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CQC 11-462298-2018: Safety Certification Rules for plug, socket-outlet and couplers for industrial purposes
Safety Certification Rules for plug, socket-outlet and
couplers for industrial purposes
ISSUED ON: MAY 18, 2018
Issued by: China Quality Certification Centre
Table of Contents
Introduction ... 3
1. Scope of application ... 4
2. Certification mode ... 4
3. Application for certification ... 4
4. Product type test ... 5
5. Initial factory inspection ... 7
6. Evaluation, approval and time limit of certification results ... 9
7. Post-certification supervision ... 9
8. Certification certificate ... 11
9. Use of certification mark ... 13
10. Charge ... 13
11. Certification responsibilities ... 13
12. Technical disputes and appeals ... 13
Product description of plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes ... 14
1. Scope of application
This Rules applies to plugs and socket-outlets, cable couplers and appliance couplers
intended primarily for industrial use, for indoor or outdoor use, with a rated working
voltage not exceeding 1000V d.c. or a.c. and 500Hz a.c. and a rated current not
exceeding 800A.
This Rules applies to electrical accessories with a rated current not exceeding 32A in
series I and a rated current not exceeding 30A in series II, and with screwless terminals
or insulation piercing terminals.
Socket-outlets or appliance inlets installed in or fixed to electrical equipment are
covered by this Rules. This Rules also applies to electrical accessories intended for use
in extra-low voltage installations.
This Rules does not apply to electrical accessories that are primarily intended for home
use or similar general purposes.
2. Certification mode
The mode for safety certification of plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial use
are Product type test + Initial factory inspection + Post-certification supervision.
The basic steps of certification include:
a) Application for certification
b) Type test
c) Initial factory inspection
d) Evaluation and approval of certification results
e) Post-certification supervision.
3. Application for certification
3.1 Division of certification units
Apply for certification according to the certification unit, which is generally divided as
a) Application units shall be divided according to product type, current, structure,
rewirable and non-rewirable, etc.
b) In principle, the same type of electrical accessories with basically the same
structure, the same function, and the same main material category (such as
metal, thermoplastic and thermosetting) can be taken as a certification unit.
Products from different manufacturers are considered as different certification units,
and products from different production factories are considered as different certification
units. Type tests of products of the same specifications and models can be carried out
on samples from one factory.
3.2 Materials submitted for certification application
3.2.1 Application materials
a. Formal application form
b. Factory inspection questionnaire (when first applying)
c. Product description (CQC11-462298.01-2011)
3.2.2 Proof materials
a. Registration certificate of the applicant, manufacturer, or production factory,
such as business license, organization code
b. If the applicant is a seller or importer, a copy of the relevant contract between
the seller and the manufacturer, or between the importer and the manufacturer
must also be submitted.
c. Agent's power of attorney (if any)
d. Other required documents
4. Product type test
4.1 Samples
4.1.1 Sample sending principles and sample quantity
If there is only one model in the application unit, the samples of this model shall be
submitted. When applying for certification with a series of products as the same
application unit, representative samples shall be selected for type testing. If necessary,
the covered samples shall be submitted for supplementary difference testing. The
applicant shall submit samples to the testing agency entrusted by CQC as required. The
number of samples is as follows:
15 sets of samples for the main inspection model (including 3 sets of spare samples)
and 3 sets of samples for each covered model.
4.1.2 Sample and data handling
After the test is completed and the test report is issued, the relevant information will be
kept by the testing agency and the samples will be disposed of in accordance with
relevant CQC regulations.
4.2 Type test
4.2.1 Based on standards
GB/T 11918.1-2014 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 1:
General requirements
GB/T 11918.2-2014 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 2:
Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-
tube accessories
GB/T 11918.4-2014 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 4:
Switched socket-outlets and connectors with or without interlock
4.2.2 Type test requirements
Product inspection items are all applicable items specified in the standards mentioned
in 4.2.1.
4.2.3 Determination
Type tests shall comply with product standards. If any one item does not meet the
standard requirements, the product of the certification unit is deemed to be non-
compliant with the certification requirements. If part of the type test items are
unqualified, the applicant is allowed to make rectification; the rectification shall be
completed within the time limit specified by the certification body (counted from the
date of the notification of type test non-conformity). If the rectification is not completed
on time, the applicant is deemed to have given up the application; the applicant may
also take the initiative to terminate the application.
4.2.4 Type test time limit and test report
The testing agency designated by CQC will test the samples and issue a test report in
the prescribed format. The sample testing time is generally 35 working days from the
receipt of the samples and the testing fee; the time for the enterprise to make
rectifications and re-tests due to unqualified test items is not included.
After the certification is approved, the testing agency is responsible for sending a test
report to the applicant.
7.1.1 Supervision-inspection time
In general, annual supervision shall be arranged within 12 months after the initial
factory inspection, and the interval between each annual supervision-inspection shall
not exceed 12 months. The certification body may adjust the timing of supervision-
inspection on an annual basis according to the actual situation of product production.
The number of supervision-inspection man-days is shown in Table 2. The supervision
frequency may be increased if any of the following situations occurs:
1) The certified product has serious quality problems or the user has made a
serious complaint and it is verified that the certificate holder is responsible;
2) When CQC has sufficient reasons to question the conformity of the certified
product with the certification basis standards;
3) When there is sufficient information to indicate that changes in the producer
or production factory's organization, production conditions, quality
management system, etc. may affect product conformity or consistency.
7.1.2 Contents of supervision-inspection
The post-certification supervision-inspection method adopts the Supervision-inspection
of the factory's product quality assurance ability + Consistency check of the certified
products. CQC conducts the supervision-inspection on the factory according to
CQC/F001-2009 CQC Certification Requirements of Factory Quality Assurance Ability.
Articles 3, 4, 5, and 9 are mandatory items for each supervision-inspection, and other
items can be checked selectively.
The content of the consistency check of certified products is basically the same as that
of the product consistency check during the initial factory inspection. At the same time,
the product quality inspection is verified according to Table 1.
7.1.3 Conclusion of supervision-inspection
The inspection team is responsible for reporting the conclusion of the supervision-
inspection. If the conclusion of the supervision-inspection is NOT-PASS, the inspection
team will report directly to the CQC. If there are non-conformities in the supervision-
inspection, the factory shall complete the rectification within the specified period, and
the CQC shall verify the rectification results in an appropriate manner. If the
rectification is not completed on time or the rectification is NOT-PASS, the supervision-
inspection is NOT-PASS.
7.2 Supervision sampling inspection
When necessary, sampling inspection shall be carried out on certified products during
annual supervision. Samples shall be randomly selected from qualified products
produced by the factory (including production lines, warehouses, and markets), and
each production factory (site) shall be sampled. In principle, the sampling base shall be
more than 20 times the number of samples taken. The sampling base may not be
considered when sampling at the end of the production line or at the market/factory
sales outlets. If no samples can be taken on site, re-sampling shall be arranged within
20 days. If still no samples can be taken, the relevant certificates shall be suspended.
The taken samples shall be sent to the designated testing agency within 15 days, and
the designated testing agency shall complete the inspection work within 20 working
days (counted from the receipt of samples and testing fees) and report the inspection
conclusions to the certification body. All the test items specified in the standards
adopted for type testing can be used as items for supervisory sampling inspection. The
inspection items shall be carried out in accordance with the supervisory sampling
inspection plan formulated by CQC.
7.3 Evaluation of results
CQC organizes a comprehensive evaluation of the conclusions of the supervision-
inspection and the supervision sampling inspection (if necessary). If the evaluation is
qualified, the certification certificate will remain valid. If the supervision-inspection
fails or the supervision sampling inspection fails, the annual supervision is judged to be
unqualified and the provisions of 8.3 shall be implemented.
8. Certification certificate
8.1 Maintenance of certification certificate
8.1.1 Validity of certificate
The certification certificate for products covered by this Rules does not set a deadline,
and the validity of the certificate is maintained by CQC's regular supervision.
8.1.2 Changes to certified products Application for change
When the content on the certificate changes, or when there are changes in the safety-
related design, structural parameters, appearance, or key raw materials of the product,
the certificate holder shall apply to CQC. Evaluation and approval of changes
CQC evaluates the content of the change and the information provided to determine
whether the change can be made. If tests and/or factory inspections are required, the
change can only be made after the tests and/or factory inspections are passed. In
principle, the evaluation of changes shall be based on the certified products that were
initially subjected to the product type test, and tests and factory inspections shall be
carried out in accordance with relevant CQC regulations.
Approve those changes that meet the requirements. If the certificate needs to be
renewed, the serial number and the effective date of approval of the certificate will
remain unchanged.
8.2 Extension of products covered by the certification certificate
8.2.1 Extension procedures
When the certificate holder needs to increase the certification scope to cover a product
that is the same certification unit as the certified product, the procedures shall be started
from the certification application and the extension requirements shall be stated. CQC
verifies the consistency of the extended product with the original certified product,
confirms the effectiveness of the original certification results on the extended product,
performs supplementary tests or factory inspections on the differences and/or extended
scope, and issues a certification certificate separately or renews the certification
certificate according to the certificate holder's requirements.
In principle, the evaluation of extensions shall be based on the certified products that
were initially subjected to the product type test.
8.2.2 Sample requirements
The certificate holder shall first provide the relevant technical information of the
extended product. If samples are required, the certificate holder shall select and submit
samples for verification or difference testing in accordance with the requirements of 4.1.
8.3 Suspension, resumption, cancellation and revocation of certification certificate
The use of the certificate shall comply with the requirements of CQC's relevant
certificate management regulations. When the certificate holder violates the relevant
certification regulations or the certified product does not meet the certification
requirements, CQC will suspend, revoke and cancel the certification certificate in
accordance with the relevant regulations and announce the results of the processing.
The certificate holder can apply to CQC for suspension or cancellation of the
certification certificate it holds.
During the suspension period, if the certificate holder needs to resume the certificate,
he/she shall apply to CQC for resumption within the prescribed suspension period, and
CQC will resume it in accordance with relevant regulations. Otherwise, CQC will
revoke or cancel the suspended certification certificate.
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CQC 11-462298-2018: Safety Certification Rules for plug, socket-outlet and couplers for industrial purposes
Safety Certification Rules for plug, socket-outlet and
couplers for industrial purposes
ISSUED ON: MAY 18, 2018
Issued by: China Quality Certification Centre
Table of Contents
Introduction ... 3
1. Scope of application ... 4
2. Certification mode ... 4
3. Application for certification ... 4
4. Product type test ... 5
5. Initial factory inspection ... 7
6. Evaluation, approval and time limit of certification results ... 9
7. Post-certification supervision ... 9
8. Certification certificate ... 11
9. Use of certification mark ... 13
10. Charge ... 13
11. Certification responsibilities ... 13
12. Technical disputes and appeals ... 13
Product description of plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes ... 14
1. Scope of application
This Rules applies to plugs and socket-outlets, cable couplers and appliance couplers
intended primarily for industrial use, for indoor or outdoor use, with a rated working
voltage not exceeding 1000V d.c. or a.c. and 500Hz a.c. and a rated current not
exceeding 800A.
This Rules applies to electrical accessories with a rated current not exceeding 32A in
series I and a rated current not exceeding 30A in series II, and with screwless terminals
or insulation piercing terminals.
Socket-outlets or appliance inlets installed in or fixed to electrical equipment are
covered by this Rules. This Rules also applies to electrical accessories intended for use
in extra-low voltage installations.
This Rules does not apply to electrical accessories that are primarily intended for home
use or similar general purposes.
2. Certification mode
The mode for safety certification of plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial use
are Product type test + Initial factory inspection + Post-certification supervision.
The basic steps of certification include:
a) Application for certification
b) Type test
c) Initial factory inspection
d) Evaluation and approval of certification results
e) Post-certification supervision.
3. Application for certification
3.1 Division of certification units
Apply for certification according to the certification unit, which is generally divided as
a) Application units shall be divided according to product type, current, structure,
rewirable and non-rewirable, etc.
b) In principle, the same type of electrical accessories with basically the same
structure, the same function, and the same main material category (such as
metal, thermoplastic and thermosetting) can be taken as a certification unit.
Products from different manufacturers are considered as different certification units,
and products from different production factories are considered as different certification
units. Type tests of products of the same specifications and models can be carried out
on samples from one factory.
3.2 Materials submitted for certification application
3.2.1 Application materials
a. Formal application form
b. Factory inspection questionnaire (when first applying)
c. Product description (CQC11-462298.01-2011)
3.2.2 Proof materials
a. Registration certificate of the applicant, manufacturer, or production factory,
such as business license, organization code
b. If the applicant is a seller or importer, a copy of the relevant contract between
the seller and the manufacturer, or between the importer and the manufacturer
must also be submitted.
c. Agent's power of attorney (if any)
d. Other required documents
4. Product type test
4.1 Samples
4.1.1 Sample sending principles and sample quantity
If there is only one model in the application unit, the samples of this model shall be
submitted. When applying for certification with a series of products as the same
application unit, representative samples shall be selected for type testing. If necessary,
the covered samples shall be submitted for supplementary difference testing. The
applicant shall submit samples to the testing agency entrusted by CQC as required. The
number of samples is as follows:
15 sets of samples for the main inspection model (including 3 sets of spare samples)
and 3 sets of samples for each covered model.
4.1.2 Sample and data handling
After the test is completed and the test report is issued, the relevant information will be
kept by the testing agency and the samples will be disposed of in accordance with
relevant CQC regulations.
4.2 Type test
4.2.1 Based on standards
GB/T 11918.1-2014 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 1:
General requirements
GB/T 11918.2-2014 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 2:
Dimensional compatibility and interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-
tube accessories
GB/T 11918.4-2014 Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes - Part 4:
Switched socket-outlets and connectors with or without interlock
4.2.2 Type test requirements
Product inspection items are all applicable items specified in the standards mentioned
in 4.2.1.
4.2.3 Determination
Type tests shall comply with product standards. If any one item does not meet the
standard requirements, the product of the certification unit is deemed to be non-
compliant with the certification requirements. If part of the type test items are
unqualified, the applicant is allowed to make rectification; the rectification shall be
completed within the time limit specified by the certification body (counted from the
date of the notification of type test non-conformity). If the rectification is not completed
on time, the applicant is deemed to have given up the application; the applicant may
also take the initiative to terminate the application.
4.2.4 Type test time limit and test report
The testing agency designated by CQC will test the samples and issue a test report in
the prescribed format. The sample testing time is generally 35 working days from the
receipt of the samples and the testing fee; the time for the enterprise to make
rectifications and re-tests due to unqualified test items is not included.
After the certification is approved, the testing agency is responsible for sending a test
report to the applicant.
7.1.1 Supervision-inspection time
In general, annual supervision shall be arranged within 12 months after the initial
factory inspection, and the interval between each annual supervision-inspection shall
not exceed 12 months. The certification body may adjust the timing of supervision-
inspection on an annual basis according to the actual situation of product production.
The number of supervision-inspection man-days is shown in Table 2. The supervision
frequency may be increased if any of the following situations occurs:
1) The certified product has serious quality problems or the user has made a
serious complaint and it is verified that the certificate holder is responsible;
2) When CQC has sufficient reasons to question the conformity of the certified
product with the certification basis standards;
3) When there is sufficient information to indicate that changes in the producer
or production factory's organization, production conditions, quality
management system, etc. may affect product conformity or consistency.
7.1.2 Contents of supervision-inspection
The post-certification supervision-inspection method adopts the Supervision-inspection
of the factory's product quality assurance ability + Consistency check of the certified
products. CQC conducts the supervision-inspection on the factory according to
CQC/F001-2009 CQC Certification Requirements of Factory Quality Assurance Ability.
Articles 3, 4, 5, and 9 are mandatory items for each supervision-inspection, and other
items can be checked selectively.
The content of the consistency check of certified products is basically the same as that
of the product consistency check during the initial factory inspection. At the same time,
the product quality inspection is verified according to Table 1.
7.1.3 Conclusion of supervision-inspection
The inspection team is responsible for reporting the conclusion of the supervision-
inspection. If the conclusion of the supervision-inspection is NOT-PASS, the inspection
team will report directly to the CQC. If there are non-conformities in the supervision-
inspection, the factory shall complete the rectification within the specified period, and
the CQC shall verify the rectification results in an appropriate manner. If the
rectification is not completed on time or the rectification is NOT-PASS, the supervision-
inspection is NOT-PASS.
7.2 Supervision sampling inspection
When necessary, sampling inspection shall be carried out on certified products during
annual supervision. Samples shall be randomly selected from qualified products
produced by the factory (including production lines, warehouses, and markets), and
each production factory (site) shall be sampled. In principle, the sampling base shall be
more than 20 times the number of samples taken. The sampling base may not be
considered when sampling at the end of the production line or at the market/factory
sales outlets. If no samples can be taken on site, re-sampling shall be arranged within
20 days. If still no samples can be taken, the relevant certificates shall be suspended.
The taken samples shall be sent to the designated testing agency within 15 days, and
the designated testing agency shall complete the inspection work within 20 working
days (counted from the receipt of samples and testing fees) and report the inspection
conclusions to the certification body. All the test items specified in the standards
adopted for type testing can be used as items for supervisory sampling inspection. The
inspection items shall be carried out in accordance with the supervisory sampling
inspection plan formulated by CQC.
7.3 Evaluation of results
CQC organizes a comprehensive evaluation of the conclusions of the supervision-
inspection and the supervision sampling inspection (if necessary). If the evaluation is
qualified, the certification certificate will remain valid. If the supervision-inspection
fails or the supervision sampling inspection fails, the annual supervision is judged to be
unqualified and the provisions of 8.3 shall be implemented.
8. Certification certificate
8.1 Maintenance of certification certificate
8.1.1 Validity of certificate
The certification certificate for products covered by this Rules does not set a deadline,
and the validity of the certificate is maintained by CQC's regular supervision.
8.1.2 Changes to certified products Application for change
When the content on the certificate changes, or when there are changes in the safety-
related design, structural parameters, appearance, or key raw materials of the product,
the certificate holder shall apply to CQC. Evaluation and approval of changes
CQC evaluates the content of the change and the information provided to determine
whether the change can be made. If tests and/or factory inspections are required, the
change can only be made after the tests and/or factory inspections are passed. In
principle, the evaluation of changes shall be based on the certified products that were
initially subjected to the product type test, and tests and factory inspections shall be
carried out in accordance with relevant CQC regulations.
Approve those changes that meet the requirements. If the certificate needs to be
renewed, the serial number and the effective date of approval of the certificate will
remain unchanged.
8.2 Extension of products covered by the certification certificate
8.2.1 Extension procedures
When the certificate holder needs to increase the certification scope to cover a product
that is the same certification unit as the certified product, the procedures shall be started
from the certification application and the extension requirements shall be stated. CQC
verifies the consistency of the extended product with the original certified product,
confirms the effectiveness of the original certification results on the extended product,
performs supplementary tests or factory inspections on the differences and/or extended
scope, and issues a certification certificate separately or renews the certification
certificate according to the certificate holder's requirements.
In principle, the evaluation of extensions shall be based on the certified products that
were initially subjected to the product type test.
8.2.2 Sample requirements
The certificate holder shall first provide the relevant technical information of the
extended product. If samples are required, the certificate holder shall select and submit
samples for verification or difference testing in accordance with the requirements of 4.1.
8.3 Suspension, resumption, cancellation and revocation of certification certificate
The use of the certificate shall comply with the requirements of CQC's relevant
certificate management regulations. When the certificate holder violates the relevant
certification regulations or the certified product does not meet the certification
requirements, CQC will suspend, revoke and cancel the certification certificate in
accordance with the relevant regulations and announce the results of the processing.
The certificate holder can apply to CQC for suspension or cancellation of the
certification certificate it holds.
During the suspension period, if the certificate holder needs to resume the certificate,
he/she shall apply to CQC for resumption within the prescribed suspension period, and
CQC will resume it in accordance with relevant regulations. Otherwise, CQC will
revoke or cancel the suspended certification certificate.








