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GB 13954-2009: Warning lamps for police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles
GB 13954-2009
ICS 13.310
A 90
Replacing GB 13954-2004
Warning Lamps for Police Cars, Fire Engines,
Ambulances and Engineering Rescue Vehicles
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 7
4 Classification Naming ... 10
5 Requirements ... 11
6 Test Methods ... 17
7 Installation ... 23
8 Inspection Rules ... 24
9 Markings, Conformity Certificates and Inspection Rules ... 26
Appendix A (Normative) Chromaticity Diagram for the Light Colors of
Warning Lamps ... 29
Bibliography ... 30
Warning Lamps for Police Cars, Fire Engines,
Ambulances and Engineering Rescue Vehicles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and naming,
requirements, test methods, installation, inspection rules, marking, conformity
certificates as well as packing of warning lamps for police cars, fire engines,
ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles (hereinafter referred to as "warning
This standard is applicable to the warning lamps installed and used on police cars, fire
engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in
this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent
amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all
parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study
whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 2423.1 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test Methods - Tests B: Cold (GB/T 2423.1-2008, IEC 60068-2-1: 2007, IDT)
GB/T 2423.2 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test methods - Tests B: Dry heat (GB/T 2423.2-2008, IEC 60068-2-2: 2007, IDT)
GB/T 2423.10 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test Methods - Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal) (GB/T 2423.10-2008, IEC 60068-2-6:
1995, IDT)
GB/T 2423.17 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test Methods - Tests Ka: Salt Mist (GB/T 2423.17-2008, IEC 60068-2-11: 1981,
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes - Part 1: Sampling
Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection
Special vehicles used for site medical rescue and auxiliary site medical rescue by
emergency rescue and medical institutions as well as disease prevention and control
institutions to transfer and rescue patients, or treat emergency epidemic and
unexpected public health incidents.
Engineering rescue vehicles
Special vehicles and scene-commanding vehicles for flood prevention, water
conservancy, electric power, mine, urban construction, traffic and railway departments
to repair public utilities and rescue people's lives and properties.
Warning lamps
Lamps installed on police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue
vehicles to send out warning, alerting, danger or emergency signals.
Reference axis
A line which passes through the geometrical center of primary optical warning device
and is parallel to the horizontal plane and vertical to the normal section of warning
Symmetry axis
A line which passes the central symmetry point of optical warning device and is
parallel to the reference axis.
Primary optical warning device
Optical warning devices installed on the warning lamps to send out warning, alerting,
danger or emergency signals.
Optical power
The total optical power in a unit solid angle; unit: cd???s; its mathematical expression is
as follows:
????€? 00te IdtI
I -- instantaneous luminous intensity, cd;
t0 -- on time, s.
Single warning lamps
Cylindrical or square warning lamps with a single primary optical warning device.
Complete warning lamps
Warning lamps consisting of primary optical warning device and secondary optical
warning device, or primary optical warning device and illuminating light, or primary
optical warning device, secondary optical warning device and illuminating light.
4 Classification Naming
4.1 Classification
The warning lamps may be divided into warning lamps for police cars, fire engines,
ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles respectively according to their different
4.2 Naming
The product model of warning lamps shall be named according to the following
structure and requirements:
5.3 Optical warning devices
5.3.1 Type of optical warning devices
The gas discharge lamp, light emitting diodes (LED) and filament lamps stated in GB
15766.1 may be adopted as optical warning devices of the warning lamps.
5.3.2 Luminous mode
The luminous modes of the primary optical warning device of warning lamps include
rotation, frequency-flash, pulse, frequency-change and multi-lamp circulation.
5.4 Letters and symbols
There shall be clear and standardized letters or symbols on or nearby switch and
press key to indicate their functions and on-off condition; the letters shall be in
Chinese; if necessary, other language may also be used. Where fuse is used, the
rated current of fuse shall be clearly indicated.
The above-mentioned letters and symbols shall be clear and durable.
5.5 Electrical property
5.5.1 Power supply
Rated voltage of power supply for warning lamps: DC12V or DC24V.
The warning lamps at rated voltage shall be able to withstand polar inverse-wiring test
for 1min. Except fuse, there shall be no other electrical fault.
If the opening and closing of warning lamps are controlled by soft switch; the standby
current of warning lamps shall be less than 5 mA.
5.5.2 Conductor
The conductors used for warning lamps shall be in accordance with the requirements
of GB/T 19666.
5.5.3 Wiring
The conductors inside warning lamps shall be provided with proper protection so as to
ensure these conductors don't contact the components which may cause any damage
on conductor insulation. Where the conductors need pass through metal holes, the
metal holes shall be chamfered and shall be free from any sharp edge; non-metal
The noise of warning lamps shall be less than 55 dB(A) when operating at full load
under rated voltage.
5.10 Power supply adaptability
For warning lamps with DC12 V rated voltage, the warning lamps shall be able to
operate normally where powered by DC9.0 V~DC16 V voltage, and the luminous
frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1; where powered by
DC9.0V voltage, the luminous intensity on the reference axis of each primary optical
warning device for warning lamps shall not be less than 90% of those specified in
Section 5.7.
For warning lamps with DC24 V rated voltage, the warning lamps shall be able to
operate normally where powered by DC18 V~DC32 V voltage, and the luminous
frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1; where powered by DC18
V voltage, the luminous intensity on the reference axis of each primary optical warning
device for warning lamps shall not be less than 90% of those specified in Section 5.7.
5.11 Dustproof property
Under dusty environment, there shall be no visible dust deposit inside the warning
lamps and the luminous frequency of warning lamps shall meet the requirements of
Article 5.8.1. The luminous intensity on the reference axis of primary optical warning
device shall not be less than 80% of those specified in Section 5.7.
5.12 Waterproof property
The warning lamps in the rain shall be able to operate normally and the luminous
frequency of warning lamps at rated voltage shall be within the range specified in
Article 5.8.1.
5.13 High temperature resistance
The warning lamps, after rain test, shall be able to operate normally under
high-temperature and high-voltage environment without any electrical fault. The
luminous frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1 and the
enclosure shall be free from any softening, deformation and crack.
5.14 Cold resistance
Under low-temperature environment, the warning lamps shall be able to start up
normally without any electrical fault. After start-up for 5min, the luminous frequency
shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1. The enclosure shall be free from
any deformation and crack.
5.15 Salt-mist corrosion resistance
The warning lamps, after salt-mist corrosion test, shall be able to operate normally
and the luminous frequency at rated voltage shall be within the range specified in
Article 5.8.1. The retroreflector of all optical warning devices shall be free from light
loss, fogging and rust. The metal pieces shall be free from any corrosion while the
enclosure shall be free from deformation and crack.
5.16 Impact property
The warning lamps, after impact test, shall be free from unrecoverable structural
deformation, mechanical damage, fastening component looseness as well as
electrical fault; the lines, circuit boards and connectors shall be free from shedding
and looseness. The warning lamps shall be able to operate normally during and after
test; and the luminous frequency of warning lamps after test shall be within the range
specified in Article 5.8.1.
5.17 Vibration resistance
The warning lamps, after vibration test, shall be free from unrecoverable structural
deformation, mechanical damage, fastening component looseness as well as
electrical fault; the lines, circuit boards and connectors shall be free from shedding
and looseness. The warning lamps shall be able to operate normally during and after
test; and the luminous frequency of warning lamps after test shall be within the range
specified in Article 5.8.1.
5.18 Continuous operation reliability
The warning lamps shall be free from any fault after continuous operation for 200 h;
the luminous frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1.
5.19 Mechanical strength
The non-metal external surface of warning lamps, after steel-ball impact test, shall be
free from crack, fissure and impairment.
5.20 Surface hardness
The surface hardness of lampshade of primary optical warning device shall not be
less than 2H.
5.21 Artificial accelerated ageing resistance
The lampshade of primary optical warning device, after artificial accelerated ageing
6.3.2 Conductors
Visual inspection shall be carried out on conductors used for warning lamps; if
necessary, test shall be performed according to the requirements of GB/T 19666.
6.3.3 Wiring
Visual inspection shall be carried out on wiring of warning lamps.
6.4 Chromaticity property test
If the light color of the primary optical warning device for warning lamps is the natural
color of the optical warning device, the warning lamps shall be lightened continuously
at rated voltage, and the chromaticity coordinate of the light color of warning lamps
shall be tested, after the light becomes stable, according to the test methods specified
in Chapter 5 of GB/T 8417-2003.
If the light color of the primary optical warning device for warning lamps is produced
by the lampshade filtration, the chromaticity coordinate of the color of transmitted
object exposed to CIE illuminant with close color temperature to the primary optical
warning device, shall be tested according to the methods specified in GB/T 3979.
6.5 Luminous intensity testing
6.5.1 Testing environment and equipment
The dark room for testing shall meet the requirements of Section 6.1 in GB
The testing equipment shall meet the following requirements:
a) The testing distance for light distribution property shall be greater than 7.5 m
and shall comply with the law that the illuminance is inversely proportional to
squared distance.
b) The field angle between the illuminated face diameter of measuring
instruments and the reference center of samples shall be between 10'~1??. The
optical receiver shall meet the requirements of Grade-1 illuminometer. The
response time valve of measuring instruments shall be able to satisfy the
requirements of optical pulse test.
c) The measuring instruments shall be able to integrate luminous intensity based
on time variation; the integration cycle shall not be less than 1 min.
and 5 mV/div reaches the full bandwidth.
6.6.2 Testing method
The warning lamps is lightened at rated voltage; the light signal of each primary
optical warning device of warning lamps is translated, by optical probe, into electrical
signal and input into the oscilloscope after the light becomes stable; the flash mode,
luminous frequency, on time, off time and pulse interval shall be recorded.
6.7 Operate noise testing
6.7.1 Acoustic environment testing
The background noise for acoustic environment testing shall less than 30 dB(A).
6.7.2 Testing equipment
The sound level meter shall meet the requirements of GB/T 3785 and its accuracy
grade shall be equivalent to or superior to Grade I.
6.7.3 Testing method
The warning lamps are placed at a position for normal operation, powered by rated
voltage, and operate at full load.
As for single warning lamps, the maximum sound pressure level shall be measured, at
2 m from the center of the optical warning device, on the reference axis of primary
optical warning device; as for complete warning lamps, the maximum sound pressure
level shall be measured, at 2 m from the geometrical center of lamps, on the line
which passes through the geometrical center of lamps and is parallel to the reference
axis. The sound level meter for measurem...
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GB 13954-2009: Warning lamps for police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles
GB 13954-2009
ICS 13.310
A 90
Replacing GB 13954-2004
Warning Lamps for Police Cars, Fire Engines,
Ambulances and Engineering Rescue Vehicles
Issued by: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection
and Quarantine;
Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of
Table of Contents
Foreword ... 3
1 Scope ... 6
2 Normative References ... 6
3 Terms and Definitions ... 7
4 Classification Naming ... 10
5 Requirements ... 11
6 Test Methods ... 17
7 Installation ... 23
8 Inspection Rules ... 24
9 Markings, Conformity Certificates and Inspection Rules ... 26
Appendix A (Normative) Chromaticity Diagram for the Light Colors of
Warning Lamps ... 29
Bibliography ... 30
Warning Lamps for Police Cars, Fire Engines,
Ambulances and Engineering Rescue Vehicles
1 Scope
This standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification and naming,
requirements, test methods, installation, inspection rules, marking, conformity
certificates as well as packing of warning lamps for police cars, fire engines,
ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles (hereinafter referred to as "warning
This standard is applicable to the warning lamps installed and used on police cars, fire
engines, ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles.
2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in
this standard, constitute provisions of this standard. For dated reference, subsequent
amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, all
parties coming to an agreement according to this standard are encouraged to study
whether the latest editions of these documents are applicable. For undated
references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 2423.1 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test Methods - Tests B: Cold (GB/T 2423.1-2008, IEC 60068-2-1: 2007, IDT)
GB/T 2423.2 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test methods - Tests B: Dry heat (GB/T 2423.2-2008, IEC 60068-2-2: 2007, IDT)
GB/T 2423.10 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test Methods - Test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal) (GB/T 2423.10-2008, IEC 60068-2-6:
1995, IDT)
GB/T 2423.17 Environmental Testing for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 2:
Test Methods - Tests Ka: Salt Mist (GB/T 2423.17-2008, IEC 60068-2-11: 1981,
GB/T 2828.1 Sampling Procedures for Inspection by Attributes - Part 1: Sampling
Schemes Indexed by Acceptance Quality Limit (AQL) for Lot-by-lot Inspection
Special vehicles used for site medical rescue and auxiliary site medical rescue by
emergency rescue and medical institutions as well as disease prevention and control
institutions to transfer and rescue patients, or treat emergency epidemic and
unexpected public health incidents.
Engineering rescue vehicles
Special vehicles and scene-commanding vehicles for flood prevention, water
conservancy, electric power, mine, urban construction, traffic and railway departments
to repair public utilities and rescue people's lives and properties.
Warning lamps
Lamps installed on police cars, fire engines, ambulances and engineering rescue
vehicles to send out warning, alerting, danger or emergency signals.
Reference axis
A line which passes through the geometrical center of primary optical warning device
and is parallel to the horizontal plane and vertical to the normal section of warning
Symmetry axis
A line which passes the central symmetry point of optical warning device and is
parallel to the reference axis.
Primary optical warning device
Optical warning devices installed on the warning lamps to send out warning, alerting,
danger or emergency signals.
Optical power
The total optical power in a unit solid angle; unit: cd???s; its mathematical expression is
as follows:
????€? 00te IdtI
I -- instantaneous luminous intensity, cd;
t0 -- on time, s.
Single warning lamps
Cylindrical or square warning lamps with a single primary optical warning device.
Complete warning lamps
Warning lamps consisting of primary optical warning device and secondary optical
warning device, or primary optical warning device and illuminating light, or primary
optical warning device, secondary optical warning device and illuminating light.
4 Classification Naming
4.1 Classification
The warning lamps may be divided into warning lamps for police cars, fire engines,
ambulances and engineering rescue vehicles respectively according to their different
4.2 Naming
The product model of warning lamps shall be named according to the following
structure and requirements:
5.3 Optical warning devices
5.3.1 Type of optical warning devices
The gas discharge lamp, light emitting diodes (LED) and filament lamps stated in GB
15766.1 may be adopted as optical warning devices of the warning lamps.
5.3.2 Luminous mode
The luminous modes of the primary optical warning device of warning lamps include
rotation, frequency-flash, pulse, frequency-change and multi-lamp circulation.
5.4 Letters and symbols
There shall be clear and standardized letters or symbols on or nearby switch and
press key to indicate their functions and on-off condition; the letters shall be in
Chinese; if necessary, other language may also be used. Where fuse is used, the
rated current of fuse shall be clearly indicated.
The above-mentioned letters and symbols shall be clear and durable.
5.5 Electrical property
5.5.1 Power supply
Rated voltage of power supply for warning lamps: DC12V or DC24V.
The warning lamps at rated voltage shall be able to withstand polar inverse-wiring test
for 1min. Except fuse, there shall be no other electrical fault.
If the opening and closing of warning lamps are controlled by soft switch; the standby
current of warning lamps shall be less than 5 mA.
5.5.2 Conductor
The conductors used for warning lamps shall be in accordance with the requirements
of GB/T 19666.
5.5.3 Wiring
The conductors inside warning lamps shall be provided with proper protection so as to
ensure these conductors don't contact the components which may cause any damage
on conductor insulation. Where the conductors need pass through metal holes, the
metal holes shall be chamfered and shall be free from any sharp edge; non-metal
The noise of warning lamps shall be less than 55 dB(A) when operating at full load
under rated voltage.
5.10 Power supply adaptability
For warning lamps with DC12 V rated voltage, the warning lamps shall be able to
operate normally where powered by DC9.0 V~DC16 V voltage, and the luminous
frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1; where powered by
DC9.0V voltage, the luminous intensity on the reference axis of each primary optical
warning device for warning lamps shall not be less than 90% of those specified in
Section 5.7.
For warning lamps with DC24 V rated voltage, the warning lamps shall be able to
operate normally where powered by DC18 V~DC32 V voltage, and the luminous
frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1; where powered by DC18
V voltage, the luminous intensity on the reference axis of each primary optical warning
device for warning lamps shall not be less than 90% of those specified in Section 5.7.
5.11 Dustproof property
Under dusty environment, there shall be no visible dust deposit inside the warning
lamps and the luminous frequency of warning lamps shall meet the requirements of
Article 5.8.1. The luminous intensity on the reference axis of primary optical warning
device shall not be less than 80% of those specified in Section 5.7.
5.12 Waterproof property
The warning lamps in the rain shall be able to operate normally and the luminous
frequency of warning lamps at rated voltage shall be within the range specified in
Article 5.8.1.
5.13 High temperature resistance
The warning lamps, after rain test, shall be able to operate normally under
high-temperature and high-voltage environment without any electrical fault. The
luminous frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1 and the
enclosure shall be free from any softening, deformation and crack.
5.14 Cold resistance
Under low-temperature environment, the warning lamps shall be able to start up
normally without any electrical fault. After start-up for 5min, the luminous frequency
shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1. The enclosure shall be free from
any deformation and crack.
5.15 Salt-mist corrosion resistance
The warning lamps, after salt-mist corrosion test, shall be able to operate normally
and the luminous frequency at rated voltage shall be within the range specified in
Article 5.8.1. The retroreflector of all optical warning devices shall be free from light
loss, fogging and rust. The metal pieces shall be free from any corrosion while the
enclosure shall be free from deformation and crack.
5.16 Impact property
The warning lamps, after impact test, shall be free from unrecoverable structural
deformation, mechanical damage, fastening component looseness as well as
electrical fault; the lines, circuit boards and connectors shall be free from shedding
and looseness. The warning lamps shall be able to operate normally during and after
test; and the luminous frequency of warning lamps after test shall be within the range
specified in Article 5.8.1.
5.17 Vibration resistance
The warning lamps, after vibration test, shall be free from unrecoverable structural
deformation, mechanical damage, fastening component looseness as well as
electrical fault; the lines, circuit boards and connectors shall be free from shedding
and looseness. The warning lamps shall be able to operate normally during and after
test; and the luminous frequency of warning lamps after test shall be within the range
specified in Article 5.8.1.
5.18 Continuous operation reliability
The warning lamps shall be free from any fault after continuous operation for 200 h;
the luminous frequency shall be within the range specified in Article 5.8.1.
5.19 Mechanical strength
The non-metal external surface of warning lamps, after steel-ball impact test, shall be
free from crack, fissure and impairment.
5.20 Surface hardness
The surface hardness of lampshade of primary optical warning device shall not be
less than 2H.
5.21 Artificial accelerated ageing resistance
The lampshade of primary optical warning device, after artificial accelerated ageing
6.3.2 Conductors
Visual inspection shall be carried out on conductors used for warning lamps; if
necessary, test shall be performed according to the requirements of GB/T 19666.
6.3.3 Wiring
Visual inspection shall be carried out on wiring of warning lamps.
6.4 Chromaticity property test
If the light color of the primary optical warning device for warning lamps is the natural
color of the optical warning device, the warning lamps shall be lightened continuously
at rated voltage, and the chromaticity coordinate of the light color of warning lamps
shall be tested, after the light becomes stable, according to the test methods specified
in Chapter 5 of GB/T 8417-2003.
If the light color of the primary optical warning device for warning lamps is produced
by the lampshade filtration, the chromaticity coordinate of the color of transmitted
object exposed to CIE illuminant with close color temperature to the primary optical
warning device, shall be tested according to the methods specified in GB/T 3979.
6.5 Luminous intensity testing
6.5.1 Testing environment and equipment
The dark room for testing shall meet the requirements of Section 6.1 in GB
The testing equipment shall meet the following requirements:
a) The testing distance for light distribution property shall be greater than 7.5 m
and shall comply with the law that the illuminance is inversely proportional to
squared distance.
b) The field angle between the illuminated face diameter of measuring
instruments and the reference center of samples shall be between 10'~1??. The
optical receiver shall meet the requirements of Grade-1 illuminometer. The
response time valve of measuring instruments shall be able to satisfy the
requirements of optical pulse test.
c) The measuring instruments shall be able to integrate luminous intensity based
on time variation; the integration cycle shall not be less than 1 min.
and 5 mV/div reaches the full bandwidth.
6.6.2 Testing method
The warning lamps is lightened at rated voltage; the light signal of each primary
optical warning device of warning lamps is translated, by optical probe, into electrical
signal and input into the oscilloscope after the light becomes stable; the flash mode,
luminous frequency, on time, off time and pulse interval shall be recorded.
6.7 Operate noise testing
6.7.1 Acoustic environment testing
The background noise for acoustic environment testing shall less than 30 dB(A).
6.7.2 Testing equipment
The sound level meter shall meet the requirements of GB/T 3785 and its accuracy
grade shall be equivalent to or superior to Grade I.
6.7.3 Testing method
The warning lamps are placed at a position for normal operation, powered by rated
voltage, and operate at full load.
As for single warning lamps, the maximum sound pressure level shall be measured, at
2 m from the center of the optical warning device, on the reference axis of primary
optical warning device; as for complete warning lamps, the maximum sound pressure
level shall be measured, at 2 m from the geometrical center of lamps, on the line
which passes through the geometrical center of lamps and is parallel to the reference
axis. The sound level meter for measurem...











