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GB 18265-2019: Basic requirements of safety technology for enterprises handling hazardous chemicals business
GB 18265-2019
ICS 13.200
C 65
Replacing GB 18265-2000
Basic requirements of safety technology for
enterprises handling hazardous chemicals business
Issued by: State Market Regulatory Administration;
Standardization Administration of PRC.
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 4
2 Normative references ... 4
3 Terms and definitions ... 5
4 Basic requirements for safety technology of hazardous chemicals warehouse
... 6
5 Basic requirements for safety technology in hazardous chemicals stores ... 9
Appendix A (Informative) Comparison of technical contents between GB 18265-
2019 and GB 18265-2000 ... 11
References ... 15
Basic requirements of safety technology for
enterprises handling hazardous chemicals business
1 Scope
This standard specifies the basic requirements for safety technology for
enterprises handling hazardous chemicals business.
This standard is applicable to the basic requirements of safety technology for
the location selection, construction and safety facilities of dangerous chemicals
warehouses and dangerous chemical stores of the enterprises handling
hazardous chemicals business.
This standard does not apply to automobile refueling and gas-filling stations, oil
depots, dangerous chemical stores without physical display business premises,
dangerous chemical stores engaged in online sales.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential to the application of this document. For
the dated documents, only the versions with the dates indicated are applicable
to this document; for the undated documents, only the latest version (including
all the amendments) are applicable to this standard.
GB 2894 Safety signs and guideline for the use
GB 12158 General guideline for preventing electrostatic accidents
GB 15603 Rule for storage of chemical dangerous goods
GB 18218 Identification of major hazard installations for dangerous
GB 30077 Requirements on emergency materials equipment for hazardous
chemical enterprises
GB/T 37243 Determination method of external safety distance for hazardous
chemicals production units and storage installations
GB 50016 Code of design on building fire protection and prevention
GB 50057 Design code for protection of structures against lightning
The gas as listed in the Hazardous Chemicals Inventory and the Hazardous
Chemicals Classification Information Sheet, whose hazard characteristics
category includes flammable gases, category-1, category-2 gases.
4 Basic requirements for safety technology of
hazardous chemicals warehouse
4.1 Planning and location selection
4.1.1 The dangerous chemicals warehouse shall conform to the urban and rural
planning of the region. The site shall be located on the windward side of the
annual minimum frequency wind direction away from urban areas and
residential areas.
4.1.2 The fire separation distance of hazardous chemicals warehouse shall be
implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB 50016. The distance
between hazardous chemicals warehouses and railways, as well as the
distance between roads, radio-television facilities, oil and gas pipelines, power
facilities shall meet the requirements of their corresponding regulations.
4.1.3 In addition to the requirements of 4.1.2, the explosives warehouse shall
maintain a distance of at least 1000 m from the protection target. It shall also
follow the requirements of GB/T 37243 to use the accident consequence
method to calculate the external safety protection distance. When using the
accident consequence method for calculation, it shall use the maximum
storable dangerous chemicals to calculate the external safety protection
4.1.4 In addition to the requirements of 4.1.2, warehouses involving toxic or
flammable gases which constitute a major hazard of hazardous chemicals, shall
be calculated according to the provisions of GB/T 37243, using the quantitative
risk assessment method to calculate the external safety protection distance. In
case of calculation by quantitative risk assessment method, it shall use the
maximum storable dangerous chemicals to calculate the external safety
protection distance.
4.2 Construction requirements
4.2.1 The construction of dangerous chemicals warehouses shall be carried out
in accordance with the provisions for layout, building structure, fire resistance
rating, safe evacuation, fire protection facilities, electrical and ventilation in GB
4.2.2 The construction of explosives warehouses shall be carried out in
accordance with the provisions for layout, construction and structure, fire
4.3.1 The electrical equipment with explosion hazard in the hazardous
chemicals shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB 50058.
Battery vehicles, forklifts and other working tools used in explosion hazardous
environments of hazardous chemical warehouse shall comply with explosion-
proof requirements.
4.3.2 Lightning protection and anti-static of hazardous chemicals warehouse
shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of GB 50057 and GB
4.3.3 Hazardous chemicals warehouses shall be equipped with communication
and fire alarm devices, communication equipment for external communication,
which are ensured to be in the applicable state.
4.3.4 The hazardous chemicals warehouse which may emit flammable gases
and toxic gases shall be equipped with corresponding gas detection and alarm
devices in accordance with GB 50493 and interlocked with the fans. The alarm
signal shall be transmitted to the 24 h attended location and set up an audible-
visual alarm.
4.3.5 The hazardous chemical warehouse which stores flammable liquids shall
be provided with anti-liquid flow measures. The hazardous chemical warehouse
for highly toxic substances shall be equipped with ventilation equipment.
4.3.6 The hazardous chemicals warehouse shall establish a fully covered video
surveillance system in the storage area.
4.3.7 Hazardous chemical warehouses, workplaces, safety facilities and
equipment shall be provided with obvious safety warning signs in accordance
with the provisions of GB 2894. The hazardous chemical warehouses that
cannot be extinguished by water, foam, etc. shall be provided with a prominent
mark at a suitable location outside the warehouse.
4.3.8 Hazardous chemicals warehouses shall be equipped with fire protection
facilities and fire-fighting equipment in accordance with the provisions of GB
50016 and GB 50140.
4.3.9 Hazardous chemicals warehouses shall be equipped with corresponding
protective equipment and emergency rescue equipment and materials in
accordance with the provisions of GB 30077. They shall be guaranteed to be in
good condition and convenient to use.
5.2.8 Shops operating organic peroxides, substances and mixtures that emit
flammable gases in contact to water, self-heating substances and mixtures,
self-reactive substances and mixtures shall meet the storage requirements of
4.2.8, 4.2.9, 4.2.10,, respectively.
5.2.9 Hazardous chemicals shall not be stored in the open air.
5.2.10 The layout of hazardous chemicals shall be reasonable. The
requirements for contraindications shall be implemented in accordance with the
provisions of GB 15603.
5.2.11 It shall establish the operation file of dangerous chemicals. The contents
of the file shall include at least the variety, quantity, in-and-out records of
dangerous chemicals. The data retention period shall be not less than 1 year.
5.3 Safety facilities
5.3.1 The stocking warehouse's swing door shall be opened in the evacuation
direction. Equipotential grounding wires shall be provided for swing doors and
windows. The human body static eliminator facilities shall be provided outside
the doors.
5.3.2 The electrical equipment in the explosion hazardous environment in the
stocking warehouse shall be implemented in accordance with the provisions of
GB 50058.
5.3.3 The power distribution boxes and electrical switches for the lighting
facilities and electrical equipment of the stocking warehouse shall be installed
outside the warehouse and grounded reliably. It shall be provided with over-
voltage, overload, electric shock and leakage protection facilities; take
measures against rain and moisture.
5.3.4 The stocking warehouse shall have facilities to prevent small animals from
5.3.5 Hazardous chemicals stores shall be equipped with video surveillance
5.3.6 Hazardous chemicals stores shall be equipped with fire-fighting
equipment such as fire extinguishers; their type and quantity shall be
implemented in accordance with the provisions of GB 50140.
5.3.7 The dangerous chemicals store shall set the safety warning signs in
accordance with the provisions of GB 2894.

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