of production restoration after long-term shutdown;
c) When there is major difference between the exit-factory inspection results
and the last type inspection results;
Appendix A
Determination of ethanol and methanol in denatured fuel ethanol (gas
A.1 Scope of application
A.1.1 This method is applicable to the determination of ethanol and methanol
in denatured fuel ethanol by gas chromatography. The scope of determination
of this method is the ethanol having a mass fraction from 93% to 97% AND the
methanol having a mass fraction from 0.01% to 0.6%. The mass fraction of
ethanol and methanol beyond this scope may also be determined by this
method, BUT its precision may be not suitable. Meanwhile, this method also
provides the formula of converting the contents of these two alcohols from mass
fraction to volume fraction.
A.1.2 This method cannot determine the moisture content of denatured fuel
ethanol. Moisture shall be measured in accordance with Appendix B, AND the
alcohol content as determined by gas chromatography is corrected.

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